50 research outputs found

    Development of Students’ Critical Thinking by Active and Interactive Training Methods

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    The structural content-related changes of the Higher Vocational Education occurred in the context of modernization of the Russian education. In particular, in Federal State Educational Standard, Higher Education, in governing documents, ideas, instructions, it implies the development of personal professional direction in students. It occurs in their ability to organize the lenient path of their activity, in their ability to adapt in ever-changing conditions, in the development of their critical thinking. This article deals with the different approaches and versions about critical thinking and its constituents. Some ways of students’ critical thinking are offered in this article

    A study on the kaolin deposits of belarus with a purpose for their use for the manufactureof ceramic tiles of various functions

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    The article presents the results of the complex study of the physical, chemical and technological properties of the primary caolins from the «Sitnica» and «Dedovka» deposits enriched with the method of clarification. It has been stated that caolins having a particular degree of quality can be used for the production of ceramic tiles of various functions. The compositions of the masses for obtaining tiles for the internal lining of walls and for floors are recommended with partial replacement of the imported refractory clay and caolins for caolins from the «Sitnica» and «Dedovka» deposits with the correction of the quantity ofquartz-containing raw material

    Use of Virtual Reality in Medical Practice in Russia

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    In the article is represented an analysis of the different areas of using virtual reality technologies (VR) in medicine in the Russian Federation. Virtual reality gives a chance for creating multi-tiered systems such as VR-based operating rooms. VR allows organizing the medical operations with a high accuracy of steering. VR technology is also used in the education process of young doctors. Most often VR is known to be an auxiliary method in such areas as neurorehabilitation. More than that, VR can influence re-storing of body movements after lessons. In the conclusion it is stressed that VR technologies need to be studied and made a detailed description

    Thermal and deformative characteristics of kaolin raw deposits of the Republic of Belarus

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    The article gives brief information about the most common kaolin raw deposits of the Republic of Belarus. Thermal and dilatometric characteristics of natural kaolins and kaolins enriched by clarification method of “Sitnitsa” and “Dedovka” deposits are studied in detail. It is found that these raw materials are industrially prospective in terms of its using in the production of silica-alumina refractories (semiacid and chamotte)


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    IR-spectroscopic results of study of primary kaolins of the Belarusian deposits «Sitnica» and «Dedovka» in a natural state and enriched by hydraulic sieve method are presented. The structural features of Belarusian kaolins as compared with known high-quality kaolin of Ukrainian deposits «Prosyanovskoe» are revealed, the values of crystallinity index are determined. Analysis of IR-spectra in the high-frequency region allowed us to establish the water connection forms in natural and enriched kaolins, the presence of OH-groups in the interlayer space, inside and on the surface of the octahedral layer and adsorbed water molecules, which can affect the rheology of kaolin suspensions. Silicate absorption band of kaolin, as well as intense peaks of deformation vibrations of quartz, typical for unenriched natural kaolin of Belarusian deposits, are in the lowfrequency region. Investigation using IR-spectroscopy made it possible to establish the structural features of natural kaolins related to the presence in the primary kaolin of the «Sitnitsa» and «Dedovka» deposits of the mineral of the kaolinite group of dikkite. The crystallinity index values (according to Hinckley) are established for natural and enriched kaolins «Sitnica» (0.94 and 1.11) and «Dedovka» (0.98 and 1.04) in comparison with kaolins of Prosyanovskoye deposit (1.31). Представлены результаты ИК-спектроскопического исследования первичных каолинов белорусских месторождений «Ситница» и «Дедовка» в природном состоянии и обогащенном гидравлическим ситовым способом. Выявлены структурные особенности каолинов Республики Беларусь по сравнению с известным высококачественным каолином украинского месторождения «Просяновское», определены значения индекса кристалличности. Анализ ИК-спектров в высокочастотной области позволил установить формы связи воды в природном и обогащенном каолинах, наличие ОН-групп в межслоевом пространстве, внутри и на поверхности октаэдрического слоя, а также адсорбированных молекул воды, что может оказать влияние на реологические свойства каолиновых суспензий. В низкочастотной области сосредоточены полосы поглощения силикатных структур каолинов, а также интенсивные пики деформацинных колебаний кварца, характерные для природных необогащенных каолинов белорусских месторождений. Исследование с помощью ИК-спектроскопии позволило установить структурные особенности природных каолинов, связанные с присутствием в первичных каолинах месторождений «Ситница» и «Дедовка» минерала каолинитовой группы диккита. Определены значения показателя индекса кристалличности (по Хинкли) для природных и обогащенных каолинов «Ситница» (0,94 и 1,11) и «Дедовка» (0,98 и 1,04) в сравнении с известным просяновским каолином (1,31).

    Geological nature of mineral licks and the reasons for geophagy among animals

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    In this paper, the reasons for geophagy (the eating of rocks by wild herbivores) in two regions of the eastern Sikhote-Alin volcanic belt are considered. The mineralogical and chemical features of the consumed rocks, as well as the geological conditions of their formation, are investigated. A comparative analysis of the mineral and chemical composition of the consumed rocks and the excrement of the animals, almost completely consisting of mineral substances, is carried out. It is established that the consumed rocks are hydrothermally altered rhyolitic tuffs located in the volcanic calderas and early Cenozoic volcano-tectonic depressions. They consist of 30–65 % from zeolites (mainly clinoptilolites) and smectites, possessing powerful sorption properties. According to the obtained data, the main reason for geophagy may be connected with the animals' urge to discard excessive and toxic concentrations of certain elements that are widespread in specific habitats and ingested with forage plants

    Extension of Maximal Lifespan and High Bone Marrow Chimerism After Nonmyeloablative Syngeneic Transplantation of Bone Marrow From Young to Old Mice

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    The goal of this work was to determine the effect of nonablative syngeneic transplantation of young bone marrow (BM) to laboratory animals (mice) of advanced age upon maximum duration of their lifespan. To do this, transplantation of 100 million nucleated cells from BM of young syngeneic donors to an old nonablated animal was performed at the time when half of the population had already died. As a result, the maximum lifespan (MLS) increased by 28 ± 5%, and the survival time from the beginning of the experiment increased 2.8 ± 0.3-fold. The chimerism of the BM 6 months after the transplantation was 28%

    Operant Behaviour Features of the Selection Preference of Lithogenic Feed for Experimental Purposes

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    In the present work, the influence of natural zeolites on the parameters of defensive behaviour was analysed in experiments with white laboratory rats and a modular device. The obtained data suggested that among the experimental individuals under conditions of tool stress, 76% preferred the food that contained a mineral additive in the form of a crushed zeolite, while the indicators of behavioural activity were optimized in the given category of animals