116 research outputs found

    Tourism students’ entrepreneurial personality traits: An emprical research on undergraduate associate and bachelor’s students

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, turizm eğitimi alan lisans ve ön lisans öğrencilerinin girişimci kişilik özelliklerinin tespit edilmesidir. Bu amaçla, Sakarya Üniversitesi ve Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi’nde turizm eğitimi alan 308 lisans ve ön lisans öğrencisi üzerinde bir alan araştırması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen veriler istatistiki metotlarla analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucu elde edilen bulgular, turizm öğrencilerinin girişimci kişilik özelliklerine önemli ölçüde sahip olduklarını göstermiştir. Ayrıca, girişimci kişilik özellikleri bakımından lisans ve ön lisans öğrencileri arasında anlamlı bir farklılık olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Aim of this study is to determine entrepreneurial personality traits of associate and bachelor’s degree tourism students. For this purpose, an empirical research was carried out on undergraduate 308 tourism students that studying at Sakarya University and Abant Dzzet Baysal University. Obtained data from the research was analyzed by statistical methods. Results of this research indicated that undergraduate tourism students dramatically have entrepreneurial personality traits. However, at the conclusion of the research it was determined that there was significant difference between associate and bachelor’s degree tourism students’ entrepreneurial personality traits

    A Lagrange Polynomial Chebyshev Pseudo Spectral Time Domain Method in One Dimensional Large Scale Applications

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    Abstract Pseudo Spectral Time Domain method based on Discrete Fourier series has been widely used in computational electromagnetics. However, this method has some disadvantages such as, the Gibbs phenomena, source conditioning and errors due to interpolation and staircase modeling of complex objects. To overcome these limitations, a Lagrange Polynomial Chebyshev Pseudo Spectral Time Domain method has been proposed. In this work, the efficiency of this method for large scale problems is examined in the sense of numerical dispersion errors (accuracy) by solving one dimensional wave equation in a simple medium. The numerical results are compared for validation with the analytical solution and standard Finite Difference Time Domain method solution. Introduction Spectral Time Domain methods are a generalization of separation of variable techniques in the time domain. They are favorable when direct analytical time domain solution is desired Two fundamental steps in the PSTD method are to choose type of interpolation function and collocation points. Although different versions of the PSTD methods are present in the literature of different scientific disciplines, Fourier Pseudo Spectral Time Domain (F-PSTD) method is widely used in numerical electromagnetic problems In order to overcome these difficulties, a Lagrange Polynomial Chebyshev Pseudo Spectral Time Domain method is considered in this wor

    Genotoxic, carcinogenic potential of food additives and their other effects on human healthGıda katkı maddelerinin genotoksik, karsinojenik potansiyeli ve insan sağlığı üzerindeki diğer etkileri

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    The use of food additives (FAs) in food production has become an indispensable part of food technology primarily in developed countries for the last 30 years. Today, we encounter with chemical or E coded names of FAs in the ingredients written on the packages of many food products; from take-home foods to frozen products and canned goods. Some of these products, which have been increasing in terms of usage and number each passing day, have detected genotoxic and carcinogenic effects with various toxicological test systems. Besides, some of these are emerged to play role in the formation of hyperactivity, allergy, neurodegenerative diseases, obesity, diabetes, reproduction and gastrointestinal system disorders. In this review, it is aimed to give information about food additives which have been determined to have genotoxic and carcinogenic effects and reported to cause other health risks with toxicological studies. Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetSon 30 yıldır gelişmiş ülkeler başta olmak üzere, gıda üretiminde katkı maddelerinin kullanımı gıda teknolojisinin vazgeçilmez bir parçası olmuştur. Günümüzde, hazır gıdalardan, dondurulmuş ürünlere ve konservelere kadar tükettiğimiz birçok gıda maddesinin ambalajlarındaki içindekiler kısmında gıda katkı maddelerinin kimyasal yada E kodlu isimleri ile karşı karşıya gelmekteyiz. Kullanımları ve sayıları her geçen gün artan bu maddelerin bazılarının genotoksik ve karsinojenik etkili olduğu çeşitli toksikolojik test sistemleriyle belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca bazılarının hiperaktivite, alerji, nörodejeneratif hastalıklar, obezite, diyabet, üreme ve gastrointestinal sisteme ilişkin bozuklukların oluşumunda rol oynadığı da ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu derlemede, toksikolojik çalışmalarla genotoksik, karsinojenik etkilere sahip olduğu ve diğer sağlık risklerine yol açtığı belirlenen gıda katkı maddeleri hakkında bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır

    Determination of mothers’ depression levels by the type of special educational services they get for their autistic children

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the depression levels of mothers by the type of special educational services they got for their autistic children. Mothers of 20 male autistics and 5 female autistics participated in the study as volunteers. %24 of families got educational services from life coaches, %48 from O.Ç.E.M (Autistic Children Education Centers) and %28 from rehabilitation centers. Beck depression scale applied to volunteers to determine the depression levels (SCORES, Life Coach =16±7,05, O.Ç.E.M =13,83±7,05, Rehabilitation Center =25,57±9,28). Data were presented as mean, SD, frequency for description purpose. Variables were analyzed and were calculated by using Kruskal Wallis Test and Mann Whitney U tests. There is a significance difference at level of P<0.05 (p=0,035) between parents which get different types of special educational services. As a result; significant difference has found in the depression levels of parents which get special educational services from rehabilitation centers found more depressive then O.Ç.E.M and life coach services.

    FOKAL EPİTELYAL HİPERPLAZİ (HECK HASTALIĞI): OLGU RAPORU [Focal Epithelial Hyperplasia (Heck’s Disease): Case Report]

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    ÖZET Fokal epitelyal hiperplazi (FEH) veya Heck hastalığı iyi huylu, asemptomatik bir hastalıktır. Genellikle alt dudakta papüller şeklinde görülmesine rağmen, retro-komissural mukozada, dilde ve daha az sıklıkla da üst dudak, diş eti ve damakta görülürler. FEH insan papilloma virüsü tip 13 veya 32 sebebiyle oluşur. Bu hastalık birçok toplum ve etnik grupta meydana gelebilir. Kliniğimize başvuran 11 yaşındaki erkek hastada sağ alt çene yanak ve dudak mukozasında çok sayıda hiperplazik lezyonlar tespit edildi. Klinik ve histopatolojik bulgulara dayanarak fokal epitelyal hiperplazi tanısı konuldu. Bu çalışmanın amacı, nadir gözlenen Heck hastalığının klinik ve histopatolojik özelliklerini sunmaktır. Anahtar kelimeler: Oral Patoloji, Fokal Epitelyal Hiperplazi, İnsan Papillomavirüs ABSTRACT Focal epithelial hyperplasia (FEH) or Heck’s disease is a benign, asymptomatic disease. It appears as papules, usually on the lower lip, although it can also be found on the retro-comissural mucosa and tongue and, less frequently, on the upper lip, gingiva and palate. FEH is caused by human papillomavirus type 13 or 32. The condition may occurs in many populations and ethnic groups. 11-year-old male patient was referred to our clinic with a complaint of large number of hyperplastic lesions in the right mandible were detected on the lip and buccal mucosa. Based on clinical and histopathological evaluations the diagnosis was concluded as focal epithelial hyperplasia. The purpose of this study is to describe the clinical and histopathological features of Heck’s disease which is an unusual case. Keywords: Oral Pathology, Focal Epithelial Hyperplasia, Human Papillomaviru

    Analysis of environmental impact for material production investments using a novel soft computing methodology

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the environmental impacts of material production investments. The factors of Higg Materials Sustainability Index are defined as the parameters. These factors are weighted by considering T-SF TOPSIS-DEMATEL. Moreover, the items of the life cycle process are defined as alternative set for measuring the environmental effects of each process in the sustainable production investments. These alternatives are ranked with interval valued SF MAIRCA. The calculations are also made for different t, u and d values with the aim of making comparative evaluations. The main contribution of this study is that a priority analysis has been made so that the most significant indicators are defined for the companies to increase sustainability in material production investment process. Another important novelty of this paper is that a new model is created by the name of TOPSIS-DEMATEL. This situation has a positive influence on both increasing methodological originality and overcoming criticized issues of DEMATEL. The results are quite similar for all conditions, so it is understood that the proposed model provides consistent and coherent findings. It is concluded that chemistry is the most critical factor for environmental impact for material production investments. Moreover, recycle is determined as the most optimal alternative

    The Diagnostic Value of Brush Cytology Alone and in Combination with Tumor Markers in Pancreaticobiliary Strictures

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    Aim. Differentiation of malignant and benign strictures constitutes a problem despite the increasing experience of the endoscopists, radiologists, and pathologists. The aim of our study is to determine the factors that affect the efficacy of the ERCP guided brush cytology in PBS and to evaluate its diagnostic success when used alone and together with tumor markers. Method. The data from brush cytologies of 301 PBS patients were collected retrospectively and analyzed. The final diagnosis was approved based on the histological examination of the tissue taken surgically or by other methods. In the absence of a histological diagnosis, the final diagnosis was based on radiological studies or the results of a 12-month clinical follow up. Results. A total of 28 patients were excluded from the study. From the remaining 273 patients 299 samples were analyzed. The sensitivity and the specificity of brush cytology in diagnosing malignancy are 62.4% and 97.7, respectively. The sensitivity of brush cytology increased to 94.1% when combined with CA-19.9 and CA-125. Conclusion. Brush cytology is a useful method in diagnosing pancreaticobiliary strictures. Advanced age, stricture dilatation before sampling, the presence of a mass identified by radiological studies, high levels of CA-19.9, ALT, and total bilirubin increase the sensitivity of brush cytology

    Hisse senedi değerlemesi ile oyun teorisi uygulaması

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    HİSSE SENETLERİ DEĞERLEMESİ İLE OYUN TEORİSİ UYGULAMASI Türkiye'de yatırım unsurlarının az olduğu ve insanların paralarını değerlendirmede yetersiz kaldığı bir dönemde 1980'li yıllarda İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsasıyla nefes almaya başlamıştır. Başlangıçta küçük işlem hacimleriyle işe başlayan ve sınırlı bir kesime hitap eden borsa gün geçtikçe daha çok insanın ilgisini çekmeye daha büyük işlem hacminin gerçekleşmesine neden olmuş ve Türkiye borsasını dünyanın en hızlı gelişen borsalarından biri haline getirmiştir. Bu durum yatırımcıları cazip görünen hisse senedi piyasasında işlem yapmaya ve yatırımcı görüşleri dışında ekonomiyi yakından takip etmeye sürüklemiştir. Bu kadar karmaşık bir ortamda spekülatif hareketler başlamış yatırım yapanlar kimseye güven duymamaya başlamışlardır. Ülkemizdeki ekonomik krizlerinde baş göstermesiyle yeni arayışları beraberinde getirmiştir. Başarılı yatırımlar yapabilmek, üstün bir zekaya sahip olmayı, içeridekilerin bilgilerine erişmeyi veya olağan dışı bir iş sezgisini gerektirmez. Gereken, karar verebilmek için diğer yatırımcıların adımlarını yakından takip edebilme kabiliyetidir. Bu çalışmada da borsada yatırım yapacak olan kişilerin bilinen araştırma metotları dışında matematik dünyasında 1921 yılında ortaya atılan oyun teorisi yaklaşımıyla hisse analizine ışık tutulmaya çalışılmıştır. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Name and Surname : Serkan Aksoy Field : Econometrics Programme : Operations Research Supervisor : Assistant Proffesor Degree Awarded and Date : Master - June 2005 Keywords : Stock Exchange, Game Theory ABSTRACT STOCK EXCHANGE WİTH THE GAME THEORY APPROACH APPLİCATİON In 1980's when there were very few investment tools and people were insufficient in investing their money, Istanbul has started to breathe with the Stock Exchange. Starting to function with a small transaction volume and appealing to limited number of people in the beginning, it eventually started appealing to larger number of people which led to greater transaction volume and made Turkish Stock Exchange one of the fastest developing Stock Echanges in the world. This led investors to make operations in the appealing share market and to follow the economy closely apart from the investors' views. In this complex situation speculations has occured and the investors have lost trust in anybody. The economical crisis led to new considerations. Making successful investments doesn't require high intelligence, insiders or extraordinary business intuition. What is needed is the ability to follow closely other investors' steps. In this study, it has been aimed at enlightening the share analysis for the people who will make investments in the Stock Exchange with the Game approach, developed in 1921

    Hisse senedi değerlemesi ile oyun teorisi uygulaması

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    ÖZETHİSSE SENETLERİ DEĞERLEMESİ İLE OYUN TEORİSİ UYGULAMASITürkiye'de yatırım unsurlarının az olduğu ve insanların paralarını değerlendirmede yetersiz kaldığı bir dönemde 1980'li yıllarda İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsasıyla nefes almaya başlamıştır. Başlangıçta küçük işlem hacimleriyle işe başlayan ve sınırlı bir kesime hitap eden borsa gün geçtikçe daha çok insanın ilgisini çekmeye daha büyük işlem hacminin gerçekleşmesine neden olmuş ve Türkiye borsasını dünyanın en hızlı gelişen borsalarından biri haline getirmiştir. Bu durum yatırımcıları cazip görünen hisse senedi piyasasında işlem yapmaya ve yatırımcı görüşleri dışında ekonomiyi yakından takip etmeye sürüklemiştir. Bu kadar karmaşık bir ortamda spekülatif hareketler başlamış yatırım yapanlar kimseye güven duymamaya başlamışlardır. Ülkemizdeki ekonomik krizlerinde baş göstermesiyle yeni arayışları beraberinde getirmiştir. Başarılı yatırımlar yapabilmek, üstün bir zekaya sahip olmayı, içeridekilerin bilgilerine erişmeyi veya olağan dışı bir iş sezgisini gerektirmez. Gereken, karar verebilmek için diğer yatırımcıların adımlarını yakından takip edebilme kabiliyetidir. Bu çalışmada da borsada yatırım yapacak olan kişilerin bilinen araştırma metotları dışında matematik dünyasında 1921 yılında ortaya atılan oyun teorisi yaklaşımıyla hisse analizine ışık tutulmaya çalışılmıştır. GENERAL KNOWLEDGEName and Surname : Serkan AksoyField : EconometricsProgramme : Operations Research Supervisor : Assistant ProffesorDegree Awarded and Date : Master - June 2005Keywords : Stock Exchange, Game TheoryABSTRACTSTOCK EXCHANGE WİTH THE GAME THEORY APPROACHAPPLİCATİONIn 1980's when there were very few investment tools and people were insufficient in investing their money, Istanbul has started to breathe with the Stock Exchange. Starting to function with a small transaction volume and appealing to limited number of people in the beginning, it eventually started appealing to larger number of people which led to greater transaction volume and made Turkish Stock Exchange one of the fastest developing Stock Echanges in the world. This led investors to make operations in the appealing share market and to follow the economy closely apart from the investors' views. In this complex situation speculations has occured and the investors have lost trust in anybody. The economical crisis led to new considerations. Making successful investments doesn't require high intelligence, insiders or extraordinary business intuition. What is needed is the ability to follow closely other investors' steps. In this study, it has been aimed at enlightening the share analysis for the people who will make investments in the Stock Exchange with the Game approach, developed in 1921