2,311 research outputs found

    Finite Element Simulation of the Deformation of a Cell Driven by Creeping Flow

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    The purpose of this work is to calculate the deformation undergone by a cell in function of its nucleus size and mechanical properties. The cell immersed in a fluid go through a variable section channel and it is deformed by fluid forces.Cell deformation into the channel causes changes at the fluid velocity profile. This fluid configuration change results in diferent normal and viscous forces around the cell. Due to strong correlation between cell deformation and fluid velocity profile, a fluidsolid interacción (FSI) is required

    Kidney Abscess During Pregnancy. A Case Report

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    Apesar das infecções urinárias serem relativamente frequentes durante a gravidez, a ocorrência de um abcesso renal é muito raro. A patogénese do abcesso renal tem mudado ao longo dos anos. Actualmente, mais de 75% dos casos têm origem numa infecção do aparelho urinário. Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de uma grávida de 35 anos, internada às 38 semanas e cinco dias de gestação por febre, náuseas, vómitos e dor lombar à direita. Os dados clínicos e os exames complementares realizados levaram ao diagnóstico de abcesso renal. É feita uma revisão da literatura acerca do tema

    Coating of Felt Fibers with Carbon Nanotubes and PEDOT with Different Counterions: Temperature and Electrical Field Effects.

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    The use of wearable devices has promoted new ways of integrating these devices, one of which is through the development of smart textiles. Smart textiles must possess the mechanical and electrical properties necessary for their functionality. This study explores the impact of polymer-felt microstructure variations on their morphology, electrical, and mechanical properties. The application of thermal treatment, along with an electric field, leads to a substantial structural reorganization of the molecular chains within pristine felt. This results in a system of nanofibrils coated with MWCNT-PEDOT, characterized by highly ordered counterions that facilitate the flow of charge carriers. Both temperature and an electric field induce reversible microstructural changes in pristine felt and irreversible changes in coated felt samples. Furthermore, electropolymerization of PEDOT significantly enhances electrical conductivity, with PEDOT:BTFMSI-coated fabric exhibiting the highest conductivity

    The impact of contact tracing in clustered populations

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    The tracing of potentially infectious contacts has become an important part of the control strategy for many infectious diseases, from early cases of novel infections to endemic sexually transmitted infections. Here, we make use of mathematical models to consider the case of partner notification for sexually transmitted infection, however these models are sufficiently simple to allow more general conclusions to be drawn. We show that, when contact network structure is considered in addition to contact tracing, standard “mass action” models are generally inadequate. To consider the impact of mutual contacts (specifically clustering) we develop an improvement to existing pairwise network models, which we use to demonstrate that ceteris paribus, clustering improves the efficacy of contact tracing for a large region of parameter space. This result is sometimes reversed, however, for the case of highly effective contact tracing. We also develop stochastic simulations for comparison, using simple re-wiring methods that allow the generation of appropriate comparator networks. In this way we contribute to the general theory of network-based interventions against infectious disease

    Measuring and mapping the effectiveness of the European Air Quality Directive in reducing N and S deposition at the ecosystem level

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    To protect human health and the environment (namely ecosystems), international air quality protocols and guidelines, like the Gothenburg protocol (1999) and the 2001 EU Air Quality Directive (NECD), conveyed national emission ceilings for atmospheric pollutants (Directive 2001/81/EC), including the reduction of sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N) emissions by 2010. However, to what degree this expected reduction in emissions had reflections at the ecosystem level (i.e. pollutant levels reaching and impacting ecosystems and their organisms) remains unknown. Here, we used lichens as ecological indicators, together with reported air and precipitation pollutant concentrations, to determine and map the consequences of the S and N atmospheric emission's reduction, during the implementation of the 2001 Directive (in 2002 and 2011), due primarily to the industrial-sector. The study area is a mixed-land-use industrialized Mediterranean agroforest ecosystem, in southwest Europe. The reduction of S emissions (2002-2011) was reflected at the ecosystem level, as the same S-declining trend was observed in atmospheric measurement stations and lichens alike (-70%), indicating that most S deposited to the ecosystem had an industrial origin. However, this was not the case for N with a slight N-reduction near industrial facilities, but mostly N-deposition in lichens increased in areas dominated by agricultural land-uses. Taken together, these results highlight the importance of going beyond emissions estimation and modeling, to assess the success of the implementation of the NECD in lowering pollutant accumulation in living organisms and their environment. This can only be achieved by measuring pollutant deposition at the ecosystem level (e.g. living organisms). By doing so, we were able to show that the 2001 NECD was successful in reducing S concentrations from Industry, whereas N remains a challenge. Despite the small reduction in N-emissions, deposition into ecosystems did not reflect these changes as agriculture and transport sectors must reduce NH3 and NOx emissions. (C) 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V.The research was supported by project GISA [funded by private companies: GALP, Repsol, APS, AdSA, AICEP, CARBOGAL, EDP, EuroResinas, KIMAXTRA, REN and GENERG; and managed by local authorities: CCDRA, ARSA and Municipalities of Sines, Santiago do Cacem, Grandola, Alcacer do Sal and Odemira]; article preparation was supported by project NitroPortugal [European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692331]. NitroPortugal is a co-financer for the project Towards INMS, implemented by UN Environment. Concentration of pollutants in precipitation available in the EBAS database has largely been funded by the UN-ECE CLRTAP (EMEP) and through NILU internal resources

    Gravidez e Epilepsia

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    Epilepsy is common among women of childbearing age. Maternal-fetal risk is slightly superior to general population, resulting from antiepileptic drugs' teratogenicity and seizures. Optimized disease control and screening for medication's adverse effects are crucial parts of prenatal care. Most pregnant women require chronic therapy to prevent seizures; definition of an effective and least teratogenic regime should be performed preconceptionally. Sodium valproate is the most teratogenic drug; teratogenicity also increases with polytherapy and medication dosage. Labour should take place in a qualified obstetrical and neonatal centre. Usually breastfeeding is safe. Regarding contraception, consider interactions between enzyme-inducing antiepileptics drugs and hormonal contraceptivesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Essential genetic findings in neurodevelopmental disorders

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    Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) represent a growing medical challenge in modern societies. Ever-increasing sophisticated diagnostic tools have been continuously revealing a remarkably complex architecture that embraces genetic mutations of distinct types (chromosomal rearrangements, copy number variants, small indels, and nucleotide substitutions) with distinct frequencies in the population (common, rare, de novo). Such a network of interacting players creates difficulties in establishing rigorous genotype-phenotype correlations. Furthermore, individual lifestyles may also contribute to the severity of the symptoms fueling a large spectrum of gene-environment interactions that have a key role on the relationships between genotypes and phenotypes.Herein, a review of the genetic discoveries related to NDDs is presented with the aim to provide useful general information for the medical community.This work was financed by FEDER - Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020 - Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI), Portugal 2020, and by Portuguese funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, in the framework of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274 to i3S and UID/ BIM/04501/2013 and UID/BIM/04501/2019 to iBiMED, as well as by national funds (OE), through FCT, in the scope of the framework contract foreseen in the numbers 4, 5, and 6 of the article 23, of the Decree-Law 57/2016, of August 29, changed by Law 57/2017, of July 19 to RMS, and by FCT research project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-29723. ARC and CS hold FCT PhD fellowships (SFRH/BD/141702/2018-ARC and SFRH/BD/137925/2018-CS). Funders had no role in the design, collection, analysis, interpretation of the data, and writing of the manuscript

    João Dória Nóbrega (1934-2021), Um Homem Singular

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