484 research outputs found

    Granger causality testing for Argentina MERVAL index and the major world stock markets

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    In this paper are analyzed the causal links among a selected group of global stock market indices, with special focus on the role of Argentina MERVAL index. With this objective in mind, two types of non-conventional Granger causality test are performed in order to avoid the theoretical limitations of the traditional test which requires stationary time series. The first test is based in a surplus-lag VAR model and allows testing for Granger causality in thecontext of non-stationary processes. The second test rests on the estimation of a VARX model and is robust to non-stationarity; long memory; and non-modeled structural breaks. This second test also admits conditioning on endogenous modeled control variables. The estimations are performed using daily data for a long time period, being both testing procedures implemented in the programming language R. Finally the results from both tests are compared and interpreted in order to capture their economic meaning.Fil: Buzzi, Sergio Martín. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Departamento de Estadística y Matemática; Argentina.Fil: Ojeda, Silvia María. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Estadística y Probabilida

    Unit root testing under structural breaks

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    In this paper are analyzed eleven stock market indices in order to conclude about their integration orders. With this objective in mind, three tests are performed. The first test, is the standard Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test. It is known that this test can face problems of lack of power, failing to reject the null hypothesis being the series in fact integrated of order zero, I(0), erroneously concluding the existence of unit roots. The second test, is the Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt and Shin (KPSS) stationarity test, which complements the ADF test, provided that its null hypothesis is that the series under analysis is stationary. The third test posed is the Kapetanios unit root test, which is an extension of Zivot and Andrews? unit root test for the case of up to m structural breaks. This third test is intended to solve another problem faced by standard ADF test which could conclude the existence of a unit root, when in fact the series is integrated of order zero with a broken deterministic tend. The estimations are performed using daily data for a long time period, for the nine greater world stock markets indices plus Bovespa and Merval indices. The testing procedures are run in the open source statistical programming language R. Moreover, an R procedure is written in order to perform the Kapetanios test, modifying the existing ur.za function from urca package. Finally the results from those tests are compared and interpreted, reaching the conclusion that the series are integrated of order one, I(1).Fil: Buzzi, Sergio Martín. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Ojeda, Silvia María. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Economía, Econometrí

    Neuroendocrine Control of Female Puberty: Glial and Neuronal Interactions

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    Emerging evidence suggests that, in addition to neuronal inputs, growth factors of glial origin are also important in the control of mammalian puberty via a cell-cell interaction that ultimately affects the neurons that release gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), a neurohormone controlling sexual development. Among these growth factors, transforming growth factor-α (TGFα) appears to be one of the physiologic components that controls the onset of female puberty by affecting GnRH neuronal activity in a glia-mediated autocrine/paracrine manner. Specifically, TGFα induces glia to produce bioactive substances, such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). In turn, PGE2 directly acts on GnRH neurons to stimulate the release of GnRH. Furthermore, the neuregulin of glial origin neu differentiation factor (NDF) was found to facilitate the action of TGFα, suggesting that other growth factors may exert their biologic effects on GnRH neuronal function via a glia/neuron interaction. Another indication that glial cells may be involved in the regulation of neuroendocrine function is the presence of estrogen receptors on hypothalamic astrocytes. Thus, region-specific glial cells appear to play an integral role in the regulation of neuroendocrine function. Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings 2:19–22, 199

    Búsqueda de productos bioactivos de origen marino

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    La naturaleza, desde la antigüedad, ha proporcionado remedios para paliar problemas de salud, siendo el reservorio, con más vistas de futuro, en cuanto a la obtención de productos químicos bioactivos para el desarrollo de medicamentos. La aparición de nuevas patologías y la búsqueda de fármacos frente a ellas, ha puesto el punto de mira en el fondo marino. Las algas rojas, destacando el género Laurencia, son actualmente una fuente en investigación prometedora en el hallazgo de moléculas con actividad terapéutica. Cuenta con una amplia variedad fenotípica, observándose, por tanto, una gran diversidad metabólica. Este trabajo se fundamenta en el estudio fitoquímico de especímenes de Laurencia dendroidea recolectada en el Puerto de la Cruz, al norte de la isla de Tenerife, centrados en la búsqueda de metabolitos secundarios con actividad e interés terapéutico, y/o estructuras novedosas de fuentes marinos, mediante uso avanzado de técnicas cromatografías y espectroscópicas, así como pruebas de actividad biológica.Nature, since ancients times, has provided remedies for health problems, being the most forward-looking reservoir as far as obtaining bioactive chemicals for drug development is concerned. The emergence of new diseases and the search for drugs against them, has put the spotlight on the seabed. Red algae, highlighting the genus Laurencia, are currently a source of promising research in the discovery of molecules with therapeutic activity. It has a wide phenotypic variety, therefore, a great metabolic diversity is observed. This work is based on the phytochemical study of a specimen of Laurencia dendroidea collected in Puerto de la Cruz, north of the island of Tenerife, investigating the search for metabolites with activity and therapeutic interest, using different chromatography and spectroscopic techniques, as well as evidence of biological activity

    Educommunication applied to local television broadcasting

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    Este artículo estudia la relación existente entre la televisión, la comunicación y la educación en valores. La investigación analiza la importancia de la educomunicación –o educación en los medios de comunicación– con una comparación entre dos experiencias educomunicativas reales en una comunidad local indígena del estado de Yucatán (México) y en un instituto de enseñanza secundaria obligatoria de Córdoba (España). Mediante la aplicación del método cualitativo de la encuesta se medirá la importancia que tiene el modelo educomunicativo en las aulas, con la finalidad de enseñar comunicación como un factor poderoso de cambio social y cultural. Los resultados muestran que la participación de las audiencias en el diseño y construcción de contenidos televisivos multiplica la eficacia en educación en valores y la formación del espíritu crítico, de las experiencias educomunicativas.This article studies the relationship between television- and communication-based education and the formation of values. The research analyzes the importance of educommunication, or education via the communication media, by comparing two real educommunicative experiences: one in a local indigenous community in the state of Yucatan (Mexico), and the other in a group of secondary education students in Cordoba (Spain). By applying the qualitative survey method, one will be able to measure the importance of the educommunicative model in classroom training centers, with the goal of teaching communication in the classroom as a powerful factor of social and cultural change. Results demonstrate that the participation of audiences in design and construction of television content multiplies the effectiveness of educommunication in values education and formation of a critical spirit

    Protocolo para la evaluación/comparación de la actividad antimicrobiana antibióticos genéricos y antibióticos innovadores, frente a patógenos clínicos

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    Este trabajo, elaboró un protocolo para la Comparación y evaluación de antibióticos genéricos y antibióticos innovadores frente a Escherichia coli y Sthapylococcus aureus, Cepas aisladas de pacientes de cuidados intensivos del hospital San Ignacio con el objeto de establecer las diferencias y similitudes entre los antibióticos. En este orden se estandarizo el inoculo que se utilizó, las concentraciones de antibiótico que se evaluaron, el tiempo de incubación y se evaluaron 2 procedimientos para la comparación de los antibióticos. Obteniendo un inoculo de tiempo de incubación de 4 horas con una concentración cercana a 1.5 x 108 bacterianas por ml, 10 concentraciones para evaluar entre 10ug/ml y 5000 ug/ml con un tiempo de incubación de 48 horas y un procedimiento para evaluar los antibióticos. Dejando como conclusión la nula diferencia entre los antibióticos frente a Escherichia coli y Sthapylococcus aureus y corroborando los resultados obtenidos de CMI y CMB de los estudios anteriores.This work, developed a protocol for comparison and evaluation of generic antibiotics and innovative antibiotics against Escherichia coli and Sthapylococcus aureus strains isolated from patients in hospital intensive care San Ignacio in order to establish the differences and similarities between antibiotics. In order, the inoculum was used antibiotic concentrations were evaluated, the incubation time and 2 for comparison procedures of antibiotics I standardize evaluated. Obtaining an inoculum of incubation time of 4 hours with a concentration close to 1.5 x 108 bacterial per ml, 10 to assess concentrations between 10 ug / ml and 5000 ug / ml with an incubation time of 48 hours and a method for evaluating antibiotics. Leaving the null conclusion difference between antibiotics against Escherichia coli and Sthapylococcus aureus and corroborating the results of MIC and MBC of previous studies.Microbiólogo (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Algunas características clínico-epidemiológica en niños de 2 a 11 años atendidos por enfermedades febriles, posteriormente confirmados con virus del Dengue en el Centro de Salud "Sócrates Flores Vivas" de Managua. Agosto a Diciembre 2007.

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    Los resultados muestran que la única característica biológica en donde el dengue aparece con mayor frecuencia es entre las mujeres y en niños(as) mayores. Los barrios en donde se confirmaron presencia de casos de dengue con características atípicas en su mayoría rodean la costa del l ago Xolotlán. La amigdalitis fue el diagnóstico clínico con el que se confundió más el dengue atípico, seguido de faringitis y resfriado. Las características clínicas en los casos con dengue atípico fueron el eritema faríngeo y dolor de garganta y las principales características fueron: linfopenia, neutrofilia. No se encontraron alteraciones de los glóbulos blancos, hematocrito y plaquetas. El virus del Dengue 2 (DENV 2) predominio en 10 de 11 niños con clínica atípica de dengue, lo que representó una proporción del 3.3 de la muestra de niños febriles con diagnósticos iniciales diferentes a dengue

    Geographic Variation in Cranial Morphology of the Southern Mountain Cavy, Microcavia australis (Rodentia, Caviidae): Taxonomic Implications, with the Description of A New Species

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    We analyzed the geographic variation in cranial morphology of the Southern Mountain Cavy, Microcavia australis, throughout of its distributional range. Our analysis allows us to recognize three geographically allopatric morphotypes. Thesemorphotypes differ in the general size and shape of the skull and discrete morphological traits of the zygomatic arch, palate and mesopterygoid fossa. Based on these results, we restrict the name australis to populationsdistributed in southern Argentina and west-central Andes and the name maenas to the morphotype of northwestern and central Argentina. The third morphotype occurs in the Dry Chaco ecoregion and is described here as a new species.Fil: Teta, Pablo Vicente. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Ojeda, Ricardo Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas; ArgentinaFil: Lucero, Sergio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: D Elía, Guillermo. Universidad Austral; Chil

    Enhanced at puberty 1 (EAP1) is a new transcriptional regulator of the female neuroendocrine reproductive axis

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    The initiation of mammalian puberty and the maintenance of female reproductive cycles are events controlled by hypothalamic neurons that secrete the decapeptide gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH secretion is, in turn, controlled by changes in neuronal and glial inputs to GnRH-producing neurons. The hierarchical control of the process is unknown, but it requires coordinated regulation of these cell-cell interactions. Here we report the functional characterization of a gene (termed enhanced at puberty 1 [EAP1]) that appears to act as an upstream transcriptional regulator of neuronal networks controlling female reproductive function. EAP1 expression increased selectively at puberty in both the nonhuman primate and rodent hypothalamus. EAP1 encoded a nuclear protein expressed in neurons involved in the inhibitory and facilitatory control of reproduction. EAP1 transactivated genes required for reproductive function, such as GNRH1, and repressed inhibitory genes, such as preproenkephalin. It contained a RING finger domain of the C3HC4 subclass required for this dual transcriptional activity. Inhibition of EAP1 expression, targeted to the rodent hypothalamus via lentivirus-mediated delivery of EAP1 siRNAs, delayed puberty, disrupted estrous cyclicity, and resulted in ovarian abnormalities. These results suggest that EAP1 is a transcriptional regulator that, acting within the neuroendocrine brain, contributes to controlling female reproductive function.This work was supported by grants from the NIH, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH (to S.R. Ojeda), the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (to H. Jung), the German Research Foundation (to S. Heger), and the European Commission (PIONEER to S. Heger)

    Development of competences in the use of the ICT in basic education teachers

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    The study of the training of Basic Education teachers and the development of their technological competencies in this era called "The knowledge society" is a prevailing necessity, so this research aimed to identify the training needs of teachers An institution of basic education, belonging to the private sector of the State of Yucatan in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The methodology used was based on the mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative), this allowed to perceive in an integral way the real situation of the teachers in the use and training in the ICT area. In the first phase of the study, a needs assessment was carried out, which was used to design and develop a Blended Learning (B-learning) course in the Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE). The second phase was worked out the structure and logistics for its implementation; And finally, the results were analyzed and the conclusions were established. And finally, the results were analyzed and the conclusions were established. Among the important findings it was found that theory and practice are elements that must be worked together, simultaneously, in a way that they assist one another in the training course in the use of ICT. This way, an atmosphere of security and confidence is generated between the teacher and the student during their learning process