50 research outputs found


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    Dalam sebuah hubungan kerja sering terjadi perselisihan yang kemudian sampai dibawa ke tingkat pengadilan. Salah satunya adalah Putusan Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial pada Pengadilan Negeri Surabaya Nomor 139/G/2012/PHI.Sby jo. Putusan Kasasi Nomor 469K/PDT.SUS-PHI/2013. Permasalahan timbul disebabkan tidak adanya kesesuaian pendapat mengenai pengakhiran hubungan kerja yang dilakukan oleh salah satu pihak. Pihak Tergugat yang dalam hal ini adalah Setyo Budi, S.E, pekerja PT. Karyayudha Tiaratama merasa pengakhiran hubungan kerjanya dengan Penggugat adalah karena faktor Tergugat memasuki usia pensiun. Sedangkan menurut Penggugat yang dalam hal ini adalah PT. Karyayudha Tiaratama, Tergugat tidak masuk kerja tanpa alasan yang jelas atau mangkir, karena telah dipanggil dengan surat panggilan kerja kembali dan tetap tidak masuk. Hakim akhirnya memutuskan bahwa mewajibkan Penggugat untuk membayar hak yang diterima Tergugat pada saat pekerja pensiun.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah pekerja yang telah menerima surat keputusan pensiun dapat dipekerjakan kembali tanpa persetujuan pekerja tersebut, dan untuk mengetahui apakah kewajiban yang belum tuntas pada masa kerja pihak pekerja, dapat membatalkan surat keputusan pensiun dan digantikan dengan surat keputusan Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja dengan alasan mangkir dalam Putusan Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial pada Pengadilan Negeri Surabaya Nomor: 139/G/2012/PHI.Sby jo. Putusan Kasasi No. 469K/PDT.SUS-PHI/2013. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum Normatif. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan kasus, dan pendekatan konseptual. Teknik pengumpulan bahan hukum dalam penelitian ini didapatkan dari peraturan perundang-undangan, literatur dan juga didapatkan dari internet, maupun media lainnya yang berkaitan dengan obyek penelitian hukum. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah diperoleh, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pekerja yang telah menerima surat keputusan pensiun tidak dapat bekerja kembali tanpa persetujuan pekerja tersebut. Dalam hal kewajiban kerja yang belum tuntas tidak dapat membuat pekerja yang telah menerima surat keterangan pensiun dapat memperpanjang masa kerjanya.Kata Kunci : Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial, Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja, Masuk Usia PensiunAbstractIn a working relations, there are some conflicts which are taken to the court. One of them is Surabaya Industrial Relation Court Verdict Number 139/G/2012/PHI Surabaya jo. Supreme Court Verdict Number 469K/PDT.SUS-PHI/2013. The conflict is caused by lack of suitability of opinions about the termination of working relations which is conducted by one of the parties. Setyo Budi who is defendant party, a labor in PT. Karyayudha Tiaratama believed that termination of his working relations is because retirement age factors. In other hand, according to PT. Karyayudha Tiaratama, Setyo Budi has a lot of absence, and has been called to work but he still didn’t come. Judge finally decides plaintiff must fulfill defendant is pension rights. It is aimed to found if manpower who gotten their retirement letter could back to work without their permission, and to found if obligation that not finished yet on working period of manpowers could declined retirement letter and could be replace by work termination of letter with reason absence in Surabaya Industrial Relation Court Verdict Number 139/G/2012/PHI Surabaya jo. Supreme Court Verdict Number 469K/PDT.SUS-PHI/2013. This research is a normative legal search. Approach used in this research is the statute, case, and conceptual approaches. The Legal collection techneqal in this research is literature study on legal regulation, literature and also from internet as well as other media that can be related with legal research objects. The writer concluded that a labor who has received a letter of retirement, unable to work again without the agreement letters. In case of unfinished working obligations, a labor who has received a retirement letter could not extend his working period.Keywords : Industrial Relations Dispute, Work Termination, Pensio

    Antecedent Factors of Financial Management Behavior: An Empirical Research Based on Education

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    Bad financial attitudes, such as wasting of money, are really difficulties to remove from Indonesian culture. The issue of financial management behavior has attractive agendas for educators, business and government agencies. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of financial attitude, financial knowledge and personal income on financial management behavior. The research data were obtained from 94 students of Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral programs at various universities in Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central of Java with convenience sampling method. The quality of data generated by this research instrument was assessed using validity and reliability tests. Hypotheses were tested using multiple regression analysis to determine the effect of independent variables on financial management behavior. The results showed that financial attitude, financial knowledge and personal income have a significant effect on financial management behavior.     Keywords: financial attitude, financial knowledge, personal income, financial management behavior


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    Pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu daerah dapat diukur dengan peningkatan produksi barang dan jasa serta pendapatan nasional. Salah satu cara untuk menentukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi yaitu dengan menggunakan analisis regresi. Dalam analisis regresi ada beberapa pelanggaran yang sering terjadi terhadap asumsi-asumsinya, salah satunya yaitu terjadinya multikolinearitas. Dalam mengatasi masalah multikolinearitas yang terjadi terdapat beberapa metode yang dapat digunakan salah satunya ialah metode least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO). Pada penelitian ini, variabel respon yang digunakan yaitu produk domestik regional bruto (PDRB). Sedangkan variabel prediktor diantaranya penanaman modal asing (PMA), angkatan kerja (AK), penanaman modal dalam negeri (PMDN) serta dana alokasi umum (DAU). Berdasarkan uji asumsi klasik pada analisis regresi terjadi masalah multikolinearitas pada variabel PMDN karena memiliki nilai VIF >10. Sehingga dilakukan penanganan dengan menggunakan metode LASSO. Dengan menggunakan metode LASSO, nilai penduga koefisien parameter untuk variabel PMDN disusutkan sampai tepat nol, sehingga variabel PMDN tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap model. Berdasarkan perbandingan nilai R-Square, metode LASSO lebih tinggi yaitu sebesar 98,70%, dibandingkan dengan metode kuadrat terkecil pada analisis regresi sebesar 95.54%. Sehingga metode LASSO dapat digunakan sebagai metode seleksi variabel sehingga model menjadi lebih sederhana dan efisien serta dapat mengatasi masalah multikolinieritas.Kata kunci:  PDRB, Regresi, Multikolinearita

    A Path Analysis on the Biopsychosocial Determinants of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis in Surakarta

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    Background: Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) causes significant problem and cost for national TB control program. MDR-TB constitutes an increasing public health concern globally. The prevalence of MDR-TB is as high as 50%. One third of all newly detected TB patients are infected with MDR strains. This study aimed to analyze the bio-psychosocial determinants of MDR-TB in Surakarta, Central Java. Subjects and Method: This was a case control study conducted in Dr. Moewardi Hospital and BBKPM, Surakarta, from September to November 2017. A sample consisting of 76 MDR-TB patients and 228 non MDR-TB patients were selected for this study by fixed disease sampling. The dependent variable was MDR-TB. The independent variables were age, drug-taking adherence, depression, comorbidity, drug side-effect, drug-taking supervisor, and family income. The data were collected using a set of questionnaire and analyzed by path analysis. Results: MDR-TB directly increased with the lack of drug-taking adherence (b= -1.7; 95% CI= -2.23 to -1.07; p= 0.001) and comorbidity (b= 1.5; 95% CI= 0.76 to 2.30; p= 0.001). MDR-TB indirectly increased with depression, drug side effect, weak drug-taking supervision, and older age. Conclusion: MDR-TB directly increases with the lack of drug-taking adherence and comorbidity. MDR-TB indirectly increases with depression, drug side effect, weak drug-taking supervision, and older age. Keywords: bio-psychosocial determinants, MDR-T

    How Much do Predisposing, Enabling, and Reinforcing Factors Influence the Use of Immunization in Infants? A Path Analysis Evidence from Bangkalan Regency, Madura

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    Background: Child immunization averts an estimated 2 to 3 million deaths every year from diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), and measles. However, an additional 1.5 million deaths could be avoided if global vaccination coverage improves. In Indonesia, complete basic immunization (CBI) had been implemented as a disease prevention effort among children. However, the CBI did not yet achieve national target. Bangkalan Regency, Madura, was one of the regencies in East Java with low immunization achievement. This study aimed to estimate the association between predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors, and the use of basic immunization, using PRECEDE-PROCEED model. Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional study conducted at 10 community health centers, Bangkalan Regency, from August to October 2017. A total sample of 200 infants aged 9-12 months along with their mothers were selected for this study using cluster random sampling and fixed disease sampling. The dependent variable was the use of basic immunization service. The independent variables were education, knowledge, occupation, attitude, distance to healthcare facilities, information exposure, family support, and health workers support. The data were colected using questionnaires and MCH book. The data were analyzed by path analysis. Result: The use of basic immunization service increased by positive maternal attitude (b= 0.82; 95% CI= 0.10 to 1.55; p= 0.027), health personnel support (b= 0.79; 95% CI= -0.10 to 1.67; p= 0.081), information exposure (b= 1.52; 95% CI= 0.75 to 2.29; p= 0.001), but decreased with distance to healthcare facilities (b= -1.28; 95% CI= -2.13 to -0.44; p= 0.003). The use of basic immunization service was indirectly influenced by family support, knowledge, maternal employment, and maternal education. Conclusion: The use of basic immunization service increases by positive maternal attitude, health personnel support, information exposure, but decreases with distance to healthcare facilities. The use of basic immunization service is indirectly influenced by family support, knowledge, maternal employment, and maternal education. Keywords: basic immunization, predisposing, enabling, reinforcing, PRECEDE-PROCEE

    Biopsychosocial Determinants of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis in Surakarta

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    Background: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that poses serious threat to population health worldwide. Tuberculosis control enterprise becomes more complicated due to increasing number of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberkulosis (MDR-TB) cases. Globally there are approximately 580,000 cases of MDR-TB, with only 125,000 cases (20%) resolved. Indonesia ranks tenth in the world by the number of MDR-TB cases after Angola, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Cina, Korea, Kongo, Etiopia, and India. This study aimed to analyzed the bio-psychosocial determinants of MDR-TB in Surakarta.Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with case control design. The study was conducted in Dr. Moewardi Hospital and BBKPM, Surakarta, from September to November 2017. A sample consisting of 76 MDR-TB patients and 228 non MDR-TB patients were selected for this study by fixed disease sampling. The dependent variable was MDR-TB. The independent variables were age, drug-taking adherence, depression, comorbidity, drug side-effect, drug-taking supervisor, and family income. The data were collected using a set of questionnaire and analyzed by path analysis.Results: MDR-TB was affected by lack of drug-taking adherence (b= -1.7; 95% CI= -2.23 to -1.07; p=0.001) and comorbidity (b= 1.5; 95% CI= 0.76 to 2.30; p=0.001). Drug-taking adherence was affected by depression (b= -1.7; 95% CI= -2.60 to -0.79; p=0.001), drug side effect (b= -1.5; CI 95%= -2.10 to -0.86; p=0.001), and drug-taking supervisor (b=2.5; 95% CI= 1.84 to 3.06; p=0.001). Comorbidity was affected by age (b= 0.86; 95% CI= 0.12 to 1.61; p= 0.022).Conclusion: MDR-TB is directly affected by lack of drug-taking adherence and comorbidity. MDR-TB is indirectly affected by drug-taking supervisor, depression, and drug side effect.Keyword: bio-psychosocial determinants, MDR-TBCorrespondence: Lina Alfiyani. Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A, Surakarta, Central Java. Email: [email protected] of Epidemiology and Public Health (2017), 2(3): 255-266https://doi.org/10.26911/jepublichealth.2017.02.03.0

    Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Berhitung 1-10 melalui Gambar Menarik Kelas 1.A UPT SPF SD Inpres Mallengkeri II

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    This study aims to improve the understanding of the concept of counting 1-10 in class 1.A students of UPT SPF SD Inpres Mallengkeri II through the use of interesting pictures. This study uses a classroom action research (CAR) design consisting of two cycles, namely cycle 1 and cycle 2. The subjects of this Classroom Action research were 28 students of class 1.A UPT SPF SD Inpres Mallengkeri II. The data collection technique used in this study was the Test and Observation Technique, then the data obtained from the analysis was analyzed to determine whether through interesting picture media it could improve students' understanding of the concept of counting 1-10. Based on the results of the analysis and data management carried out by researchers in cycles 1 and 2, it can be found that the results of the study showed a significant increase in students' understanding after the application of this method. In cycle 1, only 75% of students achieved completeness, while in cycle 2, students' completeness increased to 89%. The use of interesting pictures helps students visualize the concept of counting, which contributes to improving their understanding