116 research outputs found

    Prison, recidivism, and alternative measures to detention in Italy over the past ten years

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    This article aims to analyse the reality in the Italian prison system over the last decade, with particular reference to the phenomena of overcrowding, recidivism, and the effectiveness of alternative measures to detention. The analysed statistical data show that implementation of such alternative measures to detention is completely effective in preventing convicted criminals from re-offending during the period of execution and is suitable for ensuring adequate social protection. Then, this article focused on examining a rehabilitation project aimed at prisoners conducted in non-prison detention centres. It has become apparent that there is a need to further promote the use of alternative measures to detention through the identification of good practices to progressively reduce the risk of these rights becoming "privileges" for a selected population


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    Questo libro nasce dall’incontro di Aurelio Diodato, criminologo-psichiatra di fama internazionale, con Guglielmo Buonavia, giovane letterato rompiscatole, sviluppandosi in una cornice storicogeografica molto suggestiva: San Benedetto Po (MN), cittadina gonzaghesca famosa per l’Abbazia detta del Polirone, fondata nel 1007, terra natia di Aurelio Diodato e di Enrico Ferri, caposcuola e maestro delle scienze criminologiche

    L'omicidio a Bologna nella seconda metĂ  del XX secolo. Scenari di vittimizzazione

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    The homicides seen from the victims’side, show interesting aspects of the world in which these social conflicts flare up. From the results of the diachronic analysis of the homicide victims in the province of Bologna between 1954 and 2003, carried out using official sources and institutional documents, some characteristics of these victims are evident. Subsequently, with reference to the last twenty years, we concentrated on the relationship with the author of the crime, on the scenes and the circumstances in which the crime was commited, with the aim of tracing profiles and to emphasize “risk” situations. Les homicides vues par les victimes mettent en évidence des aspects particulièrement intéressants des milieux où ces conflits sociaux se déchaînent. Par les résultats de l'analyse diachronique sur les victimes d'homicide entre 1954 et 2003 dans la province de Bologne, effectuée sur la base de sources officielles (fiches statistiques des médecins nécroscopes, rapports inauguraux des années judiciaires, données socio-démographiques) et de autres documents (faits divers parus dans les journaux), on attire l'attention sur quelques-unes des caractéristiques des victimes. Après quoi, pour ce qui concerne les vingt dernières années, on se concentre sur la relation avec l'auteur du crime, sur les cas de figure et sur les circonstances où le crime s'est déroulé, pour obtenir des aperçus et pour mettre en évidence des situations "à risque"

    Evolving Legal Landscape in the Field of Domestic Abuse in Italy

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    Italy's slow path of recognizing violence against women legally began long before the implementation of the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (11th May 2011). In fact, starting from years 1968-1969, with the repeal of those articles of the Criminal Code providing regulations for the crimes of adultery committed by the wife and of concubinage committed by the husband, numerous goals had been reached until 2019 when the law regarding “Protection of victims of domestic and gender-based violence” was promulgated. This law accelerated the procedures for the adoption of measures to protect victims, strengthen penalties for some crimes linked to domestic abuse (for crimes of “abuses against family members and others cohabitants” and of stalking), revised some aggravating circumstances and created new types of crimes (the ones of “violation of measures of estrangement from home and prohibition of approaching locations frequented by the offended party”, of “forced and induced marriage”, and of “the illegal circulation of sexually-explicit images or videos” – the so-called revenge porn). Regarding the interest of the legislator in the broad and multifaced phenomenon of domestic abuse, it is important to specify that Italy belongs to the group of the first countries which ratified the Istanbul Convention allowing, in this way, its entry into force on 1st August 2014. Therefore, legislative changes in Italy are particularly important since the law, apart from the desired deterrent effect, has also a communicative value, as to say that its purpose is to inform citizens about shared values in a specific social context. However, responses to domestic abuse cannot be and should not be a narrow approach exclusively inspired by repressive logics because sometimes, these could be interpreted as linked to emergency circumstances attributed to situations of exception. Unfortunately, we know that domestic abuse events are not exceptional situations, but they are ongoing phenomena which, although extremely serious, takes on the characteristics of ordinariness and the period of Covid-19 lockdowns, without a doubt clearly highlighted all its seriousness. Thus, in addition to the punishment, it is equally necessary to focus on the enforcement of the rules and as the Istanbul Convention states, on prevention, protection of victims and integrated public policies. Therefore, the aim of this article is to show what Italy can still accomplish in this field, especially in the light of the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights of 27th May 2021 (Court’s case-law 251: J.L. v. Italy – allegations of gang rape and acquittal of the presumed assaillants). This sentence determined that it is essential that “Italian authorities should avoid repeat sexist stereotypes in the area of judicial decisions, minimize gender-based violence and expose women to secondary victimization using blaming and moralizing assertions aiming at discouraging victims’ trust in justice”

    Trattamento delle tossicodipendenze presso il Tribunale del Québec a Montréal

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    L’articolo rappresenta la conclusione dell’esperienza di studio e di ricerca effettuata, nell’estate del 2017, presso l’Institut Universitaire sur les Dépendances di Montréal (Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux CIUSS du Centre-Sud-de l’île-de-Montréal). In particolare, il lavoro empirico si è concentrato sull’analisi delle caratteristiche, degli obiettivi e dell’andamento del PTTCQ (Programme de Traitement de la Toxicomanie de la Cour du Québec à Montréal). A tal fine, sono state effettuate undici interviste semi-strutturate rivolte a testimoni significativi (ricercatori, operatori sociali, giudici e avvocati) impiegati nell’ambito di tale programma. La ricerca ha permesso altresì di metterne in evidenza i punti di forza, le criticità e le prospettive future. Résumé L’article est le résultat de l’expérience acquise dans le cadre d’une rechercherecherché réalisée pendant l’été 2017, à l’Institut Universitaire sur les Dépendances - Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux CIUSS du Centre-Sud-de l’île-de-Montréal. La recherche sur le terrain a été centrée sur l’analyse des caractéristiques, des objectifs et des performances du PTTCQ (Programme de Traitement de la Toxicomanie de la Cour du Québec à Montréal). À cette fin, l’auteur a conduit onze entretiens semi-directifs avec des intervenants (chercheurs, travailleurs sociaux, juges, avocats) qui travaillaient dans le cadre de ce programme. La recherche a également mis en évidence les avantages, les inconvénients et les perspectives d’avenir pour ce programme. Abstract This article is the result of the experience gained through the research conducted, during summer 2017, at the University Institute of Drug Addiction in Montreal (Institut Universitaire sur les Dépendances - Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux CIUSS du Centre-Sud-de l’île-de-Montréal). In particular, the empirical research focused on the analysis of the characteristics, objectives and performance of the PTTCQ (Programme de Traitement de la Toxicomanie de la Cour du Québec à Montréal - Drug Addiction Treatment Program at the Court of Quebec in Montreal). To this end, the author conducted eleven semi-structured interviews with stakeholders (researchers, social workers, judges, lawyers) working in this program. The research also highlighted the strengths, critical points and future prospects of this program

    La recidiva in Italia: riflessioni per il monitoraggio del fenomeno

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    L’articolo si pone l’obiettivo di analizzare alcuni aspetti del fenomeno della recidiva in Italia, partendo da dati provenienti da fonti statistiche ufficiali e, successivamente, basandosi sulle risultanze di alcune ricerche empiriche. Viene messo così in evidenza che condizioni dignitose di vita, responsabilizzazione e operosità sembrano fattori efficaci per attivare un adeguato reinserimento sociale, ma ulteriori studi di follow-up sarebbero necessari per verificare empiricamente questa ipotesi. In tale direzione si è orientata la ricerca europea “Reducing Prison Population: advanced tools of justice in Europe” che ha il merito di aver sistematizzato i pregi e i difetti dell’utilizzo delle misure alternative alla detenzione con l’obiettivo di promuoverne maggiormente la diffusione. L’article a pour but d’analyser certains aspects du phénomène de la récidive en Italie, tout d’abord sur la base de données statistiques officielles et, par la suite, grâce aux résultats de quelques recherches empiriques. Il est ainsi mis en évidence que des conditions de vie dignes, la responsabilisation et le dynamisme semblent des facteurs efficaces pour soutenir adéquatement la réinsertion sociale. Toutefois, il serait indispensable de mener d’autres études de suivi pour vérifier empiriquement cette hypothèse. La recherche européenne “Reducing Prison Population: advanced tools of justice in Europe” a été conduite dans cette direction et a le mérite d’avoir permis de systématiser non seulement les points forts des mesures alternatives à l’incarcération, mais également leurs faiblesses, ayant l’objectif d’assurer leur diffusion. The aim of this article is to analyse some aspects of recidivism in Italy, starting by official statistical data and continue with examining the results of some empirical researches. It is stressed that decent living conditions, even if restricted, responsabilisation and industriousness appear to be effective elements able to facilitate an adequate social reinsertion. Nevertheless, more follow-up studies would be needed to better verify this hypothesis. Keeping in mind the above mentioned a European research “Reducing Prison Population: advanced tools of justice in Europe” has been conducted. Its merit is to have systematised the strengths and the weaknesses of alternatives to imprisonment with the aim of promoting their wider use

    Fight Against Recidivism in Italy: A Case-Study Analysis

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    Reducing the rate of recidivism and promoting social and community (re)integration trajectories means supporting offenders to allow them to regain their place in society. It is through social reintegration programs, both inside and outside prisons, that the State, via the prison administration, tries to translate the dictates of article 27 of the Italian Constitution into pratictal terms, that is: “Punishment cannot consist in inhuman treatment and must aim at the rehabilitation of the convicted person”

    Efficacy and tolerability of pregabalin as preventive treatment for migraine: a 3-month follow-up study

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    Migraine is a common neurological disorder and epidemiological studies have documented its high social and economic impact. Unfortunately, preventive treatment is often insufficient to substantially reduce migraine frequency or it is not well tolerated. Antiepileptic drugs are increasingly used in migraine prevention. However, data on efficacy and tolerability of pregabalin in patients with migraine are still lacking. Our aim was to evaluate efficacy and tolerability of pregabalin in patients with migraine. We recruited 47 patients who started pregabalin at 75 mg/day, which was titrated to 300 mg/day as tolerated. A total of six patients (13%) reported one or more side effects during the intake of pregabalin; however, three of them discontinued pregabalin, because side effects were intolerable and persistent. Statistically significant reduction in migraine frequency compared to baseline (p < 0.001) was evident after 1 and 3 months of treatment. A greater frequency reduction was observed in those patients who increased the dosage within the first month of therapy. Our data suggest that pregabalin may be well tolerated and may represent an alternative preventive treatment in migraneurs. Limitations of the present study were a small sample size and an uncontrolled, open-label design; further randomized case–control studies are warranted to confirm our findings
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