26 research outputs found

    Selecting Postharvest Technology Method for Citrus Fruit using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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    Ehime Prefecture is one of the main citrus fruit producing regions in Japan. As many as\ud 20 major citrus varieties are cultivated in Ehime annually.\ud The harvest of citrus fruit in a\ud large scale has brought the consequences in the postharvest deterioration. It could be\ud caused by many factors, including metabolic changes, (biochemical changes associated\ud with respiratory metabolism, ethylene biosynthesis and action, and compositional\ud changes), growth and development (anatomical and morphological changes), physical\ud injuries, water loss, physiological disorders, and pathological To reduce these losses, it is \ud suggested to apply proper handling methods or postharvest technologies that delay\ud senescence and maintain the best possible quality. There are some handling methods or\ud postharvest technologies that can be used to maintain the quality of citrus fruit, such as:\ud modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), controlled atmosphere storage (CAS), coatings,\ud hot water treatment, and etc. In this paper, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to\ud select the best postharvest method for preserving citrus fruit in Ehime. The ability of the\ud AHP to provide selection of the postharvest technology with process flexibility like\ud criteria selection, technology selection and criteria weightages allows its use by students,\ud researchers, entrepreneurs, technology facilitators, policy makers, et

    Consumers’ Choice for Vegetable Market Channels in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to explore consumers’ choice for vegetable market channels and to determine the factors which affect their choices. A survey involving 887 respondents was carried out in Jabodetabek area. This study found that the traditional retail formats (e.g., wet market, peddler, and kiosks aka warungs) were the favorable place for vegetable purchasing. The results of the multinomial logit model analysis suggests that consumers’ retail format choice is determined by domicile, education level, income level, employment status of women, and purchase frequency. Moreover, other factors that influenced consumer choice is price, quality of product, safety concern, store attributes, easiness & availability, and brand & traceability information. Keywords: Consumers’ choice, vegetable market channels, multinomial logit analysis, factor analysis, Jabodetabek

    Optimalisasi Persediaan Bahan Baku Kemas dengan Metode Program Dinamis Algoritma Wagner Within

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    Inventory is a very important role for a company especially manufacturing industry. Good inventory control is needed to manage inventory to be effective and efficient. This research held at PT XYZ because there are some problems such as overload warehouse and overstock inventory. The purpose of this research is to analyze packaging material inventory to get the optimal inventory with warehouse capacity constraint. Primary data were obtained through observation at Pulogadung warehouse, interview with related divisions, and secondary data were obtained from company documents. Data were analyzed by Material Requirement Planning with Wagner Within Algorithm Dynamic Program Method. The result of this research show that Wagner Within Algorithm dynamic program can decrease the expand of the company beside the exist method the company used. Some implementation impacts of silver meal dynamic program are the availability of materials when they needed and warehouse is not overloaded


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    Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises' (SMEs) development will strengthen domestic economic structure due to the workforce absorption and increase people's purchasing power, the level of demand, and investment growth. Although it has a very strategic role, developing SMEs is not simple. As time goes by, the trend of SMEs selling products online is increasing. Competition is getting tougher, and product innovation is increasingly diverse. Thus, to improve overall performance, SME players must compete to implement strategies. This research aimed to analyze the effect of supply chain management practices on competitive advantage and firm performance, communication, and information technology on supply chain management practices and competitive advantage, and competitive advantage on fir performance. The questionnaires were distributed online to processed food SMEs in Jakarta, using a simple random sampling technique. The samples collected were 244 respondents, and it was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that supply chain management practices had a positive effect on competitive advantage. Communication and information technology had a positive effect on supply chain management practices and competitive advantage, and competitive advantage had a positive effect on firm performance. Keywords: competitive advantage, firm performance, ICT, Structural Equation Modeling, supply chain management practice

    Analisis Pemilihan Pemasok Kelapa Sawit yang Berkelanjutan dengan Menggunakan Metode PROMETHEE (Studi Kasus pada PT Perkebunan Nusantara III)

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    Suppliers are one of the business partners who play an important role in ensuring the availability of raw materials needed in production activities in a company. Companies in meeting the needs of raw materials in production activities of course conduct a selection of suppliers who can meet the supply of quality raw materials and on time in the delivery of goods. The purpose of this study is to develop a method of assessing the performance of palm oil suppliers that does not only look at economic criteria but also pays attention to sustainability factors, namely economic, social and environmental criteria in choosing the best supplier. The supplier performance assessment method aims to obtain the priority of the selected supplier by using the Multi Criteria Decision Making-PROMETHEE method. Assessment of supplier selection is carried out by filling out a questionnaire by two expert respondents, namely the Chief Engineer and Quality Assurance Assistant. This case study of sustainable supplier performance assessment was conducted in one of the state-owned companies engaged in plantation commodities, namely PT Perkebunan Nusantara III. Based on the type of decision-making using the PROMETHEE method, the suppliers selected and meeting the supplier performance assessment with sustainability criteria were UD. Satya Radja and UD. Meji Jaya suppliers with the highest Net Flow value of 0,1250

    Strategi Optimasi Jaringan Distribusi Sampah Organik di Tangerang Selatan

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    South Tangerang City is the youngest city that officially separated from the Tangerang Regency in 2008. Area of South Tangerang City 147,19 km2 or 1,63 percent from the area of Banten Province with the widest area of Pondok Aren subdistrict with an area of 2.988 hectares. While administratively, South Tangerang City has 7 sub-districts namely Pamulang, Setu, Ciputat, East Ciputat, Serpong, North Serpong and Pondok Aren, and has 54 villages. Optimizing the distribution network of organic waste supply chain can be formulated in Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) model. Variants of VRP include Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) can be used as a model in optimizing the waste transport route and the determination of the fastest route for the transport process of organic waste in all intermediate transfer points spread in South Tangerang city. The results of this research formulate some models of optimization organic waste transport routes in each sub-district in South Tangerang city. As in Setu district there is one optimum route, Serpong district there are 7 optimum route, Pamulang district have 6 optimum route, Ciputat district have 3 optimum route, East Ciputat District have 1 optimum route, Pondok Aren district have 4 optimum route, North Serpong there are 2 optimum routes

    Peran Gaya Kepemimpinan, Budaya Organisasi, Perubahan Organisasi, terhadap Kinerja Sumber Daya Manusia (Studi Kasus pada Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia)

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    Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) merupakan lembaga pemerintah non-kementerian yang berfungsi dalam mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran gaya kepemimpinan, budaya organisasi dan perubahan organisasi terhadap kinerja sumber daya manusia (SDM). Sample dalam penelitian ini adalah SDM di lingkungan LIPI dimana penentuan samplenya menggunakan purposive sampling method. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 356 orang responden. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan IBM SEM Amos. Peubah eksogen dalam penelitian ini adalah gaya kepemimpinan, budaya organisasi dan perubahan organisasi. Sedangkan peubah endogennya adalah perubahan organisasi dan kinerja SDM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budaya organisasi berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap kinerja SDM. Gaya kepemimpinan dan perubahan organisasi tidak mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan dan positif terhadap kinerja SDM. Gaya kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi memengaruhi secara signifikan dan positif terhadap perubahan organisasi. &nbsp

    Tingkat Recovery dan Resiliensi UMKM Kuliner Kota Pekalongan Pascapandemi Covid-19

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    Due to the significant impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, culinary MSMEs must be able to survive and continue their business. This study aims to analyze the condition of culinary SMEs in Pekalongan and the indicators that play the most role in shaping the recovery and resilience of culinary SMEs in Pekalongan. This study used a non-probability sampling method involving 103 respondents from Pekalongan Culinary actors with several parameters distributed through online questionnaires and in-person interviews. The data was processed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using SPSS 20. The results of this study are that culinary SMEs in Pekalongan City have not recovered in terms of profit and sales. Furthermore, based on the PCA results, the indicators that play the most role in shaping the level of recovery and resilience of Pekalongan Culinary MSMEs are divided into eight main components, namely planning, preparedness, and financial support (PC1), technology utilization (PC2), ability to change (PC3), management support and communication (PC4), business environment (PC5), business orientation (PC6), business responsiveness (PC7), and creativity and innovation (PC8). Therefore, culinary MSMEs in Pekalongan can increase their business inputs by optimizing the eight main components that make up the level of recovery and resilience of Pekalongan culinary MSMEs. Keywords: Covid-19 post-pandemic, descriptive analysis, PCA, recovery level, resilience leve

    The Effect of Online Shop Owner Satisfaction on Logistic Services (Comparative Study of JNE and J&T Express)

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    Business transactions are important with the increasing of online shop in Indonesia. Every year online shops in Indonesia are increasing in accordance with the existing of technology. The impact of logistic companies as online shop partner is always improving their services to facilitate business transactions. This study aims to compare logistic services between JNE and J&T Express companies based on online shop satisfaction. The satisfaction of some online shops as both customers and working partners with the logistics companies will be important for both companies. The methods used are Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and T-test with a sample of 150 owners. Purposive sampling is used as the sampling technique and data is collected by distributing questionnaires through online shop media social. From the fifteen attributes, important services according to online shop are responsiveness to damaged goods and lost goods, guarantees for damaged goods and lost goods, the company’s mode of communication to its customers, the company’s consistency in maintaining goods properly and consistency of delivery time to the consumer. The results of the study show that JNE and J&T Express have a significant difference, namely the superiority of JNE in maintaining goods properly inappropriate with the price their given. Meanwhile , the JNE and J & T Express have a significant inconsistency of delivery time. Keywords: importance performance analysis (ipa), customer satisfaction, logistic sevices perfomance, JNE, online sho

    Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Minat Mahasiswa Mengikuti Program Sinergi (S1-S2) Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB

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    This study aims to analyze the interest of undergraduate students in the Synergy Program of the Graduate School of IPB (SPs IPB) based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). This study uses a sampling technique with a non-probability sampling method involving 389 active undergraduate student respondents with several parameters distributed through an online questionnaire. The data was then processed by analysis of the Structural Equation Modeling- Partial Square Least (SEM-PLS) using Smart PLS version 3 with reflective indicator measurements. The results of the research based on the TPB theory showed that all the variables in the TPB, namely the attitude variable, subjective norm and perception of control had a significant effect on increasing respondents' interest in participating in the SPs IPB synergy program. Furthermore, the results of the SEM-PLS analysis show that of the three TPB variables, the subjective norm variable has the highest influence on student interest compared to other variables. The subjective norm variable in this study was formed from several external factors, namely the dimensions of parents, dimensions of lecturers and dimensions of students. Thus, SPs IPB can increase the input of the synergy program participants by optimizing the three TPB variables, especially from the subjective norm variable through the role of parents in the form of providing information, fellow students in the form of delivering word of mouth information and lecturers in the form of providing recommendations. Keywords: intention, sinergy program SPs, sem pls, theory of planned behavio