7 research outputs found

    Literacy Of The Concept Of Blue Economy In The Perspective Of Environmental Ethics

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    Konsep ekonomi biru merupakan salah satu fokus penelitian yang tertuang dalam Rencana Induk Riset Nasional atau RIRN yang saat ini menjadi isu kajian yang sangat seksi. Lingkungan juga menjadi perhatian dunia pemikiran para ahli dan pembuat kebijakan. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan literasi tentang pentingnya konsep blue economy sebagai konsep yang harus dipahami sebagai salah satu fokus penelitian para peneliti dan juga menjadi perhatian para pembuat kebijakan pembangunan, khususnya di bidang ekonomi yang berorientasi pada pelestarian sumber daya perairan dan pemanfaatannya. Metode penelitian ini adalah kajian literatur, dengan mengelaborasi berbagai sumber yang relevan dengan penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian merupakan hasil pemikiran reflektif berdasarkan referensi teoritis yang digali oleh peneliti dalam pencarian literatur. Analisis akan diuraikan secara deskriptif dengan pendekatan naratif agar mudah dipaham


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    The purpose of this research was to know the social relationships through Sorokin's theory. This research was done through a film titled Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them which was released in 2016. The data were taken from the utterances of the characters’ dialogue through documentation, the process of watching, and post watching the film. The method of research used a qualitative descriptive method. The results of the study indicated that: (1.) the types of social relationships are social interaction phenomena and non-social interaction phenomena, (2.) From the seven data about a social relationship, three data are about social interaction phenomena:  by human in friendship, by human in ethnicity, and social interaction phenomenon in helping the economy, (3.) using Tsapeli's theory, the sub-chapters of the causes and effects are also successfully identified

    Metode Rapid Application Development dalam Sistem Informasi Geografis Rute Angkutan Umum Kota Depok (SIGEPOK) Berbasis Web

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    Abstract   Depok city, West Java, Indonesia is located in the south of Jakarta, between Jakarta and Bogor. This city has 2.1 million people in 2016 with a high mobility society characteristic. Therefore, they need adequate transportation mode for supporting their activities. The availability of information for public transportation route is a mandatory requirement for Depok city. The use of Internet technology for the implementation of geographic information system is expected to contribute to the success factor of public transportation service. In this study, the proposed system utilized Google Maps in processing and visualizing the public transport route map. The system is designed using Rapid Application Development software development that suitable for faster system development. With this information system, the community is expected to be easier to get information about public transport in Depok city. In addition, the purposed system could give the benefits, i.e. increasing the use of public transport, decreasing the use of private vehicle in people daily activities, and reducing the traffic jams in the city. The proposed system this study was a web-based GIS application that provides information about public transport service in the city of Depok.   Keywords: Rapid Application Development, Geographic Information System, Public Transportation, Web   Abstrak   Kota Depok adalah sebuah kota di provinsi Jawa barat yang terletak tepat di selatan jakarta, yakni diantara Jakarta dan bogor. Populasi kota Depok pada tahun 2016 mencapai 2,1 juta penduduk dengan mobilitas masyarakatnya yang tinggi. Hal tersebut menjadikan masyarakat kota Depok sangat membutuhkan moda transportasi yang memadai untuk menjalankan segala aktifitasnya. Kemudahan informasi mengenai rute rute transportasi umum juga menjadi sebuah kebutuhan wajib bagi masyarakat kota Depok. Pemanfaatan teknologi internet untuk membangun sebuah sistem informasi geografis diharapkan dapat berkontribusi memberikan kemudahan bagi masyarakat dalam mendapatkan rute angkutan umum. Sistem ini memanfaatkan Google Maps dalam mengolah dan memvisualisasikan peta rute angkutan umum. Sistem dirancang dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan perangkat lunak Rapid Application Development, dengan harapan sistem lebih cepat diimplementasikan. Dengan adanya sistem informasi ini, diharapkan masyarakat lebih mudah mendapatkan informasi mengenai rute angkutan umum di kota Depok. Selain itu tujuan penelitian ini dapat berdampak peningkatan penggunaan transportasi umum oleh masyarakat dibandingkan penggunaan kendaraan pribadi saat melakukan aktifitas harian yang secara tidak langsung dapat mengurangi angka kemacetan di kota Depok. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi GIS berbasis web yang memberikan informasi rute rute angkutan umum di kota Depok.   Kata kunci: Rapid Application Development, Sistem Informasi Geografis, Transportasi Umum, We

    The analysis of figurative language in Bohemian Rhapsody’s lyric by Queen

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    Background: Throughout the lyric, -from music- there must be emblazoning with the meaning within it. Purpose: This study is coincided in seeking out the use of figurative language’s content in Bohemian Rhapsody’s lyric by Queen. Design and methods: Whereupon, the qualitative approach with design of content analysis is used in this study. The researcher acts as the main instrument since analyzing it. The focus on this study shows twenty figurative languages usage in it. The entire data is analyzed through three stages; 1). Data reduction, 2). Data representation, 3). Conclusion. Results: The result of this study shows there are 20 kinds of figurative languages; they are; Alliteration (3 lines), assonance and consonance (1 line), Hyperbole (1 line), Imagery (2 lines), Internal rhyme (1 line), Irony (1 line), metaphor (2 lines), and Onomatopoeia (1 line) Personification (1 line), Repetition (1 line), Simile (1 line), and symbolism (two lines). The researcher concludes, the figurative language used by this lyric is to bring the meaning coming up with beautiful language

    Increasing English Reading Comprehension Through Literary Text Extensive Reading Program

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    The research objective is to improve reading comprehension skills through an extensive program of reading literary texts. It used a mixed method. Research participants are 5th-semester students who receive extensive reading (2) courses in the 2020-2021 academic year at Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika Jakarta as many as 70 students. There are two data used in this study, namely 1) qualitative data taken using a questionnaire. Qualitative data were analyzed using transcribed and encoded, organized, categorized, and taking concluding. 2) Quantitative data were taken from the pre-test and post-test. The test data were analyzed using a t-test. The results of the study show that overall an extensive reading program with literary texts has an impact on improving English reading comprehension. Students also have a positive perception of the extensive reading program because they can build interest in reading and reading habit

    Classification of Derivational and Inflectional Morphemes in song lyric of Ariana Grande’s album Thank U, Next.

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    Morphology is the study of word and sub-discipline of linguistics that study of word, structure and form which has component such as morpheme, base, prefix and suffix. This process can reduce ambiguity during the process of correcting the words in sentences. This study investigated about the classification of derivational and inflectional morphemes in the song lyrics of Ariana Grande’s album Thank U, Next. The method in this research use descriptive qualitative method.Process of collecting data used to identify lyric that has derivational and inflectional morpheme. The result of this research is to indicate that the words recorded in song lyrics can be further analyzed about the process of forming words by words and the meaning of the word in it have different meaning from the literal meanin

    Abbreviation Used by Indonesian K-Pop Fans on Twitter

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    The purpose of the study was to get deeply information abbreviation usage in Twitter application. The abbreviation has used to make shorter time in delivering the message but the receiver can understand the message. The method used descriptive qualitative. The data is taken from www.twitter.com as an online application. The source of data was the Twitter application that has made by university students, high school students and employee. The study found that 4 types of abbreviation have used in twitter communication, namely clipping, blending, acronym, and initialism. The abbreviation usage helps the people to make simple conversation like as non-formal communication