18 research outputs found

    Sistem Pengenalan Botol Plastik Berdasarkan Label Merek Menggunakan Faster-RCNN

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    Penumpukan botol plastik saat ini sudah tidak terkendali sehingga mengakibatkan polusi pada lingkungan. Sampah botol plastik saat ini dapat ditukar dengan imbalan yang beragam. Sehingga proses sortir botol plastik dapat dilakukan untuk memilih sampah botol plastik. Pada penelitian isi dibuat sistem yang dapat menganali dan mengklasifikasi botol pastik berdasarkan label merek dengan 5 kelas berukuran sedang atau 600ml. Metode yang akan digunakan adalah teknik pengolahan citra dengan menggunakan Convolutional Neural Network  dengan Tensorflow dan model data Faster-RCNN. Penelitian dibagi menjadi 3 bagain yaitu pre-processing, training, dan testing. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menampilkan hasil dari proses bagian yang akan dilakukan serta menampilkan hasil akurasi. Berdasarkan dari hasil pengujian sistem dapat mengenali objek dengan baik dengan akurasi sebesar 87,12

    Improve of Water Flow Acceleration in Darrieus Turbine Using Diffuser NACA 11414 2,5R

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    Indonesia has potential hydro energy around 70000 MW which has been used around 6% (3529 MW). One of the development constraint is the stream velocity in Indonesian rivers is relative low. It causes bigger turbine dimension needed to achieve power which is desired.  An alternative is to utilize adiffuser, which is a device that could accelerate the fluid flow in order to give more energy to the turbine. Based on contiunity equation, diffuser can increase velocity by ratio of cross-section area. It can be  used to achieve expected power as long as it is not too much reduce the pressure. This research is conducted in 0.566 m/s of water velocity with Darrieus turbine with hydrofoil NACA 0018, height 0.74 m, radius 0.17 m, chord 0.11 m and 3 number of blades. The performance (Cp) was determined by numerical and experimental without and with diffuser NACA 11414 2.5R for variation of angle 8o, 16o, and 20o. Both of those result showed that the best performance of NACA 11414 2,5R is on angle 16o which numerically has stream velocity 0,91 m/s of water and 7 times of Cp, while experimentally has 0,891 m/s of water velocity and 3,16 times of Cp. This diffuser could improve the power generated by the turbine and increase the turbine efficiency

    Citra Kawasan Konservasi Penyu Pesisir Pantai Yogyakarta Menggunakan Foto Udara Berbasis EmguCV

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    Wilayah konservasi penyu masih perlu dilestarikan dan terdokumentasikan melalui pemetaan titik pendaratan penyu dipesisir pantai. Saat ini upaya kegiatan pemetaan kawasan konservasi masih dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan lansung dan penandaan menggunakan peralatan sederhana. Di sisi lain proses dokumentasi titik pendaratan penyu menjadi kendala sebab tidak dibantu dengan peralatan memadai. Maka melalui penelitian ini, dengan penerapan teknologi pesawat tanpa awak (UAV) sehingga dapat membantu pengamatan secara langsung kawasan konseravasi melalui foto udara. Adapun dengan aplikasi hasil citra area konservasi dilakukan proses pembuatan citra panorama untuk mendokumentasikan peta kawasan konservasi. Penelitian ini membangun sebuah aplikasi pembuatan citra panorama memanfaatkan library EmguCV dengan metode penjahitan citra (Image Stitching). Analisis keberhasilan metode penjahitan citra menjadi citra panorama diperoleh rerata akurasi 94,91%

    Sistem Monitoring Kolesterol Melalui Iris Mata dengan Metode Pengolahan Citra

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    Early detection to determine the presence or absence of cholesterol in the body is a necessity for everyone who wants to live healthy. Many diseases can be caused by the  presence of cholesterol such as heart disease, stroke, nerve disorders, kidney problems, hypertension, and etc. Therefore, cholesterol detection must be done regularly. This study discusses about the cholesterol detection system through the iris eyes using image processing and monitoring progress in continously. Detection of cholesterol can be observed with Arcus Senilis or a gray ring in the iris eyes. Tests carried using 15 samples which cholesterol identifed. The process of image processing consists of image acquisition, sharpening, segmentation, convert grayscale and binary images. Cholesterol can be identify with difference between pixel values 0 (black) and pixel values 1 (white) in binary images. Research data will be stored in an Excel format database with adding some user data. From the test, results analysis carried the try and error threshold method using values of 80, 100, 150, and getting an accuracy of 87%, 73%, and 33%. Besides, monitoring cholesterol can be carried using a system interface and database with adding the required data and can display it on excel

    Aplikasi GUI Basic Citra Panorama Berbasis EmguCV

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    Aplikasi GUI untuk membuat citra panorama secara otomati

    Similarity-AF-Sistem Pengenalan Botol Plastik Berdasarkan Label Merek

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    The educational paradigm has tried to create a quality of education that is in line with current developments but still does not forget the character of students and the local wisdom culture of the local area. The relationship between culture and the application of science in society is studied using an ethnoscience approach. The ethnoscience approach in science learning is an approach that is expected to help students think critically and explore phenomena that occur in the environment around them. This study aims at 1) Exploration of making “brem” in Wonogiri Regency; 2) Integrating Ethnoscience in the “brem” manufacturing industry in the Basic Competencies of Elementary School Science Learning. The study was included in qualitative methods of ethnographic design by determining both material and formal research objects. Research data was collected through interview techniques, observation and documentation of primary and secondary data. Through inductive data analysis techniques with data reduction processes and data presentation, it is assumed that reliable conclusions can be drawn. The research results show that the process of making “brem” goes through many processes and stages. The process of making Wonogiri “brem” applies science knowledge which can be compared with scientific expert statements. In conclusion, the process of making g of Wonogiri “brem” has gone through a scientific process, both chemical and biological reactions. Another conclusion is that process of making “brem” can be integrated as meaningful teaching material for students in several Basic Competencies in science lesson content for grades 3 and 5 of elementary school

    Similarity-AF-Sistem Monitoring Kolesterol Melalui Iris Mata dengan Metode Pengolahan Citra

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    Deteksi dini untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya kolesterol dalam tubuh merupakan kebutuhan bagi setiap orang yang ingin hidup sehat. Banyak penyakit yang dapat ditimbulkan dari adanya kolesterol dalam tubuh diantaranya jantung, stroke, gangguan saraf, ginjal, hipertensi, dan lain sebagainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang sistem deteksi kolesterol melalui iris mata dengan menggunakan pengolahan citra serta monitoring perkembangan secara berkala. Pendeteksian kolesterol dalam tubuh dilakukan dengan melihat Arcus Senilis yang merupakan suatu cincin abu-abu yang terdapat pada area iris mata. Pengujian dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan citra iris mata yang terindikasi kolesterol sebanyak 15 sampel. Proses pengolahan citra iris meliputi akuisisi citra, penajaman citra, segmentasi citra, konversi grayscale dan binerisasi citra. Kolesterol dapat ditunjukkan melalui besarnya perbandingan nilai piksel 0 (hitam) dan nilai piksel 1 (putih) pada citra biner. Data hasil pengolahan citra akan disimpan di dalam database berformat excel dengan menambah beberapa data yang diperlukan. Hasil pengujian dilakukan dengan metode try and error threshold menggunakan nilai 80, 100, 150 yang berturut turut mendapatkan akurasi sebesar 87%, 73%, dan 33%. Selain itu monitoring kolesterol secara berkala dapat dilakukan menggunakan sistem antarmuka dan database dengan menambahkan data yang diperlukan serta dapat menampilkannya pada excel