50 research outputs found

    Scene-based nonuniformity correction for focal plane arrays by the method of the inverse covariance form

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    What is to our knowledge a new scene-based algorithm for nonuniformity correction in infrared focal-plane array sensors has been developed. The technique is based on the inverse covariance form of the Kalman filter (KF), which has been reported previously and used in estimating the gain and bias of each detector in the array from scene data. The gain and the bias of each detector in the focal-plane array are assumed constant within a given sequence of frames, corresponding to a certain time and operational conditions, but they are allowed to randomly drift from one sequence to another following a discrete-time Gauss-Markov process. The inverse covariance form filter estimates the gain and the bias of each detector in the focal-plane array and optimally updates them as they drift in time. The estimation is performed with considerably higher computational efficiency than the equivalent KF. The ability of the algorithm in compensating for fixed-pattern noise in infrared imagery and in reducing the computational complexity is demonstrated by use of both simulated and real data

    Multi-Model Kalman Filtering for Adaptive Nonuniformity: Correction in Infrared Sensors

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    This paper presents an adaptive technique for the estimation of nonuniformity parameters of infrared focal-plane arrays that is robust with respect to changes and uncertainties in scene and sensor characteristics. The proposed algorithm is based on using a bank of Kalman filters in parallel. Each filter independently estimates state variables comprising the gain and the bias matrices of the sensor, according to its own dynamical-model parameters, which underly the statistics of the scene and the nonuniformity as well as the temporal drift in the nonuniformity. The supervising component of the algorithm then generates the final estimates of the state variables by forming a weighted superposition of all the estimates rendered by each Kalman filter. The weights are obtained according to the a posteriori -likelihood principle, applied to the family of models by considering the output residual errors associated with each filter. These weights are updated iteratively between blocks of data, providing the estimator the means to follow the dynamics of the scenes and the sensor. The performance of the proposed estimator and its ability to compensate for fixed-pattern noise are tested using both real and simulated data. The real data is obtained using two cameras operating in the mid- and long-wave infrared regime

    Demonstration of a Bias Tunable Quantum Dots-in-a-well Focal Plane Array

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    Infrared detectors based on quantum wells and quantum dots have attracted a lot of attention in the past few years. Our previous research has reported on the development of the first generation of quantum dots-in-a-well (DWELL) focal plane arrays, which are based on InAs quantum dots embedded in an InGaAs well having GaAs barriers. This focal plane array has successfully generated a two-color imagery in the mid-wave infrared (i.e. 3–5 ÎŒm) and the long-wave infrared (i.e. 8–12 ÎŒm) at a fixed bias voltage. Recently, the DWELL device has been further modified by embedding InAs quantum dots in InGaAs and GaAs double wells with AlGaAs barriers, leading to a less strained InAs/InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. This is expected to improve the operating temperature while maintaining a low dark current level. This paper examines 320 × 256 double DWELL based focal plane arrays that have been fabricated and hybridized with an Indigo 9705 read-out integrated circuit using Indium-bump (flip-chip) technology. The spectral tunability is quantified by examining images and determining the transmittance ratio (equivalent to the photocurrent ratio) between mid-wave and long-way infrared filter targets. Calculations were performed for a bias range from 0.3 to 1.0 V. The results demonstrate that the mid-wave transmittance dominates at these low bias voltages, and the transmittance ratio continuously varies over different applied biases. Additionally, radiometric characterization, including array uniformity and measured noise equivalent temperature difference for the double DWELL devices is computed and compared to the same results from the original first generation DWELL. Finally, higher temperature operation is explored. Overall, the double DWELL devices had lower noise equivalent temperature difference and higher uniformity, and worked at higher temperature (70 K and 80 K) than the first generation DWELL device

    Stratus 14 : fourteenth setting of the Stratus Ocean Reference Station cruise on board RV Cabo de Hornos April 14 - 30, 2015 Valparaiso, Chile

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    The Ocean Reference Station at 20°S, 85°W under the stratus clouds west of northern Chile is being maintained to provide ongoing climate-quality records of surface meteorology, air-sea fluxes of heat, freshwater, and momentum, and of upper ocean temperature, salinity, and velocity variability. The Stratus Ocean Reference Station (ORS Stratus) is supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Climate Observation Program. It is recovered and redeployed annually, with past cruises that have come between October and January. This cruise was conducted on the Chilean research vessel Cabo de Hornos. During the 2015 cruise on the Cabo de Hornos to the ORS Stratus site, the primary activities were the recovery of the previous (Stratus 13) WHOI surface mooring, deployment of the new Stratus 14 WHOI surface mooring, in-situ calibration of the buoy meteorological sensors by comparison with instrumentation installed on the ship and CTD casts near the moorings. Surface drifters were also launched along the track.Funding was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under Grant No. NA140AR432015

    A Social Platform for Fostering Ethical Education through Role-Playing

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    Nowadays the complexity of knowledge, the specialization of labor and the pervasiveness of ICT in human activity, lead individuals to frequently make complex decisions with ethical implications. The educational system has a fundamental role in preparing specialized human capital in every discipline, however, it also faces the challenge of educating individuals with ethical discernment capabilities and behavior. In this book chapter, we describe the design, implementation and validation of EthicApp-RP, a social platform aimed at higher education settings, for fostering reflection and moral reasoning around ethical cases through a role-playing activity. We present an application of EthicApp-RP involving a cohort of undergraduate business students (N = 85), based on a case in which students play political and public leadership roles in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. The results indicate that students and teachers acknowledge the learning environment’s capacity to stimulate reflection and argumentation around ethical issues, while providing all students with equal opportunities for participation. In addition, the tool offers high technical and pedagogical usability, based on the Systems Usability Scale and the Pedagogically Meaningful Learning Questionnaire. EthicApp-RP can contribute to the improvement of ethics education, especially in scientific and technological disciplines, wherein students are quantitatively inclined by nature, in spite that ethics, a humanistic subject often foreign to them, must live at the core of their preparation

    Stratus Ocean Reference Station (20˚S, 85˚W), mooring recovery and deployment cruise R/V Ronald H. Brown cruise 05-05, September 26, 2005–October 21, 2005

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    The Ocean Reference Station at 20°S, 85°W under the stratus clouds west of northern Chile is being maintained to provide ongoing, climate-quality records of surface meteorology, of air-sea fluxes of heat, freshwater, and momentum, and of upper ocean temperature, salinity, and velocity variability. The Stratus Ocean Reference Station (ORS Stratus) is supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Climate Observation Program. It is recovered and redeployed annually, with cruises that have come between October and December. During the October 2005 cruise of NOAA’s R/V Ronald H. Brown to the ORS Stratus site, the primary activities were recovery of the WHOI surface mooring that had been deployed in December 2004, deployment of a new WHOI surface mooring at that site, in-situ calibration of the buoy meteorological sensors by comparison with instrumentation put on board by staff of the NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory (ETL), and observations of the stratus clouds and lower atmosphere by NOAA ETL. The ORS Stratus buoys are equipped with two Improved Meteorological (IMET) systems, which provide surface wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, incoming shortwave radiation, incoming longwave radiation, precipitation rate, and sea surface temperature. The IMET data are made available in near real time using satellite telemetry. The mooring line carries instruments to measure ocean salinity, temperature, and currents. The ETL instrumentation used during the 2005 cruise included cloud radar, radiosonde ballons, and sensors for mean and turbulent surface meteorology. In addition, two technicians from the University of Concepcion collected water samples for chemical analysis. Finally, the cruise hosted a teacher participating in NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program.Funding was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under Grant No. NA17RJ1223 and the Cooperative Institute for Climate and Ocean Research (CICOR)

    Stratus 16 Sixteenth Setting of the Stratus Ocean Reference Station Cruise on Board RV Ronald H. Brown May 5 - 20, 2017 Rodman, Panama - Arica, Chile

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    The Ocean Reference Station at 20°S, 85°W under the stratus clouds west of northern Chile is being maintained to provide ongoing climate-quality records of surface meteorology, air-sea fluxes of heat, freshwater, and momentum, and of upper ocean temperature, salinity, and velocity variability. The Stratus Ocean Reference Station (ORS Stratus) is supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Climate Observation Program. It is recovered and redeployed annually, with past cruises that have come between October and May. This cruise was conducted on the NOAA research vessel Ronald H. Brown. During the 2017 cruise on the Ronald H. Brown to the ORS Stratus site, the primary activities were the recovery of the previous (Stratus 15) WHOI surface mooring, deployment of the new Stratus 16 WHOI surface mooring, in-situ calibration of the buoy meteorological sensors by comparison with instrumentation installed on the ship, CTD casts near the moorings. Surface drifters and ARGO floats were also launched along the track.Funding was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under Grant No. NA14OAR432015

    WHOI Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS) : WHOTS-8 2011 mooring turnaround cruise report

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    Note: author "Ludovic Bariteau" is incorrectly listed as "Bariteau Ludovic" on the Cover and Title Page.The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Site (WHOTS), 100 km north of Oahu, Hawaii, is intended to provide long-term, high-quality air-sea fluxes as a part of the NOAA Climate Observation Program. The WHOTS mooring also serves as a coordinated part of the HOT program, contributing to the goals of observing heat, fresh water and chemical fluxes at a site representative of the oligotrophic North Pacific Ocean. The approach is to maintain a surface mooring outfitted for meteorological and oceanographic measurements at a site near 22.75°N, 158°W by successive mooring turnarounds. These observations will be used to investigate air–sea interaction processes related to climate variability. This report documents recovery of the seventh WHOTS mooring (WHOTS-7) and deployment of the eighth mooring (WHOTS-8). Both moorings used Surlyn foam buoys as the surface element and were outfitted with two Air–Sea Interaction Meteorology (ASIMET) systems. Each ASIMET system measures, records, and transmits via Argos satellite the surface meteorological variables necessary to compute air–sea fluxes of heat, moisture and momentum. The upper 155 m of the moorings were outfitted with oceanographic sensors for the measurement of temperature, conductivity and velocity in a cooperative effort with R. Lukas of the University of Hawaii. A pCO2 system was installed on the WHOTS-8 buoy in a cooperative effort with Chris Sabine at the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. A set of radiometers were installed in cooperation with Sam Laney at WHOI. The WHOTS mooring turnaround was done on the NOAA ship Hi’ialakai by the Upper Ocean Processes Group of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The cruise took place between 5 July and 13 July 2011. Operations began with deployment of the WHOTS-8 mooring on 6 July. This was followed by meteorological intercomparisons and CTDs. Recovery of WHOTS-7 took place on 11 July 2011. This report describes these cruise operations, as well as some of the in-port operations and pre-cruise buoy preparations.Funding was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under Grant No. NA090AR4320129 and the Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region (CINAR)