40 research outputs found

    Diversidad y complejidad: Poblamiento de Navarra en la Edad del Bronce

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    Revisión de los elementos de ajuar conservados del sepulcro megalítico de Unón (Clavijo, La Rioja)

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    En este artículo se procede a la revisión de los materiales conservados del megalito desaparecido de Uñón (Clavijo, La Rioja), entre los que destacan varios recipientes campaniformes

    La Cuesta de la Iglesia (Bardenas Reales). El final de la Edad del Bronce en el Ebro Medio.

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    Se reflexiona acerca del Bronce Final en el Valle Medio del Ebro a partir de la revisión de materiales dispersos de un poblado de Las Bardenas Reales de Navarra (España).-----------Is pondered about the Final Bronze in the Average Valley of Ebro starting from the review of materials of a site one of Bardenas Reales of Navarre (Spain)

    El ajuar doméstico en el poblado protohistórico de El Castejón de Bargota, Navarra

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    En este trabajo se ofrecen los resultados de las actividades de campo llevadas a cabo en el yacimiento protohistórico de El Castejón, y del posterior estudio de los datos recuperados, tanto de las estructuras, como del ajuar

    Dos sepulturas tumulares de la Edad del Bronce en Navarra

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    Se presentan en este artículo dos sepulturas de la Edad del Bronce de Navarra España) caracterizadas por su cámara de pequeño tamaño y su túmulo plano. Se ponen en relación con otros ejemplos del valle del Ebro, indicando su conexión regional entre la arquitectura de los sepulcros megalíticos y los crómlechs, tumbas de incineración de la Edad del Hierro.------------In this paper we present two Bronze Age sepultures in Navarre (Spain), characterized by their small chamber and flat tumulus. They are put in relation with other examples of the Ebro valley, showing the regional connection between the architecture of the megalithic tombs and the cromlechs, the Iron Age incineration tombs

    El depósito de armas de la azucarera (Alfaro, La Rioja)

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    En el presente artículo se trata el hallazgo de un depósito de armas: espadas, puñal, casco y umbos de escudo, principalmente, localizados durante la excavación realizada en el año 1969 en la Azucarera de Alfaro (La Rioja). El material es bastante significativo dentro del contexto peninsular. Parece tratarse de un depósito ritual de la guerra sertoriana, de ahí su importancia y el interés de su publicación

    Isotopic evidence of strong reliance on animal foods and dietary heterogeneity among Early-Middle Neolithic communities of Iberia

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    Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope research on past populations in the Iberian Neolithic has emphasized the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. This study provides the first isotopic insights into the diet and subsistence economy of Early and Middle Neolithic populations from open-air sites in interior north-central Iberia. We present bone collagen carbon (?13C) and nitrogen (?15N) isotope ratios for 44 humans and 33 animals recovered from six cemeteries of the Ebro valley and the northern Iberian Plateau. The results obtained are consistent with the C3 terrestrial diets typical of other contemporary south-western European populations, but the spacing between human and herbivore values from Los Cascajos and Paternanbidea sites is higher than expected, and a significant positive correlation is identified between the ?13C and ?15N human values at both. Moreover, the results clearly differ from those of the Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic in the same region, which show significantly lower ?13C and ?15N values. These findings contribute to an understanding of the implementation of an agro-pastoral economy in interior Iberia, suggesting a stronger reliance on animal foods among the first Neolithic groups of inner Iberia than in subsequent periods as well as differential access to some resources (possibly suckling herbivores) in the diet, which may point to the existence of early social or economic inequalities that do not seem to be linked to age and sex parameters or to mortuary treatment.This research was funded by the Basque Government (POS_2013_1_147; POS_2014_2_24; POS_2015_2_ 0001) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project ‘Coastal societies in a changing world: A diachronic and comparative approach to the Prehistory of SWEurope from the late Palaeolithic to the Neolithic (CoChange)’ (HAR2014-51830-P)). The study has also been supported by a Newton International Fellowship funded by the British Academy (NF170854); the Basque Government (IT542/10); the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (UFI11/09); and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects ‘Los Caminos del Neolítico’ (HAR2009-09027) and ‘Los Caminos del Neolítico II’ (HAR2013-46800-P))