14,708 research outputs found

    The Economic Impact of Migration – Productivity Analysis for Spain and the UK

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    As a consequence of increased internationalization over the past 20 years labour has become increasingly mobile, and yet the implications for firm and industry performance have been largely ignored. This paper explores the direct economic consequences of immigration on host nations’ productivity performance at a sectoral level. We consider its impact in two very different European countries, Spain and the UK. Whilst the UK has traditionally had a substantial in-flow of migration, for Spain, the phenomenon is much more recent. The paper provides an overview of the role played by immigration on per capita income, highlighting the importance of demographic differences. We then go on to analyze the role of migration on productivity using two different approaches: i) growth accounting methodology and ii) econometric estimation of a production function. Our findings indicate that migration has had very different implications for Spain and the UK, migrants being more productive than natives in the UK but less productive than natives in Spain. This may in part be a function of different immigration policies, particularly related to the skill requirements on entry, but also in part a feature of the host nations’ ability to ‘absorb’ foreign labour.Migration, productivity

    The Professor-Tutor of Teaching "Prácticum" Like Professional User of Media

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    En este artículo presentamos un somero resumen de los resultados más interesantes obtenidos en una tesis doctoral denominada “Uso de los medios en el Prácticum de Magisterio”. Estos versan sobre la utilización que hacen de los medios y recursos los profesores-tutores durante el periodo en el que el estudiante de magisterio esta realizando las prácticas bajo su asesoría y supervisión.This article shows a brief resume about the more interesting results gotten in a doctoral thesis titled: “The use of the technological and traditional resources during the teacher training Practicum”. In this text, we analyse the data obtain about the use of this resources by the tutor-teachers when they are tutoring student-teachers

    Distinguishing the albedo of exoplanets from stellar activity

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    Light curves show the flux variation from the target star and its orbiting planets as a function of time. In addition to the transit features created by the planets, the flux also includes the reflected light component of each planet, which depends on the planetary albedo. This signal is typically referred to as phase curve and could be easily identified if there were no additional noise. As well as instrumental noise, stellar activity, such as spots, can create a modulation in the data, which may be very difficult to distinguish from the planetary signal. We analyze the limitations imposed by the stellar activity on the detection of the planetary albedo, considering the limitations imposed by the predicted level of instrumental noise and the short duration of the observations planned in the context of the CHEOPS mission. As initial condition, we have assumed that each star is characterized by just one orbiting planet. We built mock light curves that included a realistic stellar activity pattern, the reflected light component of the planet and an instrumental noise level, which we have chosen to be at the same level as predicted for CHEOPS. We then fit these light curves to try to recover the reflected light component, assuming the activity patterns can be modeled with a Gaussian process.We estimate that at least one full stellar rotation is necessary to obtain a reliable detection of the planetary albedo. This result is independent of the level of noise, but it depends on the limitation of the Gaussian process to describe the stellar activity when the light curve time-span is shorter than the stellar rotation. Finally, in presence of typical CHEOPS gaps in the simulations, we confirm that it is still possible to obtain a reliable albedo.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 14 pages, 12 figure

    Influence of seismic activity on the atmospheric electric field in Lisbon (Portugal) from 1955 to 1991

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    In the present study, we considered the influence of seismic activity on the atmospheric electric field recorded at Portela meteorological station (Lisbon, Portugal) for the period from 1955 to 1991. To this end, an exploratory method was developed, which involved the selection of events for which the distance from the atmospheric electrical field sensor to the earthquake epicenter is smaller than the preparation radius of the event. This enabled the correlation of the atmospheric electric field variations with a quantity S, defined basically as the ratio of the earthquake preparation radius to the distance between the sensor and the event epicenter. The first results show promising perspectives, but clearly a more profound study is required, in which a careful analysis of the weather conditions and other variables, like atmospheric radon levels, must be considered

    Competition and adaptation in an Internet evolution model

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    We model the evolution of the Internet at the Autonomous System level as a process of competition for users and adaptation of bandwidth capability. We find the exponent of the degree distribution as a simple function of the growth rates of the number of autonomous systems and the total number of connections in the Internet, both empirically measurable quantities. This fact place our model apart from others in which this exponent depends on parameters that need to be adjusted in a model dependent way. Our approach also accounts for a high level of clustering as well as degree-degree correlations, both with the same hierarchical structure present in the real Internet. Further, it also highlights the interplay between bandwidth, connectivity and traffic of the network.Comment: Minor content changes and inset of fig.

    Correlated enhancement of Hc2 and Jc in carbon nanotube-doped MgB2

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    The use of MgB2 in superconducting applications still awaits for the development of a MgB2-based material where both current-carrying performance and critical magnetic field are optimized simultaneously. We achieved this by doping MgB2 with double-wall carbon nanotubes (DWCNT) as a source of carbon in polycrystalline samples. The optimum nominal DWCNT content for increasing the critical current density, Jc is in the range 2.5-10%at depending on field and temperature. Record values of the upper critical field, Hc2(4K) = 41.9 T (with extrapolated Hc2(0) ~ 44.4 T) are reached in a bulk sample with 10%at DWCNT content. The measured Hc2 vs T in all samples are successfully described using a theoretical model for a two-gap superconductor in the dirty limit first proposed by Gurevich et al.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Lattice Properties of PbX (X = S, Se, Te): Experimental Studies and ab initio Calculations Including Spin-Orbit Effects

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    During the past five years the low temperature heat capacity of simple semiconductors and insulators has received renewed attention. Of particular interest has been its dependence on isotopic masses and the effect of spin- orbit coupling in ab initio calculations. Here we concentrate on the lead chalcogenides PbS, PbSe and PbTe. These materials, with rock salt structure, have different natural isotopes for both cations and anions, a fact that allows a systematic experimental and theoretical study of isotopic effects e.g. on the specific heat. Also, the large spin-orbit splitting of the 6p electrons of Pb and the 5p of Te allows, using a computer code which includes spin-orbit interaction, an investigation of the effect of this interaction on the phonon dispersion relations and the temperature dependence of the specific heat and on the lattice parameter. It is shown that agreement between measurements and calculations significantly improves when spin-orbit interaction is included.Comment: 25 pages, 12 Figures, 1 table, submitted to PR

    Errors on the inverse problem solution for a noisy spherical gravitational wave antenna

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    A single spherical antenna is capable of measuring the direction and polarization of a gravitational wave. It is possible to solve the inverse problem using only linear algebra even in the presence of noise. The simplicity of this solution enables one to explore the error on the solution using standard techniques. In this paper we derive the error on the direction and polarization measurements of a gravitational wave. We show that the solid angle error and the uncertainty on the wave amplitude are direction independent. We also discuss the possibility of determining the polarization amplitudes with isotropic sensitivity for any given gravitational wave source.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX2e, IOP style, submitted to CQ