60 research outputs found

    Gamification and education Oyunlaştırma ve eğitim

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    Today, as people allocate time for games and they have good time with them, the idea of transforming something into a game structure has emerged. Although the concept of the game is very old, gamification is a very new one. According to Zicherman and Cunningham (2011) gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in non-game contexts to engage users in solving problems. The aim of this study is to inquire the research problem that “What is the gamification?” and “How can the gamification be used in education?”. This is a qualitative research. As a result of our research on the subject, an example of educational gamification has been attempted to introduce. Gamification, or the incorporation of game elements into non-game settings, provides an opportunity to help schools to solve difficult problems. Gamification applications that increase student motivation in an entertaining way have a positive effect in the interest of the students towards the lesson. Increased interest and motivation will also raise students' academic success. ÖzetGünümüzde insanlar oyunlara zaman ayırdıkları ve oyunla daha iyi zaman geçirdikleri için bir yapıyı oyun haline dönüştürme fikri ortaya çıkmıştır. Oyun kavramı çok eski olmasına rağmen oyunlaştırma kavramı çok yeni bir kavramdır. Zicherman ve Cunningham (2011) tarafından oyunlaştırma “Oyundaki düşünce biçiminin ve oyun kurallarının, kullanıcıların ilgisini çekmek ve problem çözmek amacıyla kullanılması” olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Nitel bir araştırma olan çalışmamız, “Oyunlaştırma nedir ve eğitimde nasıl kullanılabilir?” problemine çözüm aramak amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Konu hakkındaki yapılan araştırmalarımız neticesinde, oyunlaştırma sürecinin bir ders uygulaması ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Oyunlaştırma yani oyun bileşenlerinin oyun dışına uygulanması, okulların önemli problemlerini çözmede önemli bir fırsat sunabilir. Eğlenceli olarak motivasyonu artıran bu uygulamaların eğitime uyarlanması öğrencilerin derse karşı olan ilgilerinde pozitif bir etkiye sahip olacaktır. İlgi ve motivasyonu artan öğrencilerin şüphesiz akademik başarıları da artacaktır

    Değişen öğretim programları ve sınıf içi normlar

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    Extended AbstractRationale of the study: Turkish curricula have been undergoing a massive change since 2005, especially at primary level. The new curricula set forth certain basic skills that every student at primary level needs to acquire; these skills are: critical and creative thinking, communication, questioning, problem solving, use of information communication technologies, initiation and use of Turkish language eloquently. However, research (Bingolbali et al., 2008; Ozmantar et al., 2008) shows that teachers working at this level experience difficulties in teaching such skills to the students. Hence, the need to help teachers for that matter is obvious. Having recognized this need, this study makes use of the notion of social classroom norms proposed by Cobb and his colleagues (Yackel and Cobb, 1996; Cobb et al., 1997) and suggests that teaching students such skills requires the establishment of certain classroom norms in line with the target skills. Classroom norms could be considered as tacit rules shaped by the interactions and dialogues amongst the agents in the classroom. The norms involve how students and teachers view themselves with regard to teaching and learning activities and what kinds of roles are assigned to the members of the classroom. Norms also reflect value judgements and determine what is important in a classroom regarding teaching and learning.The purpose of the study: This paper aims to demonstrate how the notion of social classroom norms can be used to enable the teachers to get students equipped with the basic skills (e.g. critical thinking and questioning skills) that the new curricula set forth.Method: This is a qualitative study which involves document analysis. To determine the kind of classroom norms, official documents concerning the new curricula are subjected to the content analysis. Further to this, literature (Cobb et al., 1997; Tsai, 2004 & 2007) on classroom norms is examined and the norms developed and used in classrooms by others are evaluated along with the basic skills. The analyses are carried out independently by each of the authors who determined such norms as they think are necessary for basic skills to develop. The determined norms are later compared and contrasted along with the targeted skills by the curricula. The norms are finalized through the agreement of all the authors and the relations between the determined norms and every each of basic skills are detailed.Results: The analyses of the official documents and details of the basic skills given in those documents lead to the development of eight classroom norms which, we believe, need to be existent in each and every classroom concerned with teaching the students these skills. The determined norms are as follows:1.      Explanation of the ideas (i.e. solutions, arguments and explanations)2.      Justification of the arguments3.      Sharing the ideas without any fear4.      Making real effort to understand the others’ ideas5.      Stating agreement or disagreement with the ideas shared in the classrooms6.      Stating explicitly what is understood and what is not7.      Developing alternative solutions8.      Questioning the validity of the argumentsThese norms are closely related to each other and every one of them needs to be established in the classrooms in order to create an environment in which students find opportunities to gain the basic skills that the new curricula aim. The use and importance of these norms are exemplified through dialogues obtained from Cobb et al’s (1997) study. The dialogues take place in a mathematics class where a teacher tries to establish similar norms as proposed in this study. The dialogues are examined in terms of both the norms and the basic skills in such a way to exemplify the relationships amongst them.Discussion: The discussion addresses teachers with regard to creating particular classroom cultures through the determined classroom norms and how these norms can be used to help students to obtain the basic skills. It is argued that the new roles that the curricula assign to the teacher and students during the teaching and learning activities require a dramatic change in the classroom interactions and this in turn necessitates the establishment of classroom norms accordingly. This is particularly important given the fact that norms reflect what is valued during the learning and what is expected of students. The paper also discusses the importance of creating awareness for teachers with regard to the importance of classroom norms and suggests designing in-service teacher professional development programs. However, it is pointed out that the duration of such programs and the methods employed to enable teachers to appreciate the significance of these matters are issues of great importance. İlköğretim seviyesinde, 2005 yılında yenilenen öğretim programları, öğrencilerin bazı beceriler (eleştirel düşünme ve araştırma-sorgulama becerileri gibi) kazanmasını hedeflemiştir. Bu çalışmada, söz konusu becerilerin öğrencilere kazandırılmasına yönelik olarak, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan öğretim programları incelenerek sınıf içinde oluşturulması gereken bir takım normlar belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen “sınıf içi normlar” ile programların hedeflediği her bir beceri arasındaki ilişki sınıf ortamında elde edilmiş veriler üzerinden örneklendirilmiştir. Son olarak, sınıf içinde oluşturulması gereken normların, öğrencilerin bahsedilen becerileri kazanabilmelerine nasıl katkıda bulunacağı tartışılmıştır

    Kardiyak resenkronizasyon tedavisine yanıtın öngörülmesinde sistemik bağışıklık-inflamatuvar indeksinin rolü

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    Aim: Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is a reliable treatment modality in patients with systolic dysfunction. However, not every patient appears to benefit from CRT. The systemic immune inflammation index (SII) is closely linked to the poor prognosis of various cardiovascular disorders. However, there is no study investigating whether SII has predictive value in determining response to CRT in dilated cardiomyopathy patients. Therefore, we intend to investigate the association between SII and response to CRT. Methods: A total of 220 patients (mean age 61.2±10.8 years; 120 men) implanted with CRT were involved in this study. Echocardiographic and laboratory measurements were evaluated prior to CRT. Response to CRT was determined as a≥ 15% decrease in left ventricular end-systolic volume at one-year follow-up. Results: Patients grouped as CRT responders and non-responders. Of these, 143 (64.6%) were considered to be CRT responders, while the remaining 77 (33.4%) were non-responders. Female sex (OR: 3.823, CI: 1.568-9.324 p=0.003), QRS duration (OR: 1.224, CI: 1.158-1.335 p<0.001), and SII (OR: 0.996 CI: 0.995-0.997 p<0.001) were shown to be independent predictors of CRT response in multivariate analysis. A cut-off value of SII >825 estimated no response to CRT with 80% sensitivity and 75% specificity. Conclusions: SII was associated with unresponsiveness to CRT. Therefore, it may be used to determine optimal patient selection for CRT implantation in routine clinical practice.Amaç: Kardiyak resenkronizasyon tedavisi (KRT), sistolik disfonksiyonu olan hastalarda güvenilir bir tedavi yöntemidir. Ancak, KRT'nin faydası belli hasta grupları ile sınırlıdır. Sistemik immün inflamatuvar indeks (SII), çeşitli kardiyovasküler bozuklukların kötü prognozu ile ilişkilidir. Bununla birlikte, dilate kardiyomiyopati hastalarında SII'nin KRT'ye yanıtı belirlemede prediktif değeri olup olmadığını araştıran bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmada SII ile KRT'ye yanıt arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmak amaçlandı. Yöntemler: Bu çalışmaya KRT implante edilen toplam 220 hasta (ortalama yaş 61,2±10,8 yıl; 120 erkek) dahil edildi. KRT öncesi ekokardiyografi ve laboratuvar ölçümleri değerlendirildi. KRT'ye yanıt, bir yıllık takipte sol ventrikül sistol sonu hacminde ≥ %15 azalma olarak belirlendi. Bulgular: Hastalar, KRT'ye yanıt verenler ve yanıt vermeyenler olarak gruplandırıldı. Bunlardan 143'ü (%64,6) KRT'ye yanıt veren olarak kabul edilirken, kalan 77'si (%33,4) yanıt vermeyendi. Kadın cinsiyet (OR: 3.823, CI: 1.568-9.324 p=0.003), QRS süresi (OR: 1.224, CI: 1.158-1.335 p<0.001) ve SII (OR: 0.996 CI: 0.995-0.997 p<0.001) çok değişkenli analizde KRT yanıtının bağımsız öngörücüleri olarak bulundu. SII >825'lik bir sınır değeri, %80 duyarlılık ve %75 özgüllük ile KRT'ye yanıt olmadığını öngördürmüştür. Sonuç: Bu çalışmada SII’nin KRT'ye yanıtsızlığı öngördüğü gösterilmiştir. Bu nedenle SII rutin klinik uygulamada KRT implantasyonu için optimal hasta seçimini belirlemede kullanılabilir

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Comparison of the combination of dexmedetomidine with either sevoflurane or propofol induction according to the success rate of classical LMA insertion

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    Bu çalışmada sevofluran veya propofol indüksiyonu ile laringeal maske (LMA) yerleştirilmesi başarısına deksmedetomidin eklenmesinin etkilerini karşılaştırmayı amaçladık. UÜTF Etik Kurul Komitesi onayı alındıktan sonra; ASA I-II grubu, 20– 50 yaş aralığında elektif cerrahi planlanan 80 olgu çalışmaya dahil edildi. Tüm olgulara, sistolik arter basıncı (SAB), diastolik arter basıncı (DAB) ve ortalama arter basıncı (OAB), kalp atım hızı (KAH), periferik oksijen satürasyonu (SpO2), soluk sonu CO2 (ETCO2) ve BİS monitörörizasyonu uygulandı. Hastalar randomize olarak kapalı zarf usulü ile 4 gruba ayrıldı: Grup S (n=20) sevofluran %8, Grup P (n=20) 3 mg/kg propofol i.v, Grup DP (n=20) deksmedetomidin 1µg/kg i.v bolus takiben 3 mg/kg propofol i.v. ve Grup DS (n=20): deksmedetomidin 1µg/kg bolus takiben sevofluran %8 ile indüksiyon yapıldı. LMA yerleştirilmesi sırasında oluşan çene hareketlerinde kısıtlılık, öksürme, hareket gibi parametrelerin değerlendirilmesi ve LMA yerleştirilme kalitesi değerlendirilmesi için modifiye Muzi skoru kullanıldı ve belirli zamanlarda kaydedildi. LMA yerleştirilmesi sırasında ölçülen modiiye Muzi skorları Grup S ve P’de (6.15±1.03 7.05±1.35) Grup DP ve DS’den (2.55±0.60, 2.30±0.57) belirgin olarak yüksekti. (p<0.001). Grup S’de 17 (%85), Grup P’de 16 (%80), Grup DS ve DP’de ise tüm olgulara ilk denemede LMA başarılı şekilde yerleştirildi. Grup S ve Grup P’de BIS değerleri LMA yerleştirildikten sonra kontrol değerlerine göre anlamlı olarak yükseldi (p<0.001). Grup P’de SAB, DAB, OAB değerleri indüksiyon sonrası anlamlı olarak düşüktü. Ancak hemodinamik ve solunumsal parametreler yönünden gruplar arasında anlamlı farklılık saptanmadı. Sevofluran veya propofol indüksiyonundan 30 sn önce uygulanan 1 µg/kg deksmedetomidinin; hemodinamik parametreler üzerine olumsuz etki yapmadan LMA yerleştirme başarısını ve kalitesini arttırdığı sonucuna vardık.Our aim was to investigate the effect of intravenous dexmedetomidine on success rate of laringeal mask (LMA) insertion during sevoflurane or propofol induction. After the Uludag University ethics committee approval; 80 ASA I-II patients scheduled to undergo elective surgical procedures were enrolled the study. All patients were monitored for measuring systolic artery pressure (SAP), diastolic artery pressure (DAP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), hearth rate, peripheral oxygen saturation, end tidal CO2 and with Bispectral Index (BIS) monitor. Patients were randomized into the four groups by sealed envelope technique regarding the induction of general anesthesia: Group S (n=20); 8% sevoflurane, Group P (n =20); 3mg/kg intravenous propofol, Group DP (n=20); 1µg/kg intravenous dexmedetomidine plus 3 mg/kg intravenous propofol and Group DS (n=20); 1µg/kg intravenous dexmedetotimidine plus 8% sevoflurane. During LMA insertion, parameters such as jaw relaxation, cough, and patient movement were evaluated using the modified Muzi score to assess LMA insertion quality and were also recorded at the regular time points. The modified Muzi scores which were measured during LMA insertion were significantly higher in Group S and Group P (6.15±1.03 and 7.05±1.35, respectively) than Group DP and Group DS (2.55±0.60 and 2.30±0.57, respectively) (for all, p<0.001). The success rate of LMA insertion at the first attempt was 17 (85%), 16 (80%), 20 (100%) and 20 (100%) in Groups S, P, DS and DP, respectively. In Group P and Group D, increased BIS values were determined immediately after the insertion of LMA. When compared with the baseline values, SAP, DAP and MAP measurements showed significantly decreases after the induction in Group P. However, hemodynamic parameters. As a conclusion, the administration of 1 µg/kg intravenous dexmedetomidine before the induction of propofol and sevoflurane results in increased success rate of LMA insertion and improved the insertion quality without any alterations on hemodynamic parameters

    Examining Classroom Teachers’ Views about Their Competencies Concerning the Integration of Technology

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    The present study aimed to reveal what classroom teachers think about their competencies about the integration of technology. This study is important to lead other researchers to investigate similar studies. The study is a qualitative and phenomenology study. Participants are 6 classroom teachers who were chosen by criterion sampling method. The research data were collected by an open-ended questionnaire and interwievs were recorded. Descriptive analysis technique which is a qualitative research method was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that the in-service classroom teachers require participating in such courses on technology and pedagogy for their professional development and teachers’ experiences with technology integration and their education status significantly affect their views about their own competencies. As a result of this research, suggestions were develope

    Developing "Teaching principles and methods cors self-effıcacy scale" for pre-service teachers

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    Bu çalışmada öğretmen adaylarının, öğretim ilke ve yöntemleri dersi öz yeterliklerini ölçmeye ilişkin bir ölçek geliştirmek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada ölçeği oluşturan maddeler Yüksek Öğretim Kurumu'nun (YÖK) öğretim ilke ve yöntemleri dersi için belirlediği kur tanımına göre hazırlanmıştır. Hazırlanan ön uygulama taslak formu Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesinde öğrenim gören 327 öğretmen adayına uygulanmıştır. Toplanan formlardan 300 tanesi üzerinde istatiksel analizler yapılmıştır. Faktör analizine göre ölçek, 6 faktör ve 33 maddeden oluşmaktadır. Faktörler toplam varyansın % 67'sini açıklamaktadır. Ölçeğin Cronbach Alpha katsayısı (?) .95 olup, ölçeğin faktörleri için güvenirlik katsayısı. 85-.91 arasında değişmektedir. Elde edilen sonuçlar göz önüne alındığında ölçeğin geçerli ve güvenilir bir yapıya sahip olduğu ve yapılacak olan araştırmalarda kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir.In this study, it was aimed to develop a scale to gauge pre-service teachers' selfefficacy levels in teaching principles and methods course. The items included in the scale were prepared according to the course description identified for teaching principles and method course by Higher Education Council (HEC). Pre-application form was applied to 327 pre-service teachers studying at Mustafa Kemal University. Statistical analysis was carried out on 300 forms out of 327. It was concluded that the scale was reliable and valid. According to the factor analysis, the scale consisted of 6 factors and 33 items. The factors explained 67% of the total variance. Cronbach Alpha coefficient (?) of the scale was .95, and reliability coefficient of the scale for the factors changed between .85 and .91. When the results obtained are considered, it can be said that the scale is valid and variable. It can be used in further studies

    Manganese(III) acetate mediated oxidation of N-methylindol and N-methylcarbazol derivatives

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    Manganese(III) acetate mediated oxidation of 1-alkyl-1H-indole and 9-methyl-9H-carbazole was studied. 1-Methyl-1H-indole gives the 1-acetoxymethyl derivative with good yield. 1-Methyl- 2-phenyl-1H-indole furnished the oxidation of the methyl group and C-3 of indole to obtain the corresponding acetoxy derivatives. 1-ethyl-2-phenyl derivative only furnished the C-3 acetoxylation product. 1,2-Dimethyl-1H-indole furnished oxidation on both of the methyl groups. The major products are 1-methyl-1H-indole-2-carbaldehyde and 1-methyl-2diacetoxymethyl- 1H-indole. Manganese(III) acetate oxidation of 9-methyl-9H-carbazole furnished (9H-carbazol-9-yl) methanol in good yield.Publisher's Versio

    Selective one-pot synthesis of substituted pyrrole-3-phosphonates from alpha-cyanomethyl-beta-ketoesters

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    A one-step synthesis of 5-alkoxypyrrole-3-phosphonates is presented starting from suitable alpha-cyanomethyl-beta-ketophosphonates. The key step in the synthesis involves a one-pot addition and heteroannulation sequence. The zinc perchlorate-catalyzed addition of alcohols to the nitrile carbon of alpha-cyanomethyl- beta-ketophosphonates followed by annulation furnished 5-alkoxypyrrole-3-phosphonates. The addition-annulation process is carried out in the presence of water and 4,5-dihydro-5-oxo-1H-pyrrole-3-phosphonates (pyrrolinones) are obtained in good yields