26 research outputs found

    Glyphosate influence on nitrogen, manganese, iron, copper and zinc nutritional efficiency in glyphosate resistant soybean

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    Com o desenvolvimento da soja resistente ao glifosato, Roundup Ready (RR), observa-se um aumento considerável no uso desse herbicida, com aplicações de três a quatro vezes durante o ciclo da cultura. Dessa forma, essas aplicações podem estar influenciando a nutrição mineral da cultura. Objetivou-se realizar este experimento para avaliar a influência do glifosato na eficiência nutricional de N, Mn, Cu, Zn e Fe pela soja transgênica cv. 'P98R31 RR'. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, na ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba (SP), em 2009. A unidade experimental foi constituída por vaso contendo 11kg de substrato (NITOSSOLO VERMELHO Eutroférrico latossólico), com duas plantas por vaso. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em um esquema fatorial 5X5, com cinco níveis do fator Mn (0, 20, 40, 60 e 80mg dm-3) e cinco de glifosato (0; 0,648; 1,296; 1,944 e 2,592kg i.a. ha-1), sendo que o Mn foi fornecido a partir do sulfato de manganês (MnSO4.H2O). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Não houve influência na resposta das plantas com relação ao fator Mn. A aplicação de glifosato interferiu de forma negativa na eficiência nutricional da planta e nos teores totais de N, Mn, Cu, Zn e Fe. A utilização de glifosato causou redução ao número de nódulos e redução na produção de massa seca.After development of glyphosate-resistant (GR) soybean, there is a considerable raise in the use of this herbicide, with three to four applications during the culture cycle. Thus, these applications may be influencing the mineral nutrition of the crop. So, the aim of this research was evaluate the glyphosate influence on uptake, translocation and use efficiency of N, Mn, Cu, Zn and Fe by (GR) soybean 'P98R31' cultivar. The experiment was conducted in the greenhouse at ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil, in 2009. The experimental unit was formed by 11kg vase-1 of soil (Rhodic Paleudult) with two plants in each vase. The treatments have been arranged in a factorial pathway 5X5, with five levels of the factor Mn (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80mg dm-3) and five of glyphosate drifts (0; 0,648; 1,296; 1,944 e 2,592kg e.a. ha-1) and the Mn was supplied by the manganese sulfate (MnSO4.H2O). The experimental design was randomized blocks, with four repetitions. There was no influence on response from plants concerning the levels of Mn used into the experiment. The application of glyphosate interfered on mineral nutrition of soybean and the total contents of N, Mn, Cu, Zn and Fe. The use of glyphosate has caused reduction of the nodules number and reduced the output of dry mass

    Phosphorus in Forage Production

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    The aim in developing this work was to summarize information about phosphorus (P) limitation and dynamic in tropical soils for forage grasses production. The major idea is direct information about limited factors affecting P availability, dynamic of P fractionation, P pools, P forms, P use efficiency, and the 4R’s Nutrient Stewardship’ for P-fertilizer in forage grasses. Organizing these sub-headings in a chapter can result in interesting of how P behaves under tropical soils, in order to take decision to manage P-fertilizer to accomplish forage grasses production with social, economic, and environmental benefits. As the most limiting nutrient in tropical soils, P-fertilizer in forage grasses can be more effective if the best management practices are followed. In order to avoid excess P-fertilizer application in soil or P-fertilizer response with low efficiency, it is important to understand the P dynamic and the factors associated with P adsorption in soil. Even with low amount of P requested to forages species, the P available in soil is quite low, and this knowledge is primordial to direct P-fertilizer. Tropical soils are quite limited in P content, due to the natural formation with parental material poor in P content and highly weathering condition. Thus, in order to improve phosphorus use efficiency, the 4R’s must be followed to improve P use efficiency (PUE). It is not easy to improve PUE in highly weathering soil with high buffering capacity; however, all the combination of best management practices for P-fertilizer application can result in better use efficiency. Based on the scarcity of natural P-sources in the whole world, the use of alternative P-sources should be incentivized, and more researches about this issue are need for better understanding

    Características agronômicas do milho e recuperação de nitrogênio do fertilizante durante a safra e a safrinha

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate corn agronomic traits in a cultivation subjected to different N rates, during the fall–winter (off-season) and spring–summer crop seasons, and N recovery from fertilizer. The experiment was set up in a randomized complete block design with four replicates, in a 5x2 factorial arrangement, with the following treatments: five N topdressing rates – 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 kg ha-1 –, using urea as source; and two crop seasons, fall–winter and spring–summer. The following variables were determined: plant height, height of the first ear insertion, number of grains per ear, diameter and length of ear, 1,000-grain weight, N concentration in the leaves and grains, grain-protein concentration, grain yield, N recovery from fertilizer, and soil-N supply. Nitrogen rates in the fertilizer in the fall–winter season had no effect on grain yield, although corn agronomic traits showed a greater reliance on fertilizer-N rates in that season than in the spring–summer, which is a season associated to a greater capacity of soil-N supply to plants. The quantification of soil-N supply enabled knowing the nutrient dynamics during the fall–winter and the spring–summer seasons, which may be useful to guide N fertilization of corn.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar características agronômicas do milho em um cultivo submetido a diferentes doses de N, nas safras de outono–inverno (safrinha) e primavera–verão, e a recuperação do N do fertilizante. O experimento foi disposto em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em arranjo fatorial 5x2, com os seguintes tratamentos: cinco doses de N em cobertura – 0, 30, 60, 90 e 120 kg ha-1 –, com uso de ureia como fonte; e duas estações de cultivo, outono–inverno e primavera–verão. As seguintes variáveis foram determinadas: altura de planta, altura da inserção da primeira espiga, número de grãos por espiga, diâmetro e comprimento da espiga, massa de 1.000 grãos, concentração de N nas folhas e nos grãos, concentração de proteína nos grãos, produtividade de grãos, recuperação de N do fertilizante e suprimento de N pelo solo. As taxas de N do fertilizante na estação outono–inverno não influenciaram a produtividade de grãos, embora as características agronômicas do milho tenham apresentado maior dependência do N do fertilizante naquela estação do que na primavera–verão, que é uma estação associada a uma maior capacidade do solo de fornecer N para as plantas. A quantificação do suprimento de N pelo solo permitiu saber a dinâmica do nutriente durante a safrinha e a safra de primavera–verão, o que pode ser útil para guiar a fertilização nitrogenada do milho

    Potencial alelopático de lixiviados das folhas de plantas invasoras pelo método sanduiche

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    Allelopathic studies investigate the positive and negative effects of secondary metabolites from plants, microorganisms and fungi on the development of neighbouring individuals. The aim of this work was to evaluate the allelopathic effect from leaves of Amaranthus viridis, Acanthospermum hispidum, Bidens pilosa, Conyza canadensis, Galinsoga parviflora, Parthenium hysterophorus, Commelina benghalensis, Euphorbia heterophylla, Leonurus sibiricus, Digitaria insularis, Eleusine indica and Nicandra physaloides on germination and growth of lettuce, applying the sandwich method. In the bioassays, dried leaves (10, 25 and 50 mg) of the weeds were placed between two layers of agar and 25 lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa) were sown. All the evaluated species, except C. canadensis, presented allelopathic effect on lettuce. The more significant effects were verified on A. viridis and L. sibiricus, which inhibited the germination percentage (> 40%), the growth of root (≥ 70%) and hypocotyls (> 50%) of lettuce. The results indicate that A. viridis and L. sibiricus present chemical compounds with phototoxic activity. Further studies are necessary for isolation and identification of metabolites playing a role in allelopathy.Estudos de alelopatia investigam os efeitos positivos e negativos que metabólitos secundários de plantas, microrganismos ou fungos exercem sobre o desenvolvimento de indivíduos vizinhos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito alelopático das folhas de Amaranthus viridis, Acanthospermum hispidum, Bidens pilosa, Conyza canadensis, Galinsoga parviflora, Parthenium hysterophorus, Commelina benghalensis, Euphorbia heterophylla, Leonurus sibiricus, Digitaria insularis, Eleusine indica e Nicandra physaloides na germinação e crescimento de alface, pelo método sanduíche. Nos bioensaios, as folhas secas (10, 25 e 50 mg) das plantas invasoras foram colocadas entre duas camadas de ágar, sendo posteriormente semeadas 25 cipselas de alface (Lactuca sativa). Todas as espécies avaliadas, exceto C. canadensis, apresentaram efeito alelopático sobre alface, sendo os maiores efeitos verificados em A. viridis e L. sibiricus, as quais inibiram a porcentagem de germinação (> 40%) e o crescimento da raiz (≥ 70%) e do hipocótilo (> 50%) de alface. Com base nos resultados, conclui-se que as espécies A. viridis e L. sibiricus apresentam compostos químicos com atividade fitotóxica, sendo necessários estudos posteriores para o isolamento e identificação dos metabólitos envolvidos no processo de alelopatia

    Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Nitrogen Fertilizer in Forage Grasses

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    There is a concern about the growing population and limitation in natural resources which are taking the population to direct its agricultural systems into a more productive and efficient activity, looking to avoid a negative impact on the surrounding environment. The industry energy expended to produce nitrogen (N)-fertilizer is considered an indirect consumption of energy in agriculture, which is higher with an increasing forage yield. Nitrogen is the key nutrient associated with high-yielding production in forage grass and grain crops. The aim of this chapter is to introduce the best management practices (BMPs) for N-fertilizer application in forage grasses to improve N-use efficiency, since the most economical way to feed livestock is forage plants where its potential biomass production is not well explored. The BMPs basically follow three management practices: (1) soil nutrient availability and forage requirement, (2) fertilizer application, and (3) decrease in nutrient losses from soil. In order to take a decision on applying N-fertilizer to accomplish forage grasses production with social, economic, and environmental benefits, the N-fertilizer use in forage grasses is going to follow the “Right rate, Right source, Right place, and Right time (4R) nutrient stewardship.” The application of the 4R’s nutrients stewardship is directly associated with economic, social, and environmental impact. The capacity of the 4R’s implementation worldwide turns into a best guide to improve the striving of better N-use efficiency in forage grass. The 4R’s are interrelated; thus, the recommendation of N-fertilizer rates cannot be prescribed without the combination of the 4R’s where a whole system to be followed should be considered to decide about N-fertilizer in pasture. Consequently, any decision in one of the 4R’s is going to affect the expected N-fertilizer results and dry matter production

    Estabelecimento de normas DRIS para o algodoeiro com diferentes critérios de seleção da população de referência

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of selection criteria for reference populations on establishing DRIS norms for cotton crop. A database was created with data on yield and macro‑ and micronutrient contents in leaves obtained in average 100 ha plots. The criteria for establishing the high yield subpopulations were plots with: yield above average (4,380 kg ha‑1); yield above average + 2/3 standard deviation (above 4,650 kg ha‑1); yield above average + 1 standard deviation (above 4,785 kg ha‑1); and yield above average + 4/3 standard deviation (above 4,920 kg ha‑1). The selection criteria for the reference population provide low agreement frequency between nutritional relations, for each evaluated DRIS norm. Independently of the criterion used, data on average yield and on the nutritional balance index are significantly related; and this relation is intensified with the increase in the rigor of criterion for the inclusion of crops in the reference population.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de critérios de seleção de populações de referência no estabelecimento de normas DRIS na cultura do algodoeiro. Criou-se um banco de dados com a produtividade e os teores foliares de macro e micronutrientes, obtidos de talhões médios de 100 ha. Os critérios para o estabelecimento das subpopulações de alta produtividade foram talhões com: produtividade acima da média (4.380 kg ha ‑1); produtividade acima da média + 2/3 desvio‑padrão (acima de 4.650 kg ha‑1); produtividade acima da média + 1 desvio‑padrão (acima de 4.785 kg ha‑1); e produtividade acima da média + 4/3 desvio‑padrão (acima de 4.920 kg ha‑1). Os critérios de seleção da população de referência proporcionam baixa frequência de relações nutricionais concordantes, para cada norma DRIS avaliada. Independentemente do critério de seleção utilizado, os dados de produtividade média e o índice de balanço nutricional relacionam-se significativamente; e essa relação intensifica-se com o aumento no rigor do critério de inclusão de lavouras na população de referência

    Crop rotation affects soybean performance in no-tillage system under optimal and dry cropping seasons

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    Abstract The purpose of this research was to assess the crop rotation affects on agronomic traits of soybean in optimal (OCS) and dry cropping seasons (DCS). This research was carried out in 2010/2011 (OCS) and 2011/2012 (DCS) in a Rhodic Hapludox soil. The experimental design was set up in a randomized complete block and the treatments were arranged in a factorial 9 x 2, consisting of 9 crop rotations systems and two cropping seasons, with four replications. The soybean (Glycine max cv. BMX-Potência RR) was sowed on October 20 th 2010 and October 10 th 2011 (spring-summer season) 20 days after the fall-winter cover crops desiccation. It was assessed in the R8 reproductive stage (Full maturation) the plant height, the height of the first pod insertion, number of pod per plants, number of branches per plant, number of seed per pod, 1000-grain weight and grain yield. It was observed that in drought stress (DCS), the number of branches decreased, this reduction was 36% in relation to OCS. For the traits as plant height, first pod height, 1000-grain weight and yield, it was showed small values in DCS in contrast to OCS. It is feasible to introduce these cover crops in fall-winter season to make part of a crop rotation system. The number of pod per plant showed higher values under the crop rotation of corn/rapeseed/soybean, which showed highly associated with the soybean grain yield. This research brought options for cover crops system to be viable in no-till system with soybean in spring-summer season

    Nutritional Status of Cotton Plant Assessed by Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis (CND)

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    The use of compositional nutrient diagnosis (CND) to assess the nutritional status of cotton crop is quite important to improve knowledge on plant nutritional requirement and assist the fertilizer recommendation. The aim of this chapter is to introduce the possibility of using CND for cotton crop. This method has scarcely been used to assess the nutritional status of cotton plant although a few results have indicated that it can be promising. In fact, CND methodology seems to be better in the nutritional diagnosis than traditional methods such as sufficient range (SR) and critical value approach (CVA). Its efficiency has increased with the possibility of applying multivariate analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), canonical correlation, and so on. The application of PCA possibility to note some interactions among the nutrients is important for understanding the dynamics of nutrients in plants