76 research outputs found

    Effects of fluoride on primary cultured haemocytes from the marine gastropod Haliotis tuberculata

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    International audienceAs a consequence of human's activities, fluoride concentration in many aquatic ecosystems is significantly increasing. Nevertheless, little is known about fluoride toxicity to aquatic life. In this study the effect of exposure to different concentrations of sodium fluoride (2, 10, 50, 250 and 1,250 μg mL −1) during 24 h on primary cultured haemocytes of the gastropod Haliotis tuberculata was realized. Results indicate no significant effect of NaF on cell viability, Lysosomal membrane stability, phagocytosis and ROS production at concentrations of 2, 10, 50 and 250 μg mL −1. Nevertheless, lysosomal membrane alterations, a decrease of phagocytosis and morphological changes of H. tuberculata haemocytes were observed at concentration of 1,250 µg mL −1 NaF suggesting a potential impact of NaF at high concentration in the environment

    Psychometric validation of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer–Quality of Life Questionnaire Sexual Health (EORTC QLQ-SH22)

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    BACKGROUND: The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Group developed a questionnaire to assess sexual health in patients with cancer and cancer survivors. This study evaluates the psychometric properties of the questionnaire. METHODS: The 22-item EORTC sexual health questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-SH22) was administered with the EORTC QLQ-C30 to 444 patients with cancer. The hypothesised scale structure, reliability and validity were evaluated through standardised psychometric procedures. RESULTS: The cross-cultural field study showed that the majority of patients (94.7%) were able to complete the QLQ-SH22 in less than 20 min; 89% of the study participants did not need any help to fill in the questionnaire. Multi-item multi-trait scaling analysis confirmed the hypothesised scale structure with two multi-item scales (sexual satisfaction, sexual pain) and 11 single items (including five conditional items and four gender-specific items). The internal consistency yielded acceptable Cronbach's alpha coefficients (.90 for the sexual satisfaction scale, .80 for the sexual pain scale). The test-retest correlations (Pearson's r) ranged from .70 to .93 except for the scale communication with professionals (.67) and male body image (.69). The QLQ-SH22 discriminates well between subgroups of patients differing in terms of their performance and treatment status. CONCLUSION: The study supports the reliability, the content and construct validity of the QLQ-SH22. The newly developed questionnaire is clinically applicable to assess sexual health of patients with cancer at different treatment stages and during survivorship for clinical trials and for clinical practice

    The international phase 4 validation study of the EORTC QLQ-SWB32: a stand-alone measure of spiritual wellbeing (SWB) for people receiving palliative care for cancer

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    The EORTC Quality of Life (QL) Group has just completed the final phase (field-testing and validation) of an international project to develop a stand-alone measure of spiritual wellbeing (SWB) for palliative cancer patients. Participants (n= 451) - from 14 countries on four continents; 54% female; 188 Christian, 50 Muslim, 156 with no religion - completed a provisional 36-item measure of SWB plus the EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL (PAL), then took part in a structured debriefing interview. All items showed good score distribution across response categories. We assessed scale structure using Principal Component Analysis and Rasch analysis, and explored construct validity, and convergent/divergent validity with the PAL. Twenty-two items in four scoring scales (Relationship with Self, Relationships with Others, Relationship with Something Greater, and Existential) explained 53% of the variance. The measure also includes a global SWB item and nine other items. Scores on the PAL global QL item and Emotional Functioning scale weakly-moderately correlated with scores on the global SWB item and two of the four SWB scales. This new validated 32-item SWB measure addresses a distinct aspect of QL, and is now available for use in research and clinical practice, with a role as both a measurement and an intervention tool

    Infecção por clonorchis sinensis em imigrantes asiáticos no Brasil: tratamento com praziquantel

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    Fifteen adult patients with assymptomatic infection due to Clonorchis sinensis, diagnosed by coprological examination, were studied. They all came from Asia (twelve from Taiwan, two from South Korea and one from Hong Kong) and were examined at the Adolfo Lutz Institute and the Department of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine, University of São Paulo, in São Paulo, Brazil. Six patients were women and nine men. All studied patients were admitted to hospital and treated with praziquantel (60 mg/ kg). Previous to treatment and on the 15th, 30th and 60th days after praziquantel administration, patients were submitted to quantitative stool examinations, according to Kato-Katz's technique and to hematological and biochemical serum analysis. After a 60 day follow-up nine patients (609c) were negative for C. sinensis eggs in stools. Those not cured after praziquantel administration (six patients, 40%) revealed a sharp decline in faecal elimination of C. sinensis eggs.Estudaram-se quinze pacientes com infecção assintomática por Clonorchis sinensis, revelada através de exame parasitológico de fezes. Todos eram de origem asiática e procuraram o Laboratório Central do Instituto Adolfo Lutz para se submeterem a exames laboratoriais necessários à regularização de sua situação, face à nova legislação sobre imigrantes. Eram todos indivíduos adultos, seis pertencendo ao sexo feminino e nove ao masculino. Os quinze pacientes com clonorquíase foram internados no Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP e tratados com Praziquantel, na dosagem de 60 mg/kg de peso corporal, dividida em duas tomadas. Foram realizados exames coprológicos quantitativos (método de Kato-Katz), antes do tratamento específico e no 15º, 30º e 60º dias após a terapêutica. Na última avaliação (60? dia após terapêutica), em nove pacientes (60,0%) não se encontraram ovos do trematódeo nas fezes e nos seis (40,0%), que continuavam eliminando ovos, notou-se redução na quantidade eliminada (superior a 90% em cinco e a 30% no paciente restante). Os pacientes foram também submetidos a exames subsidiários, para avaliação do estado geral e função hepática, antes da administração de Praziquantel e, posteriormente, no seguimento ambulatorial. A medicação foi relativamente bem tolerada pelos pacientes, verificando-se a ocorrência de efeitos colaterais representados por náuseas e vômitos (dois casos), vertigens e tonturas (dois casos), epigastralgia (dois casos) e diarréia no 3? dia após tratamento (um caso)

    In Vitro Effect of Five Pharmaceuticals on the Viability of the European Abalone Hemocytes, Haliotis tuberculata

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    Pharmaceutical compounds are a class of emerging contaminants with potential concern for the aquatic environment [...