15 research outputs found

    Constrained Local UniversE Simulations: A Local Group Factory

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    Near field cosmology is practiced by studying the Local Group (LG) and its neighbourhood. The present paper describes a framework for simulating the near field on the computer. Assuming the LCDM model as a prior and applying the Bayesian tools of the Wiener filter (WF) and constrained realizations of Gaussian fields to the Cosmicflows-2 (CF2) survey of peculiar velocities, constrained simulations of our cosmic environment are performed. The aim of these simulations is to reproduce the LG and its local environment. Our main result is that the LG is likely a robust outcome of the LCDM scenario when subjected to the constraint derived from CF2 data, emerging in an environment akin to the observed one. Three levels of criteria are used to define the simulated LGs. At the base level, pairs of halos must obey specific isolation, mass and separation criteria. At the second level the orbital angular momentum and energy are constrained and on the third one the phase of the orbit is constrained. Out of the 300 constrained simulations 146 LGs obey the first set of criteria, 51 the second and 6 the third. The robustness of our LG factory enables the construction of a large ensemble of simulated LGs. Suitable candidates for high resolution hydrodynamical simulations of the LG can be drawn from this ensemble, which can be used to perform comprehensive studies of the formation of the LGComment: 13 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Measures of Galaxy Environment - I. What is "Environment"?

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    The influence of a galaxy's environment on its evolution has been studied and compared extensively in the literature, although differing techniques are often used to define environment. Most methods fall into two broad groups: those that use nearest neighbours to probe the underlying density field and those that use fixed apertures. The differences between the two inhibit a clean comparison between analyses and leave open the possibility that, even with the same data, different properties are actually being measured. In this work we apply twenty published environment definitions to a common mock galaxy catalogue constrained to look like the local Universe. We find that nearest neighbour-based measures best probe the internal densities of high-mass haloes, while at low masses the inter-halo separation dominates and acts to smooth out local density variations. The resulting correlation also shows that nearest neighbour galaxy environment is largely independent of dark matter halo mass. Conversely, aperture-based methods that probe super-halo scales accurately identify high-density regions corresponding to high mass haloes. Both methods show how galaxies in dense environments tend to be redder, with the exception of the largest apertures, but these are the strongest at recovering the background dark matter environment. We also warn against using photometric redshifts to define environment in all but the densest regions. When considering environment there are two regimes: the 'local environment' internal to a halo best measured with nearest neighbour and 'large-scale environment' external to a halo best measured with apertures. This leads to the conclusion that there is no universal environment measure and the most suitable method depends on the scale being probed.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, published in MNRA

    Automation of a dynamic system with computer simulation of heat losses

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    The article describes approaches to automation of a non-linear system, the stability of which essentially depends on the impact of external factors and requires compliance with high safety standards. The authors model the processes occurring in the system, substantiate the selection of the equipment. In the paper, the authors take into account (with accepted admissions) the heat losses in the pipes

    Automation of a dynamic system with computer simulation of heat losses

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    The article describes approaches to automation of a non-linear system, the stability of which essentially depends on the impact of external factors and requires compliance with high safety standards. The authors model the processes occurring in the system, substantiate the selection of the equipment. In the paper, the authors take into account (with accepted admissions) the heat losses in the pipes

    Regulation of Training Activities as a Key of Health Protection of Pupils and Students

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    In Ukraine is registered the highest prevalence of diseases among school children that has the direct connection with training loads. The dangerous pathogenic character of training overloads takes place also among student youth. So, the urgent problem of educational system is a release of training process of overloads.The review of the realized studies testifies to the exceptional urgency of the problem of training programs and textbooks volumes regulation. Especially, the studies of V. Bespalska state the abnormal 5-20 times overload of schoolbooks on mathematics that is incompatible with the system of teaching principles. The aim of research is the determination of first-turn conditions of regulation of schoolchildren's and students' activity, directed on the educational process sanitation s.The following tasks were set for this aim realization: to analyze the influence of training overloads on health of children and student youth; to elucidate the influence of training overloads on school education quality; to ground the possibility to eliminate training overloads at the state level; to determine first-turn arrangements as to the training process sanitation.Object of research – results of training overloads, method of research – the analysis of facts on studied questions, presented in medical and psychological-scientific literature.The result of training overloads is a wide spectrum and high level of morbidity among schoolchildren and students and also great losses of education quality. The alternative of such training is the decrease of training programs volume, realized in Singapore school education. The regulation of training loads must be recognized as the one of most important legal criteria of training programs and textbooks quality. Teachers' activity must be assessed by this criterion to


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    This article presents the results of expert analysis of post-graduate programs developed on the basis of the FSES: it systematizes problems that educational and research institutions face when design post-graduate programs, describes approaches to theimplementation of post-graduate programs organized in a systematic way - the experience of the Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and of Moscow Pedagogical State University; states a number of debatable suggestions on content-related updating of the very model of post-graduate studies as the third level of higher education


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    The article addresses the issues of professional standards application under the actualization of state educational standards in the context of legislative changing as relative to allowance of professional standards in the professional education system. The authors report on methodological approaches to the actualization of the federal state educational standards of higher education and exemplary basic educational programs

    АномаліЇ навчальноЇ дІяльностІ школяріВ тА шляхИ їХ подоланнЯ

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    Розкрито історичні корені проблем нормування навчальної діяльності школярів і усунення навчальних перевантажень, а також погляди на ці проблеми видатних педагогів минулого. На основі аналізу сучасних педагогічних, медико-гігієнічних і кримінологічних досліджень визначено довгий ланцюг небезпечних наслідків аномальних навчальних перевантажень школярів. До аномалій-наслідків належать: утрата вчителями можливості реалізувати принцип доступності навчання й інші дидактичні принципи; утрата учнями бажання навчатись; механічне заучування навчального матеріалу, що може привести навіть до отупіння; примусовий характер навчальної діяльності учнів і зумовлена ним авторитарність учителів; нульовий (провальний) рівень засвоєння математики, фізики, хімії та інших навчальних предметів; катастрофічно високий рівень захворюваності школярів; недисциплінованість, педагогічна занедбаність учнів, що, у свою чергу, стає причиною правопорушень неповнолітніх та ін.. Розглянуто взаємозв'язок та кумулятивну дію навчальних перевантажень і породжуваних ними аномальних явищ навчально-виховного процесу. Обґрунтувано необхідність і можливість усунення перевантажень і забезпечення нормування навчальної діяльності школярів на державному рівні. Розглянуті значні резерви щодо практичного вирішення цих проблем, пов'язані із вітчизняним досвідом 20-х рр. ХХ ст. розробки стислих програм і посібників для слухачів робітфаків і сучасним досвідом реформування змісту освіти в Сінгапурі. У цьому контексті наведено також дані про те, що в Україні шлях до реалізації нормованого навчання прокладали в 60-80-х рр. ХХ ст. шкільні педагогічні колективи, очолювані В.О. Сухомлинським і Г.Є. Глущєнко. У статті визначено також першочергові заходи щодо практичного запровадження нормованої навчальної діяльності школярів. Підкреслено, що вирішення розглянутих у статті дидактичних і виховних проблем сприятиме удосконаленню професійної орієнтації учнівської молоді, успішній реалізації Програми «Освіта протягом усього життя» і зниженню рівня трудової міграції в Україн

    On the mass assembly history of the Local Group

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    International audienceIn this work, an ensemble of simulated Local Group (LG) analogues is used to constrain the properties of the mass assembly history of the Milky Way (MW) and Andromeda (M31) galaxies. These objects have been obtained using the constrained simulation technique, which ensures that simulated LGs live within a large-scale environment akin to the observed one. Our results are compared against a standard Λ Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) series of simulations that use the same cosmological parameters. This allows us to single out the effects of the constraints on the results. We find that (i) the median constrained merging histories for M31 and MW live above the standard ones at the 1σ level, (ii) the median formation time takes place ≈0.5 Gyr earlier than unconstrained values, while the latest major merger happens on average 1.5 Gyr earlier, and (iii) the probability for both LG haloes to have experienced their last major merger in the first half of the history of the Universe is |50 per cent\approx 50{{\ \rm per\ cent}}| higher for the constrained pairs. These results have been estimated to be significant at the |99 per cent99{{\ \rm per\ cent}}| confidence level by means of a Kolmogorov–Simirnov test. These results suggest that the particular environment in which the MW and M31 form plays a role in shaping their properties, and favours earlier formation and last major merger time values in agreement with other observational and theoretical considerations