24 research outputs found

    Perubahan Iklim Kala Pliosen – Plistosen Daerah Bumiayu Ditinjau Dari Bukti Palinologi

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    The objective of the research was describing Pliocene-Pleistocene climatic changes in Bumiayu area based on palynology evidence. The applied method in this research was survey. For sediment sampling used surface sampling method. There are two phases in this research which are field and laboratory research. Thirty six analyzed samples took from Kalibiuk and Kaliglagah Formation in Cisaat river, Bumiayu. The relative age in Bumiayu area on Kalibiuk and Kaliglagah Formation is Late Pliocene-Pleistocene mark on last appearance Stenochlaenidites Papuanus and followed by eight times climatic changes, which caused the changes of the flora and vegetation

    Paleodiversitas Miosen Tengah Berdasarkan Data Palinologi Pada Formasi Cimandiri Lintasan Sungai Cijarian Sukabumi

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    Bukti secara palinologi pada waktu lampau telah mencirikan keanekaragaman pada tumbuhan. Studi ini terdiri dari dua tahapan, yaitu pengambilan sampel lapangan dan observasi di laboratorium. Total 13 sampel dari Formasi Cimandiri Sukabumi sudah teridentifikasi memiliki kandungan fosil. Lima puluh tiga polynomorph sudah terindentifikasi, terdiri dari satu tipe taxon marine polynomorph dan 52 taxa polynomorph. Dari jumlah 52 tersebut, 38 buah berjenis arboreal pollen, 5 buah adalah non-arboreal pollen dan 11 adalah Pteridophyes. Umur geologi dari Formasi Cimandiri adalah Pertengahan Miocene terindikasi adanya Florshuetzia trilobata, F. Levipoli, dan F. Meridionalis. Berdasarkan analisis palynomorph, dapat disimpulkan tingginya keanekaragaman tumbuhan pada Pertengahan Miocene yang ada di Formasi Cimandiri. Komposisi palynomorph pada masing-masing endapan menunjukan kemiripan yang tinggi

    Perubahan Iklim Kala Pliosen – Plistosen Daerah Bumiayu Ditinjau Dari Bukti Palinologi

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    The objective of the research was describing Pliocene-Pleistocene climatic changes in Bumiayu area based on palynology evidence. The applied method in this research was survey. For sediment sampling used surface sampling method. There are two phases in this research which are field and laboratory research. Thirty six analyzed samples took from Kalibiuk and Kaliglagah Formation in Cisaat river, Bumiayu. The relative age in Bumiayu area on Kalibiuk and Kaliglagah Formation is Late Pliocene-Pleistocene mark on last appearance Stenochlaenidites papuanus and followed by eight times climatic changes, which caused the changes of the flora and vegetation

    Potensi Bencana Geologi Pada Penambangan Emas Dan Lempung Di Desa Cihonje Kecamatan Gumelar Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Desa Cihonje di Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas, memiliki sumber daya mineral seperti emas dan tanah liat kaolin. Kedua mineral ini telah dilakukaneksploitasi oleh masyarakat setempat. Pemanfaatan sumber daya ini telah memberikan kemakmuran bagi warga setempat. Namun, upaya pertambangan tidak dalam kondisi baik dan masih belum berlisensi. Penggalian emas dan tanah liat di sekitar area Perumahan telah membawa dampak yang sangat mengkhawatirkan terhadap keselamatan para penambang dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini pada potensi bencana yang mungkin menjadi ancaman bagi masyarakat setempat dilakukan dengan pengamatan langsung. observasi lapangan ini dilakukan dengan memetakan lokasi operasi pertambangan, Perubahan lingkungan dilakukan deskripsi, mengambil gambar dan wawancara dengan penduduk dan para penambang. pertambangan emas primer mengambil urat mineral dengan membuat sumur vertikal dan horizontal. sumur ini sangat dalam dan mencapai puluhan meter. Hal ini telah mengancam keselamatan para penambang, mengganggu penggunaan lahan sebagai daerah pertanian, yang mempengaruhi ketersediaan sumber air tanah, menyebabkan tanah longsor dan mencemari sumber air sungai. pertambangan emas sekunder pada deposito aluvial di tepi sungai telah menyebabkan kerusakan lahan pertanian, erosi sungai dan pencemaran air. Pertambangan tanah liat telah menyebabkan Perubahan dalam pengaturan lingkungan dan potensi longsor

    Kontrol Struktur Pada Longsor Di Daerah Sampang-Karangkobar Kabupaten Banjarnegara Jawa Tengah

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    Bencana longsor merupakan ancaman bagi masyarakat di daerah pegunungan di seluruh Indonesia. Bencana ini terjadi karena berbagai faktor penyebab. Masalah yang di kaji dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kelurusan struktur, morfologi dan batuan daerah longsor Sampang-Karangkobar. Kompleksitas struktur terterntu, morfologi yang terjal dan litologi tertentu dapat menjadi pemicu bagi fenomena longsor. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan pengamatan lapangan dan analisis kelurusan peta. Pengamatan morfologi dan kelerengan topografi dilakukan di peta dan di lapangan. Daerah Sampang-Karangkobar tersusun atas batulempung dengan sisipan pasir karbonatan sebagai batuan yang tertua dan juga tersusun atas breksi sebagai batuan yang lebih muda. Batulempung merupakan batuan yang mudah tererosi. Pengikisan batulempung tua di bagian bawah menyebabkan labilnya masa breksi diatasnya. Daerah penelitian merupakan zona pertemuan kelurusan struktur geologi yang mengenai batulempung dan breksi yang memiliki morfologi terjal

    Studi Pendahuluan Perubahan Garis Pantai Selama Zaman Kuarter di Daerah Kroya sampai Binangun Kabupaten Cilacap-Jawa Tengah

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    Cilacap coast line is a part of southern coast of Java at Cilacap Regency, Central Java. Topographic and satellite image observation shown some ancient coast lines behind the modern coast lines. How many of the coast lines which have formed before the modern coast lines is the question to be answered. This research is the preliminary effort to determine the direction of coast line development and the amount of coast lines which have formed before the modern ones. This preliminary research of the ancient coast lines is done by two stages of work that are studio and field work. Studio work was done by observation and interpretation of topographic map, land use map, Google Earth image and SRTM image. At this stage of work was made an ancient coast lineaments map and geomorphic profiles of the research area. To the results of the interpretation which have been done then taken a field work verification by ground check. Interpretation to the coast lines of the research area has resulted 24 coast lines. Ancient coast lines lineament of the research area is in line with the modern ones which have east-west lineament and prograde from the north to southward


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    Lawa Cave in Purbalingga Regency is a special type of cave as it formed not at calcareous rocks like at the usual cave. It is formed by lava flow processes. So, it is made of an igneous rock and it has an andesit basaltic rock type. Lawa Cave formed due to lava flow of the volcanic eruption of the Old Slamet Volcano. The rocks composition of Lawa Cave consists of primary minerals that are plagioclase and volcanic glass and some secondary mineral like calcite and ferri oxide which is fill the previous gas pores. Generally, rock fractures in Lawa Cave is formed as primary joint when the lava flow was cooling down, tectonic joints is found very limited. Lawa Cave’s direction is controlled by the flow direction of the melting lava. It’s direction indicate the paleomorphology of the volcano

    Dinamika Vegetasi Mangrove Holosen Daerah Semarang Berdasarkan bukti Palinologi

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    Palynological evidences (pollen and spores) have been used to study mangrove diversity and vegetation fluctuation at coastal  zone sites at Muktiharja, Kemijen Semarang , province of Central Java. Data was collected in April 2nd to April 17th 2006 following transect method, for sediments sampling used surface subsurface sampling method (depth in 25cm). Pollen preparation used Acetolysis method. The result showed that mangrove forest in the coastal zone of Muktiharja, Kemijen Semarang was dominated by Rhizophoarceae pollen type (included Rhizophora genus : Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora stylosa dan Rhizophora apiculata). Vegetation of mangrove forrest in this bay was fluctuated which terrestrial climate was influenced in this mangrove forrest

    Metode Bioprediksi Perubahan Iklim Menggunakan Fosil Polen Dan Sporapada Kala Pliosen Di Daerah Banyumas

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    Pollen and spore fossil of Pliocene sedimentary (Tapak Formation) have been used as a guidance for prediction (bioprediction) of climate change which happened at Pliocene age in Banyumas. Geomorphological and vegetation changes happenin conformity with climate changes. By knowing pollen and shpore fossils, we can know thetype of vegetation whichproduce it. Then pollen and shprore fossils which found widelyon the sedimentary rock is an exact way for tracing of climate change which had happened. The aimof this research is to explore bioprediction method base on polen andsphore data, to know morphological change which happened because of climate change on Plioceneage in Banyumas.This research consist of field and labolatory work. Field work is for taking rock sample andmaking stratigraphic collumn. Labolatory work consist of making plate from the samples using asetolisis methode, identification and clasification of fosils and palynology analisis.The result of the research show that the research areacan be included on the zone ofPodocarpus imbricatusfrom Late Pliocene Age which is shown by presence ofPodocarpus imbricatusandStenochlaenidites Papuanus.There has 3 events of climate change that are hot-cold-hot which corelate withtransgresion (relative sea level rise) andregresion (relative sea level drop

    Dinamika Vegetasi Mangrove Holosen Daerah Semarang Berdasarkan Bukti Palinologi

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    Palynological evidences (pollen and spores) have been used to study mangrove diversity and vegetation fluctuation at coastal zone sites at Muktiharja, Kemijen Semarang , province of Central Java. Data was collected in April 2nd to April 17th 2006 following transect method, for sediments sampling used surface subsurface sampling method (depth in 25cm). Pollen preparation used Acetolysis method. The result showed that mangrove forest in the coastal zone of Muktiharja, Kemijen Semarang was dominated by Rhizophoarceae pollen type (included Rhizophora genus : Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora stylosa dan Rhizophora apiculata). Vegetation of mangrove forrest in this bay was fluctuated which terrestrial climate was influenced in this mangrove forrest