4 research outputs found


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    Musim hujan dengan curah yang tinggi  telah mengguyur sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia, tidak terkecuali di Kota Bengkulu.  Curah hujan tinggi menimbulkan genangan air hujan di halaman Masjid Darussalam, dan genangan air tersebut telah menyebabkan beberapa terpeleset dan menjadi pemandangan yang tidak indah. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberi penyuluhan terhadap masyarakat di sekitar masjid tersebut terkait konservasi air hujan dan pemasangan lubang resapan biopori di halaman masjid. Penyuluhan terkait konservasi air hujan, dan dilanjutkan dengan pemasangan lubang resapan biopori. Pemasangan resapan lubang biopori mempercepat resapan air hujan ke dalam tanah. Tanggapan masyarakat sangat puas dengan berkurangnya genangan air hujan, sehingga halaman masjid lebih rapi dan tidak ada genangan air. Sehingga halaman masjid dapat digunakan untuk kegiatan masyarakat, terutama tempat anak-anak yang aman untuk bermain. Harapan masyarakat, resapan biopori dianjurkan untuk diterapkan di halaman rumah dan lahan terbuka dalam rangka konservasi air hujan

    Aktivitas Antibakteri dan Analisis Fitokimia Ekstrak Metanol dari Daun Paku Sarang Burung (Asplenium nidus)

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    Infectious diseases caused by microbes are increasing; the growth of microbes can be inhibited by using antibiotics. Continuous and inappropriate use of antibiotics causes microbes to become resistant. The resistance can be reduced by finding new sources of antibiotics, one of which is from the bird nest fern (Asplenium nidus). This study aimed to determine the potency and concentration of A. Nidus extract in inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442, and Bacillus subtilis ATCC 19659. The extract was prepared using the maceration method with methanol as the solvent. Phytochemical tests include alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids, saponins, phenolics, tannins, and quinones. The minimum inhibitory concentration test was carried out on 12 treatments with three replications; the antimicrobial effectiveness test was carried out on seven treatments with five replications using the disc diffusion method. Phytochemical test results showed A. Nidus contains flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and phenolics. A. nidus extract has the potential to inhibit the growth of the testing pathogenic bacteria, with the most effective concentration on P. aeruginosa of 45% with an inhibitory zone was about 14,16 mm, on E. Coli started of 55% with an inhibitory zone was about 13,68 mm, on B. Subtilis of 65% with an inhibitory zone was about 14,80 mm and S. aureus was 75% with an inhibitory zone of 11,96 mm.   Keywords: antibiotics, Asplenium nidus, Infectious diseas

    Pencirian Genetik Pepper Yellow Leaf Curl Virus pada Tanaman Cabai Merah (Capsicum annuum) di Bengkulu

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    Chili is one of the horticultural commodities with increasing demand yearly. Rejang Lebong and Kepahiang regencies are the most significant chili-producing areas in Bengkulu. One of the crucial viruses in chili plants is Pepper yellow leaf curl virus (PYLCV). PYLCV virus infection in the vegetative phase can cause stunted plants and fail to bear fruit. This study aims to detect and genetically characterize PYLCV. Samples of chili plants were taken in these two districts using the purposive sampling method. Virus detection was carried out at the Genetics and Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Biology. Extraction of viral DNA using the Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) method. Rep and Trap gene amplification using universal primers of Bemovirus. SPG1 and SPG2. The PCR product was visualized on a 1.2% agarose gel in TAE.. Furthermore, the PCR products were sequenced in PT Genetics Science Indonesia. Virus gene sequences were aligned using Bioedit and MEGA X software. The results showed that of the 24 chili plants sampled in the study, 21 samples showed an amplicon with a size of ~ 900 bp, which follows the length of the amplicon based on the primer used. Of the 21 amplicon results, 6 of them were sequenced and genetically characterized. The results of the genetic characterization of the 6 samples showed the presence of 552 conservative sites (C) (75.6%), 178 variation sites (Vi) (24.4%), parsimony sites (Pi) (15.9%), and 70 singleton (S) sites (8.5%). The highest nucleotide base composition was thymine (T) with an average value of 30.1%, and the lowest was guanine (G) 21.9%, while the highest nucleotide combined composition was AT with an average value of 55%, the lowest was GC approximately 45%. The average genetic distance between samples was 0.13 (13%). Based on the phylogenetic tree, 6 samples were divided into two groups.   Keywords: begomovirus, Bengkulu, Capsicum annuu

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Preparat Segar Biologi Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Guru dan Siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Argamakmur, Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara

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    Biologimerupakan cabangilmu sains yangmempelajaritentangmahlukhidupbaik secaramikroskopishinggamakroskopisseperti  hewan,tumbuhan,jamur,bakteri,virus,manusia, dan protista. Untuk meningkatkanmutu pengajaran di bidangbiologiperlupeningkatan keterampilan dalam bekerjadilaboratoriumatauyangseringdisebutdenganpraktikum.Pelaksanaankegiatanpengabdiankepadamasyarakat pada pelatihan pembuatan preparat segar yangdiikuti peserta sebanyak 20 siswa/i dan 5 orang guruSMANegeri1Argamakmur,BengkuluUtaradiawalidengantahappersiapan,kemudiansosialisasipemberianmateripengabdiankepadapesertapengabdian dengan pengenalan dan manfaatpembuatanpreparat,praktekpembuatanpreparat segaryang menghasilkan5jenis  preparatyangdiamatidi bawah mikroskop binokuler yaitupreparateritrosit (darah merah) manusia,selakar bawang, sel epitel mukosa pipi, sel bakteri danhifapadajamur tempe.Kegiatanpengabdianinidiharapkandapat memberi pemahaman dan meningkatkan skill paragurubiologidansiswa-siswidalam membuat preparatyangakandimanfaatkandalamprosesbelajarmengajar (KBM) padakegiatanpraktikum pelajaranbiologidiLaboratoriu