6 research outputs found


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    Background. Place of registration of outpatients is often regarded as a place of registration, even though this is the place of first contact occurs between patients with officers as thebeginning of a ministry. TPPRJ need to be placed on the officer who has a good competency, security services, as well as providing comfort and enjoyment. therefore, researchers wanted to find out patient satisfaction for the quality of service at the TPPRJ about competence officers, security services, as well as the comfort and enjoyment in the hospital.Method. Type of research used is descriptive, with a survey method and study population were patients who enroll in TPPRJ in 2011 with a sample of 98 patients. This research instrumentusing quisioner with interviews, primary data obtained from quisioner, processed and analyzed descriptively.Result. Results obtained from the research results on aspects of staff competence highest patient satisfaction in terms of officer performance is 92.85%, on the security aspects of patient care the highest satisfaction in terms of security of injury does not occur at the registration counter is equal to 97.95%,on the aspect of comfort and enjoyment of the highest patient satisfaction of service in terms of state of the waiting room in the registration that is equal to 89.79%Conclusion. Of patient opinion about what caused the dissatisfaction of patients in the tpprj then the suggestion that the authors give is more nimble workers in providing care for patients, the TPPRJ more concerned about the ease and speed of service procedures, as well as on the tpprj attention to patient safety while queuing at the counter registrationKey words: patient satisfaction, quality of service, TPPRJ

    Pengembangan modul sistem operasi berbasis Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) untuk menumbuhkan keaktifan belajar siswa di SMKN 1 Pogalan

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    Tujuan dari pengembangan ini adalah untuk, membuat sebuah buku, mengobservasi keaktifan belajar siswa saat menggunakan buku yang dikembangkan dan mendeskripsikan hasil uji validasi buku untuk siswa SMKN 1 Pogalan Trenggalek. Tahap pengembangannya meliputi, (1) analisis kebutuhan; (2) perencanaan; (3) pengembangan produk awal; (4) validasi ahli; (5) uji coba kelompok kecil; (6) uji coba kelompok besar; (7) revisi; dan (8) diseminasi. peneliti juga melakukan observasi keaktifan menggunakan angket yang mengadopsi milik Sardiman. Peneliti juga melakukan uji terhadap responden mengenai isi dari materi yang ada pada buku


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    Tujuan pengembangan adalah merancang pendeteksi kadar STPP limbah industripengepakaan udang. Instrumentasi sistem menggunakan sistem fotometri memanfaatkansinar UV yang ditembakkan ke sampel limbah pada kuvet untuk mendeteksi kadar STPP.Logikanya semakin besar sinar UV yang diserap oleh STPP maka semakin besar kadarSTPP-nya. Sinyal cahaya dilewatkan pada cairan STPP dan diterima oleh photodiodaselanjutnya diubah menjadi sinyal listrik. Perubahan sinyal cahaya menjadi listrikdigunakan sebagai input OP-Amp yang berfungsi sebagai pengkondisi sinyal input ADC.Selanjutnya ADC akan mengubah tegangan input menjadi data digital 8 bit. Data yangdiinputkan ke MK akan diolah dengan program MCS-51 dan ditampilkan ke display sevensegment dan merupakan hasil pen-deteksian kadar STPP dalam persen. Hasil pendeteksianmempunyai keandalan ± 80%

    Evaluation of Bio-Corrosion on Carbon Steel by Bacillus Megaterium in Biodiesel and Diesel Oil Mixture

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    Biodiesel can act as carbon source for bacterial metabolisms, leading to corrosion of carbon steel. In this study, the corrosion of carbon steel by biodiesel blends (B15, B20, B30) was observed in the presence of Bacillus megaterium. The effect of biodiesel concentration on microorganism-induced corrosion was investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscope (EIS), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and digital microscope. The results showed that under various biodiesel concentrations, Bacillus megaterium can grow and form biofilm on carbon steel. Based on the impedance analysis, their presence can increase the corrosion rate and cause pitting corrosion because the biofilm can change the electrochemical reactions in the metal or the interface solution and the kinetics of the anodic cathodic reactions. Also, Bacillus megaterium produces acid metabolites and can oxidize iron. Besides being influenced by Bacillus megaterium activities, the pitting formed on carbon steel depends on the biodiesel concentration. The results showed a great deal of shallow pit formation in B30, exacerbating the severity of metal roughness

    Influence of Electrode Distance on Electrical Energy Production of Microbial Fuel Cell using Tapioca Wastewater

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    Microbial fuel cell is one alternative technology that can be used to simultaneously solve problems related with wastewater production and energy demand. This study investigates the influence of electrode distance on power density in microbial fuel cell using tapioca wastewater. Graphite sheet without metal catalyst was used for both electrodes, separated by Nafion membranes. Four variations of electrode distance were used. MFC with highest electrode distance give the highest equilibrium OCV (676 mV), while the MFC with shortest electrode distance give the highest power density (7.74 mW/m2). EIS measurement suggested that the charge transfer resistance is dominant in all MFC configuration. Wastewater COD removal were in the range of 35-46 %, which were in accordance with the power density for all MFC