247 research outputs found

    Determinants Of The Well-being Of Police Officers In The Turkish National Police

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    This research evaluates the relationships of time balance, social relations, role conflict, perception of work environment, and fourteen control variables to police officers\u27 well-being in Turkish National Police. Well-being is identified in the management literature as having a strong relationship with performance. Therefore, by finding the factors affecting well-being, this research seeks to identify intervention strategies, which can promote a healthy workforce and police performance. Such interventions, in addition, may improve police performance through improved well-being. Individual police officers were analyzed to better understand the relationship between work environment on family life, social life, and the well-being of the police officers. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in the seven geographic regions of Turkey for all branches of Turkish National Police. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to validate the measurement of latent constructs and their relationships. A 45-item questionnaire collected demographic data and items associated with the latent constructs such as time balance, social relations, role conflict, perception of work environment, and the police officers\u27 well-being. This 45-item questionnaire was based on two survey instruments that have been used by Eurofound in Europe for two decades. The response rate for the questionnaire in this dissertation was 47.14% with 495 respondents out of 1,050 subjects. The analysis revealed statistically significant relationships between following latent constructs: time balance and well-being (an indirect effect via role conflict), time balance and social relations, time balance and role conflict, social relations and role conflict, role conflict and well-being, and perception of work environment and well-being. In addition, six control variables (rank, department, optimism, isolation, income sufficiency, and working days per week) were statistically significantly related with well-being. No direct significant relationship was found between time balance and well-being, and social relations and well-being constructs. Eight control variables (gender, marital status, service time, extra work, confusion, region, work type, and working hours per day) had no significant relationship with well-being. These findings support some commonly expressed complaints of police officers. These findings also suggest that attention should be paid to the effects of time balance, income sufficiency, work environment, and workdays on the well-being of the officers

    Understanding the importance of service (Hizmet) movement schools in the instruction of Turkish to non-native speakers

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    The Hizmet movement schools, which set out to achieve universal peace, attempted to increase methods of communication between nations and cultures by teaching more languages to students, in light of the proverb "One language is one person, two languages are two people." They also taught Turkish as a second language in schools. The Hizmet Movement schools, which teach Turkish in more than 170 countries, have teachers spend time with students outside of class. By incorporating Turkish into every day, they increased its use. They exposed Turkish to their parents and others through projects and studies. In their countries, they have made sure Turkish lessons are taught by Turks. This paper explains the function of Hizmet Movement Schools in teaching Turkish to foreigners and shows how they go to world peace using Turkish steps. This research is a descriptive qualitative study in which data is acquired by approaches such as investigation, observation, interviewing, and source scanning. Studies on Teaching Turkish to Foreigners and Service (Hizmet) Movement schools were utilized throughout the collection of data, as well as expert opinions were contacted, and observation-based assessments were carried out

    Evaluation of Mevlana and Bediuzzaman's Poems Starting with "Listen" in Terms of Similar and Different Aspects

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    In this study, Mevlana's “Dinle Neyden” and Bediuzzaman's “Dinle de Yıldızları” poems are studied to understand the connections better between the similarities and differences. Although centuries have passed over them, in all the works of these two authors and in these two poems, we can see each work’s scent, color, and voice, as well as the differences arising from the distance of centuries. While many studies have been found about ‘Neyden Dinle’ of Mevlana, no academic study has been done on Bediuzzaman's ‘Yıldızları Dinle’. This study was carried out to see that Mevlana and Bediuzzaman progressed closely to each other and to demonstrate that these two poems are two sides of the same coin. Although they came at different times, they are not independent of each other and their different aspects are to meet the needs of their centurie

    A Tiny Look at Hizmet (Service) Movement Teachers’ Diplomatic Mission

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    Diplomacy is the profession or activity of a country's representatives abroad responsible for preserving peaceful ties with other countries. In this context, Hizmet movement teachers are considered in charge of representing their country in another country to build peace bridges. This article emphasizes that ‘Hizmet’ movement teachers work like diplomats overseas, and their performance shapes the diplomacy in communication wherever they are

    Safety of domestic ferries: A scoping study of seven high-risk countries

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    Ferry accidents are fairly common globally, causing countless deaths and injuries. Whereas ferry transportation is an integral part of the domestic transport infrastructure in many countries, particularly archipelagic countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines, river deltaic countries like Bangladesh, countries with extensive riverine systems such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria and Senegal, or even a combination of great lakes, rivers and archipelago such as Tanzania, these countries are experiencing a high number of ferry accidents and fatalities over the past two decades and, therefore, considered high-risk countries in the ferry transport sector. International community continuously seeks to enhance safety in the domestic ferry industry. Thus, a scoping study has been conducted on the safety of domestic ferries in these seven high-risk countries. The study utilizes a structured methodology to identify focus areas in the seven countries for enhancing safety in the domestic ferry sector. The analysis involves past domestic ferry accidents, maritime profile, industry demographics and stakeholder matrix, regulatory and governance climate, political landscape, and amenability to change and external intervention. Eventually, the study proposes a conceptual framework with fifteen distinct criteria, identified against five attributes as an aid to the decision-making in a country for considering a safety intervention with a high likelihood of success and a significant positive impact on safety in the domestic ferry sector. Furthermore, current hazards threatening the safety of domestic ferries and their role in the formation of accidents; key stakeholders of domestic ferry sector and their state of play; national regulations related to the safety of domestic ferries and alignment with the IMO model regulations; national political landscape; state’s willingness to facilitate and receive a safety intervention; and public attitude towards safety are presented in the respective countries using globally recognized indices, questionnaire surveys and personal interviews.https://commons.wmu.se/lib_reports/1086/thumbnail.jp

    A low-power multilevel CMOS classifier circuit

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    İnsanların günlük yaşamında belirli bir sesi, görüntüyü veya analog bir veriyi tanımak için kullandıkları kuralları tanımlamak oldukça karmaşık bir dizi işlem gerektirmektedir ve hatta bu kuralları tanımlamak bazen mümkün olamamaktadır. Oysa pratikte karşılaşılan örüntü tanıma olaylarını, yazılım ve donanım tabanlı tanıma uygulamalarında belirli kriterlere oturtmak mümkündür. Sınıflandırma yöntemleri ilk olarak örüntü sınıflandırma adı altında görülmeye başlanmış ve ilk algoritmalarda basit yapılar ele alınmıştır; ilk gerçeklenen yapıda en yakın komşu yakınsaması kullanılmıştır. Sınıflandırma işlemi, benzer özellik taşıyan objelerin başka farklı özellikte olanlardan ayırt edilmesi şeklinde tanımlanabilir ve otomatik hedef belirleme, yapay zekâ, yapay sinir ağları, analog-sayısal dönüştürücüler, kuantalama, tıbbi tanı, istatistik gibi çeşitli alanlarda kullanılır. Dolaysıyla da, günümüzde, gerek gerçek dünyada gerekse sayısal dünyada verilerin sınıflandırılması büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bugüne kadar sınıflandırma işlemi genellikle çeşitli algoritmalar yardımıyla yazılımsal olarak yapılmaktaydı, oysa birçok uygulamada, sınıflandırma işlemini daha hızlı ve gerçek zamanda yapmak gerektiğinden bu algoritmaların donanımsal olarak gerçeklenmeleri çok daha yararlı olmaktadır. Ayrıca günümüzde portatif cihazların da artmasından dolayı donanımsal olarak gerçeklenecek cihazlarda da güç tüketimi büyük önem kazanmıştır. Dolayısıyla sınıflandırıcı devrelerin de bu ihtiyaçları karşılayacak şekilde tasarlanması gerekmektedir. Bu makalede akım-modlu düşük güçte çalışan bir sınıflandırıcı devresi sunulmaktadır. Önerilen sınıflandırıcı devresi, temel bir bloktan yararlanmaktadır; bu temel bloklar kullanılarak daha gelişmiş sınıflandırıcı yapılarının gerçekleştirilebileceği gösterilmiştir. Önerilen devrenin benzetimleri için 0.35 µm AMS CMOS teknoloji parametreleri kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca çekirdek devre adı verilen temel bloğun, tek boyutlu ve iki boyutlu sınıflandırıcı yapılarının benzetim sonuçları verilmiştir.   Anahtar Kelimeler: Sınıflandırıcı devreler, CMOS, akım modlu, düşük güç.In the everyday life of humans, to define the rules used to recognize a certain sound, image or an analog data necessitates a sequence of complex processes which sometimes becomes impossible to accomplish. However, to develop well defined software and hardware based criteria in the application of pattern recognition problems, is possible. The aim of classification can be defined as to assign an unknown object to a class containing similar objects (or to distinguish objects having the same properties from those not possessing). Classification is especially important in the real world applications or in the digital world. Basic classification methods using nearest neighbourhood algorithm have first been seen in early sixties under the subject tile" pattern recognition."  Classification is used in a huge variety of applications such as automatic target identification, artificial neural networks, artificial intelligence, template matching, pattern recognition, analog to digital converters, quantization, medical diagnosis, statistics etc. Therefore nowadays, be it in the real or digital world, data classification is becoming increasingly important. But until recently, major work on classification was on developing algorithms used in software packages whereas, in many applications it is becoming more and more important to classify data much faster and in real time, entailing the need for hardware realization of these algorithms. Software approaches are not practical for real time applications, the processing is computationally very expensive, consuming a lot of Central Processing Unit (CPU) time when implemented as software running on general purpose computers. So in literature hardware implementation of classifier topologies become necessary. Also in literature hardware realized classifiers which are designed to work in low power operation; moreover some of these hardware classifiers do not have custom tunability. So they can only be used for a specific application. The recent developments in electronics technology has created a perfect medium for the hardware realization of classifier structures which, in turn, will render many classifier application prospects feasible in real time. This paper targets the design and application to real world problems of tunable, low power new classifier circuits using CMOS technology. So, a low-power CMOS implementation of a multi-input data classifier with several output levels is presented. The proposed circuit operates in current-mode and can classify several types of analog vector data. An architecture is developed comprising a threshold circuit based on CMOS transistors operating in subthreshold region. To this purpose a one dimensional classifier, called core circuit is proposed. The core circuit also works as a one-dimensional classifier. As this circuit is designed to operate in current-mode the input and the output data is provided to the core circuit with currents. So by interconnecting several core circuits and adding the output currents a multi output classifier can be obtained. Also, com-bining several core circuits in groups in such a way that each group has identical input current (different from the others), a multi-dimensional, multi-level output classifier can be obtained. Also, numerous efforts in balancing the trade off between power consumption, area and speed have resulted in an acceptable performance. On the other hand, the rapid increasing use of battery operated portable equipment in application areas such as telecommunications and medical electronics increases the importance of low-power and small sized VLSI circuits' technologies. One solution to achieve low-power and acceptable performance is to operate the transistors in the subthreshold region. The CMOS transistors working in subthreshold region are suitable only for specific applications which need, not very high performance, but low power consumption.The primary aim of this paper is to develop a low power classifier circuit with n inputs and externally tunable decision regions with different output amplitude for each region. Due to the subthreshold operation of the transistors in the proposed core circuit, very low power consumption becomes possible. The proposed core circuit is constructed with two threshold and a subtractor circuit. The SPICE simulation of the threshold circuit, core circuit, one dimensional and two dimensional classifier circuits are given. Using 0.35 µm parameters of AMS CMOS technology, SPICE simulations are performed and a  low-power, custom tunable classifier circuit is  realized. Because of the parallel processing characteristic of the circuit, it is well suited for real-world applications. Keywords: Classifier circuits, CMOS, current-mode, low-power

    Clinical symptoms and diagnostic tools that are related to infertility and hydrosalpinx formation in women with advanced stage endometriosis complicated by endometrioma

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    Objectives: The study included patients suffering from stage III-IV endometriosis complicated by an endometrioma (OMA). We investigated the association between age, presence of dysmenorrhea/dyspareunia, preoperative CA 125 level, size of OMA on ultrasonographic exam and infertility, as well as the risk of intraoperative detection of hydrosalpinx that was not suspected on pre-operative assessment. Materials and Methods: The study included patients with stage III-IV endometriosis complicated by OMA who underwent a laparoscopic or open surgery due to pre-diagnosis of infertility or adnexal mass. Results: Dysmenorrhea had statistically significant association with infertility (p=0.031). There was no statistically significant relation between age, dyspareunia, preoperative CA 125 level, size of OMA on ultrasonographic exam and infertility (p=0. 203, p=0.561, p=0.561 and p=0.668, respectively). No statistically significant relation was found between age, CA 125 level, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia and detection of an unilateral/bilateral hydrosalpinx, that was not suspected on pre-operative assessment (p=0.179, p=0.295, p=0.895, p=0.424, respectively). There was an association between OMA size (p=0.023) and detection of unilateral/bilateral hydrosalpinx. Conclusions: Patients who desire to have children but suffer from severe dysmenorrhea must be preoperatively informed about the possibility of having stage III-IV endometriosis. Infertile patients who are about to undergo an operation, especially due to a large OMA, may turn out to have hydrosalpinx. These patients should be informed preoperatively about the possibility of having salpingectomy or the proximal tubal surgery for improving fertility

    Variación estacional de la actividad reproductiva y de la composición bioquímica de ostra plana (Ostrea edulis) en Homa Lagoon, bahía de Izmir, Turquía

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    The reproductive cycle of the flat oyster, Ostrea edulis Linnaeus, 1758, in Homa Lagoon, Izmir Bay, Turkey was examined from August 2008 to July 2009. Gonad samples were analysed histologically in order to determine the sex ratio and gonad development stage. Overall, the sex ratio was recorded as 2.2% female, 42.6% male, 37% hermaphrodite and 17.9% inactive. Glycogen content showed considerable variations between August and February, but decreased gradually thereafter. However, glycogen did not directly affect the reproductive cycle. Total lipid content was positively correlated with temperature and inversely correlated with salinity. In addition, this parameter was influenced by the reproductive activity, which is correlated with the fluctuation of the condition index and gonad index (P < 0.05). However, the relationship between the protein index and the gonad index was negative (P < 0.05). The results of this study showed that protein was the major energy resource. The condition index varied between 2.69±0.91 (February) and 12.29±1.45 (April) during the year. With respect to meat yield, oyster quality changed from “fine” to “special”, except in December and February.El ciclo reproductivo de la ostra plana, Ostrea edulis Linnaeus, 1758, en Homa Lagoon, Bahía de Izmir, Turquía, fue examinado entre agosto de 2008 y julio de 2009. Las gónadas se analizaron histológicamente para determinar la proporción de sexos y su estado de desarrollo. La proporción de sexos encontrada fue 2.2% hembras, 42.6% machos, 37% hermafroditas y 17.9% inactivos. El contenido de glucógeno mostró considerables variaciones entre agosto y febrero, pero después de estos meses se produjo un aumento gradual. Sin embargo el glucógeno no afectó directamente el ciclo reproductivo. El contenido total de lípidos se correlacionó positivamente con la temperatura e inversamente con la salinidad. Además, este parámetro estuvo influenciado por la actividad reproductiva, que se correlaciona con la fluctuación del índice de condición y del índice gonadal (P < 0,05). Sin embargo la relación entre el índice de proteína y el índice gonadal fue negativa (P < 0,05). Los resultados de este estudio mostraron que la proteína era la principal fuente de energía. El índice de condición varió entre 2.69±0.91 (febrero) y 12.29±1.45 (abril) durante el año. En lo que respecta a la producción de carne, la calidad de las ostras pasó de “fine” to “special”, excepto en diciembre y febrero

    Evaluation of the Oxidative Effect of Long-Term Repetitive Hyperbaric Oxygen Exposures on Different Brain Regions of Rats

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    Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) exposure affects both oxidative and antioxidant systems. This effect is positively correlated with the exposure time and duration of the treatment. The present study aims enlightening the relation of HBO2 with oxidative/antioxidant systems when administered in a prolonged and repetitive manner in brain tissues of rats. Sixty rats were divided into 6 study (n = 8 for each) and 1 control (n = 12) group. Rats in the study groups were daily exposed 90-min HBO2 sessions at 2.8 ATA for 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 days. One day after the last session, animals were sacrificed; their whole brain tissue was harvested and dissected into three different regions as the outer grey matter (cortex), the inner white matter and cerebellum. Levels of lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation and activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase were measured in these tissues. Malondialdehyde, carbonylated protein and glutathione peroxidase levels were found to be insignificantly increased at different time-points in the cerebral cortex, inner white matter and cerebellum, respectively. These comparable results provide evidence for the safety of HBO treatments and/or successful adaptive mechanisms at least in the brain tissue of rats, even when administered for longer periods

    The effect of gender on response to antithyroid drugs and risk of relapse after discontinuation of the antithyroid drugs in patients with Graves’ hyperthyroidism: a multicentre study

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    Introduction: The outcome of medical treatment in patients with Graves’ disease (GD) is generally difficult to predict. In this study, we examined the hypothesis that gender may affect the outcome of treatment with antithyroid drugs (ATDs). Material and methods: This is a retrospective multicentre study including 717 (514 female and 203 male) patients with the first episode of GD treated for at least 12 months. Patients were classified as relapse, poorly controlled (several episodes of hyperthyroidism followed by euthyroidism and rarely hypothyroidism, occurring after titration of ATDs), and remission. Results: During the mean follow-up time of 26.75 ± 21.25 months (between 1 and 120 months), 269 (37.5%), 176 (24.5%), and 272 (37.9%) patients experienced a relapse, a poorly controlled disease, and remained in remission, respectively. During the follow-up time, 223 (43.4%) of the female and only 49 (24%) of the male patients remained in remission. Relapse and poorly controlled disease (non-remitting GD) were more common in male compared to female patients with GD (hazard ratio 1.26, 95% CI: 1.03–1.53, p = 0.025). Graves’ disease in male patients tended to relapse earlier, and male patients tended to have larger goiter sizes at diagnosis as well. The smoking habit wasalso significantly more frequent in males compared to female patients with GD. Conclusion: Male patients with GD have a markedly higher frequency of relapse and poorly controlled disease, as compared to female patients. Larger goiter sizes and higher frequency of smoking may contribute to the higher frequency of relapse and poorly controlled disease in male patients.