7 research outputs found

    Cytochrome P450scc spin state transitions in the thin solid films

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    Langmuir-Blodgett films of cytochrome P450scc were prepared on the solid supports and their spectral properties were investigated. Being immobilized, hemoprotein changes its spin state from initially high to low spin. This transition is reversible since after the solubilization of hemoprotein, the spin state equilibrium is shifted towards high-spin state. Anaerobic reduction of film incorporated cytochrome P450scc by electron transfer chain (NADPH-->adrenodoxin reductase-->adrenodoxin) revealed the low rate of the reaction that coincides well with the content of the hemoprotein low-spin form. We suggest that particularly regular orientation of solid cytochrome P450scc are of crucial importance for this phenomenon


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    To study the influence of the amino acid substitution of Phe470Ile, correlating with the spastic paraplegia of type 5, on the structure of human cytochrome P450 7B1, the spatial full-atomic models of this enzyme and its mutant form were created. It was found that Phe470 does not influence directly the catalytic properties of the enzyme because of its localization far from the active site. It was shown that the residue under investigation belongs to a highly conservative region of the protein structure and can influence the CYP7B1 correct folding. In particular, the amino acid substitution of Phe470Ile increases rigidity and stability of sterol 7α-hydroxylase. This can be a reason of changes in the CYP7B1 hydroxylase activity in relation to neurosteroids.С целью изучения влияния аминокислотной замены Phe470Ile, коррелирующей с возникновением спастической параплегии типа 5, на пространственную структуру цитохрома P450 7B1 человека построены компьютерные модели данного фермента и его варианта с соответствующей мутацией. Установлено, что Phe470 не влияет напрямую на каталитические свойства фермента в силу того, что он локализован далеко от активного центра фермента. Однако расположение 470 остатка в высоко консервативной области белка свидетельствует о его важной роли в формировании корректной пространственной структуры исследуемой стероид 7α-гидроксилазы. В частности, аминокислотная замена Phe470Ile приводит к увеличению жесткости и, как следствие этого, стабильности пространственной структуры CYP7B1, что может являться причиной изменения профиля гидроксилазной активности фермента по отношению к нейростероидам


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    To study the spectrum of modulators of the human thromboxane synthase activity, the interaction of recombinant protein with various low-molecular weight ligands was analyzed. It was shown that thromboxane synthase interacts with a number of fatty acids and their derivatives (potential substrates or concurrent inhibitors), being a target for nonselective inhibition by imidazole and triazole derivatives used in medical practice and agriculture. Thus, another mechanism of action of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC) was established. For the first time, the reduction of heme iron of thromboxane synthase by cytochrome P450 reductase was shown. This interaction accompanied by a partial inhibitory effect on the enzyme suppresses the formation of reaction by-products 12-hydroxyheptadecatenoic acid (12-HHT) and malonic dialdehyde (MDA). It is likely that this mechanism can participate in the regulation of the enzyme activity in vivo. С целью выявления модуляторов активности тромбоксансинтазы человека осуществлен анализ взаимодействия рекомбинантного гемопротеида с различными низкомолекулярными лигандами. Показано, что тромбоксансинтаза взаимодействует с рядом жирных кислот и их производных (потенциальные субстраты или конкурентные ингибиторы), а также является мишенью для ингибирования производными имидазола и триазола, применяющимися в медицинской практике и сельском хозяйстве, что позволило установить механизм, по которому могут реализовывать свое токсическое действие соединения, нарушающие работу эндокринной системы человека (endocrine-disrupting chemicals, EDC). Впервые показано восстановление атома железа гема тромбоксансинтазы NАDPH-цитохром P450 редуктазой, что оказывает частичное ингибирующее действие на фермент и подавляет образование побочных продуктов реакции – 12-гидроксигептадекатриеноевой кислоты (12-HHT) и малонового диальдегида (МДА). Предполагается, что данный механизм может участвовать в регуляции активности фермента in vivo.

    Photosensitized Singlet Oxygen Luminescence from the Protein Matrix of Zn-Substituted Myoglobin

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    A nanosecond laser near-infrared spectrometer was used to study singlet oxygen (<sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub>) emission in a protein matrix. Myoglobin in which the intact heme is substituted by Zn-protoporphyrin IX (ZnPP) was employed. Every collision of ground state molecular oxygen with ZnPP in the excited triplet state results in <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> generation within the protein matrix. The quantum yield of <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> generation was found to be equal to 0.9 ± 0.1. On the average, six from every 10 <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> molecules succeed in escaping from the protein matrix into the solvent. A kinetic model for <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> generation within the protein matrix and for a subsequent <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> deactivation was introduced and discussed. Rate constants for radiative and nonradiative <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> deactivation within the protein were determined. The first-order radiative rate constant for <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> deactivation within the protein was found to be 8.1 ± 1.3 times larger than the one in aqueous solutions, indicating the strong influence of the protein matrix on the radiative <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> deactivation. Collisions of singlet oxygen with each protein amino acid and ZnPP were assumed to contribute independently to the observed radiative as well as nonradiative rate constants