46 research outputs found


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    Shallots (A. ascalonicum L.) is one of the important vegetable crops in Indonesia. Shallots mainly is grown by seed tuber. Utilization of True Shallots Seed (TSS) is still difficult in Indonesia because of the nature of the shallot crop is a long day plant. Lately, with increasing cultivation techniques, shallot in Indonesia capable of flowering and producing seeds but not much information about its quality. It is necessary for the test, one of them using a variety of growing media. The research aimed to evaluate the TSS germination and the influence of media on the growth of shallot seedlings. This research was conducted in September until November 2012, at the Laboratory of Ecology and Crop Production Management and screen house the Agriculture Faculty of Sebelas Maret University. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with medium kinds of factors, A: Compost; B: Soil; C: Sand; D: Cocopeat; E: Soil + compost (1:1), F: Sand + Compost ( 1:1); G: Cocopeat + compost (1:1); H: Sand + Soil + Compost (1:1:1), I: Cocopeat + Soil + Compost (1:1:1). A total of 9 treatments in replicates repeated 3 replicatoin, so there are 27 treatment. Variable observations include observations of botanical seed germination and seedling growth of red shallot consists of germination, speed of germination, index vigor and coefficient vigor and seedling height and number of leaves. Data obtained from observations during the research, woul be analyzed using variance analysis based on F test at 5% and if there were significantly different continued with DMRT level 5%.The results showed botanical seed germination of shallot has a relatively large and growing media treatment significantly affect seedling growth. Best planting medium for the growth of shallot seed is a mixture of sand and compost (1:1), while cocopeat growing media deficient in supporting the growth of shallot seedlings due to too much water saving. The mean germination rate of 40.9%, 12.1% germination rate, index vigor of 38.6, the coefficient vigor 17.01, the highest seedling growth is a combination of sand and compost (1:1) that is 21.5 cm and the highest number of leaves is medium sand, soil + compost, sand + compost and soil + compost + sand is 4.33. Bawang merah (A. ascalonicum L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas sayuran penting di Indonesia. Bawang merah umumnya dibudidayakan dengan umbi bibit. Pemanfaatan biji botani bawang merah (True Shallots Seed) masih sulit dilakukan di Indonesia karena sifat tanaman bawang merah yang merupakan tanaman hari panjang. Akhir-akhir ini dengan peningkatan teknik budidaya, bawang merah di Indonesia mampu berbunga dan menghasilkan biji akan tetapi belum banyak informasi tentang kualitasnya. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan pengujian, salah satunya menggunakan berbagai macam media tanam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengevaluasi perkecambahan biji botani dan macam media yang berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan bibit bawang merah. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan September sampai dengan November 2012, bertempat di Laboratorium Ekologi dan Manajemen Produksi Tanaman dan Screen house Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan faktor macam medi, yaitu A : Kompos; B : Tanah; C : Pasir; D : Cocopeat; E : Tanah + Kompos (1:1); F : Pasir + Kompos (1:1); G : Cocopeat + Kompos (1:1); H : Tanah + Pasir + Kompos (1:1:1); I : Cocopeat + Tanah + Kompos (1:1:1). Secara keseluruhan terdapat 9 perlakuan yang di ulang sebanyak 3 kali ulangan, sehingga terdapat 27 perlakuan. Variabel pengamatan meliputi pengamatan perkecambahan biji botani dan pertumbuhan bibit bawang merah yang terdiri dari daya kecambah, kecepatan kecambah, indeks vigor dan koefisien vigor serta tinggi bibit dan jumlah daun. Data diperoleh dari pengamatan selama penelitian, selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan analisis Anova taraf 5% dan apabila perlakuan menunjukkan beda nyata akan dilanjutkan dengan Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan biji botani bawang merah memiliki daya kecambah yang relatif besar dan perlakuan media tanam berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan bibit. Media tanam yang paling baik untuk pertumbuhan bibit bawang merah adalah campuran antara pasir dan kompos (1:1), sedangkan media tanam cocopeat kurang baik dalam mendukung pertumbuhan bibit bawang merah karena terlalu banyak menyimpan air. Rerata daya kecambah sebesar 40,9%, kecepatan kecambah sebesar 12,1%, indeks vigor 38,6, koefisien vigor 17,01, pertumbuhan bibit tertinggi adalah kombinasi media pasir dan kompos (1:1) yaitu 21,5 cm dan jumlah daun terbanyak adalah media pasir, tanah + kompos, pasir + kompos dan tanah + pasir + kompos yaitu 4,33

    Perhitungan Dan Perencanaan Struktur Gedung Kantor BPBD Kabupaten Kampar

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    The Kampar Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) was formed based on Kampar Regency Regional Regulation No. 7 of 2010 concerning the Regional Disaster Management Agency. The BPBD Office is currently located in the Old Regent's Office Complex since 2015, and is planning to add another floor to the office building. The addition of the (new) floor is intended for office space and meeting rooms, while the (old) lower floor remains in its original function. The condition of the old building's structure has structural columns of 30x40 cm2 and beams measuring 25x30 cm2 with the quality of the concrete, the quality of the reinforcing steel, the size and quantity are also unknown. The planning method for this new floor uses SNI 1726-2019 for structural planning procedures, SNI 2052-2017 for steel reinforcement standards and SNI 1727-2020 for minimum loading standards on buildings. This study uses structural analysis software that is commonly used as a tool for calculating structural planning. The results of this study, the old structure cannot support the floor of the new structure in accordance with the planned function, but the old structure can be strengthened by adding new reinforcing steel with fy= 400 MPa, while the quality of concrete (f'c) K-300 reinforcement or 25 MPa. Reinforcement design for columns using 12D20 with stirrups Ø10-150 and design for beam reinforcement 6D19 (top) 4D19 (bottom) with stirrups Ø10-100 on abutments, 4D19 (top), 6D19 (bottom) with stirrups Ø10-150 in the field

    Analisis Perbandingan Karakteristik Perkerasan Jalan Raya AC-BC Menggunakan Abu Sekam Padi Sebagai Filler Alternatif

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    One of the factors for the advancement of the economy of a region is due to smooth transportation routes, because with smooth transportation routes the process of selling, buying and exchanging goods can be carried out. Highway pavement is an important factor in supporting the development of transportation infrastructure, asphalt concrete mixture on road pavement requires filler material as a modification to increase strength and fill empty cavities in the pavement constituent structure. Rice husk contains ± 90% -98% silica after undergoing complete combustion, which is expected from this study, this content can provide good benefits for the AC-BC pavement building material. The results of this study can draw the conclusion that the characteristics of the AC-BC pavement using rice husk ash for each variation do not pass the Cavity points in the mixture (VIM) and Cavity in mineral aggregate (VMA) which have been determined by the Highways Guidelines, while for other characteristics of the test specimens for each variation passed the specifications. Comparison of the characteristic values ??of each test object according to the very significant variation, the value of each characteristic increases with the increase in the amount of rice husk ash added

    Perbandingan Strategi Pembelajaran What? So what? Now what? dengan Learning Starts With a Question pada Pokok Materi Pengelolaan Lingkungan Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Sawit Boyolali Tahun Ajaran 2011/ 2012

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh hasil belajar menggunakan strategi What? So What? Now What? dengan strategi Learning Starts With A Question menggunakan media audio visual pada pokok materi pengelolaan lingkungan siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Sawit Boyolali Tahun Ajaran 2011/ 2012 dilihat dari aspek kognitif dan afektif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen pendidikan yang membandingkan antara strategi pembelajaran What? So What? Now What? dan strategi pembelajaran Learning Starts With a Question. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata kelas yang diajar menggunakan strategi pembelajaran What? So What? Now What? (74.86) dan rata- rata kelas diajar yang menggunakan strategi pembelajaran Learning Starts With a Question (69.00). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedua strategi yang diterapkan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Dari hasil analisis data diperoleh bahwa nilai probabilitas 0.000 < 0.05 yang artinya terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara siswa yang diajar dengan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran What? So What? Now What? dan strategi pembelajaran Learning Starts With a Question pada pokok materi Pengelolaan Lingkungan Kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Sawit Tahun ajaran 2011/2012

    Analisa Pengaruh Penambahan Sekam Padi Sebagai Bahan Campuran Pembuatan Paving Block

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    Development in Indonesia is currently continuously improving, for infrastructure development such as pedestrian places, parking lots, and other facilities, it demands to be built both technically and in terms of the economy. Concrete brick mixture is a combination of the composition of the constituent materials. The characteristics and properties of the material will affect the design result. If it is associated with the development of the times which also results in an increase in waste, in addition to reducing environmental pollution, it can also be used as a mixture for making paving blocks. One of them is waste rice husks. Until now, rice is the main agricultural product in Indonesia. The method used in this study is testing materials at the Integrated Engineering Laboratory of Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University to find the effect of the value of adding rice husks as a mixture of making paving blocks on water absorption and compressive strength. Each of the variations used was 0%, 10% and 20%. The results showed that the 0% water absorption test had an average value of 11.46%, 10% had an average value of 16.14%, and 20% had an average value of 23.80%. And for the 0% compressive strength test at 28 days of age has an average value of 26.678 Kg/cm2, 10% has an average value of 33.137 Kg/cm2, and for 20% it has an average value of 16.007 Kg/cm2


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    Perencanaan struktur gedung tahan gempa harus di rencanakan menggunakan metode Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen, dimana Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen adalah Sistem rangka ruang dalam dimana komponen-komponen struktur dan join-joinnya menahan gaya-gaya yang bekerja melalui aksi lentur, geser dan aksial. Dengan adanya system ini diharapkan suatu bangunan dapat berperilaku daktail yang nantinya akan mentransfer gaya gempa serta membatasi beban gempa yang bekerja pada struktur. Pada penelitian ini penulis ingin meninjau struktur tulangan gedung baru Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai dengan menggunakan metode Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Menengah dan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus yang dihitung berdasarkan SNI 03–2847–2002 dan SNI 1726–2012. Dari hasil perhitungan struktur bangunan metode SRPMK Beban Gempa yang bekerja pada arah x sebesar 46.993 Kg dan arah y sebesar 70.490 Kg ,sedangkan untuk SRPMM Beban Gempa yang bekerja pada arah-x sebesar 75.189 Kg dan arah-y sebesar 112.783 Kg, sehingga Beban gempa yang bekerja pada struktur bangunan metode SRPMK lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan struktur bangunan metode SRPMM, yakni sebesar 1,6%

    Peta Sebaran Rumah Sehat Desa Binuang Kecamatan Bangkinang

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    A healthy home is a shelter and a place of rest so as to cultivate a perfect life both physically and socially. Binuang Village is one of the villages in Kampar Regency, located in Bangkinang District. Some houses in Binuang Village still cannot be categorized as healthy houses because they are not in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Health in 1999. Therefore, the author is interested in conducting this research in the hope of displacing the distribution of healthy houses in Binuang Village. The distribution map of the results of this study is also expected to be able to contribute to the Village Government as data for the Desa program in the future. &nbsp;Total 165 residential houses, data obtained by researchers as many as 136 houses. The assessment of healthy houses is based on a questionnaire from the Ministry of Health, with an assessment of 3 categories, namely home components, sanitation facilities, and behavior of house residents, with a weight of 1068. The results ? of research and filling in the questionnaire by the researchers were 74 houses or 54.4 2% of the study subjects were residential houses that were included in the category of healthy houses according to the weight of the study from the questionnaire or questionnaire filling data, and the remaining 62 or 45.58% Of the subjects of the study were residential houses that belonged to the category of unhealthy houses or the number of values from the questionnaire was low

    Analisis Kuat Tekan Dan Berat Jenis Beton Ringan Dengan Menggunakan Serbuk Kelapa (Coco Peat)

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    Beton di masa kini mengalami banyak perkembangan, baik dalam pembuatan campuran beton maupun dalam pelaksanaan konstruksi. Karena teknologi semakin maju, maka penggunaan beton dituntut untuk semakin meningkat dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas, sehingga dibutuhkan cara untuk meningkatkan kekuatan beton dan bisa mengurangi berat dari beton tersebut. Salah satunya dengan bahan pada pembuatan beton yaitu menggunakan coco peat pada beton. coco peat memiliki daya serap air yang cukup tinggi dan mampu menyerap air di sekitarnya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengujian bahan laboratorium untuk mencari pengaruh berat jenis dan kuat tekan beton ringan menggunakan coco peat dengan benda uji variasi 0%, 5% dan 10% dari bobot pasir.&nbsp; Pengaruh coco peat terhadap kuat tekan dan berat jenis pada variasi benda uji 5 % untuk kuat tekan adalah sebesar 52,42 Kg/cm2 dan berat jenis 1.521,97 kg/m3 sedangkan untuk variasi 10% kuat tekan adalah sebesar sebesar 25,46 Kg/cm2 dan berat jenis 1.523,95 kg/m3,peneltian diketahui bahwasanya terlalu banyak menambahkan coco peat untuk subtitusi pasir maka akan menurunkan nilai kuat tekan beton

    Kajian Karakteristik Agregat Halus Quarry Desa Pulau Terap, Kecamatan Kuok

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    The purpose of this study was to conduct an in-depth study of the characteristics of fine aggregates derived from the quarry in Pulau Terap Village, Kuok Sub-District, regarding their suitability for use in the production of normal concrete. The testing of fine aggregates aims to ensure their quality. The following are the tests conducted on fine aggregates: Specific gravity and water absorption test, sieve analysis test, silt content examination, organic content test. These tests are in accordance with SNI 1970-2016 (National Standardization Agency, 2016). Based on the results of the conducted research, conclusions can be drawn that, according to the calculated results from the specific gravity test of fine aggregates, the values obtained are S_d 2.6 and S_s with a value of 2.623. The fineness modulus value is 2.938. The silt content is 2.586%, and the bulk density in compacted state is 1.094468 kg/m3, whereas in loose state, it is 0.949530 kg/m3

    Analisis Pengaruh Abu Sekam Padi Sebagai Pegganti Filler Pada Perkerasan AC-BC Menggunakan Alat Marshall

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    Asphalt concrete mixture on road pavement requires reinforcement with filler as a modification to support strength. The use of fillers in a certain amount will have an effect, depending on the filler material used. However, the company can only produce the amount of filler material based on availability and is sometimes unable to meet demand. This study utilized Rice Husk Ash (RHA) as an alternative filler. The results of this study show that RHA as a filler has an influence on AC-BC pavement in terms of stability and flow values. The more RHA is added, the higher the stability, which is also accompanied by a high flow value. The highest stability value is 1,458.44 kg with 2.0% RHA content, while the lowest flow value is 3.06 mm at 0.5% RHA content