88 research outputs found

    Kefektifan Pemberlakuan Surat Ijin Usaha Perdagangan (Siup) Bagi Pemberdayaan Usaha Kecil (Studi Kasus Pada Badan Pelayanan Perijinan Terpadu Kota Malang Dan Sentra Usaha Kecil Keripik Tempe Sanan)

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    : The small business sector holds a very important role. Because of this, in this era of globalization requires the existence of small business licenses particularly in trade given the still many forms of business which does not have a Trade business license. By having a business license and business activities that are not preoccupied with issues of curbing or demolition. The benefits derived from the ownership of the business license as a means of legal protection. The researcher is looking for a relationship between the enactment of the influence provided to small business empowerment. The results showed that the existence of the very existence of the assist provided small entrepreneurs in industrial centers Chips Tempe Sanan Malang in empowering their trading business. This is apparent from the legal protection of the local Government's response to their trading business, the ease of filing of loan capital thanks to the presence of SIUP, as well as easy to forge partnerships with other parties due to the presence of SIUP

    The Application of Drip Irrigation System on Tomato (Lycopersicum Esculentum Mill)

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    This study aimed to analyze the performance of drip irrigation systems, determine performance of tomato treated under the irrigation systems.Field research was conducted at the Laboratory of Land and Water Resources Engineering; and at the Laboratory ofintegrated field, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung in August 2013 to December 2013.Irrigation systems consisted of main componens: water supplies, Polythilene lateral tube, and emitters. Emitter on every pot, were made of Polythilene (PE) fabric.Pot experiment consisted of 32 pots, divided into two groups, a group of 16 pots was treated with surface drip irrigation system and the other half was treated with subsurface drip irrigation system. Variables observed to the irrigation systems wereflowrate, coefficient variance (CV), emition uniformity (EU). Variables observed to the plant were evapotranspiration (ETc), Kc, Soil moisture, water consumption, plant growth, and yield. The results showed that the surface drip irrigation system had flowrate of 0.96 liter/hour, CV of 0.41 and EU of 54.85%, while the subsurface drip irrigation system had flowrate of 1.08 liter/hour, CV of 0.41 and EU of 56.43%. Plants performance treated with surface drip irrigation system showed total crop evapotranspiration (ETc) of 490,8 mm, while subsurface drip irrigation system showed total crop evapotranspiration (ETc) of 580,9 mm.Higher crop evapotranspiration of subsurface drip irrigation system was due to better plant growth in the subsurface drip irrigation system. This was also shown by higher crop coefficience (Kc) of subsurface drip irrigation system

    Penjinakan Dan Budidaya Ikan Brek (Puntius Orphoides) Sebagai Upaya Menuju Diversifikasi USAhatani Ikan Domestication and Culture of Tinfoil Barb (Puntius Orphoides) as an Effort Toward Fish Farming Diversification

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    Aims of this research were to investigate hatching rate of Puntius orphoides eggs resulted from artificial spawning and the effect of different water inlet number with different water debit and food on growth rate and survival rate of P. orphoides fry. Experimental method with factorial pattern was used. The first factor was ponds culture without water inlet and with one water inlet (10 LPM/m³ water debit), two water inlets (20 LPM/m³ water debit), and three water inlets (30 LPM/m³ water debit). The second factor was feeding with pellet and Tubifex. Each treatment was repeated twice. Parameter measured was number of hatched egg, increasing of body weight, length and survival rate. The data was analyzed by one way anova and further analysis with Duncan test. Result showed that P. orphoides could spawn in culture ponds with hatching rate of the egg was 82%. The highest growth rate was reached in the ponds with three water inlets (30 LPM/m³ water debit), while the best survival rate was reached in culture ponds with three water inlets (30 LPM/m³ water debit). Pellet food and Tubifex gave the same effect on the fish growth

    Penghasilan Per Kapita dan Faktor Penentu Pemilihan Produk Berbasis Budaya

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, produk berorientasi budaya mulai melakuka inovasi baru dengan memasukkan komponen teknologi di dalam pengembangan produknya. Pangsa pasar produk berorientasi budaya tersebar di negara maju dan negara berkembang. Untuk produk berorientasi budaya yang memiliki kecangihan teknologi tinggi sangat potensial dipasarkan di negara maju. Namun lain halnya dengan negara berkembang, sehingga perlu strategi pemilihan produk berorientasi budaya yang akan masuk ke pasar negara berkembang. Tingkat GDP sebuah negara dan kebijakan pemerintah suatu negara akan sangat berperan penting dalam pengembangan produk dan pengambilan keputusan pembelian suatu produk. Permasalahan yang muncul antara lain potensi pasar produk berorientasi budaya lebih dominan di negara maju ataukah negara berkembang. Produk beroientasi budaya yang high technology bisakah masuk ke segmen pasar negara yang memiliki GDP per capita menengah dan rendah (negara berkembang). Pengolahan data sekunder dari berbagai sumber referensi digunakan untuk menjawab problem tersebut. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa negara republik yang memiliki GNI per capita terbesar adalah Singapore dengan selisih yang cukup jauh dengan peringkat kedua yaitu Arab. Posisi selanjutnya yaitu China, Timor leste, Indonesia, Irak, India, Pakistan dan Bangladesh.Negara dengan GNI per capita rendah cenderung memiliki jumlah provider telekomunikasi tinggi, berarti pada negara tersebut harga sangat berpengaruh dalam memutuskan pembelian sebuah produk. Produk yang bernilai budaya banyak juga yang memiliki tingkat teknologi yang tinggi, sehingga akan potensial dipasarkan di negara maju ataupun berkembang. GDP per capita dan kebijakan suatu negara akan dipertimbangan untuk penentuan segmen pasar sebuah produk, hal tersebut berkaitan dengan kemampuan daya beli masyarakat sehingga akan mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian sebuah produkKata Kunci : Produk, Budaya,Teknologi, GDP, Kebijakan Pemerinta

    The comparation of cultural dimention between Sulawesi, Indonesia and Philippine: a measurement of five Indonesian islands

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    The Indonesian archipelago is bordered by many countries, such as Sulawesi island bordered by the Philippines. The culture of Sulawesi allegedly had the same style with the culture of the Filipinos. Several studies have examined the details of Indonesian culture, especially the culture of Sulawesi and the Philippines, but has not studied the details of the cultural dimension measurement of both countries. This study aims to measure the dimensions of Hofstede cultural communities in the Indonesian archipelago and do a comparative study of cultural dimensions of Hofstede to Sulawesi and the Philippines. The data (631 respondents) was analysed using calculations score of Hofstede cultural dimensions consists of the Power Distance Index (PDI), Individualism (IDV), Masculinity (MAS), Long-term orientation (LTO) and Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI). The measurement results of Hofstede cultural dimensions Indonesia is slightly different from the predecessor research. There are several dimensions of Hofstede Indonesian culture which decreased compared to the results of research on the IBM Company, which consists of PDI, UAI, and LTO as well as an increase at IDV and MAS. The geographical position of the region of Sulawesi and the Philippines affect both cultural interactions. Several cultural dimension scores of Sulawesi and the Philippines were relatively close. It shows that Sulawesi and the Philippines have similar cultural dimensions PDI, IDV and MAS. This cultural dimension measurement results expected to contribute to the fields of science related to the cultural mapping of Indonesia and the Philippines

    Implementasi Permendagri Nomor 4 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pedoman Pelayanan Administrasi Terpadu Kecamatan (Paten) Di Kecamatan Mlongo, Kabupaten Jepara

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    Provision of public services "clean" is something that is expected by the community, see the deteriorating public services. In order to create public services that will be minimal corruption and so on, the government passed a law that Permendagri No. 4 of 2010 on Guidelines for Integrated Administrative Services District (PATENT). The purpose of the policy is to improve the quality PATENT and service closer to the community. This study aims to determine how the implementation PATENT in District Mlonggo and determine the factors that support or hinder the implementation so as to know what needs to be repaired and maintained.This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method, to explain phenomena that affect the implementation Permendagri No. 4 of 2010 on Guidelines for Integrated Administrative Services District (PATENT) in District Mlonggo. The data was collected by means of structured interviews with informants and documentation obtained from actual documents relating to the object of research. Analysis of the data in this qualitative study with data reduction, data presentation, and verification. From the research, found the phenomena that may affect implementation in the District Mlonggo PATENT, namely communication, resources, ingkungan conditions, as well as the attitude / disposition. It can be concluded that the implementation in the district PATENT Mlonggo there are factors that impede implementation. This is because the transmission process is not optimal, resulting in a lack of understanding of program beneficiaries. In addition, human resources and financial resources to support the facility's sustainability of the program has not been available for optimum
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