5 research outputs found

    Refinement of three-layer model of a damaged human body for the case of changing the moisture of the banding material

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    The object of study is a three-layer model of a damaged human body. In the course of the study, it was found that the generally accepted three-layer model of a damaged human body is built, in particular, on the assumption that the characteristics of dressings remain unchanged over time. Therefore, the vast majority of modern research in the field of passive radiometry requires the removal of such materials from the human body during the measurement or considers their characteristics to be unchanged and insignificant. Questions of a possible change in the results of measuring the radiation of the human body due to the use of plaster casts of varying degrees of humidity remain almost unexplored. As a result of the study, the mathematical three-layer model of the damaged human body was refined. An element was introduced into the model that describes the dependence of the attenuation of radio wave energy on the relative humidity of the plaster cast. The refined model makes it possible to increase the accuracy of measuring the temperature of the human body, taking into account the time of applying a plaster cast to it. Unlike the existing ones, the proposed model is based on an experimental study that simulates the measurement of the radiation of a human body with a plaster cast of different degrees of humidity. To refine the model, the obtained experimental data were processed by regression analysis methods. The results of processing the experimental data made it possible to establish the specific type and value of the coefficients of the desired dependence. The use of the obtained results of the study proves the possibility of remote non-invasive express diagnostics of the state of the human body in the presence of plaster-gauze bandages. Providing such an opportunity allows disaster medicine workers to increase the ability to fulfill the so-called “golden hour rule”, as well as to clarify the requirements for a medical radiothermal mapping syste

    Development of Baltic-Mediterranean geopolitical strategy as continuation of Stepan Rudnytskiy’s ideas

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    An investigation of the up-to-date geopolitical and civilization factors viewing the geopolitical choose ofUkraineis the goal of our publication. It is marked that different issues connected with the euro-integrative geopolitical vector ofUkraineneed serious and multidiscipline scientific researches. The geopolitical state ofUkraineis characterized by its “bufferness” between East and West that calls a couple of problems connected with its boundary localization. Than, the challenges of our time caused by the newest expansion ofRussiaare not principally new phenomenon in the Ukrainian history. It is stressed that developing byUkrainethe Baltic-Mediterranean geopolitical doctrine founded almost one hundred years ago by the Academician Stepan Rudnytsky is the best strategy for our country caused by the non-principal policy toUkraineof the leading West-European states. An oriental list of countries that can be joined to the Baltic-Mediterranean axis is lined. Some immediate actions that the state must realize for renewing the control over natural resources of the country by the Ukrainian people – by the authors’ thought – are: renewing landscapes of Velyky Luh throw the liquidation of Kakhovka water-reservoir, blockade the North-Crimean channel on the administrative boundary between the Kherson region and Crimea and also active involvement of the foreign investitions into the sea-portal and transport infrastructure of the Black-sea regions of Ukraine

    Monitoring and Biochemical Treatment of Wastewater

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    The present paper provides the methodology for the environmental monitoring of natural and engineering wastewater systems, which involves the determination of the dichotomous fractal structure of the measuring network, the boundaries of the range and the density of pollution on the Peano and Koch curves, based on the data of the measuring network and the corresponding interpolation and smoothing algorithms, as well as determination of the dynamics of the pollution range using the Bayesian theorem. On the basis of the theory of fractals and the theory of sets, the developed algorithms for monitoring allow determining the structure of the measuring network taking into account the features of the controlled range and the sets of fractal isolines of any configuration with a given accuracy of reflection, which allows predicting the change in the composition of the effluent that comes to the reservoirs from the landscapes and improving the functioning of the equipment and environmental safety of water in general. The established dependence of biogas productivity on the different methods for destruction of the active sludge microorganisms allows determining that the maximum output of biogas occurs when applying the chemical destruction of part of the sludge

    Education of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation and Evaluation of the Efficacy of a Mobile Virtual Patient Environment: Protocol for a Multicenter Pseudorandomized Controlled Trial

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    BackgroundAtrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia and is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity. Patient knowledge about AF and its management is paramount but often limited. Patients need to be appropriately informed about treatment options, medicinal adherence, and potential consequences of nonadherence, while also understanding treatment goals and expectations from it. Mobile health apps have experienced an explosion both in their availability and acceptance as “soft interventions” for patient engagement and education; however, the prolific nature of such solutions revealed a gap in the evidence base regarding their efficacy and impact. Virtual patients (VPs), interactive computer simulations, have been used as learning activities in modern health care education. VPs demonstrably improved cognitive and behavioral skills; hence, they have been effectively implemented across undergraduate and postgraduate curricula. However, their application in patient education has been rather limited so far. ObjectiveThis work aims to implement and evaluate the efficacy of a mobile-deployed VP regimen for the education and engagement of patients with AF on crucial topics regarding their condition. A mobile VP app is being developed with the goal of each VP being a simple scenario with a set goal and very specific messages and will be subsequently attempted and evaluated. MethodsA mobile VP player app is being developed so as to be used for the design of 3 educational scenarios for AF management. A pseudorandomized controlled trial for the efficacy of VPs is planned to be executed at 3 sites in Greece, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan for patients with AF. The Welch t test will be used to demonstrate the performance of patients’ evaluation of the VP experience. ResultsOur study is at the development stage. A preliminary study regarding the system’s development and feasibility was initiated in December 2022. The results of our study are expected to be available in 2024 or when the needed sample size is achieved. ConclusionsThis study aims to evaluate and demonstrate the first significant evidence for the value of VP resources in outreach and training endeavors for empowering and patients with AF and fostering healthy habits among them. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID)PRR1-10.2196/4594

    The Significance of Ecotones in the Landscape Structure of the Dry Surface

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    У статті акцентовано увагу на тому, що екотон як конструктивно-географічне поняття набирає популярності серед географів не тільки України, але і світу. Тому метою цієї статті є обґрунтування значення екотону як основної форми ландшафтної організації поверхні суходолу. Встановлено, що безперервні зміни ландшафтного середовища, зумовлені в наш час як природними, так і антропогенними чинниками, неминуче викликають переміщення фізико-географічних меж. Крім того, більшість ландшафтних систем не є однорідними за своїми типологічними характеристиками, а переходи між ними досить розмиті. Це ще більше ускладнює проведення меж і наводить на думку про провідне значення в ландшафтній організації земної поверхні широких межових смуг – екотонів. У пропонованому визначенні екотону наголошено на його ролі як основної форми ландшафтної організації земної поверхні. Запропоновано шість типів екотонів у межах південно-західної частини Східно-Європейської рівнини: 1 – мішані ліси – широколисті ліси; 2 – широколисті ліси – лісостеп; 3 – мішані ліси – лісостеп; 4 – лісостеп – степ; 5 – степ – сухий степ; 6 – сухий степ – напівпустеля. Оскільки явище перехідності є просторово й часово континуальним, то більшу частину суходолу (особливо в помірному поясі) займають екотони, або «екотонні» ландшафти. Протиставленням їм є «граничні» ландшафти, локалізовані в реґіонах з екстремальними природними умовами. Співвідношення «екотонних» і «граничних» ландшафтів на земній поверхні проілюстроване за допомогою ландшафтно-екотонного тетраедра. Формування екотонів у антропогенних ландшафтах (у різному ступені трансформованих людиною) відбувається з часу виникнення відтворювального господарства, а наші дослідження взаємопроникнення природного і людського початків у формуванні, зокрема агроландшафтів, вказують на те, що за рівнем географічності це майже неосяжна сфера наукових досліджень. Отже, дослідження екотонів може стати змістом особливої гілки ландшафтознавства – екотоністики, що мала б зосередитися саме на вивченні природних меж у різних типах ландшафтів.The article focuses on the fact that an ecotone as a constructive-geographical concept, is gaining popularity among geographers not only in Ukraine but also in the world. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to substantiate the importance of ecotone as the main form of land surface landscaping. It is established that continuous changes of the landscape environment, caused in our time by both natural and anthropogenic factors, will inevitably cause movement of physical and geographical boundaries. In addition, most landscaping systems are not homogeneous in typology, and the transitions between them are rather blurred. This further complicates the drawing of boundaries and suggests the leading importance in the landscape organization of the terrestrial surface of broad boundary strips – ecotones. The proposed definition of an ecotone emphasizes its role as a major form of terrestrial landscaping. Six types of ecotones have been proposed within the southwestern part of the East European Plain: 1 – mixed forests – deciduous forests; 2 – deciduous forests – forest-steppe; 3 – mixed forests – forest-steppe; 4 – forest-steppe – steppe; 5 – steppe – dry steppe; 6 – dry steppe – semi-desert. As the phenomenon of transitivity is spatially and temporally continuous, most of the land (especially in the temperate zone) is occupied by ecotones or “ecotonic” landscapes. The “border” landscapes are localized in regions with extreme natural conditions. The relationship of “ecotonic” and “boundary” landscapes on the Earth’s surface is illustrated by the terra – ecotone tetrahedron.ь Formation of ecotones in anthropogenic landscapes (transformed to varying degrees by man) has been taking place since the origin of the reproductive economy, and our studies of the interpenetration of natural and human beginnings in the formation, in particular,т of agricultural landscapes indicate that, in terms of geography, this is an enormous field of research. Therefore, the study of ecotones can be the content of a particular branch of landscape science – ecotonistics, which should focus specifically on the study of natural boundaries in different types of landscapes