16 research outputs found

    Growth inhibition by fusidic acid in cervical, thyroid, and breast carcinoma cell lines

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    Objective We investigated the effects of fusidic acid (FA) on human cervical, thyroid, and breast carcinoma cell lines to determine the potential usefulness of FA in cancer treatment. Methods Six cancer cell lines (cervical cancer: Caski, HeLa; thyroid cancer: 8505C, TPC1; and breast cancer: MCF-7, MDA-MB-231) were treated with FA. Furthermore the changes in cell growth, cell cycle duration, and extent of apoptosis were analyzed. Results After FA treatment, the cancer cells showed a decrease in growth rate. In the cell death assay, the cell populations were similar in each cell type after treatment with FA, indicating that growth inhibition by FA was not related to the induction of apoptosis. FA induced cell cycle arrest at a dose that inhibited growth rate, which varied in different cell types. G0/G1 phase arrest occurs in breast cancer, S phase arrest in 8505C thyroid cancer, and G2/M phase arrest in cervical cancer. These results indicate that FA reduces growth rates by inducing cell cycle arrest. Conclusion FA treatment can interfere with cell proliferation by inducing cell cycle arrest in human cervical, thyroid, and breast carcinoma cell lines. Thus, FA can be useful in treating human cervical, thyroid, and breast carcinomas

    Toxicogenomic analysis of a sustained release local anesthetic delivery system

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    Concerns over neurotoxicity have impeded the development of sustained release formulations providing prolonged duration local anesthesia (PDLA) from a single injection, for which there is an urgent clinical need. Here, we have used toxicogenomics to investigate whether nerve injury occurred during week-long continuous sciatic nerve blockade by microspheres containing bupivacaine, tetrodotoxin, and dexamethasone (TBD). Animals treated with amitriptyline solution (our positive control for local anesthetic-associated nerve injury) developed irreversible nerve blockade, had severely abnormal nerve histology, and the expression of hundreds of genes was altered in the dorsal root ganglia at 4 and 7 days after injection. In marked contrast, TBD-treated nerves reverted to normal function, were normal histologically and there were changes in the expression of a small number of genes. Toxicogenomic studies have great potential in delineating patterns of gene expression associated with specific patterns of tissue injury (e.g. amitriptyline neurotoxicity), and in identifying related changes in gene expression upon exposure to a drug, biomaterial, or drug delivery system. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd

    In situ X-ray absorption spectroscopic study for the electrochemical delithiation of a cathode LiFe0 4Mn0 6PO4 material

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    The electronic and local atomic structural characterization of a promising cathode material LiFe0 4Mn0 6PO4 for a lithium rechargeable battery was performed by in situ X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) on both Mn and Fe K-edges Upon delithiation the X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectra analysis showed that the Fe2+/Fe3+ electrochemical reaction was two times faster than that of Mn2+/Mn3+ The Fe and Mn K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra were effectively altered with different spectral behaviors for the local atomic structure near Fe and Mn during delithiation Alternatively the EXAFS spectra of LiFePO4 changed significantly and those of LiMnPO4 were constant through all delithiations for the corresponding reference materials of LiFePO4 and LiMnPO4 The present study with XAFS characterization demonstrates that initially delithiated Fe-rich domains at 3 5 V can promote more effective local structural change of the neighboring Mn-rich domains during the next second plateau at 4 1 V which can ease delithiation in the Mn-rich domains through more flexible reaction of the local structure in the Mn octahedra Crown Copyright.close2

    A Study of Skin Reflectance Using Kubelka-Munk Model

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    빛은 피부에서 개개인마다 상이한 반사, 흡수 및 산란 등의 광학적 거동을 보여준다. 특히, 피부에서 빛의반사는 분광반사율이라는 물리량 측정을 통해 개인의 피부 밝기지표로 널리 활용되어 왔다. 따라서 피부에서빛의 반사 거동 연구는 개인 맞춤형 화장품, 특히 메이크업 제품 개발에 있어 좀 더 효율적인 처방 개선에 기여하거나 새로운 평가법에 활용될 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 Kubelka-Munk 모델을 이용하여 개인의 피부 특성에 따른 빛의 분광반사율 거동에 대해 다각적인 분석을 수행하였다. 또한, 상기 모델과 기존에 알려진 문헌 정보를이용하여 개인의 피부 분광반사율에 영향을 줄 수 있는 피부 두께 및 헤모글로빈 등의 다양한 파라미터들에 대한기여도 분석을 수행하였다. 이를 통해, 일반적인 여성의 피부에서의 분광반사율 이론치를 계산하였고, 분광반사율 실측을 통해 이론치와 실측치 간의 유사성을 확인하였다. Kubelka-Munk 모델을 이용한 피부 분광반사율연구는 향후 새로운 개인 맞춤형 메이크업 화장품 개발에 유용하게 이용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. Light shows various optical behaviors such as reflection, absorption, and scattering on skin for individuals. In particular, reflection of light from the skin has been widely used as the brightness index of the skin of individuals through the measurement of the physical quantity of spectral reflectance. Therefore, the study of light behavior on skin would be useful for the preparation of new evaluation method in the development stage of make-up products. In this study, multi-dimensional analysis for spectral reflectance behavior of light on individual skin was performed using Kubelka-Munk model. Also, we analyzed the contribution of skin parameters such as skin thickness and hemoglobin, which could affect the spectral reflectance, using above model and literature information. Base on this, we calculated the theoretical reflectance of normal women for visual light, which showed good agreement with the measured reflectance. Our study of light propagation in skin based on Kubelka-Munk model provides useful insight for the development of personalized cosmetic in the near future.22Nkc

    Tulkki uskonnon tabujen ja modernin yhteiskunnan puristuksessa

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    TIIVISTELMÄ Khaled Salih Tulkki uskonnon tabujen ja modernin yhteiskunnan puristuksessa 36 Sivua, 2 liitettä Kevät 2019 Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu Humanistisen alan ammattikorkeakoulututkinto Tulkki (AMK), asioimistulkkaus Tulkit kohtaavat työssään paljon haasteita, jotka voivat vaikuttaa heidän työtuloksiinsa. Opinnäytetyön tavoite oli avata osan niistä haasteista, jotka liittyivät tulkkaustehtäviin, joissa käsitellään lastenkasvatusta ja lasten oikeuksia. Islamin uskonto ja kulttuuri ovat vaikuttaneet suoraan monien elämään ja samalla tuoneet paljon ristiriitoja maahanmuuttajien uusiin asumisympäristöihin, eikä ne sovi yhteen suomalaisen yhteiskunnan kulttuuriarvojen kanssa. Tulkin työn onnistumisen kannalta nämä asiat ovat vaikeita kohdattaviksi niin tulkille, tulkattavalle kuin viranomaisille. Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin uskonnollisia tabuja. Samalla tuotiin esiin YK:n yleissopimus lapsen oikeuksista ja Suomen lastensuojelulaki, jotka suojelevat ihmisoikeuksia ja turvaavat lasten terveellisen kasvatuksen. Opinnäytetyön aineisto koostui kolmen sosiaalityöntekijän ja kolmen maahanmuuttajataustaisen tulkin haastatteluista. Haastattelut toteutettiin syys-lokakuussa 2018. Haastattelujen tulokset analysoitiin tarkoituksena selvittää, miten tulkit ovat puristuksessa tabujen, vanhanaikaisten arvojen ja modernin yhteiskunnan välissä. Opinnäytetyö on hyödyllinen viranomaisille, tulkeille ja tulkkausopiskelijoille. Se voi antaa ohjeita heille, jotta he voivat ennakoida ongelmakohtia ja varautua niihin. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella kävi ilmi, että ymmärtääkseen tulkattavaa paremmin ja helpommin tulkkien ja viranomaisten on saatava tietoa ja asiantuntemusta monikulttuurisista ja uskonnollisista kysymyksistä. Asiasanat: tabut, lasten kasvatus, asioimistulkkaus, islamin uskonto, kulttuuri, kunnia, perimätieto.ABSTRACT Khaled Salih Interpreters hard-pressed between religious taboos and the modern society 36 Pages and 2 appendices Spring 2019 Diaconia University of Applied Sciences Bachelor's Degree Programme in Humanities Interpreter, Community Interpreting Interpreters encounter different challenges which can influece their work result. The aim of this thesis was to open up some of these challenges especially related to children's rights and education. The religion of Islam and its culture have directly influenced the lives of many, and at the same time have brought a lot of controversy in the living environments and are incompatible with the cultural values of Finnish society. From the point of view of the success of the interpreter's work, these issues are difficult to meet both the interpreter, the client and the authorities. In this thesis religious taboos were studied. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Finnish child protection act were highlighted. They protect the human rights and the healthy upbringing of children. The thesis consisted of interviews with three social workers and three interptreters who had an immigrant backgroud. The interviews were conducted in September-October 2018. The results of the interviews were analysed to show how interpreters are hard-pressed between taboos, old-fashioned values, and the modern society. The thesis is useful for authorities, interpreter and interpreting students. It can help them to anticipate and prepare for problems. On the basis of this study, it became clear that, in order to understand the client better and more easily, interpreters and the authorities need to have information and expertise on multicultural and religious issues. Keywords: taboo, parenting, Community Interpreting, Islam, culture, honour, traditionالملخص خالد صالح المترجم بین مطرقة المح ٌرمات الدینیة وسندان المجتمع المعاصر عدد الصفحات الكلي ٣٦ ،عدد الملحقات ٣ التاریخ ربیع ٢٠١٩ جامعة دیاكونیا للعلوم التطبیقیة بكالوریوس العلوم الانسانیة قسم الترجمة یواجه المترجمون في عملهم تحدیات جمة، والتي یمکن أن توٴثر علی کیفیة أداء أعمالهم ونتائجها. الهدف من األطروحة هذە هو التطرق الی بعض هذە التحدیات والعوائق والمرتبطة علی األخص بحقوق الطفل ورعایته. أستطاع األسالم والثقافة األسالمیة من التأثیر المباشر علی حیاة العدیدین وفي نفس الوقت سبب الکثیر من التناقضات علی البیئة األجتماعیة التي یعیش فیها هوٴلاء ویمکن القول کذلك بأن هذە األختالفات لاتتالئم مع الثقافة والقیم الحضاریة للمجتمع الفنلندي. فلو ألقینا نظرة علی هذە المواضیع من خالل عمل الترجمة نری بأن مواجهة هذە القضایا صعبة جدا للمترجمین والمراجعین وللمسوٴولین کذلك. رکزت األطروحة علی البحث واألستطالع، لذلك تم األستناد علی نصوص البحوث المتبعة، وبحث المح ٌرمات الدینیة وفي نفس الوقت تم الطرق الی األعالن العالمي لحقوق الطفل والقوانین الفنلندیة التي تضمن الحقوق األنسانیة للطفل وتضمن بیئة سالمة لنشأته وتعلیمه. تضمت األطروحة علی إجراء مقابالت مع ثالثة موظفات للشوٴون األجتماعیة وثالثة مترجمین ذوي خلفیات مختلفة ومهاجرین سابقین. ا جریت اللقاءات هذە خالل شهري أیلول و تشرین األول من سنة ٢٠١٨ .جری تحلیل نتائج اللقاءات وکان الهدف من أجرائها بحث المشاکل والصعوبات التي یواجهها المترجم بسبب هذە التناقضات التي وضعته بین مطرقة المحرمات الدینیة والقیم البالیة وسندان المجتمع المعاصر. هذە األطروحة مفیدة للمسوٴولین والمترجمین والطالب الذین یدرسون علوم الترجمة. بحیث بإمکانهم کسب معلومات من األطروحة عن هذە القضایا کي یستطیعوا التحضیر للمواضیع الشائکة واألستعداد لمواجهتها. واستنادا الی هذە الدراسة، أصبح من الواضح بأن المترجمین والمسوٴولین یحتاجون الی المعلومات والخبرات الالزمة حوڵ تعدد الثقافات والمواضیع الدینیة کي یستطیعوا فهم مراجعیهم بنحو أفضل وأسهل. کلمات األطروحة: المحرمات، تربیة األطفال، الترجمة الشفهیة، األسالم، الثقافة، الشرف، السن