197 research outputs found

    Pengisian Data Hujan yang Hilang dengan Metode Arima

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    Hujan merupakan kejadian alam yang umum terjadi diwilayah Indonesia, terutama pada saat musim penghujan. Kelengkapan data hujan merupakan salah satu bagian terpenting dalam kaitannya perencanaan manajemen keairan, menajemen sumber daya air, maupun perencanaan pembangunan, terlebih lagi untuk perencanaan bangunan air. Namun tidak jarang terjadi ketidaklengkapan data pada periode perekaman pada stasiun hujan yang ada di suatu wilayah. Maka dari itu, model hidologi untuk mengisi data hujan yang hilang diperlukan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Dengkeng yang terletak di Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah. Proses simulasi model diawali dengan mengeliminasi data dengan metode sampling, kemudian melakukan perhitungan dengan model untuk mendapatkan data hujan kembali dengan metode ARIMA (Autoregresive Integrated Moving Average) dan metode Reciprocal. Parameter untuk menilai model adalah dengan melihat Q80 hasil perhitungan berbagai jenis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan korelasi data hujan observasi dengan data hujan simulasi metode Rerata menunjukkan nilai yang tertinggi pada kedua stasiun, yaitu sebesar 0,79 dan 0,94. Berdasarkan perhitungan Q80 diketahui bahwa metode Reciprocal merupakan metode yang paling sesuai untuk mengisi data hujan. Karena, hasil perhitungan Q80 dengan data simulasi Reciprocal mendekati hasil perhitungan Q80 dengan data observasi

    Building Credit-Risk Evaluation Expert Systems Using Neural Network Rule Extraction and Decision Tables.

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    In this paper, we evaluate and contrast four neural network rule extraction approaches for credit scoring. Experiments are carried out on three real life credit scoring data sets. Both the continuous and the discretised versions of all data sets are analysed. The rule extraction algorithms, Neurolinear, Neurorule, Trepan and Nefclass, have different characteristics with respect to their perception of the neural network and their way of representing the generated rules or knowledge. It is shown that Neurolinear, Neurorule and Trepan are able to extract very concise rule sets or trees with a high predictive accuracy when compared to classical decision tree (rule) induction algorithms like C4.5(rules). Especially Neurorule extracted easy to understand and powerful propositional ifthen rules for all discretised data sets. Hence, the Neurorule algorithm may offer a viable alternative for rule generation and knowledge discovery in the domain of credit scoring.Credit; Information systems; International; Systems;

    Morfologi dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Lada Hasil Persilangan

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    Lada (Piper nigrum L.) merupakan tanaman memanjat bersifat dimorfik, mempunyai dua macam sulur, yaitu sulur panjat yang bersifat ototrop dan sulur buah yang bersifat plagiotrop. Untuk keperluan perbanyakan tanaman digunakan setek. Penggunaan setek satu ruas telah banyak berkembang karena menghemat penggunaan bahan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kecepatan tumbuh dan keragaan morfologi bibit yang berasal dari setek satu ruas dari nomor-nomor tanaman hasil persilangan. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah atap Balittro. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan dan keragaman morfologi bibit lada tanaman hasil persilangan beragam. Keragaman bukan hanya terjadi antarnomor persilangan dengan tetua yang berbeda, namun terjadi pula antarnomor persilangan dengan tetua yang sama. Kecepatan tumbuh dan jumlah ruas terbaik adalah nomor persilangan LH N2xBk(1), LH4.-5-5, dan LH4-5L. Nomor persilangan dengan tetua yang sama cenderung memiliki laju pertumbuhan yang sama pula

    Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Jasa Terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Melalui Kepuasan Konsumen Di Depot Rawon Malang Mm Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat beli ulang konsumen di Depot Rawon Malang MM. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisa Partial Least Square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen Depot Rawon Malang MM adalah harga , lokasi, orang, dan proses. Variabel proses memiliki pengaruh paling besar terhadap kepuasan konsumen sedangkan kualitas produk tidak memiliki pengaruh. Juga kepuasan konsumen memiliki pengaruh terhadap minat beli ulang

    SOAP: Efficient Feature Selection of Numeric Attributes

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    The attribute selection techniques for supervised learning, used in the preprocessing phase to emphasize the most relevant attributes, allow making models of classification simpler and easy to understand. Depending on the method to apply: starting point, search organization, evaluation strategy, and the stopping criterion, there is an added cost to the classification algorithm that we are going to use, that normally will be compensated, in greater or smaller extent, by the attribute reduction in the classification model. The algorithm (SOAP: Selection of Attributes by Projection) has some interesting characteristics: lower computational cost (O(mn log n) m attributes and n examples in the data set) with respect to other typical algorithms due to the absence of distance and statistical calculations; with no need for transformation. The performance of SOAP is analysed in two ways: percentage of reduction and classification. SOAP has been compared to CFS [6] and ReliefF [11]. The results are generated by C4.5 and 1NN before and after the application of the algorithms

    Geomorphological regionalisation of Croatia

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    Na temelju morfostrukturnih, morfogenetskih, orografskih i litoloških datosti izvršena je regionalizacija reljefa Hrvatske. Kao dopunski čimbenik uzeta je u obzir hidrografska mreža. Načelno svaka regionalna geomorfološka cjelina izdvojena je na principu homogenosti parcijalnih datosti, odnosno njihove sličnosti. Pri izdvajanju pojedinih regija vrednovani su morfo-litogeni čimbenici pojedinačno ali i intergralno. U određenim slučajevima korišten je i kriterij prostornih veza. Klasifikacija i hijerarhizacija regionalnih taskonomskih jedinica provedena je na temelju najuspješnijih do sada razrađenih i primijenjenih kriterija diferencijacija reljefa u svijetu.The relief regionalisation of Croatia is based on morphostructural, morphogenetic, orographic and lithologic conditions. Hydrographic network was taken into account as an additional factor. Basically, every regional geomorphological entity was singled out according to the principle of homogeneity of particular conditions, i. e. their mutual similarity. While singling out particular regions, morpho-lithogenic factors were evaluated individually, as well as integrally. The criterion of spatial connections was also used in certain cases. The classification and hierarchy of the regional taxonomic units was carried out on the basis of most successful investigations and applied criteria related to relief differentiation performed worldwide so far

    The Paradox of Relational Well-Being : A Comparative Study of South-East and East Asian Countries

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    MEXT-Supported Program for the Strategic Research Foundation at Private Universities (2014-2018)Forming a Social Well-being Research Consortium in AsiaThis study analyzes the relational dimension of social well-being using three indicators: perception, interaction, and participation. The data of seven countries, namely the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, are comparatively analyzed focusing on the three indicators. The relational dimension of social well-being is related positively to the quality of life. The tendency shown by the comparative data indicates that the higher the economic wealth, the lower the relational well-being. This tendency is apparent from the difference in regional patterns among East Asian countries (Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan) and South-East Asian countries (Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia). It is this relation between economic wealth and relational well-being that is defined in this study as the paradox of relational well-being. The data set shows that South-East Asian countries have higher levels of relational well-being than East Asian countries whose economic wealth is relatively higher. At the community level, there is a higher quantity and quality of social relations in South-East Asian countries. The same pattern is also true for each of the three indicators: perception, interaction, and participation