66 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Anyaman Pelepah Pisang di Desa Mojotengah, Keccamatan Kedu, Kabupaten Temanggung (Kasus pada PB. Bina Usaha)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi usaha anyaman pelepah pisang, faktor internal dan eksternal usaha anyaman pelepah pisang, alternatif strategi serta prioritas strategi yang diterapkan dalam mengembangkan usaha anyaman pelepah pisang di Desa Mojotengah, Kecamatan Kedu, Kabupaten Temanggung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Mojotengah, Kecamatan Kedu, Kabupaten Temanggung tepatnya pada PB. Bina Usaha. Data yang digunakan adalah primer dan sekunder. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah (1) Matriks IFE dan Matriks EFE, (2) Matriks IE, (3) Matriks SWOT, (4) Matriks QSP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengelolaan usaha anyaman pelepah pisang pada PB. Bina Usaha kurang optimal. Nilai matriks IE sebesar 2,414 pada total bobot IFE dan 2.979 pada total bobot EFE menunjukkan posisi usaha ini pada Sel V menjaga dan mempertahankan (hold and maintain). Matriks SWOT menghasilkan beberapa alternatif strategi yang nantinya akan ditentukan daya tariknya pada matriks QSP. Nilai TAS (Total Attractive Score) tertinggi pada matriks QSP sebesar 5,629 yaitu pada prioritas strategi Meningkatkan kapasitas produksi dan kualitas produk yang telah dibuat untuk menjaga kepercayaan konsume

    Normalization Student Information System Data Base on Amik Veteran Purwokerto

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    By analyzing the student information system needs and pay attention to the existingobstacles so the writer, together with leaders and staff of informatics and computermanagement colleges try for mutual pour ideas for later menginplementasikan a newinformation system that facilitates the management and staff in providing services,expedite service time and increase service quality in order to provide informationservices to students with the best. Normalizing the data base student informationsystem utilizing technological advances in the field of informatics computer, here aredescribed on the use of external storage and organizing files in the application so thatthe student information system, can be utilized optimally

    Model Pembaharuan Dan Peran Kepala Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (Smk)

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    One of way of increase quality of education at vocational middle education ladder in this case SMK is with renewal started at school level. Renewal key in this case is renewal speed in so many aspect in level of school. Head Of SMK must be able to create renewal swiftly according to industry world demand growing at full speed causing its (the school can yield graduate appropriate requirement stakeholder. This thing need to be done to pursue lag of progress in the field of industry which has exceeded education world. Writer intentionally adopts theory of relativity from Albert Einstein, that is: E = MC2 telling that every a period (objects) if it is made a change high speed, hence will yield a real large energy. In the formula speed becomes main key, that is velocity of light (3 x 108 per second) and the speed still be square so that speed required to become (9 x 1016 per second). The Concept in the actually theory can be implementation in education world to create renewal especially at SMK. Renewal at SMK needs a real speed height causing yields an actual model of which can be applied in solving vocational educational problems. Renewal model of SMK has characteristic as follows: speed in creating change and decision making together, accountability, transparency, innovation, creativity, vision and mission school, pays attention to requirement of member of school ( teacher, student, committee, and public around school), pays attention to requirement IT ( information technology), and relevancy with requirement stakeholder ( industrial world). Renewal model for expansion of SMK covers three main processes, that is a) ability of headmaster to create change and decision making with solve problem with speed which height based on by requirement stakeholder, b) The headmaster role in accountability, transparency, creation of innovation, and creativity, c) The renewal process of SMK must be adapted for religion values and Indonesian culture

    Inpatient Performance Assessment Based on Balanced Scorecard Perspective

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    The 3rd class of inpatient ward in Surya Medika Gresik Hospital had an ideal Bed Occupancy Rate. This rate also had been decreased since 2014. This study is aimed to assess the performance of the 3rd class of inpatient ward based on Balanced Scorecard. This is a descriptive observational study with cross sectional design. Respondents are Chief Inpatient, Head of the Division of Finance and Family Patients. The results of scoring showed that the are only two perspectives that show a positive performance. The learning and growth perspective has 0.9 which means good performance. The internal business process perspective has 1.6 that categorized as very poor performance. The customer focus perspective has 0.25 that categorized as poor performance. The last perspective, financial perspective, valued 0.05 which is good performance. This study suggest to employing cleaning service, making and socialization of Standard Operating Procedure, making the scheme service flow, improving discipline of doctor, holding service quality training, also increasing the intensity of monitoring and evaluation

    Analysis Of Assessment And Expectation Dental Polyclinic's Patients With Spider Web Method Based On Dabholkar Quality Dimension

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    There are many factors that determine health care service quality. One of them is the internal factor. This research was done to arrange recomendation increasingdental polyclinic utilization based on Dabholkar quality dimention.This was an observational study with cross sectional design of the 70 respondents who are representing dental polyclinic's patient in a month. Data were collected by questionnaires distributed to respondents to identify the respondent's assessment and expectation about physical aspects dimension, reliability dimension, personal interaction dimension, problem solving dimension, and policy dimension of dental polyclinic service quality. The conformity between assessment and expectation of respondentson service quality was analyzed based on Dabholkar quality dimension by using spider web. The results showed that most dimensions have been suitable about reliability dimension, personal interaction dimension and problem solving dimension. While the conformity of physical aspects dimension and policy dimension are not quite good. The conclusions showed that physical aspects dimension and policy dimension are the top priority, while reliability dimension, personal interaction dimension and problem solving dimensionneed repairement are still need to be maintained

    Analisis Web Site E-Government Instansi Pemerintah PROPINSI Jawa Tengah

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    In more and more countries across the world it is becoming required for government and other public service websites to be based on standards and follow accessibility guidelines. Unfortunately, many web agencies do not seem to be interested in building high-quality websites, using best practices, or making sure the sites they build are accessible to all. Web standards do not equal accessibility, but using web standards is an integral part of building an accessible website, and the validation results usually indicate if any effort at all has been spent on making a site accessible

    Web Portal Alumni (Studi Kasus di Upn ”Veteran” YOGYAKARTA)

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    Telah dapat dibangun suatu web portal alumni yang dapat digunakan oleh alumni suatu perguruan tinggi untuk dapat berkomunikasi antar alumni, mencari lowongan pekerjaan, dan dapat digunakan oleh perguruan tinggi untuk bisa melakukan penelurusan alumni. Studi kasus dalam pembuatan web portal alumni ini adalah di UPN ”Veteran” Yogyakarta. Sistem ini dibangun menggunakan PHP dan MySQL

    Foreign Language Anxiety and English Achivement of Eighth Grade Students of Mts Sulaiman Yasin Samarinda in the 2011/2012 Academic Year

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    Anxiety is considered having negative effects for most students in learning foreign language, especially English. It has attracted researchers\u27 attention to do the investigation on foreign language anxiety as a factor which inhibits students to learn the target language successfully. Concerning with this issue, this correlational research was emphasized on investigating the relationship between foreign language anxiety and students\u27 English achievement. Fifty-five eighth grade students of MTS Sulaiman Yasin Samarinda were asked to fill out 33 items of Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS). The Pearson Product Moment Correlation showed that anxiety had significant negative correlation with students\u27 English achievement (r = -.258, p<.01)


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    RINGKASAN Tujuan penelitian adalah pengembangan teknologi pengolahan limbah pertanian khususnya limbah tanaman biofarmaka dan limbah peternakan menjadi pupuk organik. Metode yang dipergunakan adalah Partipatori Rural Apprasial (PRA), dimana anggota kluster duduk bersama dengan para nara sumber dan mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang ada, kemudian mencari solusi sesuai dengan potensi yang dimiliki. “MOL” yang dihasilkan terdiri dari campuran limbah biofarmaka 45%; kotoran ayam 29,5%; kotoran sapi 10%; Biostarter 0,5%; Dolomit 5% dan arang sekam dari limbah peternakan broiler 10%. “MOL” tersebut mengandung N 1,34%; P2O5 0,36%; K2O 3,17%; C 5,04%; C/N 3,75 dan pH 8,47. Sementara pupuk cair terbuat dari kompisisi “mol”, urin sapi, limbah cair biogas, tetes, bonggol pisang, akar bambu, air kelapa dan air sumur mengandung N 0,24%; P2O5 0,06%; K2O 0,45%; C 0,94%; C/N 3,92 dan pH 5,21. Selanjutnya pupuk cair tersebut diaplikasikan untuk tanaman biofarmaka seperti laos, jahe, temu lawak, dan tanaman lainnya seperti pisang tanduk, jeruk pamelo, rambutan dan jagung dengan hasil yang memuaskan. Pada tanaman jagung yang diberi pupuk cair menghasilkan kadar pati yang relatif tinggi dibanding dengan yang diperlakukan dengan pupuk kimia, tetapi sebatas analitis organoptis. Kemanfaatan yang tinggi dari pupuk organik di rasa perlu untuk dikembangkan dan dikombinasikan dengan limbah peternakan sehingga tercipta sinergitas intragated farming system dimana tidak ada lagi limbah yang dihasilkan di industri peternakan. Kata kunci : pupuk hayati, pupuk cair, Partipatori Rural Apprasial, MOL, limbah biofarmak
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