262 research outputs found

    Design Of An Induction Probe For Simultaneous Measurements Of Permittivity And Resistivity

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    In this paper, we propose a discussion of the theoretical design and move towards the development and engineering of an induction probe for electrical spectroscopy which performs simultaneous and non invasive measurements on the electrical RESistivity \rho and dielectric PERmittivity \epsilon r of non-saturated terrestrial ground and concretes (RESPER probe). In order to design a RESPER which measures \rho and \epsilon r with inaccuracies below a prefixed limit (10%) in a band of low frequencies (LF) (B=100kHz), the probe should be connected to an appropriate analogical digital converter (ADC), which samples in uniform or in phase and quadrature (IQ) mode, otherwise to a lock-in amplifier. The paper develops only a suitable number of numerical simulations, using Mathcad, which provide the working frequencies, the electrode-electrode distance and the optimization of the height above ground minimizing the inaccuracies of the RESPER, in galvanic or capacitive contact with terrestrial soils or concretes, of low or high resistivity. As findings of simulations, we underline that the performances of a lock-in amplifier are preferable even when compared to an IQ sampling ADC with high resolution, under the same operating conditions. As consequences in the practical applications: if the probe is connected to a data acquisition system (DAS) as an uniform or an IQ sampler, then it could be commercialized for companies of building and road paving, being employable for analyzing "in situ" only concretes; otherwise, if the DAS is a lock-in amplifier, the marketing would be for companies of geophysical prospecting, involved to analyze "in situ" even terrestrial soils.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    The calculation of ionospheric absorption with modern computers

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    New outcomes are proposed for ionospheric absorption starting from the Appleton-Hartree formula, in its complete form. The range of applicability is discussed for the approximate formulae, which are usually employed in the calculation of non-deviative absorption coefficient. These results were achieved by performing a more refined approximation that is valid under quasi-longitudinal (QL) propagation conditions. The more refined QL approximation and the usually employed non-deviative absorption are compared with that derived from a complete formulation. Their expressions, nothing complicated, can usefully be implemented in a software program running on modern computers. Moreover, the importance of considering Booker’s rule is highlighted. A radio link of ground range D = 1000 km was also simulated using ray tracing for a sample daytime ionosphere. Finally, some estimations of the integrated absorption for the radio link considered are provided for different frequencies

    Real Time 3D Ionospheric Modelling with Ray Tracing Application over Mediterranean Area

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    This poster deals with some practical examples of instantaneous 3D modelling of regional ionosphere, based on ionosondes data from the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, INGV. Characteristic anchor points have been chosen for each ionospheric region. These points are joint by an adaptive ionospheric profiler derived from the one used in Autoscala. For the F2 region the anchor point is given by the real height hmF2 of the layer and its critical frequency foF2. These values are obtained basing on the observed heights (hmF2ROME[OBS] and hmF2GIBILMANNA[OBS]) and critical frequencies (foF2ROME[OBS] and foF2GIBILMANNA[OBS]) of the F2 layer, which are compared with the corresponding monthly median given by CCIR maps using Shimazaki’s formulation. The differences dhmF2ROME = hmF2ROME[OBS] - hmF2ROME[CCIR] dhmF2GIBILMANNA = hmF2 GIBILMANNA [OBS] - hmF2 GIBILMANNA [CCIR] are thus computed and used in Kriging method to update the values given by CCIR maps. For the F1 region the critical frequency is derived form a solar zenith angle dependent model adjusted to match the values of foF1 measured in Rome and Gibilmanna. For the E region the height is set to 110 km, while the critical frequency is estimated by a standard solar zenith angle and solar activity dependent model. The model produces as an output a 3D matrix which can be profitably used as an input for a Matlab/Fortran based ray tracing program recently developed at INGV

    Programma di ray-tracing nel magnetoplasma ionosferico

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    Il pacchetto applicativo “IONORT” per il calcolo del ray-tracing puĂČ essere utilizzato dagli utenti che impiegano il sistema operativo Windows. È un programma la cui interfaccia grafica con l’utente Ăš realizzata in MATLAB. In realtĂ , il programma lancia un eseguibile che integra il sistema d’equazioni differenziali scritto in linguaggio Fortran e ne importa l’output nel programma MATLAB, il quale genera i grafici e altre informazioni sul raggio. A completamento di questa premessa va detto che questo pacchetto, nella sua parte computazionale, Ăš figlio di un programma di Jones e Stephenson del 1975, dal titolo “A versatile three-dimensional ray-tracing computer program for radio waves in the ionosphere”, il quale a sua volta si rifaceva principalmente a un programma di ray-tracing di Dudziak (1961) e di altri ricercatori quali Croft and Gregory (1963), ecc.. Pertanto, come tutti i recenti programmi di ray- tracing, questo Ăš un programma fatto di programmi e non si puĂČ non menzionare qui la prima applicazione numerica di ray-tracing di Haeselgrove (1955). Attualmente questi programmi sono stati ottimizzati e adattati alle applicazioni dei radar oltre l’orizzonte - Over The Horizon, OTH – [Coleman, 1998][Nickish, 2008] sfruttando le potenzialitĂ  di potenti computer e periferiche per la presentazione e l’utilizzo real-time nel problema delle coordinate registration CR. In ultimo, si precisa che tutti i parametri di input, output e le modalitĂ  d’uso del pacchetto applicativo sviluppato saranno forniti nel manuale utente allegato al CD

    Scientific review on the ionospheric absorption and research prospects of a Complex Eikonal model for one-layer ionosphere

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    Thepresent paper conducts a scientific review on ionospheric absorption, extrapolating the research prospects of a complex eikonal model for one-layer ionosphere. As regards the scientific review, here a quasi-longitudinal (QL) approximation for nondeviative absorption is deduced which is more refined than the corresponding equation reported by Davies (1990). As regards the research prospects, a complex eikonal model for one-layer ionosphere is analyzed in depth here, already discussed by Settimi et al. (2013). A simple formula is deduced for a simplified problem. A flat, layered ionospheric medium is considered, without any horizontal gradient. The authors prove that the QL nondeviative amplitude absorption according to the complex eikonal model is more accurate than Rawer’s theory (1976) in the range of middle critical frequencies

    The IONORT-ISP-WC system: inclusion of an electron collision frequency model for the D-layer

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    The IONORT-ISP system (IONOspheric Ray-Tracing – IRI-SIRMUP-PROFILES) was recently developed and tested by comparing the measured oblique ionograms over the radio link between Rome (41.89ÂșN, 12.48ÂșE), Italy, and Chania (35.51ÂșN, 24.02ÂșE), Greece, with the IONORT-ISP simulated oblique ionograms (Settimi et al., 2013). The present paper describes an upgrade of the system to include: a) electron-neutral collision have been included by using a collision frequency model that consists of a double exponential profile; b) the ISP three dimensional (3-D) model of electron density profile grid has been extended down to the altitude of the D-layer; c) the resolution in latitude and longitude of the ISP 3-D model of electron density profile grid has been increased from 2°x2° to 1°x1°. Based on these updates, a new software tool called IONORT-ISP-WC (WC means with collisions) was developed, and a database of 33 IONORT-ISP-WC synthesized oblique ionograms calculated for single (1-hop paths) and multiple (3-hop paths) ionospheric reflections. The IONORT-ISP-WC simulated oblique ionograms were compared with the IONORT-IRI-WC synthesized oblique ionograms, generated by applying IONORT in conjunction with the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) 3-D electron density grid, and the observed oblique ionograms over the aforementioned radio link. The results obtained show that (1) during daytime, for the lower ionospheric layers, the traces of the synthesized ionograms are cut away at low frequencies because of HF absorption; (2) during night-time, for the higher ionospheric layers, the traces of the simulated ionograms at low frequencies are not cut off (very little HF absorption); (3) the IONORT-ISP-WC MUF values are more accurate than the IONORT-IRI-WC MUF values

    Automatic interpretation of oblique ionograms

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    We present an algorithm for the identification of trace characteristics of oblique ionograms allowing determination of the Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF) for communication between the transmitter and receiver. The algorithm automatically detects and rejects poor quality ionograms. We performed an exploratory test of the algorithm using data from a campaign of oblique soundings between Rome, Italy (41.90 N, 12.48 E) and Chania, Greece (35.51 N, 24.01 E) and also between Kalkarindji, Australia (17.43 S, 130.81 E) and Culgoora, Australia (30.30 S, 149.55 E). The success of these tests demonstrates the applicability of the method to ionograms recorded by different ionosondes in various helio and geophysical conditions

    Inaccuracy Assessment for Simultaneous Measurements of Resistivity and Permittivity applying Sensitivity and Transfer Function Approaches

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    This paper proposes a theoretical modelling of the simultaneous and non invasive measurement of electrical resistivity and dielectric permittivity, using a quadrupole probe on a subjacent medium. A mathematical-physical model is applied on propagation of errors in the measurement of resistivity and permittivity based on the sensitivity functions tool. The findings are also compared to the results of the classical method of analysis in the frequency domain, which is useful for determining the behaviour of zero and pole frequencies in the linear time invariant (LTI) circuit of the quadrupole. The paper underlines that average values of electrical resistivity and dielectric permittivity may be used to estimate the complex impedance over various terrains and concretes, especially when they are characterized by low levels of water saturation (content) and analyzed within a bandwidth ranging only from low (LF) to middle (MF) frequencies. In order to meet the design specifications which ensure satisfactory performances of the probe (inaccuracy no more than 10%), the forecasts provided by the sensitivity functions approach are less stringent than those foreseen by the transfer functions method (in terms of both a larger band of frequency f and a wider measurable range of resistivity or permittivity).Comment: 50 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables; Earth-prints, http://hdl.handle.net/2122/5180 (2009

    A method to test HF ray tracing algorithm in the ionosphere by means of the virtual time delay

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    It is well known that a 3D ray tracing algorithm furnishes the ray’s coordinates, the three components of the wave vector and the calculated group time delay of the wave along the path. The latter quantity can be compared with the measured group time delay to check the performance of the algorithm. Simulating a perfect reflector at an altitude equal to the virtual height of reflection, the virtual time delay is assumed as a real time delay. For a monotonic electronic density profile we find a very small relative difference between the calculated and the virtual delay for both analytic and numerical 3D electronic density models

    The COMPLEIK subroutine of the IONORT-ISP system for calculating the non-deviative absorption: A comparison with the ICEPAC formula

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    The present paper proposes to discuss the ionospheric absorption, assuming a quasi-flat layered ionospheric medium, with small horizontal gradients. A recent complex eikonal model [Settimi et al., 2013b] is applied, useful to calculate the absorption due to the ionospheric D-layer, which can be approximately characterized by a linearized analytical profile of complex refractive index, covering a short range of heights between h1= 50 km and h2= 90 km. Moreover, Settimi et al. [2013c] have already compared the complex eikonal model for the D-layer with the analytical Chapman’s profile of ionospheric electron density; the corresponding absorption coefficient is more accurate than Rawer’s theory [1976] in the range of middle critical frequencies. Finally, in this paper, the simple complex eikonal equations, in quasi-longitudinal (QL) approximation, for calculating the non-deviative absorption coefficient due to the propagation across the D-layer are encoded into a so called COMPLEIK (COMPLex EIKonal) subroutine of the IONORT (IONOspheric Ray-Tracing) program [Azzarone et al., 2012]. The IONORT program, which simulates the three-dimensional (3-D) ray-tracing for high frequencies (HF) waves in the ionosphere, runs on the assimilative ISP (IRI-SIRMUP-P) discrete model over the Mediterranean area [Pezzopane et al., 2011]. As main outcome of the paper, the simple COMPLEIK algorithm is compared to the more elaborate semi-empirical ICEPAC formula [Stewart, undated], which refers to various phenomenological parameters such as the critical frequency of E-layer. COMPLEIK is reliable just like the ICEPAC, with the advantage of being implemented more directly. Indeed, the complex eikonal model depends just on some parameters of the electron density profile, which are numerically calculable, such as the maximum height
