85 research outputs found

    Multidimensionality of “Europäische Identität” Notion in German Mass Media

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    This paper uses communicative-pragmatic analysis and a corpus-based method to investigate multidimensional axiological interpretation of Europäische Identität notion as a unifying political concept. The study focuses on European identity discourse as presented in German mass media. The study shows strategic relevance of the concept and its unifying potential both within the EU framework, and in wider European domain. The analysis reveals that primary and secondary collocators actualized with the notion convey both the topicality and inconsistency of the concept. Moreover, the results show that identity and personal / collective self-determination discourse is characterized by polemic nature and various evaluations that predominantly feature the tactics of doubt and mistrust to the unifying potential of European identity concept

    Culturas em comparação: nascer e morrer em diferentes paralelos

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    Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Português Língua Não Materna (PLNM) - Português Língua Estrangeira (PLE) e Língua Segunda (PL2)Este estudo consistiu na recolha e análise de informações relativas a dois dos momentos mais significativos da vida humana - o nascimento e a morte. A sua realização baseou-se na pesquisa bibliográfica e na realização de um "estudo de caso" em que se fez uma investigação empírica, tendo por base a distribuição de inquéritos a um público-alvo constituído pelos alunos dos Cursos de Português Língua Estrangeira (PLE) do BabeliUM – Centro de Línguas da Universidade do Minho. O trabalho envolveu 44 estudantes, oriundos de 24 países diferentes, divididos por quatro grupos linguístico-culturais: grupo africano, grupo asiático, grupo americano e grupo europeu. O principal objetivo desta investigação foi analisar a forma como diferentes culturas percecionam os processos de nascimento e de morte. O nosso propósito também foi estudar os rituais de nascimento e de morte, bem como as lendas, mitos ou superstições relacionados com esses processos. As informações recolhidas permitiram realizar uma análise comparativa da qual emergem dados sobre a atitude dos alunos em relação aos processos de nascimento e de morte; as suas reações face a esses temas; as tendências gerais dos países de origem dos inquiridos; e ainda as semelhanças e as singularidades na perceção dos dois processos por indivíduos oriundos de culturas diferentes. Trata-se de um estudo que pretende dar um contributo válido para um melhor conhecimento das especificidades das diversas culturas envolvidas, favorecendo assim a assunção de atitudes positivas por parte de todos quantos se movem em contextos multiculturais como são, habitualmente, os de ensino-aprendizagem do Português como língua estrangeira (PLE).This thesis consisted of collection and analysis of information related to two most important moments of human life: birth and death. Its realization was based on bibliographic research and elaboration of “case studies” through an empiric investigation, based on distribution of a questionnaire to target groups (students of Portuguese Language Courses for Foreigners at BabeliUM - Language Center at the University of Minho). 44 students from 24 countries were involved in this work and they were divided into four linguistic and cultural groups: a European, an American, an African and an Asian group. The main goal of this research was to analyze the way different cultures understand the process of birth and death. Another aim was to study birth and death rituals, as well as legends, myths and superstitions related to these processes. The information we have collected let us realize a comparative analysis that reveals data concerning student’s attitude in relation to processes of birth and death; their reactions to these topics; general tendencies in respondent’s birth countries; similarities and distinctions in perception of these two processes in different cultures. It is the matter of a study that pretends to make a good contribution for a better understanding of specific differences in various cultures. It acts in favor of assuming positive attitude in relation to all the people who stay in multicultural contexts as, for example, students of the course “Portuguese Language for Foreigners”.Данное исследование заключается в сборе и анализе информации о двух наиболее значимых моментах человеческой жизни - рождении и смерти. Его реализация основывалась на библиографическом и социологическом исследованиях, последнее из которых заключалось в раздаче анкет целевой аудитории (студенты курсов португальского языка как иностранного в BabeliUM - центр изучения языков при университете Минью). В исследовании приняли участие 44 студента из 24 стран, разделенных на четыре языковые и культурные группы: европейская группа, американская группа, африканская группа и азиатская группа. Основной целью данного исследования было проанализировать, как различные культуры понимают процессы рождения и смерти. Нашей целью было также изучение ритуалов рождения и смерти, как и легенд, мифов или суеверий, связанных с этими процессами. Собранная информация позволила провести сравнительный анализ, чьи данные, в свою очередь, способствовали выявлению отношения студентов к рождению и смерти; их реакции на данные темы; общих тенденций в странах происхождения респондентов; а также сходств и различий в восприятии этих двух процессов в различных культурах. Эта работа имеет целью внести значительный вклад в улучшение понимания специфики различных культур, задействованных в исследовании, благоприятствуя тем самым позитивному отношению со стороны всех, кто находится в поликультурном контексте, таком как, как правило, лекции португальского языка как иностранного (ПКИ)

    Flares of accretion activity of the 20 Myr old UXOR RZ Psc

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    We discuss a revision of accretion activity and kinematics of the enigmatic isolated UX Ori type star RZ Psc. Previously, RZ Psc was known to possess only spectroscopic signatures of outflow in the low-excitation lines of alkali metals. The archival high-resolution spectra reveal a short-lived episode of magnetospheric accretion in the system observed via inverse P Cyg profiles at the Hα\alpha and CaII 8542 \unicode{x212B} lines. The simultaneous presence of accretion and outflow signatures at CaII 8542 \unicode{x212B} is suggestive of an accretion-driven origin of the RZ Psc wind. We argue that RZ Psc experiences matter ejection via the magnetic propeller mechanism but variable accretion episodes allow it to sometimes move in the magnetospheric accretion regime. The presence of the weak accretion in the system is also supported by the radiation of the hot accretion spot on the stellar surface observed spectroscopically at the deep photometric minimum of the star. The Galactic motion of RZ Psc calculated with new GAIA DR2 astrometric data suggests possible membership in Cas-Tau OB association with an age of t=205+3t=20^{+3}_{-5} Myr

    Situated Cognition Approach in Translation Studies: Origins and Heuristic Potential

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    The article analyzes the explanatory possibilities of the situated cognition approach to translation study on the basis of the theoretical apparatus developed in the Viennese translation school of Professor H. Risku. The relevance of the study is determined by the appeal to the analysis of the specialized translation process in the authentic context of the functioning of the main subject in the modern translation market, i.e. a translation bureau. Incorporating the research techniques from the early stages of cognitive science development (theory of information processing based on symbol manipulation and neural networks analysis within the framework of connectionism), the approach under consideration is based on the modern concept of extended situated embodied cognition, which, as applied to translation studies, provides new arguments in favor of transition from interpretation of the interaction "human – text" to the study of multimedia communication of a subjects group in the translation networks' composition, which have arisen as a result of outsourcing processes in the translation industry. The features of cooperative interaction between a team of translators and experts, as well as artifacts in the process of translation text generation using information technologies, are demonstrated. The practical application of the situated cognition approach to the analysis of the participants' activities in translation cooperative networks (customer company, technical editor, translation bureau, external translation bureau, translator) is especially relevant in the context of glocalization in the emerging Russian translation market

    Modeling cyclotron spectra for the sample of polars

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    Представлены результаты моделирования циклотронных линий в сериях спектров трех поляров по наблюдениям на БТА с использованием спектрографа SCORPIO-2 (CRTS CSS081231 J071126+440405, BS Tri, 1RXS J184542.4+483134) и в одиночных спектрах четырех поляров по данным SDSS (SDSS J153023.64+220646.4, SDSS J092122.83+203857.0, SDSS J103100.55+202832.1, SDSS J032855.00+052254.0). Определены параметры аккреционных пятен: напряженность магнитного поля и температура.We presented results of modeling cyclotron lines in the series of spectra of three polars observed on BTA telescope of SAO RAS with the SCORPIO-2 spectrograph (CRTS CSS081231 J071126+440405, BS Tri, 1RXS J184542.4+483134). In addition we have modeled spectra of four polars obtained from the SDSS database (SDSS J153023.64+220646.4, SDSS J092122.83+203857.0, SDSS J103100.55+202832.1, SDSS J032855.00+052254.0). The magnetic field strength and the temperature of the cyclotron emission regions were determined

    Poetic Translation as a Hermeneutic Dialogue of a Translator with the Source Text (On the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Translations of M.Yu. Lermontov’s “Cossack Cradle Song”)

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    The article discusses the comparative hermeneutic analysis of the semantic-derivational worldview of the translators who render the classical poetic text in different historical periods. The relevance of the study is stipulated by the increased attention to the sociocultural determination of meaning generation within the framework of the cognitive-and-discursive paradigm that dominates in the modern community of linguists and translators. Cossack Cradle Song and its five translations into German carried out in different periods served as the practical material. The article aims to establish the features of multi-temporal Russian-German translations of the poem and the source text as a single semantic space that reflects the worldview of the author of the original text, variably explicated by different translators through the language of the target text. According to the research hypothesis, poetic translation reflects the translator’s hermeneutic interaction with the original text, which generates the personal meaning of the translated text. The findings of the linguo-stylistic analysis of the Cossack Cradle Song at the semantic, meta-semiotic, and meta-metasemiotic levels, reveal that the compensation technique plays the leading role in the process of translating the poetic text studied in this article, contributing to the achievement of expressive and impressive equivalence of the original and the translation in the process of explication of invariant content-factual and content-conceptual meanings, as well as the subjective-personal determinism of translation decisions, which does not contradict the intentions implied by the author of the source text

    The ESO UVES/FEROS Large Programs of TESS OB pulsators. I. Global stellar parameters from high-resolution spectroscopy

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    Modern stellar structure and evolution theory experiences a lack of observational calibrations for the interior physics of intermediate- and high-mass stars. This leads to discrepancies between theoretical predictions and observed phenomena mostly related to angular momentum and element transport. Analyses of large samples of massive stars connecting state-of-the-art spectroscopy to asteroseismology may provide clues on how to improve our understanding of their interior structure. We aim to deliver a sample of O- and B-type stars at metallicity regimes of the Milky Way and the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) galaxies with accurate atmospheric parameters from high-resolution spectroscopy, along with a detailed investigation of line-profile broadening, for future asteroseismic studies. After describing the general aims of our two Large Programs, we develop dedicated methodology to fit spectral lines and deduce accurate global stellar parameters from high-resolution multi-epoch UVES and FEROS spectroscopy. We use the best available atmosphere models for three regimes covered by our global sample, given its breadth in terms of mass, effective temperature, and evolutionary stage. Aside from accurate atmospheric parameters and locations in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, we deliver detailed analyses of macroturbulent line broadening, including estimation of the radial and tangential components. We find that these two components are difficult to disentangle from spectra with signal-to-noise ratios below 250. Future asteroseismic modelling of the deep interior physics of the most promising stars in our sample will improve the existing dearth of such knowledge for large samples of OB stars, including those of low metallicity in the LMC.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The Principle of Equal Rights in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic as a Factor Influencing the Sustainable Development of Ukraine

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    The article discusses the implementation of the principle of equal rights in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine. The peculiarities of applying this principle in relation to human rights and the rights of companies have been investigated. The article analyzes the state of compliance with the principle of equal rights in the diagnostics (testing) and treatment of different categories of patients in territories with different legal regimes. The study revealed de jure violations of equality in the normative definition of categories of citizens entitled to free testing, as well as de facto discrimination of citizens based on their place of residence when they cross the demarcation line between the controlled and uncontrolled territory of Ukraine. The state of ensuring equal economic rights of companies and an acceptable level of competition in the event of quarantine measures have been investigated. The general parameters of the relationship between the state and business and the limits of state intervention in entrepreneurial activity in the context of the pandemic have been determined. Characteristic features of discrimination against certain categories of the population and companies due to the establishment of quarantinehave been reveale

    Representation of financial markets in macro-economic transition models-a review and suggestions for extensions

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    As the energy transition accelerates and renewable energy technologies become cost-competitive with fossil fuels in many countries, the availability of finance could become a bottleneck. Integrated assessment models (IAMs) and other macro-economic transition (MET) models typically do not feature detailed financial markets and do not sufficiently consider financing barriers and opportunities for the transition to carbon neutrality. While progress has been made in the representation of financial markets in macro-models since the financial crisis of 2008 the focus has been on financial (in)stability of the financial sector, not its ability to finance investment projects in the energy transition. Hence, a crucial gap remains, preventing macro model-based analysis of financing barriers and policy interventions that may accelerate the energy transition. In this article we review how state-of-the-art macro-economic models consider the financial sector. From this review we identify what elements are still missing to adequately model the financial dynamics and challenges for the energy transition specifically. Based on a discussion of relevant parts of the finance literature, we then propose four steps to improve the representation of finance in global IAMs and MET models more generally