19 research outputs found

    Infection control and the prevalence, management and outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infections in mental health wards in London, UK: lessons learned from wave 1 to wave 2

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    Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) disease (COVID-19) has high morbidity and mortality in older adults and people with dementia. Infection control and prevention measures potentially reduce transmission within hospitals. Aims: We aimed to replicate our earlier study of London mental health in-patients to examine changes in clinical guidance and practice and associated COVID-19 prevalence and outcomes between COVID-19 waves 1 and 2 (1 March to 30 April 2020 and 14 December 2020 to 15 February 2021). Method: We collected the 2 month period prevalence of wave 2 of COVID-19 in older (≥65 years) in-patients and those with dementia, as well as patients’ characteristics, management and outcomes, including vaccinations. We compared these results with those of our wave 1 study. Results: Sites reported that routine testing and personal protective equipment were available, and routine patient isolation on admission occurred throughout wave 2. COVID-19 infection occurred in 91/358 (25%; 95% CI 21–30%) v. 131/344, (38%; 95% CI 33–43%) P < 0.001 in wave 1. Hospitals identified more asymptomatic carriers (26/91; 29% v. 16/130; 12%) and fewer deaths (12/91; 13% v. 19/131; 15%; odds ratio = 0.92; 0.37–1.81) compared with wave 1. The patient vaccination uptake rate was 49/58 (85%). Conclusions: Patients in psychiatric in-patient settings, mostly admitted without known SARS-CoV-2 infection, had a high risk of infection compared with people in the community but lower than that during wave 1. Availability of infection control measures in line with a policy of parity of esteem between mental and physical health appears to have lowered within-hospital COVID-19 infections and deaths. Cautious management of vulnerable patient groups including mental health patients may reduce the future impact of COVID-19

    Consens d’escales i eines per a la valoració multidimensional de les persones a Catalunya

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    Model d'atenció integral; Valoració multidimensional; DiagnòsticModelo de atención integral; Valoración multidimensional; DiagnósticoComprehensive care model; Multidimensional valuation; DiagnosisActualment no existeix a Catalunya un consens sobre quin hauria de ser el mínim comú denominador d’escales i eines d’elecció per a la valoració de les diferents dimensions de les persones grans amb multimorbiditat, fragilitat, cronicitat complexa o avançada. Aquest escenari fa evident la necessitat de disposar d’escales i eines consensuades i compartides que facilitin l’aproximació multidimensional a aquestes persones de forma objectiva i pragmàtica, amb l’objectiu d'ajudar els professionals en aquest procés d’individualització de l’atenció. És per aquest motiu que, impulsat per la Direcció General de Planificació i Recerca en Salut i per l’oficina eSalut, s’ha promogut i desenvolupat aquest consens i es vol assegurar que la proposta pugui ser suportada en l’entorn digital

    Higher versus lower nut consumption and changes in cognitive performance over two years in a population at risk of cognitive decline: a cohort study

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    Background: Tree nuts and peanuts (henceforth, nuts) are nutrient-dense foods rich in neuroprotective components; thus, their consumption could benefit cognitive health. However, evidence to date is limited and inconsistent regarding the potential benefits of nuts for cognitive function. Objective: To prospectively evaluate the association between nut consumption and 2-y changes in cognitive performance in older adults at cognitive decline risk. Methods: A total of 6,630 participants aged 55 to 75 y (mean age 65.0±4.9 y, 48.4% women) with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome completed a validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire and a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests at baseline and a 2-y follow-up. Composite cognitive scores were used to assess global, general, attention, and executive function domains. Nut consumption was categorized as Results: Nut consumption was positively associated with 2-y changes in general cognitive function (P-trend Conclusion: Frequent nut consumption was associated with a smaller decline in general cognitive performance over 2 y in older adults at risk of cognitive decline. Randomized clinical trials to verify our findings are warranted

    Catatonía y demencia

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    Recognizing Catatonia in Medically Hospitalized Older Adults: Why It Matters

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    Catatonia is a neuropsychiatric syndrome characterized by a variety of motor, behavioral, emotional, and autonomic abnormalities caused by general medical, neurological, and psychiatric disorders, as well as by medications and drugs of abuse. Although there has been a plethora of research on catatonia over the last twenty years, it is still underdiagnosed. Studies of catatonia involving older adults have been sparse, despite its apparent high prevalence, higher risk of serious complications, and of association with non-psychiatric causes. This paper aims to provide an introduction to catatonia as a syndrome, as well as an account of its specificities in older adults, especially those in general hospitals, with the aim to raise awareness of catatonia amongst clinicians working with this age group in acute medical settings, so improvements in its diagnostic rates, treatment, and outcomes can be achieved

    Behavioral, Psychiatric, and Cognitive Adverse Events in Older Persons Treated with Glucocorticoids

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    Background: Since the introduction of glucocorticoids (GCs) in the physician’s pharmacological arsenal, it has been known that they are a cause of behavioral or psychiatric adverse events (BPAE), as well as of cognitive problems. To the best of our knowledge, the relationship between these adverse events and GCs in older persons has never been evaluated, except through case-reports or series with few cases. In this paper, a review of the literature regarding BPAEs and cognitive disorders in older people treated with CSs is undertaken. Methods: A comprehensive literature search for BPAEs was carried out on the three main bibliographic databases: EMBASE, MEDLINE and PsycINFO (NICE HDAS interface). Emtree terms were: Steroid, steroid therapy, mental disease, mania, delirium, agitation, depression, behavior change, dementia, major cognitive impairment, elderly. The search was restricted to all clinical studies and case reports with focus on the aged (65+ years) published in any language since 1998. Results: Data on the prevalence of the various BPAEs in older patients treated with GCs were very scarse, consisting mainly of case reports and of series with small numbers of patients. It was hence not possible to perform any statistical evaluation of the data (including meta-analysis). Amongst BPAEs, he possibility that delirium can be induced by GCs has been recently been questioned. Co-morbidities and polypharmacy were additional risk factors for BPAEs in older persons. Conclusions: Data on BPAEs in older persons treated with GCs, have several unmet needs that need to be further evaluated with appropriately designed studies

    Catatonia in Patients with Dementia Admitted to a Geriatric Psychiatry Ward

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    To determine the frequency and characteristics of catatonia in persons with dementia, all patients admitted to an old age psychiatry ward were screened for catatonia with the Bush-Francis Catatonia Screening Instrument (BFCSI) over a period of 6 months. Thirty-seven patients were admitted, and there were 14 patients with dementia. The rate of catatonia in these patients was 42.8% (6 out of 14). Five out of six of these patients received treatment for catatonia with lorazepam, all achieving complete remission. Catatonia occurred frequently in patients admitted with dementia

    Recognition and Management of Antipsychotic-Induced Parkinsonism in Older Adults: A Narrative Review

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    Background: Parkinsonism is a common side-effect of antipsychotic drugs especially in older adults, who also present with a higher frequency of neurodegenerative disorders like Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (IPD). Distinguishing between antipsychotic-induced parkinsonism (AIP) and IPD is challenging due to clinical similarities. Up to 20% of older adults may suffer from persisting parkinsonism months after discontinuation of antipsychotics, suggesting underlying neurodegeneration. A review of the literature on AIP in older adults is presented, focusing on epidemiology, clinical aspects, and management. Methods: A literature search was undertaken on EMBASE, MEDLINE and PsycINFO, for articles on parkinsonism induced by antipsychotic drugs or other dopamine 2 receptor antagonists in subjects aged 65 or older. Results: AIP in older adults is the second most common cause of parkinsonism after IPD. Older age, female gender, exposure to high-potency first generation antipsychotics, and antipsychotic dosage are the main risk factors. The clinical presentation of AIP resembles that of IPD, but is more symmetrical, affects upper limbs more, and tends to have associated motor phenomena such as orofacial dyskinesias and akathisia. Presence of olfactory dysfunction in AIP suggests neurodegeneration. Imaging of striatal dopamine transporters is widely used in IPD diagnosis and could help to distinguish it from AIP. There is little evidence base for recommending pharmacological interventions for AIP, the best options being dose-reduction/withdrawal, or switching to a second-generation drug. Conclusions: AIP is a common occurrence in older adults and it is possible to differentiate it from IPD. Further research is needed into its pathophysiology and on its treatment