154 research outputs found


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    Kemiskinan adalah keadaan dimana terjadi kekurangan hal-hal yang biasa untuk dipunyai seperti makanan, pakaian, tempat berlindung, dan air minum. Kemiskinan kadang juga berarti tidak adanya akses terhadap pendidikan dan pekerjaan yang mampu mengatasi masalah kemiskinan dan mendapatkan kehormatan yang layak sebagai warga negara. Pemerintah daerah Kota Palangka Raya melalui Dinas Sosial Kota Palangka Raya memiliki program kelompok usaha bersama (KUBE) masyarakat miskin melalui usaha sosial sebagai upaya untuk menanggulangi kemiskinan di daerah Kota Palangka Raya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Model penelitian ini biasanya digunakan dalam pengamatan dan penelitian sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui apakah program kelompok usaha bersama (KUBE) Mawar masyarakat miskin melalui wirausaha sosial di Kelurahan Kereng Bangkirai Kecamatan Sebangau berjalan sesuai aspek utama program KUBE yaitu aspek sosial, aspek ekonomi, aspek pendidikan dan aspek pasar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa aspek ekonomi kelompok usaha bersama (KUBE) Mawar belum terealisasi dengan maksimal. Sedangkan aspek sosial, aspek pendidikan dan aspek pasar sudah terlaksana dan berjalan sesuai tujuan program

    The Effect of Time Variations in the Hot Dipping Alumunizing Coating Stainless Steel 304 Process on Material Characteristics and Thermal Conductivity

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    This study aims to determine the effect of time on the hot dipping process of aluminizing coating stainless steel 304 material on the characteristics of the tensile test material, hardness test, thickness test and the value of thermal conductivity. The application of this material is on a Cessna 150 aircraft which is used in the firewall section. Hot dipping alumunizing coating is a process to add a layer on the surface of a material, by immersing the main metal into a bath containing the molten coating metal, the melting of aluminum metal in this study was carried out at a temperature of 700 oC. The time that was varied in the hot dipping aluminizing coating process for stainless steel 304 material was 2 minutes, 4 minutes and 6 minutes. Based on the research that was done, the best results were obtained on each material test, namely; Tensile test on a 4 minute immersion time variation with a tensile stress value of 232 Mpa, Hardness test on a 4 minute immersion time variation with a Vickers Hardness value of 90 kgf/mm2, Thickness test on a 6 minute immersion time variation with a layer thickness of 130.48 m, Conductivity test thermal variation at 6 minutes of immersion time with a value of K 33.70 W/m K. From the results of the study, it was found that the weakness of the hot dipping alumunizing coating process was the result of an uneven aluminum coating so that there is potential for deviation in the test results


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    Rencana pembangunan jangka menengah desa dan rencana kerja pemerintahan desa disusun dan ditetapkan dengan peraturan desa. Rencana pembangunan menjadi pedoman dalam penyusunan anggaran pendapatan serta belanja desa yang dituangkan didalam keputusan pemerintah. Badan desa berperan sendiri-sendiri dalam berusaha menciptakan suasana yang dapat menumbuhkan kerelaan masyarakat untuk bergotong royong demi pembangunan desa, dan di sisi lain masyarakat juga berperan aktif dalam upaya memaksimalkan pembangunan. Salah satu desa di Indonesia yang menyelenggarakan musyawarah perencanaan pembangunan desa adalah desa Tumbang Bantian. Dalam hal ini diyakini jika perencanaan dilakukan dengan baik dan cermat maka sistem pemerintahan akan berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan harapan masyarakat dan visi misi pemerintah desa. Dalam artikel ini, Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan gambaran singkat pelaksanaan proses Musrenbangdes. Dalam hal metodologi, penulis menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa pelaksanaan Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan Desa (Musrenbangdes) di desa Tumbang Bantian dilihat dari enam indikator, dilaksanakan tetapi tidak terlaksana dengan baik dalam proses perumusan masalah karena adanya ketidakpercayaan terhadap kepemimpinan desa dan yang terpenting. masyarakat, karena masih dianggap bahwa masyarakat tidak dapat merumuskan masalah karena lebih mementingkan kebutuhan daripada kebutuhan. Bahkan dengan proses identifikasi beban yang dilakukan di desa Musrenbang masih bersifat konkrit, tanpa mempertimbangkan spesifikasi terkait kapasitas yang ada di wilayah desa Tumbang Bantian.


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    The success of a region in improving its economy can be measured by the growth of  Gross Domestic Regional Product (GDRP) from various existing sectors. This Gross Domestic Regional Product (GDRP) growth occurs if the region has a leading sector or a basic sector whose growth rate is relatively fast and has strong competitiveness and a non-basic sector that has the opportunity to become a basic sector if the local government is able to condition the opportunities that exist into an optimal result. This study uses secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Aceh Province in the form of time series data for 7 years, namely the 2013-2019 period. This research was conducted to identify the basic and non-basic sectors in the economic structure of the City of Sabang for the period 2013 - 2019 using the LQ (location quotient) analysis method, the Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ) method, Shift Share Analysis, and quadrant analysis. 10 basic sectors with the highest average index value SLQ ≥ 1 and 7 sectors which are non-basic sectors with index numbers <1. In the quadrant analysis from the results of the existing Shift-Share calculations, there are 3 sectors in Quadrant I with fast and strong growth,3 sectors in Quadrant II with slow and strong growth, and 11 sectors in Quadrant III with fast growth but have weak competitivenes


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    This paper examines the application of the values of religious tolerance in the perspective of Development Sociology. The purpose of this paper is to see the application of religious tolerance values in the perspective of Development Sociology at the campus da'wah institution. This paper uses descriptive qualitative research methods and uses analysis with an inductive approach, namely the research process and understanding based on methods that investigate a social phenomenon. Techniques in collecting data are observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the data analysis carried out, it was concluded that in the process of applying the values of religious tolerance the Campus Da'wah Institute did not run fully. This 2 depends on the understanding of each member of the LDK, and each member who has a different background and has a different environment so that not all values obtained from the Campus Da'wah Institute can be fully applied. This makes a social construction in it considering the three stages, namely externalization, objectification and internalization take place in it. Meanwhile, in the perspective of development sociology, it can be seen that the application of tolerance values seen from indicators of productivity, efficiency and community participation has been implemented. and each member who has a different background and has a different environment so that not all the values obtained from the Campus Da'wah Institute can be fully implemented. This makes a social construction in it considering the three stages, namely externalization, objectification and internalization take place in it. Meanwhile, in the perspective of development sociology, it can be seen that the application of tolerance values seen from indicators of productivity, efficiency and community participation has been implemented. and each member who has a different background and has a different environment so that not all the values obtained from the Campus Da'wah Institute can be fully implemented. This makes a social construction in it considering the three stages, namely externalization, objectification and internalization take place in it. Meanwhile, in the perspective of development sociology, it can be seen that the application of tolerance values seen from indicators of productivity, efficiency and community participation has been implemented.&nbsp


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    Community Based Tourism di Kawasan Wisata Kereng Bangkirai. Destinasi wisata yang sukses di seluruh dunia saat ini menghadapi tantangan berat karena daya tarik daerahnya sendiri, seperti pada Kawasan Wisata Kereng Bangkirai. Perkembangan pariwisata ini mendorong munculnya permasalahan macet, kurangnya lahan parkir dan tata ruang yang tidak terkendali. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengelolaan pariwisata Wisata Kereng Bangkirai  pada pendekatan Community Based Tourism (CBT) pada lima dimensi: sosial, ekonomi, politik, lingkungan dan budaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa CBT di Wisata Kereng Bangkirai mendukung perkembangan dimensi ekonomi, politik dan budaya, sedangkan dimensi lingkungan dan sosial belum terakomodir dengan optimal karena Wisata Kereng Bangkirai belum memiliki carrying capacity serta kurangnya pemahaman wisatawan terhadap karakter Wisata Kereng Bangkirai sebagai daerah pariwisata budaya

    Asssessing Public Private Partnership in Indonesia Tourism

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    Several studies have shown significant development in Indonesia tourism; however, works of literature that focus on the extent of successful stakeholders’ participation in Indonesia tourism are hard to be found. This study aims to determine the success of public-private partnership (PPP) in the development of tourism in Indonesia and uses a descriptive qualitative methodology by conducting a literature study on previous studies related to tourism development in Indonesia, which adopted the concept of PPP in 2012. The research result shows that the PPP concept can be effectively carried out in tourist destination development programs and tourist infrastructure improvement programs. In addition, several targets must be set to achieve the success of public private partnership in the development of tourism in Indonesia, namely: 1) creating competitive tourism globally or nationally, 2) creating cooperative tourism focusing on the service and tourist destination infrastructure, 3) creating tourism that has unique characteristics based on its natural conditions so it has its own identity


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    Pada penelitian ini mengkaji partisipasi masyarakat pada pengelolaan Dana Desa dan Alokasi Dana Desa pada wilayah Desa Citaman Jernih yang merupakan salah satu desa yang ada di Kecamatan Perbaungan Kabupaten Serdang Badagai yang telah menerima Dana Desa. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi di Desa Citaman Jernih. Teknik penentuan informan menggunakan teknik purposive untuk melacak variasi informasi yang dimungkinkan ada. Adapun Teknik analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa dengan menggunakan model interaktif (interactive models of analysis). Hasil penelitian ini mengemukanan bahwa partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan dana desa belum terlaksana dengan baik.  Kata Kunci: Partisipasi; Dana Des

    Willingness to Pay for Destination Quality Improvement: Case Study of Baru Beach, Yogyakarta

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    This study aims to analyze the willingness to pay visitors for the quality improvement of Baru Beach. The respondents of this research are visitors in Baru Beach. This study uses the contingent valuation method (CVM). Accidental techniques were used to collect data from 150 tourists in Baru Beach. This paper found that the average value of willingness to pay (WTP) is IDR15,000 obtained using dichotomous choice. In addition, variables of age, income, education level, frequency of visits, and visitor perceptions were positive to WTP. Distance and marital status have no significant effect
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