15 research outputs found

    Endangered species

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    La supervivència de l’ésser humà i, per extensió, de les espècies animals, sempre ha estat estretament lligada amb la seva capacitat d’adaptació. Actualment, el patrimoni religiós de la majoria de ciutats d’Europa, per una disminució de l’assistència, es pot considerar en perill d’extinció. L’amenaça de demolició o d’extrem deteriorament dels edificis ha anat augmentant exponencialment al llarg del temps i ens demana una reacció eficaç a aquesta situació. El departament de Rehabilitació de la universitat de Delft investiga, des de fa uns anys, la possibilitat d’aplicar un canvi d’ús en edificis religiosos existents amb problemes de preservació. Aquesta estratègia d’adaptació podria ser una resposta que obrís el camp a noves possibilitats innovadores, però la seva execució necessita d’un anàlisi extens i un desenvolupament acurat.Peer Reviewe

    Morfologia urbana mediterrània

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    La ciudad es un sistema complejo en el que confluyen muchos parámetros que dificultan sobremanera un análisis preciso de todos ellos y, en consecuencia, la valoración de los fenómenos que se producen y sus repercusiones en el medio ambiente. La planificación urbana es uno de los retos ante los que se encuentra la sociedad actual, implicando tanto a arquitectos y urbanistas como a otros colectivos muy diversos que convergen en este espacio común de intercambio energético y ecológico.La población mundial se está desplazando hacia las áreas urbanas en proporción cada vez mayor, por lo que estos son posibles puntos de conflicto y oportunidad en los que es necesario actuar y planificar de forma cuidadosa. Para optimizar la planificación urbana, será fundamental disponer de un cuerpo de doctrina en temas ambientales y sociales que tengan en cuenta aspectos de consumo energético y de recursos, así como de confort y bienestar personal.En este contexto nace el proyecto de investigación “MUM-Fundamentos para la Caracterización de la Morfología Urbana Mediterránea”. Este proyecto avanza en la mejora de la eficiencia energética en ciudades mediterráneas, identificando parámetros morfológicos de los edificios, en tanto que configuradores de ciudades, que permiten caracterizar distintas tramas urbanas y su influencia en la demanda energética.Actualmente no existe una parametrización de las estructuras urbanas que permita simular su comportamiento ambiental de forma razonable. Esta investigación ha identificado y definido parámetros urbanos necesarios para esta caracterización geométrica de las distintas tramas que facilitarían una aproximación al comportamiento ambiental.The city is a very complex system in which many parameters converge. The large number of these parameters greatly hinders not only an accurate analysis of all of them, but also the assessment of the phenomena that occur in the city and its impact on the environment. Urban planning is one of the challenges that society faces today, involving architects, planners and other social and professional stakeholders. All of them converge in a common field of energetic and ecological exchange. The world’s population is moving towards urban areas in an increasing proportion. Consequently, these areas are becoming potential points of conflict and opportunities and, therefore, must be carefully planned. To optimize urban planning, it is essential to have a body of doctrine in both environmental and social issues, considering subjects such as energy and resources consumption, comfort and well-being. In this context, the investigation project “MUM- Identification of Parameters Involved in Architectural Energy Efficiency is originated. This project aims to improve energy efficiency in buildings of Mediterranean cities by identifying those parameters of buildings morphology that allow to describe different urban tissues and their influence on energy demand. Nowadays, there is a lack of urban structures parametrization systems that allow to simulate their behaviour accurately. This investigation aims to identify and define urban parameters required for a geometric description of the different urban fabrics, in order to ease an approach to environmental performance assessment.La ciutat és un sistema complex en el qual conflueixen molts paràmetres que dificulten en gran manera una anàlisi precís de tots ells i, en conseqüència, la valoració dels fenòmens que es produeixen i les seves repercussions en el medi ambient. La planificació urbana és un dels reptes davant els quals es troba la societat actual, implicant tant a arquitectes i urbanistes com a altres col·lectius molt diversos que convergeixen en aquest espai comú d'intercanvi energètic i ecològic. La població mundial s'està desplaçant cap a les àrees urbanes en proporció cada vegada més gran, de manera que aquests són possibles punts de conflicte i oportunitat en els quals cal actuar i planificar de forma acurada. Per optimitzar la planificació urbana, serà fonamental disposar d'un cos de doctrina en temes ambientals i socials que tinguin en compte aspectes de consum energètic i de recursos, així com de confort i benestar personal. En aquest context neix el projecte d'investigació "MUM-Fonaments per a la Caracterització de la Morfologia Urbana Mediterrània". Aquest projecte avança en la millora de l'eficiència energètica en ciutats mediterrànies, identificant paràmetres morfològics dels edificis, com a configuradors de ciutats, que permeten caracteritzar diferents trames urbanes i la seva influència en la demanda energètica. Actualment no existeix una parametrització de les estructures urbanes que permeti simular el seu comportament ambiental de manera raonable. Aquesta investigació ha identificat i definit paràmetres urbans necessaris per a aquesta caracterització geomètrica de les diferents trames que facilitarien una aproximació al comportament ambiental.Peer Reviewe

    Graphical approach to assess urban quality: mapping walkability based on the TOD-standard

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    Graphical expression through mapping can be an essential tool to conduct urban analysis, capable of expressing contextual spatial distribution and providing complementary information to numerical analysis. Although urban analytics are central for most issues in cities, mobility and transportation have traditionally been disciplines very tightly related with quantitative analysis. Mobility in urban areas has become a central issue due to its high impact in environmental, social and economic concerns. Multiple studies consider that walking presents social, health, economic and environmental benefits as a short distance transportation mode. As pedestrian displacements are characterized by presenting great adherence, the features of the environment where they are performed is key to guarantee their success and promote their use. To be able to design appropriate walking city conditions, it is necessary to undergo extensive analysis of existing urban areas and their walkability impact. In order to illustrate this, this study takes as a basis the Transit Orientated Development Standard (TOD Standard), a scoring instrument defined by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), to evaluate the area of Saint-Lazare multimodal station in Paris. The aim of this work is to compare its quantitative and graphical results through georeferenced mapping and TOD Standard score based numerical data, in order to identify the complementary information provided by the mapping. The conclusions display the importance of using graphical analysis to be able to spot singular spatial distributions and influencing relations within the urban environment, often imperceptible in numerical values.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Endangered species

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    La supervivència de l’ésser humà i, per extensió, de les espècies animals, sempre ha estat estretament lligada amb la seva capacitat d’adaptació. Actualment, el patrimoni religiós de la majoria de ciutats d’Europa, per una disminució de l’assistència, es pot considerar en perill d’extinció. L’amenaça de demolició o d’extrem deteriorament dels edificis ha anat augmentant exponencialment al llarg del temps i ens demana una reacció eficaç a aquesta situació. El departament de Rehabilitació de la universitat de Delft investiga, des de fa uns anys, la possibilitat d’aplicar un canvi d’ús en edificis religiosos existents amb problemes de preservació. Aquesta estratègia d’adaptació podria ser una resposta que obrís el camp a noves possibilitats innovadores, però la seva execució necessita d’un anàlisi extens i un desenvolupament acurat.Peer Reviewe

    Re-connexió-cuperació-corregut. Centre d'intercanvi cultural a Het Steiger, Rotterdam

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    Graphical approach to assess urban quality: mapping walkability based on the TOD-standard

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    Graphical expression through mapping can be an essential tool to conduct urban analysis, capable of expressing contextual spatial distribution and providing complementary information to numerical analysis. Although urban analytics are central for most issues in cities, mobility and transportation have traditionally been disciplines very tightly related with quantitative analysis. Mobility in urban areas has become a central issue due to its high impact in environmental, social and economic concerns. Multiple studies consider that walking presents social, health, economic and environmental benefits as a short distance transportation mode. As pedestrian displacements are characterized by presenting great adherence, the features of the environment where they are performed is key to guarantee their success and promote their use. To be able to design appropriate walking city conditions, it is necessary to undergo extensive analysis of existing urban areas and their walkability impact. In order to illustrate this, this study takes as a basis the Transit Orientated Development Standard (TOD Standard), a scoring instrument defined by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), to evaluate the area of Saint-Lazare multimodal station in Paris. The aim of this work is to compare its quantitative and graphical results through georeferenced mapping and TOD Standard score based numerical data, in order to identify the complementary information provided by the mapping. The conclusions display the importance of using graphical analysis to be able to spot singular spatial distributions and influencing relations within the urban environment, often imperceptible in numerical values.Peer Reviewe

    Solar Energy as a Form Giver for Future Cities

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    Energy is considered as a main influence on urban configurations. However, there is a difficulty on translating the city models based on theoretical renewable energy concepts into practical applications. This study considers the possibility of understanding this future model as a transformation of the existing urban centres. With this objective, a methodology to intervene in existing cities based on the study of solar access is developed. Therefore, an analysis of solar potential in relation with urban morphology is carried on through a simulation software in l’Eixample, a neighbourhood of Barcelona. The distribution of the sun factor in the different areas of the building blocks envelope displays possible morphological modifications that would facilitate solar energy collection. Consequently, the analytical method presented could be applied to regulate urban interventions with the aim of obtaining more solar energy based cities

    The energy consumption of terraces in the Barcelona public space: heating the street

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    Terraces, as outdoor extensions of food and beverage businesses located in the public realm, have very high potential to activate the streetscape, bring people together and improving urban experiences. Among the consequences of the current COVID-19 pandemic are the recommendations of maximizing outdoor environments when conducting human interactions. Therefore, outdoor eating has dramatically increased throughout the world, with terraces becoming a radical urban change in many streetscapes. The urgency of the situation, and rapid implementation of these changes, has revealed some aspects of this phenomenon that should be considered when adapting the regulations to this new reality. However, the research on their functioning and impact is limited. Additionally, although energy consumption in the architectural and urban field is considered fundamental, research has rarely addressed small business outdoor spaces, placing the focus instead on residential heating or public lighting. This study focuses on the intersection of these two gaps by analyzing a set of terraces in Barcelona and estimating the power installed in their outdoor heating devices. The goal is to determine the potential energy consumed, contrast it with other values more commonly used when researching architectural energy consumption and point out the lack of sustainability of these approaches to providing comfort. The calculations show that the installed power in Barcelona terraces is significant and, when estimating potential consumption, it presents values higher that the average heating consumption of residential units in Spain. These results support two main conclusions: first, the relevance of addressing the means of providing comfort in outdoor urban spaces due to the high magnitude of their potential energy consumption; second, the importance of adapting those systems to outdoor conditions, understanding the needs of the occupants and the limitations of the environment in order to develop sustainable solutions that provide comfort without attempting to heat the air of the street.This work was supported by the Spanish Government under the project code BIA2016-77675-R.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version