38 research outputs found

    Difference of Body Compositional Changes According to the Presence of Weight Cycling in a Community-based Weight Control Program

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    Many obese people who try to control body weight experience weight cycling (WC). The present study evaluated the importance of WC in a community-based obesity intervention program. We analyzed the data of 109 Korean participants (86% women) among 177 subjects who had completed a 12-week intervention program at two public health centers in Korea from April to December, 2007. Completion of a self-administrated questionnaire at baseline was used to obtain anthropometric measurements, and laboratory testing was done before and after the program. Differences in body composition change and obesity-related life style between the two groups were compared with respect to WC and non-weight cycling (NWC). After 12 weeks, both groups showed reductions in weight, waist circumference, and body mass index. The group differences were not significant. However, significant differences were evident for the WC group compared to the NWC group in fat percent mass (WC vs. NWC, -3.49±2.31% vs. -4.65±2.59%, P=0.01), fat free mass (WC vs. NWC, -0.95±1.37 kg vs. -0.38±1.05 kg, P=0.01), and total cholesterol (WC vs. NWC, -3.32±14.63 vs. -16.54±32.39, P=0.005). In conducting a community-based weight control program that predominantly targets women, changes of body composition and total cholesterol may be less effective in weight cyclers than in non-weight cyclers

    Le criblage Ă  Roscoff

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    Les scientifiques de la station biologique de Roscoff (SBR) travaillent depuis plusieurs dizaines d’annĂ©es sur la rĂ©gulation de la division cellulaire en utilisant, comme modĂšles, des organismes marins. Ceci a notamment conduit Ă  l’étude de kinases dĂ©pendantes des cyclines (CDK) qui contrĂŽlent le dĂ©roulement du cycle cellulaire. Ces cibles ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es afin de caractĂ©riser des inhibiteurs pharmacologiques, ou « touches » (hits), en mettant en place un criblage automatisĂ©. Le mĂ©canisme d’action des meilleures touches sĂ©lectionnĂ©es a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© en les dĂ©rivant, afin de procĂ©der Ă  des approches de criblages inverses par chromatographie d’affinitĂ©. À l’interface entre biologie et chimie, le travail de cette plate-forme place au centre des recherches le composĂ© chimique, qui est Ă  la fois (1) une molĂ©cule d’intĂ©rĂȘt thĂ©rapeutique et (2) un outil molĂ©culaire permettant d’analyser la fonction cellulaire des kinases ciblĂ©es. À partir d’organismes marins, huit familles structurales d’inhibiteurs ont Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©es sur la plate-forme, et l’espoir est grand de voir la mer nous en apporter de nouveaux, encore plus puissants

    Community analysis of pigment patterns from 37 microalgae strains reveals new carotenoids and porphyrins characteristic of distinct strains and taxonomic groups

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    Phytoplankton, with an estimated 30 000 to 1 000 000 species clustered in 12 phyla, presents a high taxonomic and ecophysiological diversity, reflected by the complex distribution of pigments among the different algal classes. High performance liquid chromatography is the gold standard method for qualitative and quantitative analysis of phytoplankton pigments in seawater and culture samples, but only a few pigments can be used as robust chemotaxonomic markers. A major challenge is thus to identify new ones, characteristic of a strain, species, class or taxon that cannot be currently identified on the basis of its pigment signature. Using an optimized extraction process coupled to a HPLC de-replication strategy, we examined the pigment composition of 37 microalgae strains, representative of the broad taxonomic diversity of marine and freshwater species (excluding cyanobacteria). For each species, the major pigments already described were unambiguously identified. We also observed the presence of several minor unidentified pigments in each chromatogram. The global analysis of pigment compositions revealed a total of 124 pigments, including 98 pigments or derivatives unidentified using the standards. Absorption spectra indicated that 35 corresponded to chlorophyll/porphyrin derivatives, 57 to carotenoids and six to derivatives having both spectral signatures. Sixty-one of these unidentified or new carotenoids and porphyrin derivatives were characteristic of particular strains or species, indicating their possible use as highly specific chemotaxonomic markers capable of identifying one strain out of the 37 selected. We developed a graphical analysis using Gephi software to give a clear representation of pigment communities among the various phytoplankton strains, and to reveal strain-characteristic and shared pigments. This made it possible to reconstruct the taxonomic evolution of microalgae classes, on the basis of the conservation, loss, and/or appearance of pigments

    Dichotomous key for microalgae strain identification by pigment composition.

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    <p>This dichotomous key reveals that stringent identification of strains is possible according to pigment composition results presented in this paper.</p