33 research outputs found

    Changes in balance coordination and transfer to an unlearned balance task after slackline training: a self-organizing map analysis

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    How humans maintain balance and change postural control due to age, injury, immobility or training is one of the basic questions in motor control. One of the problems in understanding postural control is the large set of degrees of freedom in the human motor system. Therefore, a self-organizing map (SOM), a type of artificial neural network, was used in the present study to extract and visualize information about high-dimensional balance strategies before and after a 6-week slackline training intervention. Thirteen subjects performed a flamingo and slackline balance task before and after the training while full body kinematics were measured. Range of motion, velocity and frequency of the center of mass and joint angles from the pelvis, trunk and lower leg (45 variables) were calculated and subsequently analyzed with an SOM. Subjects increased their standing time significantly on the flamingo (average +2.93 s, Cohen’s d = 1.04) and slackline (+9.55 s, d = 3.28) tasks, but the effect size was more than three times larger in the slackline. The SOM analysis, followed by a k- means clustering and marginal homogeneity test, showed that the balance coordination pattern was significantly different between pre- and post-test for the slackline task only (χ2 = 82.247; p 0.001). The shift in balance coordination on the slackline could be characterized by an increase in range of motion and a decrease in velocity and frequency in nearly all degrees of freedom simultaneously. The observation of low transfer of coordination strategies to the flamingo task adds further evidence for the task-specificity principle of balance training, meaning that slackline training alone will be insufficient to increase postural control in other challenging situations

    An Exploratory Meta-Analytic Review on the Empirical Evidence of Differential Learning as an Enhanced Motor Learning Method

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    Background: Differential learning (DL) is a motor learning method characterized by high amounts of variability during practice and is claimed to provide the learner with a higher learning rate than other methods. However, some controversy surrounds DL theory, and to date, no overview exists that compares the effects of DL to other motor learning methods. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of DL in comparison to other motor learning methods in the acquisition and retention phase. Design: Systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis. Methods: PubMed (MEDLINE), Web of Science, and Google Scholar were searched until February 3, 2020. To be included, (1) studies had to be experiments where the DL group was compared to a control group engaged in a different motor learning method (lack of practice was not eligible), (2) studies had to describe the effects on one or more measures of performance in a skill or movement task, and (3) the study report had to be published as a full paper in a journal or as a book chapter. Results: Twenty-seven studies encompassing 31 experiments were included. Overall heterogeneity for the acquisition phase (post-pre; I-2 = 77%) as well as for the retention phase (retention-pre; I-2 = 79%) was large, and risk of bias was high. The meta-analysis showed an overall small effect size of 0.26 [0.10, 0.42] in the acquisition phase for participants in the DL group compared to other motor learning methods. In the retention phase, an overall medium effect size of 0.61 [0.30, 0.91] was observed for participants in the DL group compared to other motor learning methods. Discussion/Conclusion: Given the large amount of heterogeneity, limited number of studies, low sample sizes, low statistical power, possible publication bias, and high risk of bias in general, inferences about the effectiveness of DL would be premature. Even though DL shows potential to result in greater average improvements between pre- and post/retention test compared to non-variability-based motor learning methods, more high-quality research is needed before issuing such a statement. For robust comparisons on the relative effectiveness of DL to different variability-based motor learning methods, scarce and inconclusive evidence was found

    The Wasserstein Impact Measure (WIM): A practical tool for quantifying prior impact in Bayesian statistics

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    The prior distribution is a crucial building block in Bayesian analysis, and its choice will impact the subsequent inference. It is therefore important to have a convenient way to quantify this impact, as such a measure of prior impact will help to choose between two or more priors in a given situation. To this end a new approach, the Wasserstein Impact Measure (WIM), is introduced. In three simulated scenarios, the WIM is compared to two competitor prior impact measures from the literature, and its versatility is illustrated via two real datasets

    The Uncontrolled Manifold Concept Reveals That the Structure of Postural Control in Recurve Archery Shooting Is Related to Accuracy

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    In this study, we examine the structure of postural variability in six elite-level recurve archers using the uncontrolled manifold concept. Previous research showed equivocal results for the relationship between postural control and shooting accuracy, but these studies were mainly limited to a descriptive approach to postural variability/stability and did not take the simultaneous movements of the upper limb joints into account. In this study, we show that the goal-equivalent variability which stabilizes the orientation of the arrow in space is significantly larger than that of the non-goal-equivalent variability in arrows of high accuracy (score 9 or 10). Conversely, arrows of lower accuracy (score 6, 7, or 8) failed to reach significant thresholds throughout the majority of the aiming phase. This analysis reveals that it is not necessary (or even possible) for elite archers to minimize the movements of all degrees of freedom during aiming, but rather that the structure of variability of the redundant kinematic chain is exploited so that the relevant performance variable (orientation of the arrow) is stabilized

    Clinical impact of SARS-Cov-2 variants in hospitalised patients in Belgium

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    Summary of different epidemiological and clinical research activities on SARS-CoV-2 variants conducted at Sciensano

    Statistical parametric mapping of biomechanical one-dimensional data with Bayesian inference

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    Recent developments in Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) for continuum data (e.g. kinematic time series) have been adopted by the biomechanics research community with great interest. The Python/MATLAB package spm1d developed by T. Pataky has introduced SPM into the biomechanical literature, adapted originally from neuroimaging. The package already allows many of the statistical analyses common in biomechanics from a frequentist perspective. In this paper, we propose an application of Bayesian analogs of SPM based on Bayes factors and posterior probability with default priors using the BayesFactor package in R. Results are provided for two typical designs (two-sample and paired sample t-tests) and compared to classical SPM results, but more complex standard designs are possible in both classical and Bayesian frameworks. The advantages of Bayesian analyses in general and specifically for SPM are discussed. Scripts of the analyses are available as supplementary materials