3 research outputs found

    Functional and structural studies of retroviral proteins, FIV Gag and HIV-1 Tat, for therapeutic and vaccine purposes

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    Depuis sa découverte il y a plus de 30 ans, le Virus de l’Immunodéficience Humaine est à l’origine d’une importante mortalité dans le monde. De par la difficulté de tester l’efficacité de formulations thérapeutiques et/ou vaccinales directement chez l’homme, des études d’infections modèles du VIH, comme celle du Virus de l’Immunodéficience Féline (FIV), ont été entreprises ces dernières années. Au-delà de son intérêt vétérinaire, l’étude du FIV représente un avantage important pour trouver un moyen de contrôler les infections par les lentivirus tel que le VIH. Elle peut permettre de développer et surtout de tester l’efficacité des vaccins et/ou thérapies spécifiques chez le chat, dont le SIDA mime les symptômes et les modifications hématologiques rencontrés chez l’homme. Ce manuscrit s’est intéressé à l’étude structurale de deux familles de protéines virales de ces virus, les protéines lentivirales précoces (protéine Tat du VIH) et tardives (domaines Capside CA et Matrice MA de Gag du FIV). L’étude structurale de ces protéines et leur compréhension fonctionnelle au sein de l’hôte pourront à l’avenir ouvrir de nouvelles voies thérapeutiques et/ou vaccinales contre les lentivirus, palliant ainsi les problèmes existants de résistances viralesSince its discovery 30 years ago, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the cause of an important mortality worldwide. Because of the difficulty to test the efficiency of therapeutical and/or vaccinal formulations directly in humans, studies of models of HIV infections, such as the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), have been performed in recent years. In addition to its veterinary interest, the study of FIV is an important issue to find a way to control infections by lentiviruses such as HIV. It can help to develop and test the efficiency of specific therapies and/or vaccines for cats, where AIDS mimics the symptoms and hematologic changes observed in humans. This manuscript describes the structural study of two types of viral proteins of these viruses, early lentiviral proteins (HIV Tat protein) and late lentiviral proteins (CA capsid and MA Matrix domains of FIV Gag). The structural study of these proteins and their functional understanding into the host will open new therapeutic and/or vaccine strategies against these lentiviruses in the future, in order to overcome the existing problems of viral resistanc

    The role of leaders in fostering civic engagement and student voice activities : tales from a democratic school

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    This symposium examines the question: how can school leaders can foster civic engagement practice throughout the school? The papers examine aspects of this theme within one elementary school: the (perhaps inherent) dilemmas of being a democratic leader, the contexts and conditions that impact the promotion of civic-efficacy in children, the relationship between civic engagement and inquiry-based practices, and the way in which teachers “sense-make” of their leader’s civic-based initiatives. In a time when schools face constant pressure to narrow the focus on test scores, the papers provide important lessons on how leaders can maintain a vision of civic education despite these strong external pressures.Godkänd; 2011; 20111205 (ulrber