641 research outputs found

    The efficient global primitive equation climate model SPEEDO V2.0

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    The efficient primitive-equation coupled atmosphere-ocean model SPEEDO V2.0 is presented. The model includes an interactive sea-ice and land component. SPEEDO is a global earth system model of intermediate complexity. It has a horizontal resolution of T30 (triangular truncation at wave number 30) and 8 vertical layers in the atmosphere, and a horizontal resolution of 2 degrees and 20 levels in the ocean. The parameterisations in SPEEDO are developed in such a way that it is a fast model suitable for large ensembles or long runs (of O(104) years) on a typical current workstation. The model has no flux correction. We compare the mean state and inter-annual variability of the model with observational fields of the atmosphere and ocean. In particular the atmospheric circulation, the midlatitude patterns of variability and teleconnections from the tropics are well simulated. To show the capabilities of the model, we performed a long control run and an ensemble experiment with enhanced greenhouse gases. The long control run shows that the model is stable. CO2 doubling and future climate change scenario experiments show a climate sensitivity of 1.84KW-1m2, which is within the range of state-of-the-art climate models. The spatial response patterns are comparable to state-of-the-art, higher resolution models. However, for very high greenhouse gas concentrations the parameterisations are not valid. We conclude that the model is suitable for past, current and future climate simulations and for exploring wide parameter ranges and mechanisms of variability. However, as with any model, users should be careful when using the model beyond the range of physical realism of the parameterisations and model setup

    Beta Spectrum Generator: High precision allowed β\beta spectrum shapes

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    Several searches for Beyond Standard Model physics rely on an accurate and highly precise theoretical description of the allowed β\beta spectrum. Following recent theoretical advances, a C++ implementation of an analytical description of the allowed beta spectrum shape was constructed. It implements all known corrections required to give a theoretical description accurate to a few parts in 10410^4. The remaining nuclear structure-sensitive input can optionally be calculated in an extreme single-particle approximation with a variety of nuclear potentials, or obtained through an interface with more state-of-the-art computations. Due to its relevance in modern neutrino physics, the corresponding (anti)neutrino spectra are readily available with appropriate radiative corrections. In the interest of user-friendliness, a graphical interface was developed in Python with a coupling to a variety of nuclear databases. We present several test cases and illustrate potential usage of the code. Our work can be used as the foundation for current and future high-precision experiments related to the beta decay process. Source code: https://github.com/leenderthayen/BSG Documentation: http://bsg.readthedocs.i

    New notes on the distribution of <i>Ensis directus</i> (Conrad, 1843) in western Europe

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    Recently, an overview (Severijns, 2002) of the distribution of Ensis directus (Conrad, 1843) in Europe since its introduction near Hamburg in 1978 (von Cose1 et al., 1982) till the year 2000 was given. The southern most location where the species was found up to 2000 was Merville-Franceville-Plage, on the east bank of the mouth of the river Ome, near Caen (Fig. 1 ). In this paper new observations on the distribution of E. directus in France, which were carried out over the last three years, are presented and discussed. It follows that E. directus has now reached the region of St. Vaast-La-Hougue

    Determination of |Vud| from nuclear mirror transitions

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    The Vud element of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark mixing matrix has traditionally been determined from the analysis of data in nuclear superallowed 0+ to 0+ transitions, neutron decay and pion beta decay. We show here that this element can independently be determined from nuclear mirror transitions. The extracted value, |Vud| = 0.9719 +- 0.0017, is at 1.2 combined standard deviations from the value obtained in superallowed 0+ to 0+ transitions and has a similar precision than the value obtained from neutron decay experiments. We discuss some prospects to improve its precision through experiments in nuclear mirror transitions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Computer simulation of low-energy ion scattering

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    Comment to "Observation of the neutron radiative decay" by R.U. Khafizov et al., published in JETP Letters 83 (2006) 5 (Pis'ma v ZhETF 83 (2006) 7)

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    The commented manuscript was submitted for publication without informing at least four of the other authors, viz. N. Severijns, O. Zimmer, H.-F. Wirth and D. Rich. This violates our rights as collaborators. The analysis presented and the manuscript itself have not been discussed and have also not been approved by the entire collaboration prior to submission. Besides this formal incorrectness, we also criticise the content of the paper

    Tests of the standard electroweak model in beta decay

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    We review the current status of precision measurements in allowed nuclear beta decay, including neutron decay, with emphasis on their potential to look for new physics beyond the standard electroweak model. The experimental results are interpreted in the framework of phenomenological model-independent descriptions of nuclear beta decay as well as in some specific extensions of the standard model. The values of the standard couplings and the constraints on the exotic couplings of the general beta decay Hamiltonian are updated. For the ratio between the axial and the vector couplings we obtain C_A/C_V = -1.26992(69) under the standard model assumptions. Particular attention is devoted to the discussion of the sensitivity and complementarity of different precision experiments in direct beta decay. The prospects and the impact of recent developments of precision tools and of high intensity low energy beams are also addressed
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