40 research outputs found

    Attacks on asylum-seeker shelters by far-right rioters are systemic to how border regimes communicate

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    Dr Philipp Seuferling, LSE Fellow in the Department of Media and Communications, argues that recent attacks on asylum-seeker shelters in the UK are endemic to how border regimes are built and communicated

    Smart borders and their critiques are too focused on the tech: why we need a historical approach to envision different futures

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    Dr Philipp Seuferling, LSE Fellow in the Department of Media and Communications, and Dr Michelle Pfeifer, postdoctoral research associate at the Chair of Digital Cultures at TUD Dresden University of Technology, argue for historical interventions to understand and challenge projects of “smart” bordering

    The media operations of postcolonial mobility regimes: the cases of Filmstichting West Indië and Vereniging Ons Suriname in 1940s and 1950s Netherlands

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    This article analyses the communication activities of Filmstichting West Indië, which in the late 1940s and early 1950s produced 12 documentary propaganda films about Dutch colonial Suriname, and the resistance against these reductive representations in zines of the Surinamese migrant organization Vereniging Ons Suriname. We draw on hence unstudied archival material to dissect the role of media operations, as persuasive, strategic media productions, in constructing and challenging differential relations between colonizers and colonial subjects, and symbolically negotiating how different territories and bodies relate to each other. A visual and textual analysis of the cases unpacks historical struggles over the regimes of (post)colonial (im)mobilities, as they are produced and articulated within regimes of representation. We ultimately argue that, in order to understand the historical constitution of mobility regimes (and, in order to be able to critique them), we need to study the co-production of mobility regimes within regimes of mediated representation

    Catalyst Development for Electrochemical Water Splitting

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    The world population is growing at a rate untenable for our current energy resources to keep up with. This combined with the factors of depleting nonrenewable energy sources, i.e. fossil fuels, and environmental impacts of obtaining and utilizing these resources has created an urgent demand for new alternative clean energy sources. Hydrogen has shown promise as a potential fuel to help alleviate the use of these destructive energy sources. The use of hydrogen in a fuel cell cars is rated as a zero emissions fuel. However, a challenge associated with using hydrogen is the current means of production. Today, almost all hydrogen is produced through steam reformation, at high temperatures and pressures requiring excess energy, and which also produces carbon dioxide. The emissions of carbon dioxide at the production step essentially offsets the zero emissions at the tailpipe. Water electrolysis has been at the forefront to address this concern. Previously this technique was not commercially viable due to costly materials and operational requirements. With recent advancements in research this technology is becoming increasingly feasible. To continue to improve this process and lower costs, a main factor is the development of electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in splitting water. It has been particularly difficult to balance an active electrocatalyst with operation conditions. Typically, these catalysts were comprised of expensive, rare metals that would not be practical for large scale production. For the HER, platinum is the leading catalyst in acid. Acidic conditions with the abundance of protons is preferred for the HER. Unfortunately, this is hard to implement due to the corrosive nature of acids and scarcity of platinum. OER on the other hand is suited for alkaline conditions. The OER is also especially complicated due to the four electron/four proton transfer reaction. For these reasons, the OER in alkaline conditions is where this thesis commenced. The purpose of this thesis is to search for a reasonably priced and accessible electrocatalyst for both the OER and HER that is highly active and porous in structure. Utilizing a microwave-assisted synthesis technique, electrocatalysts comprised of FeNi for OER and 80/20 Co/Ni for HER resulted in the lowest overpotentials. These low overpotentials mean the reactions are closer to thermodynamic equilibrium potentials and would require less electricity to split the water. With this electrocatalyst, the next goal is to further improve performance by fabricating an electrode with a 3D, porous, high surface area in order to increase mass transfer to the active sites. This was accomplished by using a nickel foam support for both OER and HER. Finally by adjusting the electrolytic solution from 1 M NaOH to 3 M NaOH we were able to complete OER using an FeNi and HER using 80/20 Co/Ni nanoamorpohous electrocatalysts electrophoretically deposited on nickel foam to reach overpotentials of 194 mV and 120 mV respectively at 10 mA cm^(-2). Ultimately, if fueled by renewable electricity such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, and with the use of highly active electrocatalysts the widespread implementation of water electrolysis could be in the near future

    Histoires de la technophilie humanitaire

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    Les fantasmes visant à ordonner, à gérer et à restreindre dans l’espace et dans le temps les corps réfugiés par des infrastructures migratoires ne sont pas nouveaux et puisent dans une longue tradition historique. L’analyse d’archives des camps de réfugiés au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale révèle le rôle des infrastructures médiatiques dans la création, le maintien et l’évolution de pratiques administratives relatives au statut de réfugié. Ainsi, l’utilisation de médias se trouve au cœur des mécanismes de la gestion technologique des « crises » migratoires

    The media operations of postcolonial mobility regimes: The cases of Filmstichting West Indië and Vereniging Ons Suriname in 1940s and 1950s Netherlands

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    This article analyses the communication activities of Filmstichting West Indië, which in the late 1940s and early 1950s produced 12 documentary propaganda films about Dutch colonial Suriname, and the resistance against these reductive representations in zines of the Surinamese migrant organization Vereniging Ons Suriname. We draw on hence unstudied archival material to dissect the role of media operations, as persuasive, strategic media productions, in constructing and challenging differential relations between colonizers and colonial subjects, and symbolically negotiating how different territories and bodies relate to each other. A visual and textual analysis of the cases unpacks historical struggles over the regimes of (post)colonial (im)mobilities, as they are produced and articulated within regimes of representation. We ultimately argue that, in order to understand the historical constitution of mobility regimes (and, in order to be able to critique them), we need to study the co-production of mobility regimes within regimes of mediated representation

    Diraya.media—learning media literacy with and from media activists

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    Taking stock of media activist initiatives in the Southwest Asia and North Africa (SWANA) region, this article discusses findings from case study research informing the media education platform “diraya.media.” Through participatory methodology, the case studies and the bilingual (Arabic/English) website aim to analyze and strengthen local media literacy pedagogies by learning with and from media activists in the region. This article reports on six case studies of SWANA-based media activist organizations and pedagogical material for the media literacy classroom. The goal is to reflect and discuss the methodological and theoretical ramifications of Diraya as a pedagogical space for reflection and knowledge exchange between media activists and other learners in the region and beyond. Drawing on the participating activists’ experiences, Diraya is embedded in the turn toward radical media education and civic media literacies, contributing to (1) de-Westernizing media literacy education, (2) creating more learning materials based on local activist knowledge as important resources to increase media literacy, and (3) enabling of long-term collaborations by archiving and making public experiences from SWANA-based media activists

    An automated, 0.5 Hz nano-foil target positioning system for intense laser plasma experiments

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    We report on a target system supporting automated positioning of nano-targets with a precision resolution of in three dimensions. It relies on a confocal distance sensor and a microscope. The system has been commissioned to position nanometer targets with 1Hz repetition rate. Integrating our prototype into the table-top ATLAS 300 TW-laser system at the Laboratory for Extreme Photonics in Garching, we demonstrate the operation of a 0.5Hz laser-driven proton source with a shot-to-shot variation of the maximum energy about 27% for a level of confidence of 0.95. The reason of laser shooting experiments operated at 0.5Hz rather than 1Hz is because the synchronization between the nano-foil target positioning system and the laser trigger needs to improve.DFG Cluster of Excellence Munich-Centre for Advanced Photonics (MAP); Centre for Advanced Laser Applications; China Scholarship [201508080084]SCI(E)ARTICLE

    Static and dynamic structure factors with account of the ion structure for high-temperature alkali and alkaline earth plasmas

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    The electron-electron, electron-ion, ion-ion and charge-charge static structure factors are calculated for alkali (at T = 30 000 K, 60 000 K, n (e) = 0.7 x 10(21) A center dot 1.1 x 10(22) cm(-3)) and Be2+ (at T = 20 eV, n (e) = 2.5 x 10(23) cm(-3)) plasmas using the method described by Gregori et al. The dynamic structure factors for alkali plasmas are calculated at T = 30 000 K, n (e) = 1.74 x 10(20), 1.11 x 10(22) cm(-3) using the method of moments developed by Adamjan et al. In both methods the screened Hellmann-Gurskii-Krasko potential, obtained on the basis of Bogolyubov's method, has been used taking into account not only the quantum-mechanical effects but also the repulsion due to the Pauli exclusion principle. The repulsive part of the Hellmann-Gurskii-Krasko (HGK) potential reflects important features of the ion structure. Our results on the static structure factors for Be2+ plasma deviate from the data obtained by Gregori et al., while our dynamic structure factors are in a reasonable agreement with those of Adamyan et al.: at higher values of k and with increasing k the curves damp down while at lower values of k, and especially at higher electron coupling, we observe sharp peaks also reported in the mentioned work. For lower electron coupling the dynamic structure factors of Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+ and Cs+ do not differ while at higher electron coupling these curves split. As the number of shell electrons increases from Li+ to Cs+ the curves shift in the direction of low absolute value of omega and their heights diminish. We conclude that the short range forces, which we take into account by means of the HGK model potential, which deviates from the Coulomb and Deutsch ones, influence the static and dynamic structure factors significantly.The work has been realised at the Humboldt University at Berlin (Germany). One of the authors (S. P. Sadykova) would like to express sincere thanks to the Erasmus Mundus Program of the EU for the financial support and especially to Mr. M. Parske for his aid, to the Institute of Physics, Humboldt University at Berlin, for the support which made her participation at some scientific Conferences possible; I. M. T. acknowledges the financial support of the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia Project No. ENE2007-67406-C02-02/FTN and valuable discussions with Dr. D. Gericke.Sadykova, SP.; Ebeling, W.; Tkachenko Gorski, IM. (2011). Static and dynamic structure factors with account of the ion structure for high-temperature alkali and alkaline earth plasmas. 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