279 research outputs found

    Distribution patterns of bottom trawl faunal assemblages in Porcupine bank: implications for Porcupine surveys stratification design.

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    The distribution patterns of bottom trawl faunal assemblages in Porcupine bank is addressed using data from two bottom trawl surveys performed in the area. Hierarchical cluster analyses and canonical ordination analyses are applied respectively to define the different assemblages and to evaluate the main structuring environmental factors using information on depth, latitude, longitude, bottom temperature and salinity. Analyses are performed with two different matrices one in numbers of individuals per species in each haul and another in biomass of main commercial species in each haul. Three large assemblages are discriminated by hierarchical cluster analyses: shelf, outer-shelf and shelf-break, with some subgroups within each of them consistent in the results of both data matrices. Depth is the main structuring environmental factor in the area. Longitude has also an important effect on the bottom trawl assemblages distribution pattern, this effect is more likely to be related with relief structure and ground types differences in both sides of Porcupine bank. The original strata design used in Porcupine surveys, based on previous information on commercial catches, does not agree with the results of this study, but more information on the bathymetry in the area is needed to implement new bathymetric strata.Versión de edito

    To what extent is fishing effort affecting the trophic level of the demersal communities at small scale? Preliminary results of a new food web indicator

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    Due to the complexity of benthic and demersal ecosystems, to be really helpful, a food web indicator should summarize, in a single number, a variety of complex processes that are otherwise hard to apprehend. The present work assesses the direct impact of bottom fishing gears on the trophic level (TL) of benthic and demersal communities dwelling in the continental shelf of the southern Bay of Biscay. Using a spatio-temporal approach at small scale, we tackle two main objectives: 1) to evaluate temporal trends in mean TL at community scale per sampling rectangle (5 x 5 miles grid resolution), and 2) to assess to what extent these trends are related to fishing effort. Two types of data are involved in the analyses: 1) TL data (mean trophic level by sampling rectangle), and 2) VMS data (number of fishing days by sampling rectangle). TL data were calculated using stomach contents sampled for demersal fish species during the Demersales surveys (IBTS), carried out every autumn in the southern Bay of Biscay since 1983, and combined with data from Fishbase and local references for those species which lacked empirical data. We only considered species that appeared in a minimum of 5 years and were consistently well identified along the whole historical series, in order to keep consistency in the community spatiotemporal sampling. Preliminary results point to a significant increase in TL in most of the sampling rectangles, suggesting that the trend observed globally is spatially homogeneous. A clear relationship between fishing effort and TL was also identified, particularly in those areas where fishing effort (mainly otter trawl fisheries) has been decreasing in recent years

    Preliminary data on cold-water corals and large sponges by-catch from Spanish/EU bottom trawl groundfish surveys in NAFO Regulatory Area (Divs. 3LMNO) and Canadian EEZ (Div. 3L): 2005-2007 period

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    Since 2005, by-catch of vulnerable invertebrates, such as cold-water corals and large sponges, has been studied with special attention in the Spanish/EU bottom trawl groundfish surveys in Northwest Atlantic (NAFO Divs. 3LMNO). Based on this research, twenty-nine different taxa of cold-water corals have been preliminarily identified in the study area: five alcyonaceans, ten gorgonaceans, ten pennatulaceans, three solitary scleractinians and one antipatharian. No colonial scleractinians were recorded during these surveys and reef structures are unlikely to occur in the study area. The main large sponges found belong to the family Geodiidae. The volume of cold-water corals and large sponges in the by-catches was generally low in the regularly-used fishing grounds studied. Most of the by-catches were recorded in hauls carried out in areas outside of regular fishing grounds for the bottom trawlers. By-catches of large gorgonians were recorded in three small areas located in Divs. 3LM (two in Div. 3L and one in Div. 3M), indicating that Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) could occur there. Pennatulaceans, solitary scleractinians, alcyonaceans and antipatharians were also observed as part of bycatch in some hauls carried out in Divs. 3LMO, but it is not clear if these by-catches indicate presence of VMEs in the area sampled. Highest diversity of coral species was found in Div. 3M. Large sponges occurred in deep waters, in a narrow band along Northern slope of the Grand Banks (Div. 3N) and Southern Flemish Pass (Div. 3L) as well as in several patches located in North-eastern and Eastern Flemish Cap. The preliminary information presented here, derived solely from bottom trawl survey by-catch records, it is not enough for identification of VMEs accurately, but it is very valuable to give a general view of where VMEs like to occur or not occur. Previous experience from other North Atlantic high-seas fishing grounds (e.g. NEAFC Regulatory Area) suggests that additional geohabitat mapping and information on fishery footprint will be needed for the accurate delineation of VMEs and for the subsequent adoption of suitable habitat conservation measures such as Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to preserve cold-water corals and large sponges in NAFO Area

    Historical Variation on Total Catch and Discard CPUEs and bottom trawl survey abundances in the Northern Spanish Shelf: are they related?

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    Patterns of variation of total catch and discards of the Northern Atlantic Spanish shelf otter trawl fishery in the last two decades are analysed. These patterns are compared with the data series on species abundance indices obtained from scientific bottom otter trawl surveys

    Response of a temperate demersal fish community to global warming

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    Cambio ClimaticoChanges in the distribution of the demersal fish species have been identified in north-European Atlantic waters. The consequence of these changes has been a northward shift of the distribution limits and changes in richness. In this study a notable increase in demersal fish species richness per sampling station was detected in the southern Bay of Biscay. This rise was due to an increase in frequency of occurrence and abundance of the majority of fish species in the area (53% from the total species). A fisheries relate explanation was discarded because the mismatch between the changes in the fishing effort and the augment in frequency of occurrence and abundance. On the contrary, these changes are in agreement with expected response under the increasing temperature of the sea observed over the last three decades, associated to global warming. These changes were positively correlated with an increase in temperature of intermediate waters in the study area. In addition, some of these species showed a notable western displacements of the Centre of Gravity in the study area, which would be expected if temperate water species would be favoured by an increase in water temperature. Our results are consistent with studies in the North Sea, where many of these species showing widened distribution limits toward north. The analysis of the results show that the studied ecosystem, the Bay of Biscay is under a meridionalization process. On the other hand, only one tropicalization event (L. dieuzedei), was recorded, maybe due to the conservative restrictions applied in species selection.En prensa2,655

    Pepper Rootstock and Scion Physiological Responses Under Drought Stress

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    [EN] In vegetables, tolerance to drought can be improved by grafting commercial varieties onto drought tolerant rootstocks. Grafting has emerged as a tool that copes with drought stress. In previous results, the A25 pepper rootstock accession showed good tolerance to drought in fruit production terms compared with non-grafted plants and other rootstocks. The aim of this work was to study if short-term exposure to drought in grafted plants using A25 as a rootstock would show tolerance to drought now. To fulfill this objective, some physiological processes involved in roots (rootstock) and leaves (scion) of grafted pepper plants were analyzed. Pepper plants not grafted (A), self-grafted (A/A), and grafted onto a tolerant pepper rootstock A25 (A/A25) were grown under severe water stress induced by PEG addition (-0.55 MPa) or under control conditions for 7 days in hydroponic pure solution. According to our results, water stress severity was alleviated by using the A25 rootstock in grafted plants (A/A25), which indicated that mechanisms stimulated by roots are essential to withstand stress. A/A25 had a bigger root biomass compared with plants A and A/A that resulted in better water absorption, water retention capacity and a sustained CO2 assimilation rate. Consequently, plants A/A25 had a better carbon balance, supported by greater nitrate reductase activity located mainly in leaves. In the non-grafted and self-grafted plants, the photosynthesis rate lowered due to stomatal closure, which limited transpiration. Consequently, part of NO3- uptake was reduced in roots. This condition limited water uptake and CO2 fixation in plants A and A/A under drought stress, and accelerated oxidative damage by producing reactive oxygen species (ROS) and H2O2, which were highest in their leaves, indicating great sensitivity to drought stress and induced membrane lipid peroxidation. However, drought deleterious effects were slightly marked in plants A compared to A/A. To conclude, the A25 rootstock protects the scion against oxidative stress, which is provoked by drought, and shows better C and N balances that enabled the biomass to be maintained under water stress for short-term exposure, with higher yields in the field.This work has funded by INIA (Spain) through Project RTA2017-00030-C02-00 and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). LL-S is a beneficiary of a doctoral fellowship (FPI-INIA).Lopez-Serrano, L.; Canet-Sanchis, G.; Selak, G.; Penella-Casañ, C.; San Bautista Primo, A.; López Galarza, SV.; Calatayud, A. (2019). Pepper Rootstock and Scion Physiological Responses Under Drought Stress. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10:1-13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2019.00038S11310. O. A., . N. O., & . Y. G. (2007). Effect of Grafting on Watermelon Plant Growth, Yield and Quality. 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