19 research outputs found

    Building a collaborative peer-to-peer wiki system on a structured overlay

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    International audienceThe ever growing request for digital information raises the need for content distribution architectures providing high storage capacity, data availability and good performance. While many simple solutions for scalable distribution of quasi-static content exist, there are still no approaches that can ensure both scalability and consistency for the case of highly dynamic content, such as the data managed inside wikis. We propose a peer-to-peer solution for distributing and managing dynamic content, that combines two widely studied technologies: Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) and optimistic replication. In our “universal wiki” engine architecture (UniWiki), on top of a reliable, inexpensive and consistent DHT-based storage, any number of front-ends can be added, ensuring both read and write scalability, as well as suitability for large-scale scenarios. The implementation is based on Damon, a distributed AOP middleware, thus separating distribution, replication, and consistency responsibilities, and also making our system transparently usable by third party wiki engines. Finally, UniWiki has been proved viable and fairly efficient in large-scale scenarios

    UniWiki: A Collaborative P2P System for Distributed Wiki Applications

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    International audienceThe ever growing request for digital information raises the need for content distribution architectures providing high storage capacity, data availability and good performance. While many simple solutions for scalable distribution of quasi-static content exist, there are still no approaches that can ensure both scalability and consistency for the case of highly dynamic content, such as the data managed inside wikis. We propose a peer to peer solution for distributing and managing dynamic content, that combines two widely studied technologies: distributed hash tables (DHT) and optimistic replication. In our "universal wiki" engine architecture (UniWiki), on top of a reliable, inexpensive and consistent DHT-based storage, any number of front-ends can be added, ensuring both read and write scalability, as well as suitability for large-scale scenarios. The implementation is based on a Distributed Interception Middleware, thus separating distribution, replication, and consistency responsibilities, and also making our system transparently usable by third party wiki engines

    UniWiki: A Reliable and Scalable Peer-to-Peer System for Distributing Wiki Applications

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    The ever growing request for digital information raises the need for content distribution architectures providing high storage capacity, data availability and good performance. While many simple solutions for scalable distribution of quasi-static content exist, there are still no approaches that can ensure both scalability and consistency for the case of highly dynamic content, such as the data managed inside wikis. In this paper, we propose a peer to peer solution for distributing and managing dynamic content, that combines two widely studied technologies: distributed hash tables (DHT) and optimistic replication. In our ``universal wiki'' engine architecture (UniWiki), on top of a reliable, inexpensive and consistent DHT-based storage, any number of front-ends can be added, ensuring both read and write scalability. The implementation is based on a Distributed Interception Middleware, thus separating distribution, replication, and consistency responsibilities, and also making our system usable by third party wiki engines in a transparent way. UniWiki has been proved viable and fairly efficient in large-scale scenarios

    Hepatitis C virus: host, environmental and viral factors promoting spontaneous clearance

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a pathogenic entity which determines inflammation and liver damage through complex immune mechanisms. Although progress has been made in managing the disease course, chronic infection still remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality to this day. Because both acute and chronic infection are often asymptomatic, chronic infection is frequently diagnosed when its complications have developed. In a small proportion of cases, the chronic infection does not develop, the immune system managing to cleanse the body from this silent pathogen in the absence of specific treatment, a process called spontaneous viral clearance, which occurs rarely, in about 20-30 % of cases. A competent immune response that manages to eliminate the virus from the organism was associated with IL-28B genetic polymorphism, female gender, young age, which often lead to clinical manifestations of acute hepatitis after initial exposure. Environmental factors such as limited viral exposure also play an important role. These factors and the mechanisms underlying spontaneous clearance are not fully understood but their action is complementary. In this paper, we review the concept of spontaneous clearance of HCV and assess the factors that have been associated with this clinical outcome of the infection

    Estampillage et Journalisation P2P pour XWiki

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    Dans NOTERE 2008International audienceLes systèmes pair-à-pair sont de plus en plus utilisés pour développer des applications distribuées au sein des entreprises. Les réseaux pair-à-pair permettent de construire des applications fiables, performantes, disponibles et passant à l'échelle en répliquant les données sur plusieurs pairs du réseau. Dans cet article nous nous intéressons à la réplication des données de l'application XWiki dans un réseau pair-à-pair. Pour ce faire, nous proposons un nouveau mécanisme de réplication optimiste combinant un algorithme de réconciliation de données basé sur une approche de transformées opérationnelles et une extension du service KTS qui intègre un mécanisme d'estampillage fiable et réparti fonctionnant sur un modèle de réseau à base de DHT pour gérer la fraîcheur des répliques. Le travail présenté est en partie financé par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche dans le cadre du projet RNTL XWiki Concerto (2007-2009), projet de wiki P2P supportant la mobilité

    The evolution of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin during the latest Badenian and Sarmatian (Middle Miocene) : inferences from micropalaeontological data

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    Seven Middle Miocene (Upper Badenian to Lower Sarmatian) sedimentary sections of the Central Paratethys, two from the Polish Carpathian Foredeep Basin (PCFB) and five from the Eastern Carpathian Foreland Basin (ECFB) of Romania and the Republic of Moldova have been analysed micropalaeontologically to better constrain the Badenian-Sarmatian Extinction Event, characterized by significant taxonomic impoverishment of both foraminifers and ostracods. Ourstudies show significant palaeoenvironmental changes in the basin including depth, salinity, oxygenation, and organic matter flux. The occurrence of moderately diverse planktonic foraminifera (Globigerina, Globigerinita, Globorotalia, Trilobatus, Orbulina, Velapertina) in the Upper Badenian deposits of the PCFB as well as in the ECFB and their rarity in the lowermost Sarmatian indicate an almost fully marine environment during the latest Badenian, followed by a significant regression and possible appearance of much more restricted marine conditions across the boundary. The taxonomic composition of the Sarmatian foraminifera, ostracoda and calcareous nannofossils indicate that during this interval the salinity fluctuated strongly, with the water regime varying from brackish to normal marine. In addition, the identified micropalaeontological assemblages identified show palaeoenvironmental similarity across different basins of the Central Paratethys. This supports a hypothesis of possible connections during the latest Badenian between different areas of the Central Paratethys, as well as of the existence of a gateway between the Central Paratethys and the Mediterranean realm

    Foraminiferal, ostracod, and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the latest Badenian – Sarmatian interval (Middle Miocene, Paratethys) from Poland, Romania and the Republic of Moldova

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    This study presents detailed foraminiferal, ostracod, and calcareous nannofossil analyses of five Middle Miocene sections located in the Central Paratethyan realm, namely in Poland, Romania and the Republic of Moldova. Based on foraminiferal distribution, five biostratigraphically important assemblages (labelled A-E) are distinguished. Foraminifera data combined with ostracoda and nannofossil evidence allowed correlation between the studied sections, and a comparison with the deposits of similar age from the Transylvanian, Vienna and Pannonian basins, as well as with the Transcarpathian regions. The micropaleontological record across the Badenian-Sarmatian boundary interval is also presented

    Using phenotypic similarity to improve rare disease identification in PhenomeCentral

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    <p>Presentation given by Orion Buske at Genome Informatics 2014 in Cambridge, UK. Covers the current performance of patient matching and gene prioritization algorithms in PhenomeCentral.</p