80 research outputs found

    Analisis Programatik Lanskap Pasar Rakyat Karangploso dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Kontekstual

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    Pasar tradisional merupakan salah satu infrastruktur publik yang sangat penting dalam jaringan distribusi kebutuhan pokok masyarakat. Pasar tradisional merupakan salah satu inti utama dari sumber daya sosial dan potensi ekonomi publik dalam menghadapi situasi krisis ekonomi. Tapi, kenyataanya tidak seperti seharusnya, saat kebijakan pemerintah meniadakan pasar rakyat dan diganti dengan banyak pasar retail modern.Penelitian ini fokus pada proses analisis programatik lanskap pasar rakyat Karangploso untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah: (1) Sampah yang menimbulkan bau; (2) aksesbilitas yang buruk; (3) limbah yang menimbulkan bau; (4) rendahnya kualitas kebersihan lingkungan; (5) buruknya vegetasi; dan (6) buruknya tata ruang. Proses analisis programatik akan menggunakan pendekatan arsitektur kontekstual dari analisis program fungsional, program ruang, dan program arsitektural Kata Kunci: Programatik, analisis, kontekstual, pasar, tradisional


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    Architecture plays an important role in creating space for human activity. One form is an open space designed as a garden. Recently, the idea of caring for the environment has been implemented in schools with the Adiwiyata program by realizing school members who are responsible for environmental protection and management through school management to support sustainable development. The garden design process is environmentally friendly supporting facilities. The design case study was carried out at SMP 26 Malang. The problem is, the gardens around the main school in every corner or in front of the class have no thematic grouping of plant species, graffiti on the fence walls that need updating, no canopy for circulation, and many other elements that can be processed. The research method was carried out qualitatively with architectural design methods and adapted to education science. The purpose of this study is to provide a garden designconcept that is able to accommodate educational and recreational out-of-class activities for students of SMPN 26 Malang and can be generalized as a general design concept of an educational park for schools. Recommendations from the design are in the form of out-of-class learning concepts. The concept base that will be developed is from a smart and studentfriendly park which means that the park takes into account aspects of the intellectual, physical and psychological wellbeing of students, besides that it does not cause mental and physical harm. A participatory element in its implementation is needed. Keywords: Garden concept, outdoor learning process, smart-student friendly park &nbsp


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    The Matabesi tribe is the oldest tribe in Belu Regency. The Matabesi Tribe community lives and develops into a traditional village. Matabesi society still use nature and the environment to fulfill their daily lives. The Matabesi Tribe area has a lot of tourism potential that bus is developed into a cultural tourism area. The purpose of this study was to identify the Significant Value possessed by the Matabesi Tribe. This research uses descriptive method, observation and indepth interview with key person to determine the significant value. Research result the cultural landscape area of Matabesi Tribe has 5 significant values namely history, science, culture, religion and education. Based on Tourism Law No. 10 of 2009 concerning tourist destinations, the Matabesi Tribe can be developed which can support the creative economy of the Matabesi Tribe through the development of facilities, developing tourist attraction and developing accessibility derived from the local wisdom of the Matabesi Tribe. 


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    Klien dengan masalah interaksi sosial tidak mampu membina hubungan dengan orang lain. Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok Sosialisasi (TAKS) merupakan salah satu terapi yang penting untuk meningkatkan hubungan interpersonal yang diawali dengan individu dalam kelompok. Upaya TAKS memfasilitasi sosialisasi sejumlah klien dengan perilaku isolasi sosial secara kelompok. Pelaksanaan terapi aktivitas kelompok sosialisasi dilakukan selama tujuh sesi untuk melatih kemampuan interaksi sosial pasien. Tujuan dari pemaparan tulisan ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh terapi aktivitas kelompok sosialisasi (TAKS) terhadap kemampuan interaksi sosial pada pasien dengan masalah isolasi sosial. Pada tulisan ini menggunakan metode analisis berupa literatur review karena akan dianalisa dari penelitian yang sedang dilakukan terhadap topik atau pertanyaan terhadap suatu bagian dari keilmuan., yang berarti dari berbagai preseden literatur diambil esensinya dan dibandingkan dari segi judul, pendekatan, tujuan, dan hasilnya. Hasil didapatkan nilai


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    Riverbank settlements tend to have slum environments found in urban areas. Many factors such as land use change, increasing demand, population growth urges the use of urban space as residential land. Currently in the city of Malang; as a research location; has many settlements on the banks of the river, such as along the Brantas river, namely in Betek, around Tarekot (city recreation park) and Jodipan. Many efforts from the government to change the values and perceptions of the community to have a positive connotation, with thematic village programs. This relationship is reciprocity and formed the concept of tourist villages, such as the Kampung Warna Warni and the Kampung Biru Arema (KBA). This village has an identity which has the blue nuance as an icon of the Arema football club. This village successfully built the economy of the local population but also left a negative footprint on the environment. For example, visitor behavior that does not dispose of trash in its place or a mismatch of planning applications to visitor behavior. Its influence certainly has an impact on the environmental health of the KBA community itself. This study aims to determine the pattern of visitor behavior towards KBA locations and environmental conservation efforts. The study was conducted qualitatively with the behavior mapping method and time budget, and associated with the concept of sustainable landscapes for environmental health. The results of this study are recommendations for the use of environmentally responsive open space in accordance with the behavior of visitors to tourist attractions


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    Terapi okupasi adalah jenis terapi yang secara khusus digunakan untuk membantu anak untuk hidup mandiri dengan berbagai kondisi kesehatan yang telah ada. Terapi ini digunakan sebagai bagian dari program pengobatan untuk anak yang mengidap suatu penyakit, seperti keterlambatan perkembangan sejak lahir, masalah psikologis, atau cedera jangka panjang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan cara deskripsi deduktif dan induktif. Nasution (2004) menyebutkan bahwa penelitian deskriptif adalah suatu metode dalam meneliti setatus sekelompok manusia, suatu obyek, suatu set kondisi, suatu sistem pikiran, ataupun suatu kelas peristiwa pada masa sekarang. Tujuan dari penelitian deskriptif ini adalah untuk membuat deskipsi, gambaran atau lukisan secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta, sifat-sifat serta hubungan antar fenomena yang diselidiki. Hasil penelitian ini melihat sarana okupasi dengan menggunakan taman edukasi di salah satu SLB Kota malang. Taman edukasi yang ada disekolah meliputi beberapa zona terapi dan pembelajaran. Taman yang digunakan untuk anak autis meliputi konsep bentuk, sirkulasi, dan vegetasi. Taman edukasi dapat digunakan sebagai sarana terapi okupasi dimana terdapat objek terapi yang meliputi fisik dan mental. Bentuk kegiatan yang dilakukan di SLB adalah berupa permainan dengan menggunakan terapi yang berbentuk bermain untuk memberikan kesenangan dan sosialisasi yang baik. Adapun tahapan terapi okupasi, antara lain: (1) Tahap Evaluasi, (2) Tahap Intervensi dan (3) Tahap Hasil Akhir. Tahap terapi okupasi kelompok dapat dilakukan dengan (1) Orientasi, (2) Tahap Pendahuluan (Introduction), (3) Tahap pemanasan (Warm-up activities), (4) Tahap aktivitas terpilih (selected activities) dan (5) Tahap Terminasi


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    Sumber daya manusia dalam perawatan kesehatan jiwa sangat dibutuhkan pada situasi dan kondisi saat ini. Tantangan yang dihadapi oleh banyak negara adalah menyediakan sumber daya manusia yang memadai untuk intervensi kesehatan jiwa seperti perawat kesehatan jiwa. Kekurangan sumber daya manusia di seluruh dunia berpengaruh besar pada pelayanan kesehatan jiwa, terutama di negara-negara berpenghasilan rendah dan menengah maupun yang sudah mapan. Perbedaan tersebut tidak mencerminkan perbedaan dalam pemberian biaya perawatan, seperti dalam ketersediaan fasilitas kesehatan. Kebijakan yang dibuat akan melibatkan seluruh pimpinan dalam membuat rencana kesehatan dan organisasi profesi di berbagai negara dan masyarakat lokal dalam membuat strategi untuk meningkatkan akses pelayanan yang berkualitas tinggi. Metode penulisan secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode analisis berupa literatur review, dari berbagai preseden literatur diambil esensinya dan dibandingkan dari segi judul, pendekatan, tujuan, dan hasilnya. Temuan pada tulisan ini adalah negara-negara di dunia memiliki perlakuan berbeda dalam menyikapi kesehatan jiwa, sedangkan kesimpulannya adalah sumber daya manusia terutama perawat kesehatan jiwa berperan penting dalam keperawatan jiwa khususnya untuk meningkatkan pelayanan yang berkualitas tinggi


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    Architecture in space-making is not only for normal people but also adapted for people with disabilities need, for example : people with mentally disabled or autistic. Children with autism have disturbances about sensory system that failed to respond and are not adaptive to their environment. As a therapy facility, outdoor space should be involved to stimulate the senses or sensory, besides functioning for recreation, ecological, and aesthetic. It became the basic concept of the sensory garden. Generally, the space required is quite extensive because it includes a lot of special zones for the garden that stimuli visual, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. but there is a tendency to be a challenge of limited space architects in preparing the organization of space. The case study was conducted at a school that has a limited space, that is school for disabilities (SLB) Sumber Dharma Malang. In existing conditions, there were plants, pavement, and play areas are not arranged so it makes the urgency for the garden arrangement. Qualitative research methods implemented by the architectural design with the approach of agricultural science and health. The purpose of this study is to provide an alternative concept as a recommendation to accommodate the design capable of autistic children ranging from kindergarten to high school. The conclusion of this study is the concept of gardening landscape. It is not only functioned as an aesthetic part but also as the therapy facility for all children age level in a particular zone


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    Traditional settlements are places that still hold customary and cultural values related to beliefs or religion that are specific or unique to a particular society. In each region of Nusantara there are various cultures, and in it there are traditional settlements as identities. This research is located in the Sendiki beach area which is a tourist attraction in the southern Malang district, precisely in the village of Tambakrejo. The problem is the diminishing public awareness in preserving the existence of settlement forms because of the current of modernization. The unique settlement pattern model in the village of Tambakrejo lined up along the road following the traditional settlement pattern of Tanean Lanjeng, because the settlements were dominated by Madura race. On the other hand because it is located in East Java, the formation of his house was also adapted to the building form of joglo. Another problem is the low public awareness in maintaining environmental quality which impacts the degradation of ecosystem quality. The aims of this research include identifying the architectural forms of houses, landscapes and traditional settlements in the village of Tambakrejo, as an effort to preserve them. The research method was conducted qualitatively by analyzing the data using Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The research thinking is adapted to the ideas of Rapoport. The stages of research start from the identification of physical, biophysical, socio-cultural and economic aspects, to the description of analysis and synthesis in settlement patterns and traditional homes. The results obtained in the form of a description of traditional settlement patterns, the formation of residential architecture and landscape patterns of settlements. The conclusions of this study include documentation of traditional architecture, landscapes and settlements as knowledge to respect the natural environment and culture of the people living

    Redesain Taman Kota Trunojoyo Kota Malang Melalui Pendekatan Lanskap Kota

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    Malang City has a number of tourism potentials that can attract tourists. The location of  Malang City is very strategic because it is in a highland and has a comfortable temperature. The existence of Malang City is very strategic because access to and tourist attractions in Malang City is very easy, one of which is via train. Malang City has various potential natural, man-made, and indigenous landscapes. Natural resources and unique culture of the community need to be maintained and preserved. One of them is the Trunojoyo City park which is located in front of the entrance or the entrance gate for tourists from the New Station of Malang City. For that, it is necessary to evaluate the characteristics of the city of Malang so that it can support a positive destination image regarding the city of Malang as a tourist destination. The problems in the research location, apart from the unorganized condition of the park, also the lack of a strong character as a city identity, the lack of public appreciation of the existence of city parks. The main function of several parks is not yet clear and is not yet supported by landscape elements that are able to accommodate the activities of its users. This study aims to redesign Trunojoyo City Park, Malang City, so that it can be developed as an ideal and sustainable New City Park. The resulting output is in the form of site plans, cutout drawings, and detailed drawings. While the method used to analyze is descriptive qualitative by referring to the Judge design process (2018). The results of this study indicate that the Trunojoyo city park is not suitable and does not meet the existing standards on the carrying capacity of the park so that a park design recommendation must be provided.Malang City has a number of tourism potentials that can attract tourists. The location of  Malang City is very strategic because it is in a highland and has a comfortable temperature. The existence of Malang City is very strategic because access to and tourist attractions in Malang City is very easy, one of which is via train. Malang City has various potential natural, man-made, and indigenous landscapes. Natural resources and unique culture of the community need to be maintained and preserved. One of them is the Trunojoyo City park which is located in front of the entrance or the entrance gate for tourists from the New Station of Malang City. For that, it is necessary to evaluate the characteristics of the city of Malang so that it can support a positive destination image regarding the city of Malang as a tourist destination. The problems in the research location, apart from the unorganized condition of the park, also the lack of a strong character as a city identity, the lack of public appreciation of the existence of city parks. The main function of several parks is not yet clear and is not yet supported by landscape elements that are able to accommodate the activities of its users. This study aims to redesign Trunojoyo City Park, Malang City, so that it can be developed as an ideal and sustainable New City Park. The resulting output is in the form of site plans, cutout drawings, and detailed drawings. While the method used to analyze is descriptive qualitative by referring to the Judge design process (2018). The results of this study indicate that the Trunojoyo city park is not suitable and does not meet the existing standards on the carrying capacity of the park so that a park design recommendation must be provided
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