20 research outputs found

    Beberapa Marga Alga Benang dan Hubungannya dengan Keberadaan Vektor Malaria di Bali Utara

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    A study of filamentous algae and its relation to malaria vector control was conducted during the dry season in several lagoons at the north coast of Bali. Floating masses of these algae under the sunshine barricated the spread of solar-triton larvicide, reducing tremendously the effectiveness of the larvicide. Identification of the genera of these algae under the subphyllum of CYANOPHYTA (Blue Algae) in the family of Cyanophyceae were Oscillatoria, Spirulina, Phormidium, Rivularia, Nostoc, and Anabaena; under the subphyllum of CHLOROPHYTA (Green Algae) in the family of Chlorophyceae were Enteromorpha, Spirogyra, Mougeotia, Zygnema, and Oedogonium. The surface of water in between the floating masses of algae were an exellent breeding place of mosquitoes mainly Anopheles sundaicus. The density of Enteromorpha, the main attractant of An sundaicus compared to other filamantous algae, has no direct relation on the density of An. sundaicus larva. Hence Enteromorpha could only be considered as the indicator of the presence of larvae and not as the indicator of population densities of larvae Lagoons surrounded with mangrove plantations did not harbour filamentous algae and larvae of An. sundaicus were not found

    Perbandingan Pengaruh Biosida Sandoz dengan Bactimos terhadap Pencemar Biologis, Culex Quinquefasciatus dalam Satu Uji Coba Lapangan di Jakarta, Indonesia

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    A field trial of Bacillus thuringiensis serotype H-14 has been done in Rawasari, Jakarta. Bacillus thuringiensis serotype H-14 under the trade-name of Sandoz 402 I in wde formulation and under the trade-name of Bactimos in wdp formulation is a specific agent against mosquito larvae (WHO mimeo. series, 1980). The result of the trial showed that both formulations have a short killing ef­fect, not more than one day against the larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus in Jakarta, Indonesia. Bactimos wdp has a better killing effect against early instar larvae as compared to Sandoz wdc

    Perbandingan Kandungan Merkuri pada Eucheuma Spinosum di Pulau Pari, Teluk Jakarta dengan di Pantai Pasauran, Banten, Jawa Barat

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    Aquatic ecosystem of Jakarta Bay has already been contaminated by mercury on the average of 20 ppb due to the increasing number of industries in Jakarta and its surroundings which dispose their wastes to the rivers ended at Jakarta Bay. The average concen­tration of mercury in sea water at the Jakarta Bay is significantlv different from the concentration of mercury in sea water at Pasauran Beach, Banten, West Java which is still undetectable. The increasing mercury in sea water caused also increasing mercury in Eucheuma spinosum, a kind of algae consumed by many people. Samples of E. spinosum taken from Pulau Pari in Jakarta Bay showed the average of 0,3184 ppm mercury which is significantly different from the samples taken, from Pasauran Beach with an average of 0,0796 ppm mercury

    A Field Trial with the Insect Growth Regulator Oms-1390 Against Culex Pipiens Fatigans in Jakarta, Indonesia

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    Pemakaian "insect growth regulator" OMS-1390 dengan dosis 1 ppm untuk menahan perkembangan larvae Culex pipiens fatigans dalam 1 aplikasi penyemprotan memberikan efektifitas selama enam minggu.Percobaan ini diselenggarakan pada musim kemarau, di daerah yang padat penduduknya, seluas 1 km persegi di Jakarta, Indonesia


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    A study of filamentous algae and its relation to malaria vector control was conducted during the dry season in several lagoons at the north coast of Bali. Floating masses of these algae under the sunshine barricated the spread of solar-triton larvicide, reducing tremendously the effectiveness of the larvicide. Identification of the genera of these algae under the subphyllum of CYANOPHYTA (Blue Algae) in the family of Cyanophyceae were Oscillatoria, Spirulina, Phormidium, Rivularia, Nostoc, and Anabaena; under the subphyllum of CHLOROPHYTA (Green Algae) in the family of Chlorophyceae were Enteromorpha, Spirogyra, Mougeotia, Zygnema, and Oedogonium. The surface of water in between the floating masses of algae were an exellent breeding place of mosquitoes mainly Anopheles sundaicus. The density of Enteromorpha, the main attractant of An sundaicus compared to other filamantous algae, has no direct relation on the density of An. sundaicus larva. Hence Enteromorpha could only be considered as the indicator of the presence of larvae and not as the indicator of population densities of larvae Lagoons surrounded with mangrove plantations did not harbour filamentous algae and larvae of An. sundaicus were not found


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    Suatu penelitian untuk menghasilkan pupuk organik melalui fermentasi anaerob limbah organik telah dilakukan di Jakarta Utara, dalam suatu iklim yang cocok untuk berlangsungnya fermentasi tersebut Bahan baku yang digunakan adalah tinja ayam, tinja babi, tinja sapi, dan eceng gondok + 15% tinja sapi semuanya dalam keadaan segar dan berumur 1-3 hari. Setiap bahan yang difermentasi anaerob selalu diberikan pembanding dengan bahan yang sama, baik jumlah dan muatnya namun tidak difermentasi hanya dibungkus dalam kantong plastik dan ditempatkan berdampingan, masing-masing sebanyak 40 liter volume basah. Untuk mengendalikan pengaruh panas matahari yang datangnya tidak bersamaan terhadap seluruh wadah fermentasi dan perbandingannya, keseluruhan percobaan ditempatkan dalam 3 kelompok (blok) dan pada masing-masing blok, setiap perlakuan ditempatkan secara acak (Randomized Block Designed). Fermentasi anaerob dilakukan selama 10 bulan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pupuk organik yang dibuat melalui proses fermentasi anaerob mempunyai nilai yang lebih baik karena kandungan nitrogennya lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pupuk organik yang tidak difermentasikan anaerob. Di samping itu banyak patogen yang binasa oleh fermentasi anaerob sehingga potensi penularan penyakit kepada manusia berkurang, yang berarti pula bahwa penggunaan pupuk organik yang telah difermentasi anaerob akan dapat meningkatkan kesehatan lingkungan