37 research outputs found

    Contextual barriers to artistic practices among older people: how do older artists perceive them?

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    Research on older people’s artistic participation has mainly focused on its benefits. Fewer studies have addressed the antecedents of older people’s artistic participation, especially the barriers to artistic practices, and particularly those related with contextual factors. In this study, we examined from a socioecological perspective which contextual barriers older artists perceive when they are carrying out their artistic practices. We conducted semi-structured individual interviews with 30 older visual artists and craftspeople. We found six themes relating to contextual barriers to the artistic practice: changes in cultural context; value of arts and crafts; dissemination of artistic work; financial difficulties; discrimination against women; and the covid-19 pandemic. Our study expands on previous research on antecedents of artistic participation among older people, and specifically on barriers. Finally, our study suggests the need to decrease these barriers by implementing programmes aimed at older artists maintaining their artistic practices for as long as possible

    Post-traumatic growth among older people after the forced lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic

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    We explored post-traumatic growth (PTG) in older adults immediately after the forced lockdown in Spain during March to April, 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The study also tried to identify the variables that predict PTG, focusing on the experience of COVID, sociodemographic variables, and social resources. In total 1,009 people aged 55 years and older participated in the study and completed an online questionnaire comprising the following elements: The short form of the Post-traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI-SF), sociodemographic and social resources questions, and their experiences of COVID-19 (if they had been infected themselves or if they had experienced the loss of someone close). Results showed that only a quarter of the participants experienced higher PTG after the forced lockdown, with only age and social resources being correlated with scores on the PTGI-SF. Looking at the strengths that older adults put into action to combat the pandemic and its social and health consequences could be an important consideration when planning future social policies for this and other pandemics

    Older adults' participation in artistic activities: A scoping review

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    This scoping review analyses existing literature on older adults’ participation in artistic activities. It identifies gaps in this research topic and suggests new directions for research. We followed the five-step process defined by Arksey and O’Malley (2005) and extended by Levac et al. (2010). Four electronic databases were searched, and 129 peer-reviewed articles were included in the scoping review. Research into older adults’ participation in artistic activities has grown in the last ten years. However, empirical papers tend to focus on the outcomes of older people’s participation in artistic activities, in particular the benefits. Most papers centred on facilitators to examine the antecedents of this type of participation among people in late life. Research about experiences, potentially negative consequences or barriers to older adults’ participation in artistic activities have been largely overlooked. We identified several gaps in the literature, which we classified as: related to the artistic activities that were considered; the potential costs and barriers for older adults’ participation in artistic activities; older adults’ voices and their diversity; the life course perspective; and a contextual view of research on the topic. These gaps suggest challenges that future research on older adults’ participation in artistic activities should consider

    Older age as a time to contribute: A scoping review of generativity in later life

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    Research on later-life generativity has promoted a new view of older persons that, far from the traditional images of disability, dependence and frailty, recognises their capacities, and potential to continue growing, while underlining their participation and contributions to families, communities and society. The goal of this study was to carry out a scoping review on later-life generativity, the first one conducted on this topic as far as we know, to show how studies in this area have evolved, which aspects of generativity in later life have been studied, and the methodological and epistemological approaches that are dominant in this area of inquiry. Our scoping review shows that research into generativity in later life has grown steadily over the past 30 years, and particularly during the last decade. However, our results also show how such growing interest has focused on certain methodological approaches, epistemological frameworks and cultural contexts. We identify four critical gaps and leading-edge research questions that should be at the forefront of future research into generativity in later life, gaps that reflect biases in the existing literature identified in the study. These are classified as methodological, developmental, contextual and 'darkside' gaps

    Giving Them a Voice: Challenges to Narrative Agency in People with Dementia

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    In this paper, we argue that the capacity for narrative agency is significantly compromised in individuals with dementia due to at least three factors: (a) Dementia itself, which causes increasing difficulties in constructing and articulating coherent and meaningful stories, and sharing them with others; (b) cultural narratives about dementia, which promote an extremely negative and pessimistic view of those with the disease; and (c) the convergence of these two last factors, which can lead to caregiving interactions that do not support storytelling and can even stop people with dementia from telling stories. We highlight the importance of narrative care, which involves interventions that focus on the person and their unique life narrative. In narrative care, people with dementia are treated not as impaired patients defined by the disease, but as human beings. In doing so, people with dementia can have their own voices back, which is silenced and discredited so many times

    Managing apathy among people with dementia living in institutional settings: Staff's perceived gap between common and best practices

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    The aim of this study is to explore how staff manage apathy involving a person living with dementia (PLWD). Forty-two staff members working in four Spanish long-term care facilities were interviewed; 21 were nursing assistants and 21 technical staff. They read a vignette about a PLWD presenting apathy. Participants were asked (1) how a situation like that is commonly managed, and (2) how it should be managed. Responses were content-analyzed. Most participants (88.1%) mentioned having experienced a situation similar to the one described in the vignette. Behavior-focused strategies and person-centered strategies were the most frequently mentioned. As for best practices, person-centered strategies emerged as the preferred alternative, and technical staff mentioned them more frequently than assistant carers. Our findings stress the importance of organizational guidelines and staff development in the management of apathy in PLWD

    Development and structural validation of a scale to assess regulation of anger and sadness in interpersonal situations

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    The purpose of this research was to develop and validate a new instrument to assess the regulation of anger and sadness in interpersonal situations, covering a wide range of emotion regulation strategies. Two studies were carried out, both of them using purposively selected samples. In Study 1 we created a set ofitems based on previous studies of emotion regulation, applied a preliminary version of this scale to a pilot sample of undergraduate students (n = 400), and then selected, using exploratory factor analysis (EFA), the best 28 items to include in a brief version of the instrument, the Scale of Emotion Regulation in Interpersonal Situations (SERIS). In Study 2 we tested the resulting scale ina new sample of undergraduate students (n = 259) by means of confirmatory factor analysis. Study 2 validated the factor structure identified in the EFA. Results showed that the scale has adequate internal consistency and psychometric properties. The new scale also identifies the strategies that are most frequently used in the anger and sadness scenarios, showing differential patterns which are consistent with previous literature on emotion regulation. We discuss the limitations of the study and acknowledge that future studies addressing the scale's convergent and discriminant validity are now required

    Web de apoyo a la actividad “Observación y valoración del desarrollo infantil y del contexto familiar: Taula de Desenvolupament Psicomotor y HOME".

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    Adreça del web: https://desarrolloenlainfancia.wordpress.com/El document és un web que inclou orientacions i elements de suport per dur a terme una activitat grupal d'observació del desenvolupament infantil i de la familia com a context de desenvolupament. L'activitat implica l'observació i la recollida de dades en context real

    Recursos de suport a l'estudiant en l'assignatura "Desenvolupament en la infància"

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524Nuestro objetivo es presentar los recursos de apoyo al estudiante que se aplican en la asignatura “Desarrollo en la infancia”, obligatoria de segundo curso del grado de Psicología, contextualizándolos en el marco de la formación por competencias y de la evaluación continuada y formativa. Los recursos desarrollados para orientar a los estudiantes en su proceso de aprendizaje son: Relacionados con actividades prácticas • Documentos guía • Listas de comprobación (checklists) de tareas • Rúbricas para la elaboración de un informe y para la presentación oral de los trabajos • WebQuest con materiales elaborados por el profesorado • Tutorías individuales y grupales Relacionados con textos obligatorios • Guías de estudio • Cuestionarios de auto-evaluación con feedback En relación con el estudiante y su proceso de aprendizaje, los instrumentos y recursos aplicados contribuyen positivamente a: • Tomar consciencia de cuáles son los objetivos de aprendizaje de la asignatura y de las competencias que se busca desarrollar. • Guiar en la realización de las actividades de aprendizaje y en el trabajo autónomo. • Clarificar los criterios de evaluación. • Orientar a lo largo del proceso de aprendizaje. • Dar elementos para la auto-regulación del aprendizaje. • Contribuir a los buenos resultados académicos. Para guiar la mejora de los recursos de apoyo en el futuro, nos planteamos algunas cuestiones: • ¿Contribuyen de forma eficaz a la auto-regulación del aprendizaje? • ¿Qué aspectos de la guía y apoyo al estudiante pueden vehicularse a través de recursos en la red y cuáles deben ofrecerse de forma presencial? • ¿Cómo establecer la obligatoriedad o no obligatoriedad de algunos de los recursos de apoyo

    Actividad práctica "Tabla de Desarrollo Haizea-Llevant y HOME"

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    Darrera actualització: Setembre 2021La actividad práctica que se propone aborda el estudio del desarrollo en la infancia, así como de la familia como contexto fundamental de desarrollo, a través de dos instrumentos: • La Tabla de Desarrollo Haizea-Llevant. • HOME (Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment). La actividad se realizará en pequeños grupos de entre tres y cinco estudiantes, llevando a cabo un trabajo de campo con recogida de datos en el hogar de una familia con un/a hijo/a menor de cinco años. La fundamentación teórica de la actividad práctica, así como la formación de los estudiantes para aplicar correctamente los instrumentos y valorar los resultados corre a cargo del profesorado. El documento docente que aquí presentamos es un material de apoyo que incluye: 1. Presentación general de la actividad y objetivos. 2. Pautas para la elaboración del informe escrito. 3. Rúbrica de la actividad práctica “Tabla de Desarrollo Haizea-Llevant y HOME”