62 research outputs found

    Formation of future philologists' professional competence in the aspect of axiological approach

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    The formation of future philologists' professional competence in the aspect of axiological approach is studied in the paper. Taking into account axiological ideas, a set of cultural-and-humanistic educational functions are identified. Among them there are: development of spiritual strength, abilities and skills that enable a person to overcome life's obstacles; formation of character and moral responsibility; providing opportunities for personal and professional self-realization; mastering the means that are necessary to achieve intellectual and moral freedom; creating conditions for creative and spiritual growth of an individual. As far as humanistic aim of education is concerned, a number of problems is outlined. Among them there are: awareness of the intrinsic value of an individual as a carrier of high humanistic principles, its unique individuality and creative nature; recognition of the harmonious development of a personality as goal and the main purpose of a man; understanding of creative nature of activity, awareness of the need of spiritual costs and self-improvement for its implementation; development of humanitarian culture as a set of personality traits - the unity of the internal moral essence and external behavioral expression, subtle perception of beauty and ugliness in human relationships, empathy, sensitivity, expressiveness, optimism, kindness. Several approaches to the classification of educational values were suggested. Among them there are horizontal plane of existence of pedagogical values (values-goals, values-means, values-knowledge, values-relationships and values-qualities) and vertical plane of existence of pedagogical values (social-and-educational, vocational-and-group and individual-and-personal values), emphasizing the syncretic nature of these values

    Формування професійної компетентності майбутніх філологів в аспекті діяльнісного підходу

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    The article deals with the highlighting of the formation of future philologists’ professional competence in the light of an axiological approach. The usage of this approach in the process of formation of the professional competence of students of linguistic specialties is conditioned by the need of modernization of education and development of new strategies of its development as well as implementation of changes in the strategies of higher education. Peculiarities of basic teaching principles in shaping future philologists’ professional competence are studied in the article.Статтю присвячено висвітленню проблеми формування професійної компетентності майбутніх філологів у світлі аксіологічного підходу. Використання зазначеного підходу у процесі формування професійної компетентності студентів лінгвістичних спеціальностей зумовлене необхідністю модернізації освіти й розроблення нових стратегій її розвитку, а також реалізації обґрунтованих змін стратегії вищої освіти. У статті розглядаються особливості використання основних дидактичних принципів у процесі формування професійної компетентності майбутніх філологів

    Impact of rural schools on further adaptation of rural youth to the university life in a city: experience of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University

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    Impacto das escolas rurais na adaptação da juventude rural à vida universitária em uma cidade: experiência da Universidade Nacional Bohdan Khmelnytsky A pesquisa atual visa resumir as características da educação escolar nas áreas rurais da Ucrânia e estabelecer sua influência potencial na adaptação acadêmica e sócio-psicológica dos estudantes a um novo ambiente de aprendizagem e vida. Um pequeno número de estudantes em sala de aula, más condições materiais e técnicas, oportunidades limitadas de auto-realização, baixa motivação para estudar, etc., distinguem-se como as peculiaridades básicas das escolas rurais ucranianas. O mini-questionário dos autores revelou que 62% dos estudantes de primeiro ano de origem rural de uma Universidade Nacional Bohdan Khmelnytsky local em Cherkasy experimentam dificuldades durante a adaptação. Os desafios enfrentados por 270 alunos do primeiro ano são descritos: pessoais, educacionais, condições de vida, psicológicas, comunicativas, relacionamentos no grupo. Os resultados do estudo convencem que os estudantes de origem rural enfrentam desafios adicionais de adaptação às condições de vida alteradas enquanto estudam nas universidades, ao contrário dos estudantes de áreas urbanas e suburbanas. São fornecidas recomendações para ajudar os conselheiros das escolas rurais a preparar os estudantes para sua posterior adaptação nas grandes faculdades e universidades. São apresentadas instruções de trabalho de serviço psicológico, conselheiros e educadores em instituições de ensino superior: aconselhamento individual para o estudante, desenvolvimento e implementação de programas especiais de treinamento, integração de aulas individuais em programas de treinamento. Palavras-chave: Adaptação, Estudante de Primeiro Ano, Instituição de Ensino Superior, Escola Rural, Estudante de Origem Rural, Ucrânia.   Impact of rural schools on further adaptation of rural youth to the university life in a city: experience of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University ABSTRACT. The current research aims to summarize the features of school education in rural areas in Ukraine and to establish their potential influence on students' academic and socio-psychological adaptation to a new learning and living environment. Small number of students in class, poor material and technical condition, limited opportunities for self-realization, low motivation to study etc. are distinguished as the basic peculiarities of Ukrainian rural schools. The authors’ mini-questionnaire revealed that 62% of the first-year students of rural origin from a local Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy experience hardships during adaptation. Challenges faced by 270 first-year students are described: personal, educational, living conditions, psychological, communicative, relationships in the group. The outcomes of the study convince that students of rural origin encounter additional challenges adjusting to changed living conditions while studying in universities in contrast to students from urban and suburban areas. Recommendations are provided to assist rural school counselors in preparing students for their further adaptation at large colleges and universities. Directions of work of psychological service, counsellors and educators in higher education institutions are displayed: individual counseling for the student, development and implementation of special training programs, integration of individual classes into training programs. Keywords: Adaptation, First-Year Student, Higher Education Institution, Rural School, Student of Rural Origin, Ukraine.   Impacto de las escuelas rurales en una mayor adaptación de los jóvenes rurales a la vida universitaria en la ciudad: la experiencia de la Universidad Nacional Bohdan Khmelnytsky                                             RESUMEN. La investigación actual tiene por objeto resumir las características de la educación escolar en las zonas rurales de Ucrania y establecer su posible influencia en la adaptación académica y sociopsicológica de los estudiantes a un nuevo entorno de aprendizaje y de vida. Se distinguen como peculiaridades básicas de las escuelas rurales ucranianas el reducido número de alumnos en las clases, las malas condiciones materiales y técnicas, las limitadas oportunidades de realización personal, la escasa motivación para estudiar, etc. El minicuestionario de los autores reveló que el 62% de los estudiantes de primer año de origen rural de la Universidad Nacional Bohdan Khmelnytsky de Cherkasy experimentan dificultades durante la adaptación. Se describen los desafíos a los que se enfrentan 270 estudiantes de primer año: personales, educativos, condiciones de vida, psicológicos, comunicativos, relaciones en el grupo. Los resultados del estudio convencen de que los estudiantes de origen rural se enfrentan a dificultades adicionales para adaptarse a las nuevas condiciones de vida mientras estudian en las universidades, en contraste con los estudiantes de las zonas urbanas y suburbanas. Se formulan recomendaciones para ayudar a los consejeros de las escuelas rurales a preparar a los estudiantes para su ulterior adaptación en los grandes colegios y universidades. Se muestran las direcciones de trabajo del servicio psicológico, los consejeros y los educadores en las instituciones de enseñanza superior: asesoramiento individual para el estudiante, desarrollo e implementación de programas de formación especiales, integración de clases individuales en los programas de formación. Palabras clave: Adaptación, Estudiante de Primer Año, Institución de Educación Superior, Escuela Rural, Estudiante de origen rural, Ucrania.Impacto das escolas rurais na adaptação da juventude rural à vida universitária em uma cidade: experiência da Universidade Nacional Bohdan Khmelnytsky A pesquisa atual visa resumir as características da educação escolar nas áreas rurais da Ucrânia e estabelecer sua influência potencial na adaptação acadêmica e sócio-psicológica dos estudantes a um novo ambiente de aprendizagem e vida. Um pequeno número de estudantes em sala de aula, más condições materiais e técnicas, oportunidades limitadas de auto-realização, baixa motivação para estudar, etc., distinguem-se como as peculiaridades básicas das escolas rurais ucranianas. O mini-questionário dos autores revelou que 62% dos estudantes de primeiro ano de origem rural de uma Universidade Nacional Bohdan Khmelnytsky local em Cherkasy experimentam dificuldades durante a adaptação. Os desafios enfrentados por 270 alunos do primeiro ano são descritos: pessoais, educacionais, condições de vida, psicológicas, comunicativas, relacionamentos no grupo. Os resultados do estudo convencem que os estudantes de origem rural enfrentam desafios adicionais de adaptação às condições de vida alteradas enquanto estudam nas universidades, ao contrário dos estudantes de áreas urbanas e suburbanas. São fornecidas recomendações para ajudar os conselheiros das escolas rurais a preparar os estudantes para sua posterior adaptação nas grandes faculdades e universidades. São apresentadas instruções de trabalho de serviço psicológico, conselheiros e educadores em instituições de ensino superior: aconselhamento individual para o estudante, desenvolvimento e implementação de programas especiais de treinamento, integração de aulas individuais em programas de treinamento. Palavras-chave: Adaptação, Estudante de Primeiro Ano, Instituição de Ensino Superior, Escola Rural, Estudante de Origem Rural, Ucrânia.   Impact of rural schools on further adaptation of rural youth to the university life in a city: experience of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University ABSTRACT. The current research aims to summarize the features of school education in rural areas in Ukraine and to establish their potential influence on students' academic and socio-psychological adaptation to a new learning and living environment. Small number of students in class, poor material and technical condition, limited opportunities for self-realization, low motivation to study etc. are distinguished as the basic peculiarities of Ukrainian rural schools. The authors’ mini-questionnaire revealed that 62% of the first-year students of rural origin from a local Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy experience hardships during adaptation. Challenges faced by 270 first-year students are described: personal, educational, living conditions, psychological, communicative, relationships in the group. The outcomes of the study convince that students of rural origin encounter additional challenges adjusting to changed living conditions while studying in universities in contrast to students from urban and suburban areas. Recommendations are provided to assist rural school counselors in preparing students for their further adaptation at large colleges and universities. Directions of work of psychological service, counsellors and educators in higher education institutions are displayed: individual counseling for the student, development and implementation of special training programs, integration of individual classes into training programs. Keywords: Adaptation, First-Year Student, Higher Education Institution, Rural School, Student of Rural Origin, Ukraine.   Impacto de las escuelas rurales en una mayor adaptación de los jóvenes rurales a la vida universitaria en la ciudad: la experiencia de la Universidad Nacional Bohdan Khmelnytsky                                             RESUMEN. La investigación actual tiene por objeto resumir las características de la educación escolar en las zonas rurales de Ucrania y establecer su posible influencia en la adaptación académica y sociopsicológica de los estudiantes a un nuevo entorno de aprendizaje y de vida. Se distinguen como peculiaridades básicas de las escuelas rurales ucranianas el reducido número de alumnos en las clases, las malas condiciones materiales y técnicas, las limitadas oportunidades de realización personal, la escasa motivación para estudiar, etc. El minicuestionario de los autores reveló que el 62% de los estudiantes de primer año de origen rural de la Universidad Nacional Bohdan Khmelnytsky de Cherkasy experimentan dificultades durante la adaptación. Se describen los desafíos a los que se enfrentan 270 estudiantes de primer año: personales, educativos, condiciones de vida, psicológicos, comunicativos, relaciones en el grupo. Los resultados del estudio convencen de que los estudiantes de origen rural se enfrentan a dificultades adicionales para adaptarse a las nuevas condiciones de vida mientras estudian en las universidades, en contraste con los estudiantes de las zonas urbanas y suburbanas. Se formulan recomendaciones para ayudar a los consejeros de las escuelas rurales a preparar a los estudiantes para su ulterior adaptación en los grandes colegios y universidades. Se muestran las direcciones de trabajo del servicio psicológico, los consejeros y los educadores en las instituciones de enseñanza superior: asesoramiento individual para el estudiante, desarrollo e implementación de programas de formación especiales, integración de clases individuales en los programas de formación. Palabras clave: Adaptación, Estudiante de Primer Año, Institución de Educación Superior, Escuela Rural, Estudiante de origen rural, Ucrania.Impacto das escolas rurais na adaptação da juventude rural à vida universitária em uma cidade: experiência da Universidade Nacional Bohdan Khmelnytsky A pesquisa atual visa resumir as características da educação escolar nas áreas rurais da Ucrânia e estabelecer sua influência potencial na adaptação acadêmica e sócio-psicológica dos estudantes a um novo ambiente de aprendizagem e vida. Um pequeno número de estudantes em sala de aula, más condições materiais e técnicas, oportunidades limitadas de auto-realização, baixa motivação para estudar, etc., distinguem-se como as peculiaridades básicas das escolas rurais ucranianas. O mini-questionário dos autores revelou que 62% dos estudantes de primeiro ano de origem rural de uma Universidade Nacional Bohdan Khmelnytsky local em Cherkasy experimentam dificuldades durante a adaptação. Os desafios enfrentados por 270 alunos do primeiro ano são descritos: pessoais, educacionais, condições de vida, psicológicas, comunicativas, relacionamentos no grupo. Os resultados do estudo convencem que os estudantes de origem rural enfrentam desafios adicionais de adaptação às condições de vida alteradas enquanto estudam nas universidades, ao contrário dos estudantes de áreas urbanas e suburbanas. São fornecidas recomendações para ajudar os conselheiros das escolas rurais a preparar os estudantes para sua posterior adaptação nas grandes faculdades e universidades. São apresentadas instruções de trabalho de serviço psicológico, conselheiros e educadores em instituições de ensino superior: aconselhamento individual para o estudante, desenvolvimento e implementação de programas especiais de treinamento, integração de aulas individuais em programas de treinamento. Palavras-chave: Adaptação, Estudante de Primeiro Ano, Instituição de Ensino Superior, Escola Rural, Estudante de Origem Rural, Ucrânia.   Impact of rural schools on further adaptation of rural youth to the university life in a city: experience of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University ABSTRACT. The current research aims to summarize the features of school education in rural areas in Ukraine and to establish their potential influence on students' academic and socio-psychological adaptation to a new learning and living environment. Small number of students in class, poor material and technical condition, limited opportunities for self-realization, low motivation to study etc. are distinguished as the basic peculiarities of Ukrainian rural schools. The authors’ mini-questionnaire revealed that 62% of the first-year students of rural origin from a local Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy experience hardships during adaptation. Challenges faced by 270 first-year students are described: personal, educational, living conditions, psychological, communicative, relationships in the group. The outcomes of the study convince that students of rural origin encounter additional challenges adjusting to changed living conditions while studying in universities in contrast to students from urban and suburban areas. Recommendations are provided to assist rural school counselors in preparing students for their further adaptation at large colleges and universities. Directions of work of psychological service, counsellors and educators in higher education institutions are displayed: individual counseling for the student, development and implementation of special training programs, integration of individual classes into training programs. Keywords: Adaptation, First-Year Student, Higher Education Institution, Rural School, Student of Rural Origin, Ukraine.   Impacto de las escuelas rurales en una mayor adaptación de los jóvenes rurales a la vida universitaria en la ciudad: la experiencia de la Universidad Nacional Bohdan Khmelnytsky                                             RESUMEN. La investigación actual tiene por objeto resumir las características de la educación escolar en las zonas rurales de Ucrania y establecer su posible influencia en la adaptación académica y sociopsicológica de los estudiantes a un nuevo entorno de aprendizaje y de vida. Se distinguen como peculiaridades básicas de las escuelas rurales ucranianas el reducido número de alumnos en las clases, las malas condiciones materiales y técnicas, las limitadas oportunidades de realización personal, la escasa motivación para estudiar, etc. El minicuestionario de los autores reveló que el 62% de los estudiantes de primer año de origen rural de la Universidad Nacional Bohdan Khmelnytsky de Cherkasy experimentan dificultades durante la adaptación. Se describen los desafíos a los que se enfrentan 270 estudiantes de primer año: personales, educativos, condiciones de vida, psicológicos, comunicativos, relaciones en el grupo. Los resultados del estudio convencen de que los estudiantes de origen rural se enfrentan a dificultades adicionales para adaptarse a las nuevas condiciones de vida mientras estudian en las universidades, en contraste con los estudiantes de las zonas urbanas y suburbanas. Se formulan recomendaciones para ayudar a los consejeros de las escuelas rurales a preparar a los estudiantes para su ulterior adaptación en los grandes colegios y universidades. Se muestran las direcciones de trabajo del servicio psicológico, los consejeros y los educadores en las instituciones de enseñanza superior: asesoramiento individual para el estudiante, desarrollo e implementación de programas de formación especiales, integración de clases individuales en los programas de formación. Palabras clave: Adaptación, Estudiante de Primer Año, Institución de Educación Superior, Escuela Rural, Estudiante de origen rural, Ucrania.Impacto das escolas rurais na adaptação da juventude rural à vida universitária em uma cidade: experiência da Universidade Nacional Bohdan Khmelnytsky A pesquisa atual visa resumir as características da educação escolar nas áreas rurais da Ucrânia e estabelecer sua influência potencial na adaptação acadêmica e sócio-psicológica dos estudantes a um novo ambiente de aprendizagem e vida. Um pequeno número de estudantes em sala de aula, más condições materiais e técnicas, oportunidades limitadas de auto-realização, baixa motivação para estudar, etc., distinguem-se como as peculiaridades básicas das escolas rurais ucranianas. O mini-questionário dos autores revelou que 62% dos estudantes de primeiro ano de origem rural de uma Universidade Nacional Bohdan Khmelnytsky local em Cherkasy experimentam dificuldades durante a adaptação. Os desafios enfrentados por 270 alunos do primeiro ano são descritos: pessoais, educacionais, condições de vida, psicológicas, comunicativas, relacionamentos no grupo. Os resultados do estudo convencem que os estudantes de origem rural enfrentam desafios adicionais de adaptação às condições de vida alteradas enquanto estudam nas universidades, ao contrário dos estudantes de áreas urbanas e suburbanas. São fornecidas recomendações para ajudar os conselheiros das escolas rurais a preparar os estudantes para sua posterior adaptação nas grandes faculdades e universidades. São apresentadas instruções de trabalho de serviço psicológico, conselheiros e educadores em instituições de ensino superior: aconselhamento individual para o estudante, desenvolvimento e implementação de programas especiais de treinamento, integração de aulas individuais em programas de treinamento. Palavras-chave: Adaptação, Estudante de Primeiro Ano, Instituição de Ensino Superior, Escola Rural, Estudante de Origem Rural, Ucrânia.   Impact of rural schools on further adaptation of rural youth to the university life in a city: experience of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University ABSTRACT. The current research aims to summarize the features of school education in rural areas in Ukraine and to establish their potential influence on students' academic and socio-psychological adaptation to a new learning and living environment. Small number of students in class, poor material and technical condition, limited opportunities for self-realization, low motivation to study etc. are distinguished as the basic peculiarities of Ukrainian rural schools. The authors’ mini-questionnaire revealed that 62% of the first-year students of rural origin from a local Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy experience hardships during adaptation. Challenges faced by 270 first-year students are described: personal, educational, living conditions, psychological, communicative, relationships in the group. The outcomes of the study convince that students of rural origin encounter additional challenges adjusting to changed living conditions while studying in universities in contrast to students from urban and suburban areas. Recommendations are provided to assist rural school counselors in preparing students for their further adaptation at large colleges and universities. Directions of work of psychological service, counsellors and educators in higher education institutions are displayed: individual counseling for the student, development and implementation of special training programs, integration of individual classes into training programs. Keywords: Adaptation, First-Year Student, Higher Education Institution, Rural School, Student of Rural Origin, Ukraine.   Impacto de las escuelas rurales en una mayor adaptación de los jóvenes rurales a la vida universitaria en la ciudad: la experiencia de la Universidad Nacional Bohdan Khmelnytsky                                             RESUMEN. La investigación actual tiene por objeto resumir las características de la educación escolar en las zonas rurales de Ucrania y establecer su posible influencia en la adaptación académica y sociopsicológica de los estudiantes a un nuevo entorno de aprendizaje y de vida. Se distinguen como peculiaridades básicas de las escuelas rurales ucranianas el reducido número de alumnos en las clases, las malas condiciones materiales y técnicas, las limitadas oportunidades de realización personal, la escasa motivación para estudiar, etc. El minicuestionario

    Design and development of radiation-resistant and low-noise semiconductor transistors for applications in high frequency communication systems

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    In the frame ofthis work, the fundamental properties of GaN/AlGaN HEMT structures have been investigated in order to optimize their performance in high power microwave devices. A number of properties have been studied, starting from DC transport properties in bare 2DEG channels up to investigation of phase noise of a X-band HEMT-based oscillator. This work is separated into five parts. In the first part, basics of fluctuation phenomena in semiconductors are described along with a discussion of theoretical models, which are most applicable in case of investigation of noise in HEMT devices. In the second part, a study of 2DEG transport at low and moderate electric fields is performed. The gateless TLM structures have been suggested for adequate analysis of the transport effects. The observed current saturation through a TLM structure confirms that both thermal overheating and hot electron effects are influencing the current. A theoretical model has been developed for the separate investigation of both relevant effect. In order to remove Joule heating effects and to investigate only the fundamental transport properties, a nanosecond pulse measurement technique was developed. By applying 10-30 ns electrical pulses to AlGaN/GaN gateless heterostructures, we experimentally measured low field and high field transport phenomena, including the drift velocity dependence on the applied electric field up to the record height of 150 kV/cm for GaN-based heterostructures. Besides the self-heating, another strong limitation of high frequency devices is low-frequency noise. In the third part, an adequate method for the low-frequency noise sources characterisation from different device regions is proposed and tested for nanoscale Group-III nitride heterostructures. The temperature dependence of the noise revealed a characteristic transition frequency from the 1/f dependence to a stronger one. The process has activation energy of 0.4 eV, which can be related to traps in the AlGaN barrier. In the forth part of this work, transport and noise properties of AlGaN/GaN based HEMTs with gate length from 150 nm to 350 nm have been studied before and after gamma irradiation up to 1x109^{9} Rad doses. The observed changes in the measured HEMTs characteristics were interpreted in terms of additional defects produced by gamma radiation. The noise spectra demonstrate the increasing role of leakage current after high gamma irradiation dose. In general, the results confirm, that due to their high radiation hardness, GaN-based HEMTs have good prospects for stability and reliability of devices intended for application in radiation environment, particularly for space applications. In the final part of this work, the experience, gained during the investigation of transport and noise properties of the transistors, was used to optimize the parameters of the integrated circuit oscillator. As a result, a low phase noise GaN MMIC oscillator has been presented, in conjunction with the study of the low frequency noise. The oscillator has demonstrated remarkably good performance with low phase noise and high output power. The oscillator delivers an output power of 28 dBm with DC-to-RF efficiency of 16%. The measured phase noise was -105 dBc/Hz at a 100 kHz offset from 9.35 GHz carrier with only 15 MHz/V up conversion factor, which is better then the noise measured for MMIC oscillators built on GaAs HEMTs. In conclusion, the most important results were summarized, and a perspective for further work towards the development and design of radiation-resistant and low-noise semiconductor components for applications in high frequency communication systems were given


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    Актуальність статті полягає у вивченні впливу комп’ютерних технологій на процес комп’ютеризації освіти, котрий супроводжується внесенням коректив у зміст технологій навчання внаслідок суттєвих змін у педагогічній теорії і практиці навчально-виховного процесу. Метою статті є висвітлення переваг і недоліків використання інформаційно-комп’ютерних технологій у процесі формування професійної компетентності майбутніх філологів. У статті визначено ролі й завдання викладача як керівника навчального процесу, а також чинники, котрі впливають на якість освіти. У статті наголошено на перспективі розроблення комплексу завдань із використанням комп’ютерної техніки для формування професійної компетентності майбутніх філологів у ВНЗ


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    Актуальність статті полягає у вивченні теоретико-лінгвістичних аспектів формування професійної компетентності майбутніх філологів засобами Інтернет-технологій з урахуванням вимог сучасної електронної лінгводидактики. Метою статті є визначення й опис філологічних засад формування професійної компетентності студентів засобами Інтернет-технологій. Статтю присвячено висвітленню основних положень електронної лінгводидактики, котра сприяє формуванню професійної компетентності майбутніх філологів в аспекті використання в едукаційному процесі Інтернет-технологій. Увагу також закцентовано на описі комунікативного середовища Інтернету


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    The system of exercises which require usage of Internet technologies, taking into account such criteria as “specificity of perception of information on the Internet” and “predominant role of the formed competence” in the formation of future specialists’ professional competence is offered in the paper. Thus, in particular, according to the criterion of “the perception of information on the Internet” exercises are singled out, which are aimed at: the perception of the electronic text (i.e., speed reading); structured information perception; anticipation of content of information. In their turn, according to the criterion of “the dominant role of the formed competence” exercises are singled out which are aimed at establishing: speech competence (critical reading and listening); compensatory competence (exercises aimed at developing the ability and willingness to overcome the shortage of foreign knowledge, such as reading and listening); educational-and-cognitive competence (ability to use reference books, various dictionaries, the Internet resources)


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    The paper deals with the highlighting of the formation of modern specialists’ professional competence in the aspect of the usage of such Internet technology as electronic conference in the educational process. Furthermore, the benefits of using electronic conferences in the educational process are defined. The typology of electronic conferences is offered, depending on the technology of their distribution in the Internet. Simultaneously specific features of each of the singled out types of electronic conferences are described. The way of organization of electronic conferences is characterized. The list of worked out special programs for managing electronic conferences, which are held within the educational process, is offered. Besides, a number of actions of managers of electronic conferences that determine the success of these conferences is singled out. The sphere of usage of electronic conferences in the educational process is defined


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    The topicality of the article is in studying social-philosophic basics of computerization in the field of education and, consequently, Internet technologies usage in the process of formation of future philologists’ professional competence. The aim of this paper is defining of philosophical basics of formation of future philologists’ professional competence by means of Internet technologies. The article deals with highlighting of basic items of interaction “man-computer”, which helps to form future philologists’ professional competence in the aspect of humanization of the educational process. In particular, the essence of both learning-and-cognitive and learning-and-research activities in the aspect of usage of Internet technologies in teaching future linguists is described. Attention is also focused on the description of informational culture as one of the most important factors of informatization of the educational process


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    Актуальність статті полягає у вивченні впливу комп’ютерних технологій на процес комп’ютеризації освіти, котрий супроводжується внесенням коректив у зміст технологій навчання внаслідок суттєвих змін у педагогічній теорії і практиці навчально-виховного процесу. Метою статті є дослідження процесу формування професійної компетентності майбутніх філологів за допомогою використання такої Інтернет-технології, як блог. Статтю присвячено висвітленню формування професійної компетентності майбутніх філологів в аспекті використання в едукаційному процесі такої Інтернет-технології, як блог. Увагу закцентовано на проблемі визначення цієї Інтернет-технології і її сутності у навчальному процесі. У статті також виокремлено низку стійких характеристик блогів й описано виконувані блогами функції. Крім того, побудовано типологію блогів