20 research outputs found

    Corporate entrepreneurship capability model for contractors

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    This thesis explores the implementation of corporate entrepreneurship (CE) to support contractors’ business success based on the experiences of contractors in Indonesia. Furthermore, an assessment model was developed to determine the capability of contractors to implement CE; thereby providing a foundation for contractors to develop appropriate corporate strategies to move from their existing level to their target level. An exploratory research strategy was used to investigate the implementation of CE by contractors. Semi-structured interviews of top managers of contractors in Indonesia have been conducted to explore the experiences of contractors to implement CE. The data was analysed using inductive thematic analysis. A coding process has been carried out to generate themes that will be considered as key factors of CE for contractors. NVivo 10 software has been used to carry out the coding process. Twenty one key factors of CE for contractors were identified. These key factors are categorised into five dimensions of CE: autonomy, competitive aggressiveness, innovativeness, proactiveness and risk taking that have been adopted to explore the implementation of CE in contractors. Furthermore, a Corporate Entrepreneurship Capability Model (CECM) has been developed based on the concept of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) to assess the capability level of contractors to implement CE. The expert review approach has been adopted to justify the quality of the CECM. This model was reviewed by ten academics from universities in Indonesia. Then case studies were carried out on three contractors in Indonesia to assess the practical application of the CECM. This study expands the boundaries of construction management and entrepreneurship theories for new areas of research and opens broad opportunities for further study. The study also offers contractors a reference to implement CE as well as a tool to assess their entrepreneurial orientation in order to have a foundation from which to develop a strategy that supports their business success

    Sistem Informasi Pemesanan dan Pengiriman Barang Berbasis Web Dengan Menggunakan SDLC Waterfall

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    Sistem informasi pemesanan dan pengiriman barang ini merupakan program komputer yang dirancang khusus untuk mengelola data pemesanan dan pengiriman barang agar dapat disajikan dengan lebih cepat. Karena selama ini pemesanan dan pengiriman dilakukan secara manual. Dalam pembuatan sistem informasi pemesanan dan pengiriman barang memerlukan beberapa data, diantaranya adalah data barang, data pelanggan, data karyawan, data pemesanan, data packing list, dan data pengiriman. Tujuan membangun sistem informasi ini untuk membantu dalam meningkatkan kinerja divisi expedisi dan gudang, dan divisi sales. Sistem informasi ini digunakan oleh expedisi dan gudang, sales, dan admin. Transaksi yang terdapat dalam sistem informasi ini adalah transaksi pemesanan dan pengiriman. Laporan yang dihasilkan berupa laporan pemesanan, laporan pengiriman, laporan master data barang, laporan master data karyawan, dan laporan master data pelanggan. Hasil dari membangun sistem informasi ini supaya data-data yang selama ini masih tersimpan dan dikelola secara manual dapat mulai terkomputerisasi. Sehingga lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan serta mempermudah kinerja divisi sales dan divisi expedisi dan gudang dalam menjalankan aktivitas  yang berhubungan dengan pemesanan dan pengiriman barang


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    Various factors were found as the cause of the contractor's failure in bid evaluation in the tender of government projects. This study aims to explore the factors that cause contractors to fail in electronic project procurement in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The study was conducted based on a qualitative approach with documents as data sources. The secondary data was obtained from the Electronic Procurement Service Website (LPSE) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2017. Qualitative data analysis was carried out using NVivo software in order to classify data that has similar meanings, which can be considered as the factors that cause failure of contractors in government projects tender. The results show that technical factors are the most common cause of failure, both in building projects, roads and bridges, and waterworks. Specifically, the technical factors that are the cause of the failure are different for each type of project. Technical factors related to core personnel are the cause of failure in building and waterworks projects, while the construction method is the cause of failure in road and bridge projects


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    Contractors as a part of construction industry run their business in many unique ways.Instead of running unique business, contractors’ business also been considered as a business invery high competition. In this bisnis environment, contractors need to implement proper businessstrategy in order to be success in their business. Entrepreneurship has been developed very rapidlybecause it has been considered as a strategy to support business success in many business areas.Considering the uniqueness of contractors’ business, therefore entrepreneurship is considered to beimplemented by contractors in many unique way comparing to other businesses. This study isaimed to find the concept of entrepreneurship for contractors. Entrepreneurship in this study willbe focused on corporate entrepreneurship which is elaborated into five dimensions: autonomy,competitive aggressiveness, innovativeness, proactiveness and risk taking. Data was collected bysemi-structure interview with top managers of contractors in Indonesia. The transcript of theinterviews were analyzed using thematic analysis that is carried out manually and then continuedby using Nvivo Software. This study finds how is the implementation of those five dimensionsespecially for contractors. Abstrak: Kontraktor adalah perusahaan dalam industri konstruksi yang menjalankan usahanyadengan berbagai keunikannya. Selain bisnisnya yang unik, bisnis kontraktor juga dikategorikansebagai bisnis dengan persaingan yang tinggi. Menghadapi situasi ini, kontraktor dituntutmenjalankan strategi bisnis yang tepat sehingga mampu mendukung keberhasilan usahanya.Kewirausahaan yang telah berkembang pesat karena dijumpai mampu mendukung keberhasilanberbagai bidang usaha diharapkan akan mampu pula mendukung keberhasilan usaha kontraktor.Mengingat usaha kontraktor yang unik maka kewirausahaan untuk kontraktor juga akanmempunyai beberapa kekhususan dibandingkan kewirausahaan pada bidang usaha lain. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk menemukan konsep kewirausahaan untuk kontraktor. Kewirausahaan padapenelitian ini difokuskan pada kewirausahaan tingkat perusahaan atau dikenal dengankewirausahaan korporasi yang dijabarkan dalam lima dimensi, yaitu: otonomi, agresif dalampersaingan, berinovasi, proaktif dalam meraih peluang dan berani mengambil risiko. Pengumpulandata dilakukan melalui wawancara semi terstruktur dengan para pimpinan kontraktor di Indonesia.Hasil wawancara dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis tematik yang diawali analisis secaramanual yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Nvivo. Hasil penelitian inimenemukan bagaimana kelima dimensi tadi diterapkan sesuai dengan keunikan bisnis kontraktor.Kata kunci: : kewirausahaan korporasi, kontraktor, Indonesi

    Competitive Aggressiveness of Contractors: A Study of Indonesia

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    AbstractHigh level of competition are consideredto be a major challenge for contractors. As such, ‘winning the competition’ is an important goal for contractors in running their businesses. Contractors need to be aggressive in competition to respond to their competitors’ actions and gain competitive advantage against their business rivals for survival and growth. This study aims to clarify the issue of competitive aggressiveness of contractors by identifyingits key factors. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 19 top managers of contracting companies in Indonesia, in order to explore the concept of contractors’ competitive aggressiveness. The qualitative data collected during the interviews were analysed using an inductive thematic analysis method. The analysis resulted in identifying five key factors of contractors’competitive aggressiveness: 1) acting as a problem solver for clients; 2) being different compared to competitors; 3) building and maintaining clients’ confidence in the company's trustworthiness and reliability; 4) maintaining good relationships with clients; and 5) positioning on markets that are concerned about quality. Based on these findings, contractors will be able to establish an appropriate strategy to allow them to be aggressive in competition

    Risiko Bisnis Properti berdasarkan Perspektif Pengembang

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    Dalam menjalankan bisnis properti banyak risiko yang harus dihadapi pengembang. Risiko ini jika tidak dikelola dengan baik akan membawa dampak buruk bagi bisnis yang dijalankan pemgembang. Pengelolaan risiko dapat dijalankan dengan baik dan benar apabila risiko yang dihadapi diketahui dengan baik oleh pengembang. Oleh karena itu, pengembang perlu memahami berbagai risiko yang dihadapinya dalam menjalankan bisnisnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi risiko yang dihadapi pengembang dalam menjalankan bisnis mengembangkan proyek tempat tinggal di Indonesia. Penelitian dijalankan dua tahap, dimulai dari studi literatur untuk mendapatkan seperangkat risiko yang dihadapi pengembang. Kemudian seperangkat risiko tersebut dimintakan konfirmasi dari para pengembang yang telah berpengamalan. Pada tahap dua, pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuisioner dengan responden yang bekerja pada pengembang. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) untuk menentukan urutan prioritas dari tiap risiko. Pada tahap pertama penelitian telah diidentifikasi 27 risiko yang selanjutnya setelah melalui proses penelaahan ahli telah tereliminasi tiga risiko. Analisis FMEA terhadap 24 risiko enghasilkan lima risiko paling kritis yang dihadapi pengembang dalam mengembangkan proyek tempat tinggal yaitu risiko nama besar dan reputasi pengembang, komplain konsumen akibat keterlambatan serah terima bangunan, jaminan mutu produk yang ditawarkan, perang harga jual atau sewa properti disekitar lokasi, dan prediksi permintaan pasar terhadap jenis properti

    Corporate entrepreneurship level: a case study of contractors in Indonesia

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    Contractors need to assess their capability to implement corporate entrepreneurship (CE), in order to develop the proper corporate strategy based on CE. This study is aimed to assess the capability level of contractors to implement CE using corporate entrepreneurship capability model (CECM). CECM has been developed based on the concept of Capability Maturity Model (CMM). The capability level of contractors to implement CE is assessed using 21 indicators which are classified into five dimensions: autonomy, competitive aggressiveness, innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking. CECM divides the capability of contractors to implement CE into four levels: initial, repeatable, managed and optimized. This study carried out a case study of 2 big contractors in Indonesia. The data was collected using a questionnaire and then an arithmetic mean of each indicator was calculated to determine the capability level of contractors to implement CE. The case study found the highest level of capability to implement CE is reached in two different indicators: innovativeness and proactiveness, meanwhile the lowest level for both contractors is risk-taking. This study also found the capability level of both contractors are at a level between managed and optimized