13 research outputs found

    Implementasi Optical Character Recognition (OCR) pada Mesin Penerjemah Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris

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    Penggunaan kamus cetak untuk mencari arti kata cenderung tidak efisien karena pengguna harus mencari kata satu demi satu, membolak-balik halaman kamus, dan mencari dengan teliti. Fungsi mesin penerjemah bahasa adalah untuk memudahkan seseorang melakukan penerjemahan satu bahasa ke bahasa yang diinginkan. Mesin Penerjemah akan menerjemahkan kata atau kalimat yang diketik oleh user melalui keyboard atau keypad sebagai inputan kata. Jika kata atau kalimat terlalu panjang, proses input terkadang mengalami masalah, misal salah ketik atau waktu input yang relatif panjang sehingga program mengeluarkan output yang salah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat Optical Character Recognition (OCR) pada mesin penerjemah bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan platform Android untuk penginputan kata penerjemahan. Sistem dibangun menggunakan Optical Character Recognition (OCR) dengan library mobile vision agar user tidak perlu lagi mengetikan teks sebagai inputan kata yang akan di terjemahankan dengan material pengujian menggunakan gambar teks sebanyak lima gambar dan lembar teks sebanyak 30 kalimat. Berdasarkan dari hasil Pengujian black box pada portrait dan landscape didapatkan bahwa aplikasi tidak dapat digunakan dalam posisi landscape. Berdasarkan dari hasil Pengujian black box pada kata dan tanda baca aplikasi dapat berjalan dengan baik dengan inputan satu dan dua kata tanpa dengan menggunakan huruf kapital dan tanda baca. Berdasarkan dari hasil Pengujian black box pada kalimat aplikasi dapat menangkap kata dengan cukup baik pada satu kalimat dan pada saat proses penerjemahan aplikasi tidak dapat menerjemahkan kata dengan menggunakan huruf kapital dan tanda baca dan berdasakan dari hasil perhitungan recall dan precision pada gambar teks kita dapatkan nilai precision sebesar 1.00, nilai recall sebesar 1.00 dan nilai f-measure sebesar 1.00. berdasakan dari hasil perhitungan recall dan precision pada lebar teks didapatkan nilai precision sebesar 0,87, nilai recall sebesar 0,97 dan nilai f-measure sebesar 0,90, berdasakan dari hasil perhitungan recall dan precision pada penerjemah didapatkan nilai precision sebesar 0,81, nilai recall sebesar 0,60 dan nilai f-measure sebesar 0,68. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi dapat menangkap hasil kalimat dengan cukup baik pada beberapa font dan ukuran yang berbeda

    Development of Moodle-based Learning Media using Blended Learning Methods in Graphic Design Subject

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    This research aims to develop learning media using Moodle and apply blended learning methods to help improve the learning effectiveness of students at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Klaten. The research method used in this research is Research and Development. The results showed the average value of media experts was 79.55% categorized as feasible category, while the material experts were 75% categorized as feasible category. Whereas the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire, which could measure usability, from 32 students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Klaten consist of 29 Male and 3 Female Students obtained 71.25% which were categorized as acceptable category. The average test results of the students' pre-test scores were 58.75%, the post-test scores were 81.87%, an increase of 23.12%. The conclusion in this study is that learning media using Moodle-based blended learning methods are appropriate for use in basic graphic design subjects, and are effectively used to improve student understanding and learning outcomes

    Campus Setting as Living Labs: Lessons from IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia

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    IPB University in Bogor, Indonesia, has developed its campuses as living laboratories for education, research, community outreach, innovation, and business. The university's infrastructure under the living lab concept, such as forestlands, farmlands, wetlands, teaching factories, and business units, offer real-life opportunities for students and staff to create greater impacts to societies from their academic activities. This paper presents the lessons learned from IPB's campus setting as a living lab, focusing on how students and stakeholders can learn from the existing infrastructure and facilities, how research can benefit from a natural setting, and how the campus can serve as a model for sustainable living. Implementing living lab concept faces challenges as other new initiatives, particularly on the aspects of effective interdisciplinary works, formalizing the community of practices in which pool of experts are organized and knowledge management system is developed. In conclusion, in the era of emancipated learning implementation in Indonesia, IPB University's campus setting could provide a platform for facilitating activities related to science-practices/policy interface

    Tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic: Managing the Cause, Spread, and Impact

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           The outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 is attacking societies in all regions. The speed and scale of the outbreak have been accelerating fatalities and causing social and economic disruption. We need coordinated and comprehensive actions on the national and international level in creating a shared responsibility and  human solidarity to suppress the spread of the virus, empower resilience in society, and address the virus’ socio-economic impact. Increasing the healthcare capacity for testing and tracing, implementing quarantine and physical distancing measures, restricting movement, and prioritizing the most vulnerable groups – the elderly and/or chronically sick patients – should be treated as ways to minimize the spread and impact of the virus. Furthermore, the social and economic dimensions of this crisis must be managed to enhance the resilience of societies and countries.     There have been catastrophic losses due to this pandemic, leading to fatalities and bringing instability to many social and economic urban areas. The approaches to tackling this virus must be well-established. Making society safe in this pandemic is everybody’s business. Governments, the private sector, academics, and professionals, as well as every citizen, need to be engaged and play their role in building a resilient society in terms of health, economic, and social resilience. Citizen empowerment is crucial in mitigating the impacts of the pandemic, including the ability to adapt to shock, panic, and stress and to quickly respond to an unstable environment

    Accelerating Sustainable Energy Development through Industry 4.0 Technologies

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    Utilizing Industry 4.0 technologies to create a sustainable energy industry enables a decentralized energy system in which energy can be effectively produced, managed, and controlled from local resources. Furthermore, the technologies also enable data capture and analysis to improve energy performance. As digital energy is being developed and increasingly decentralized, renewable energy is now a more attractive option for creating sustainable development. The technologies are capable of integrating different energy sources to respond to an increasingly demanding and distributed market by providing sustainable and efficient resources. The technologies of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) are already being used in the energy sector to transform the business processes of the industry. Energy management systems based on emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), big data, blockchain, and machine learning (ML), have been used to support industry players in analyzing the energy market, improving the supply–demand chain, real-time monitoring, and generating more options for using alternative sources of energy, such as storage devices, fuel cells, and intelligent energy performance. The optimization of the energy industry can be achieved through energy production and distribution efficiency by the digitization of manufacturing processes and service delivery. Optimized energy pricing and capital resources, predictive operation and maintenance plans, efficiency of energy usage, and further maximizing asset lifetime and usage are among the solutions produced from the technologies of Industry 4.0. These technologies are set to transform the energy industry to being more sustainable. This transformation has happened through the provision of integrated information in both planning and operational processes. Industry 4.0 technologies contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of energy product life-cycles and value chains, therefore impacting business strategies to produce better energy management systems.         Smart energy ecosystems that employ cyber-physical systems enhance all production and consumption energy chain processes. Smart applications in energy production and usage consumption processes can be used efficiently in managing and optimizing energy, such as by storing energy on demand or reducing consumption. Utilizing Industry 4.0 technologies to create a sustainable energy industry enables a decentralized energy system in which energy can be effectively produced, managed, and controlled from local resources. Furthermore, the technologies also enable data capture and analysis to improve energy performance. As digital energy is being developed and increasingly decentralized, renewable energy is now a more attractive option for creating sustainable development. The technologies are capable of integrating different energy sources to respond to an increasingly demanding and distributed market by providing sustainable and efficient resources

    Learning to Write Negotiation Texts as Part of the High School Independent Curriculum

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    This study aims to describe the learning outcomes of writing negotiation texts by X E1 class students of SMAN 1 Bangsri in accordance with the Merdeka Curriculum in X E1 class X E 1 class. This study is qualitative in nature. This study employs a case study methodology. This study utilized student worksheets, learning modules, and literature source texts as its data and data sources. Various data collection methods include observations, interviews, and documentation. Triangulation models are employed for data analysis. This study's findings are the preparation of learning to write negotiation texts in X E1 class of SMAN 1 Bangsri, based on an autonomous curriculum that has been implemented effectively in accordance with the most recent curriculum guidelines. The creation of instructional modules is associated with the independent curriculum system. The teacher's instructional module conforms to the requirements of the independent curriculum. Currently, the implementation of learning employs an independent curriculum whose primary objective is to encourage students to develop their potential. The learning process emphasizes students' exploration of their surroundings. The results of students' ability to write negotiation texts are evident in four areas: content, structure, linguistic norms, and effective sentence construction. Content-wise, 83% of X E1 class students in SMAN 1 Bangsri are categorized as having adequate skills. Furthermore, the ability of X E1 class students of SMAN 1 Bangsri from the perspective of completeness of structure, which is 100%, is categorized as excellent. The ability of X E1 class students of SMAN 1 Bangsri from the perspective of language elements, which is 64%, is categorized as quite good. Therefore, the aggregate average score across all subject areas was 86%, and 14% of students did not satisfy the KKM. Based on this, 86 % comes within the category of excellent. Thus, the X E1 class students' learning of composing negotiation texts produced positive results

    Pelatihan Ketarampilan Komunkasi dan Keterampilan Konseling Bagi Guru Di Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

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    Sejatinya ilmu komunikasi adalah ilmu yang dapat dipelajari oleh semua orang melalui interaksi sosial. Pada hakikatnya, bayi tidak lahir dengan pemahaman yang jelas tentang siapa diri mereka. Sebaliknya, seseorang akan mengembangkan diri pada proses komunikasi dengan orang lain. Seperti saat mengimpor atau menginternalisasi perspektif Sejatinya ilmu komunikasi adalah ilmu yang dapat dipelajari oleh semua orang melalui interaksi sosial. Pada hakikatnya, bayi tidak lahir dengan pemahaman yang jelas tentang siapa diri mereka. Sebaliknya, seseorang akan mengembangkan diri pada proses komunikasi dengan orang lain. Metode yang dipakai dalam kegiatan pengabdian yaitu assessment phase, implementation phase, dan evaluation phase. Materi pelatihan yang disampaiakan secara klasikal dapat diterima dan dipahami peserta pelatihan karena dalam penyampaianya mengunakan beberapa media yang mendukung diantaranya yaitu white board, spidol, laptop, LCD sehingga mempermudah dalam penyampaian kepada peserta pelatihan. Metode klasikal dan dipadukan dengan kelompok serta ada praktik secara langsung menambah skill secara langsung sehingga menambah pengalaman langsung dalam pelatihan komunikasi dan keterampilan konseling yang dilakukan

    Tren penyalahgunaan narkoba di wilayah Jawa Timur tahun 2016-2017

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi, membandingkan, memganalisis, dan mengevaluasi tren penggunaan narkoba di wilayah Jawa Timur pada tahun 2016-2017. Metode pengambilan data penyalahgunaan pada narkoba di wilayah Jawa Timur pada tahun 2016 dilakukan secara retrospectivedan pengambilan data pata tahun 2017 dilakukan secara cross sectional. Proses identifikasi dan analisis barang bukti menggunakan metode kromatografi gas dengan instrument GC-MS type Agilent 7890 A; MS type Agilent 5975 C with Triple Axis Detector, type column HP-5 dan fase gerak berupa gas helium. Hasil pengambilan data diperoleh kasus penyalahgunaan narkoba pada tahun 2017 mengalami peningkatan sebesar 22% (5791) dibandingkan pada tahun 2016 (4726). Penggunaan narkotika golongan I Metamfetamin mengalami peningkatan sebesar 17 % (3763) dibandingkan pada tahun 2016 (3218). Pada tahun 2017 penyalahgunaan OOT (Obat-Obat Tertentu) seperti Triheksifenidil mengalami peningkatan sebesar 44% (1487) dibandingkan pada tahun 2016 (1035). Pada tahun 2017 telah ditemukan narkotika golongan I yaitu AB-FUBINACAyang terdapat ada sampel berupa tembakau yang tidak pernah ditemukan pada tahun sebelumnya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan evaluasi data yang didapat ditahun 2016 dan 2017 terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan dan diidentifikasi narkotika jenis baru yaitu AB-FUBINACA yangmulai menjadi tren di tahun 2017. Data ini dapat digunakan oleh Pemerintah, BNN, Kepolisian, BPOM dan masyarakat untuk mengatasi ancaman penggunaan narkoba di tahun yang akan datang

    Studi Karakteristik Pasut, Arus Pasut, dan Gelombang pada Perencanaan Pembangunan Pangkalan TNI AL Saumlaki Menggunakan Pemodelan Numerik: Study of The Characteristics of Tidals, Tidal Currents, And Waves in Development Planning of The Saumlaki Naval Base using Numerical Modeling

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    Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) yang merupakan negara kepulauan memerlukan pertahanan laut yang kuat, dalam hal ini Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut (TNI AL), sebagai garda terdepan dalam mempertahankan kedaulatan wilayah laut Indonesia. Kehadiran pangkalan yang kuat sangat dibutuhkan dalam mendukung kecepatan reaksi dan kesiapsiagaan TNI AL dalam melaksanakan operasi. Pangkalan Saumlaki berada di sisi selatan Indonesia merupakan pintu terluar yang berbatasan langsung dengan negara Australia (Samudera Indian) perlu dikembangkan agar pengawasan terhadap segala ancaman dan pelanggaran yang datang segera dapat di atasi. Pengembangan suatu pangkalan laut tidak lepas dari faktor oseanografi fisik yang meliputi pola pasang surut, arus laut dan gelombang. Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisa karakteristik pasut, arus pasut, dan gelombang melalui pendekatan pemodelan numerik. Hasil simulasi pemodelan numerik selama satu tahun di area perairan Saumlaki didapatkan bahwa tunggang air akibat pasang surut di perairan Saumlaki sebesar 2,5 m dengan tipe pasang surut harian campuran condong ganda, kecepatan arus pasut maksimum 0.082 m/s dan ketinggian maksimum  gelombang signifikan sebesar 2,65 m   The Republic of Indonesia, as an archipelagic nation, need robust marine defense to safeguard its territorial integrity. In this regard, the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) serves as the foremost protector in upholding the sovereignty of Indonesia's maritime domain. The inclusion of a robust foundation is vital in facilitating the velocity of reaction and readiness of the Indonesian Navy in executing operational activities. The Saumlaki base, situated in the southern region of Indonesia, serves as the primary point of entry that immediately adjoins Australia via the Indian Ocean. It is imperative to enhance the existing system in order to promptly address and rectify any instances of threats and breaches through comprehensive monitoring. The establishment of a maritime facility is inherently intertwined with physical oceanographic elements, encompassing tide patterns, ocean currents, and waves. This study aims to examine the attributes of tides, tidal currents, and waves using a numerical modeling methodology. The findings from numerical modeling simulations conducted over a one-year period in the Saumlaki waters revealed that the tidal-induced water level increase in this region reached a magnitude of 2.5 meters. The tidal pattern seen was characterized as a mixed double skew daily tidal type. Additionally, the simulations indicated that the greatest speed of the tidal currents reached 0.082 meters per second, while the most significant wave height recorded was 2.65 meters