14 research outputs found

    Dynamics of carbon pools in post-agrogenic sandy soils of southern taiga of Russia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Until recently, a lot of arable lands were abandoned in many countries of the world and, especially, in Russia, where about half a million square kilometers of arable lands were abandoned in 1961-2007. The soils at these fallows undergo a process of natural restoration (or self-restoration) that changes the balance of soil organic matter (SOM) supply and mineralization.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A soil chronosequence study, covering the ecosystems of 3, 20, 55, 100, and 170 years of self-restoration in southern taiga zone, shows that soil organic content of mineral horizons remains relatively stable during the self-restoration. This does not imply, however, that SOM pools remain steady. The C/N ratio of active SOM reached steady state after 55 years, and increased doubly (from 12.5 - 15.6 to 32.2-33.8). As to the C/N ratio of passive SOM, it has been continuously increasing (from 11.8-12.7 to 19.0-22.8) over the 170 years, and did not reach a steady condition.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of the study imply that soil recovery at the abandoned arable sandy lands of taiga is incredibly slow process. Not only soil morphological features of a former ploughing remained detectable but also the balance of soil organic matter input and mineralization remained unsteady after 170 years of self-restoration.</p

    Soil memory: Types of record, carriers, hierarchy and diversity

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    El concepto de registro y memoria palimpséstica en suelos es generalmente caracterizado en comparación con la memoria y registro en forma de libro presente en rocas sedimentarias. Los sistemas de suelos tienen capacidad para almacenar información sobre los factores ambientales y los procesos que han estado actuando durante un periodo de pedogénesis. Los principales mecanismos de memoria del suelo y formación de registro son aquellos conjuntos de procesos pedogenéticos que generan los productos de fase sólida y los rasgos dentro del sistema de suelo multifásico. Se describen brevemente los principales tipos de portadores en fase sólida de la memoria del suelo y su jerarquía espacio-temporal. Los fenómenos de isomorfismo y polimorfismo de los portadores del registro del suelo, en relación con los procesos pedogenéticos, deben ser considerados cuando tratamos de descifrar y entender la información almacenada en la memoria del suelo. Cada tipo específico de clima podría no estar marcado o grabado en un solo tipo de pedón. Cuando se lee el registro en el sistema de suelo bajo un tipo de clima, es obligatorio tener en cuenta la diversidad de los horizontes de suelo de fase sólida y los pedones inducida por la diversidad de materiales parentales (litodiversidad), topografía (topodiversidad), biota (biodiversidad) y duración de la pedogénesis (cronodiversidad)

    Soil memory: Types of record, carriers, hierarchy and diversity

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    El concepto de registro y memoria palimpséstica en suelos es generalmente caracterizado en comparación con la memoria y registro en forma de libro presente en rocas sedimentarias. Los sistemas de suelos tienen capacidad para almacenar información sobre los factores ambientales y los procesos que han estado actuando durante un periodo de pedogénesis. Los principales mecanismos de memoria del suelo y formación de registro son aquellos conjuntos de procesos pedogenéticos que generan los productos de fase sólida y los rasgos dentro del sistema de suelo multifásico. Se describen brevemente los principales tipos de portadores en fase sólida de la memoria del suelo y su jerarquía espacio-temporal. Los fenómenos de isomorfismo y polimorfismo de los portadores del registro del suelo, en relación con los procesos pedogenéticos, deben ser considerados cuando tratamos de descifrar y entender la información almacenada en la memoria del suelo. Cada tipo específico de clima podría no estar marcado o grabado en un solo tipo de pedón. Cuando se lee el registro en el sistema de suelo bajo un tipo de clima, es obligatorio tener en cuenta la diversidad de los horizontes de suelo de fase sólida y los pedones inducida por la diversidad de materiales parentales (litodiversidad), topografía (topodiversidad), biota (biodiversidad) y duración de la pedogénesis (cronodiversidad)

    Soil memory: Types of record, carriers, hierarchy and diversity.&quot; Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geologicas 21

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    ABSTRACT The concept of palimpsest-wise soil memory and record is generally characterized in comparison with the book-wise memory and record of sedimentary rocks. Soil systems have a capacity for storing information about environmental factors and pedogenic processes tha

    Soil memory: Types of record, carriers, hierarchy and diversity.&quot; Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geologicas 21

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    ABSTRACT The concept of palimpsest-wise soil memory and record is generally characterized in comparison with the book-wise memory and record of sedimentary rocks. Soil systems have a capacity for storing information about environmental factors and pedogenic processes tha

    Soil chemistry and particle size distribution of mountainous tundra soils in the Rai-Iz Massif

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    Gravelly clay loamy and clayey soils developed from the derivatives of ultramafic rocks of the dunite-harzburgite complex of the Rai-Iz massif in the Polar Urals have been studied. They are represented by raw-humus pelozems (weakly developed clayey soils) under conditions of perfect drainage on steep slopes and by the gleyzems (Gleysols) with vivid gley color patterns in the eluvial positions on leveled elements of the relief. The magnesium released from the silicates with the high content of this element (mainly from olivine) specifies the neutral-alkaline reaction in these soils. Cryoturbation, the accumulation of raw humus, the impregnation of the soil mass with humic substances, gleyzation, and the ferrugination of the gleyed horizons are also clearly pronounced in the studied soils. Despite the high pH values, the destruction of supergene smectites in the upper horizons and ferrugination (the accumulation of iron hydroxides) in the microfissures dissecting the grains of olivine, pyroxene, and serpentine, and in decomposing plant tissues take place. The development of these processes may be related to the local acidification (neutralization) of the soil medium under the impact of biota and carbonic acids. The specificity of gleyzation in the soils developing from ultra-mafic rocks is shown in the absence of iron depletion from the fine earth material against the background of the greenish blue gley color pattern