7 research outputs found

    Analysis Effect of Exhaust’s Temperature, Total of Peltier’s Element and Circuit Type for Thermoelectric Generator Output Voltage at Exhaust Internal Combustion Vehicle

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    This research based on researcher observation about internal combustion vehicle energy percentage, there is 40% energy flow away as high temperature exhaust gas. That percentage could converted as electricity energy with thermoelectric generator concept using peltier element. Purpose of this research are (1) getting optimum exhaust’s temperature to produce highest voltage, (2) getting optimum total of peltier elemen to produce highest voltage, (3) getting optimum circuit type to produce highest voltage, (4) getting optimum Seebeck coefficient point. This research is using L20 orthogonal matrix with three replication and design experiment factorial method. Independent variable that varied are exhaust’s temperature, total of peltier element and circuit type. Response variable in this research is output voltage that analyzed with Anova and contrast test (Scheffe’s method). This research’s result and conclusion is all combination that run simultaneous giving an effect at thermoelectric generator’s voltage, in Anova result. Based on main effect plot and contrast test, optimum combination factor for highest voltage are 2400C exhaust’s temperature, four peltier element in series circuit. Highest Seebeck coefficient at 0,0524 V/K. From this research, researcher suggest thermoelectric generator implimentation at exhaust internal combustion vehicle to use factor combination 2400C exhaust’s temperature, four peltier element in series circui

    Analysis Of Head Losses Consequent Section Diameter, Pipe Material and Flow Debit Using Contrast Test (Scheffe’s Method) at 900 Elbow Joint

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    Piping system is needed notice on group of high population people. Water flows come out from people residend sometimes unstable when used. This anomaly can be happened because factor of section diameter, pipe material, and flow debit passed through pipes elbow. This research intend to know effect section diameter, pipe material varians, flow debit of head losses and knowing coefficient losses consequent reynold number. This research is using factorial desain orthogonal array L12 then data analysis used Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) with assistance minitab 16 software and contrast test (Scheffe’s Method). The results of this experiment head losses highest value of  pipe section diameter 1 inch towards ¾ inch, PVC (Poly Vinyl Cholide) pipe material, and flow debit 20 liter/minutes is 42.33 mm. For head loses lowest value of pipe section diameter ¾ inch toward 1 inch,  PE (Polyethylene) pipe material, and flow debit 10 liter/minutes is 5.33 mm, although highest coefficient losses of section diameter ¾ inch towards 1 inch, PVC (Poly Vinyl Cholide) pipe material, and flow debit 10 liter/minutes is 1.4602. ANOVA result and contrast test (Scheffe’s Method) concluded section diameter, pipe material, and fluid flow debit significant effect of head losses. Based the conclusion of research, reseacher suggest that small section diameter toward big section diameter, better pipe material and low flow debit  if want to reduce head losses value of piping system


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    Desa mitra dalam pengabdian ini mayoritas pekerjaan masyarakat desa adalah bertani, selain itu mereka bekerja sebagai kuli ataupun buruh tani. Namun demikian desa ini memiliki potensi UMK pertanian maupun kerajinan diantaranya : pengasil utama mangga gunung, pemasok bahan utama industri jamu berupa kunyit, industri rumahan kerupuk, serta kelompok usaha kerajinan tanah liat. Dari beberapa kelompok UMK tersebut hampir semua masih dalam tahap pemasok bahan baku maupun usaha kecil yang belum mendapatkan sentukhan teknologi. Hal ini dikarenakan pengetahuan masyarakat masih terbatas pada pengolahan bahan baku mentah, selain itu juga tingkat pendidikan masyarakat yang secara umum masih cukup rendah.. Oleh karena itulah kampus Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri memilih desa tersebut sebagai salah satu desa mitra dalam pelaksanaan program KKN berbasis masyarakat. Sasaran program kegiatanmeliputi: peningkatankomitmendandukunganparapemimpin dan tokoh masyarakat dalam pemberdayaan bidang pendidikan, dan pemberdayaan bidang wirausaha/ekonomi.Dalam pelaksanaan program ini, menerapkan metode partisipatif.Dimana masyarakan dilibatkan secara penuh untuk mengatasi masalah mereka sendiri. Metode ini diharapkan bisa turut menumbuhkan rasa memiliki, dan rata tanggung jawab terhadap apa yang akan dilaksanakan. Pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat desa khususnya peningkatan produksi, manajemen, dan pemasaran kunyit instan, kerupuk, keajinan gerabah/tanah liat, dan petani mangga gunung. Selain itu, dengan adanya peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pola pikir masyarakat hingga mengurangi angka putus sekolah, melalui sekolah pada paket A, B, dan C


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    Abstract. This study is based on the existence of community learning park (in Indonesian, it‟s called Taman Belajar Masyarakat/ TBM), which lacks the attention and participation of the community in the management and development. It supports the authors to study how empirical conditions of community park management and how to develop community learning parks by integrating local cultures and local wisdom. The method used is Participatory Rural Appraisal method and data collection techniques was done by interview, observation, and documentation study. The subject of the study was TBM "Daar ElFikr" Jambu . Based on preliminary studies, the empirical condition of TBM in the management is still traditional, the teenagers are still unfamiliar with the culture of reading and writing, inadequate information technology, the absence of documentation of the work, the lack of knowledge of cultural values of the village and the local wisdom of the young generation, against traditional games, as well as quite a number of less productive teenage figures. While the form of community participation in the management of TBM is still private social. Following a community-based approach through activities that integrate the local culture and wisdom of the community, it turns out that this can make a difference in TBM. For the program activities currently carried out include: 1) Implementation of writing classes are carried out periodically to be recorded and published in a book. 2) The creation of an online book catalog that provides information about books owned by TBM and the website contains information onTBM activities. 3) Documented traditional educative game CD containing life skill learning, such as mbubuan, dakon, ular tangga, gedrik, ular naga, paman dolit, wodowo, cublek-cublek suweng, sabrem, dan gobrak sodor. 4) Establishment of self-employment group. Abstrak. Kajian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya taman-taman belajar masyarakat (TBM) yang kurang mendapatkan perhatian maupun partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan maupun pengembangannya. Hal tersebut mendukung penulis untuk melakukan kajian bagaimana kondisi empiris pengelolaan taman bacaan masyarakat serta bagaimana pengembangan taman belajar masyarakat dengan mengintegrasikan budaya dan kearifan lokal masyarakat. Metode yang dipergunakan yaitu metode Participatory Rural Appraisal dan tehnik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Subjekpenelit ian adalah TBM “Gelaran Buku Daar El Fikr” Jambu. Berdasarkan kajian awal, kondisi empiris TBM dalam pengelolaan masih bersifat tradisional, minimnya budaya membaca dan menulis remaja desa, belum memadainya teknologi informasi, belum adanya dokumentasi hasil karya, kurangnya pengetahuan nilai-nilai budaya desa dan kearifan lokal generasi muda, tidak mengenalnya anak-anak terhadap permainan tradisional, serta cukup banyak angka kurang produktif remaja. Sedangkan bentuk partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan TBM masih bersifat sosial pribadi. Setelah dilakukan pendekatan berbasis masyarakat melalui kegiatan yang mengintegrasikan budaya dan kearifan lokal masyarakat, ternyata hal ini dapat memberikan perubahan di TBM. Untuk program kegiatan yang dilakukan saat ini diantaranya:1) Dilaksanakannya kelas menulis yang dilaksanakan secara periodik hingga dibukukan dan diterbitkan dalam sebuah buku. 2) Terciptanya katalog buku online yang memberikan informasi terkait buku-buku dimiliki TBM dan website memuat informasi kegiatan yang dilakukan TBM. 3) Terdokumentasikannya CD permainan edukatif tradisional yang mengandung pembelajaran ketrampilan hidup, yaitu : mbubuan, dakon, ular tangga, gedrik, ular naga, paman dolit, wodowo, cublek-cublek suweng, sabrem, dan gobak sodor. 4) Terbentuknya kelompok wirausaha mandiri