13 research outputs found

    Süpernümerer Dişlerin Bilgisayarli Tomografi ile Değerlendirilmesi: Vaka Raporu

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    Süpernümerer dişler, diş arkında fazladan yer alan dişlerdir. Bu dişlerin çoğu maksiller anterior bölgede lokalize olmaktadır. Tek veya çok sayıda, unilateral veya bilateral olarak, sürmüş veya gömülü, bir veya her iki çenede birden oluşabilirler. Radyografiler süpernümerer dişlerin hem lokalizasyonlarının belirlenmesinde hem de sınıflandırılmalarında önemli bir rol oynamaktadırlar. Bilgisayarlı tomografi süpernümerer dişler ve daimi dişin kökleri arasındaki ilişkileri 3 boyutlu olarak doğru bir şekilde göstermektedir. Bu vaka raporunda maksiller daimi santral keser dişlerin palatinalinde lokalize olmuş süpernümerer dişlerin kök ilişkilerinin değerlendirilmesinde bilgisayarlı tomografinin önemi tartışılmıştır

    Diş Hekimliğinde Topikal Florür Uygulama Metotları

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    Çocuklarda ve yetişkinlerde diş çürüğünün önlenmesi modern diş hekimliği pratiğinin en önemli niteliğidir. Diş hekimleri tarafından diş çürüğünün önlenmesi amacıyla çok sayıda koruyucu diş hekimliği programı geliştirilmiş olmasına karşın muhtemelen bunlardan hiçbiri florun uygun kullanımı kadar önemli değildir. Diş hekimleri hastaların optimal flor alımını sağlamak için çeşitli seçenekleri vardır. Bu makalede, diş hekimliği pratiğinde hem profesyonel hem de bireysel uygulanan farklı topikal florür uygulama metotların derlenmesi amaçlanmıştı

    İki Farklı Restoratif Materyalin Sınıf V Kavitelerdeki Mikrosızıntıya Etkisi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı sınıf V kavitelerde birkompozit rezin ile bir yüksek viskoziteli cam iyonomersimanın mikrosızıntılarının in vitro şartlardadeğerlendirilmesidir.Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada 30 adet çürüksüz insanüst premolar dişi kullanıldı. Her dişin bukkal yüzeylerinemine-sement sınırından 1 mm aşağıda olacak şekildestandardize edilmiş Sınıf V kaviteler hazırlandı. Dişler herbiri 15 dişten oluşan rastgele 2 gruba ayrıldı. Hazırlanankaviteler birinci grupta bir kompozit rezinle (S3 Bond /Clearfil Esthetic; Kuraray, Tokyo, Japonya), ikinci grupta biryüksek viskoziteli cam ionomer (Fuji IX GP; GC, Tokyo,Japonya) ile dolduruldu. Restoratif maddeler bir LED (EliparFreelight; 3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) ışık kaynağıkullanılarak polimerize edildi. Bütün örnekler 24 saat distilesu içerisinde bekletildi ve 1 dakika kalacak şekilde 5 ve 55°Ctermal siklus işlemi 10000 kez uygulandı. Dişlerrestorasyonların 1 mm çevresi hariç tırnak cilası ile kaplandı.24 saat %1’lik metilen mavisi solüsyonunda bekletildi. Dahasonra dişler yıkanıp, bukkolingual yönde dikey olarakkesilerek x15 büyütmede stereomikroskop ile değerlendirildi.Elde edilen veriler Kruskal Wallis ve Whitney U testleriyledeğerlendirildi.Bulgular: Deney grupları arasında istatistiksel birfarklılık bulunamadı (p>0.05). Grup 1’de servikal ve oklüzalmikrosızıntı değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlılıkbulundu ( p<0.05 ). Grup 2’ de ise servikal ve oklüzalskorlarda fark bulunmadı. Sonuç: Kullanılan her ikirestoratif materyal, sınıf V kavitelerde mikrosızıntıdeğerlendirmesinde başarılı bulunmuştur

    Sub-ablative Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation under all-ceramic restorations: effects on demineralization and shear bond strength

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    WOS: 000419602500006PubMed: 28920187This study evaluated the caries resistant effects of sub-ablative Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation alone and combined with fluoride in comparison with fluoride application alone on enamel prepared for veneer restorations. And also, evaluated these treatments' effects on the shear bond strength of all-ceramic veneer restorations. One hundred and thirty-five human maxillary central teeth were assigned to groups of 1a-control, 1b-laser treated, 1c-fluoride treated, 1d-laser + fluoride treated for shear bond testing and to groups of 2a-positive control(non-demineralised), 2b-laser treated, 2c-fluoride treated, 2d-laser + fluoride treated, 2e-negative control (demineralised) for microhardness testing (n = 15, N = 135). Demineralisation solutions of microhardness measurements were used for the ICP-OES elemental analysis. The parameters for laser irradiation were as follows: power output, 0.25 W; total energy density, 62.5 J/cm(2) and energy density per pulse, 4.48 J/cm(2) with an irradiation time of 20 s and with no water cooling. Five percent NaF varnish was used as fluoride preparate. ANOVA and Tukey HSD tests were performed (alpha = 5%). Surface treatments showed no significant effects on shear bond strength values (p = 0.579). However, significant differences were found in microhardness measurements and in elemental analysis of Ca and P amounts (p < 0.01). Surface-treated groups showed significantly high VNH values and significantly low ICP-OES values when compared with non-treated (-control) group while there were no significance among surface-treated groups regarding VHN and ICP-OES values. Sub-ablative Er,Cr:YSGG treatment alone or combined with fluoride is as an effective method as at least fluoride alone for preventing the prepared enamel to demineralization with no negative effect on shear bond strength

    Evaluation of microleakage in class v cavities prepared by different caries removal methods

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    ERTURK AVUNDUK, AYSE TUGBA/0000-0002-7879-8150WOS: 000481788100019PubMed: 31199544The purpose of this study was to comparatively evaluate the effects of different caries removal methods on microleakage success of class V adhesive restorations by means of light microscopy (stereomicroscope) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations. Sixty-four human teeth with class V caries that measured with DIAGNOdent were used. The samples were divided into four groups (n = 16) randomly according to caries removing methods of conventional method, Carisolv, Papacarie, and Er,Cr:YSGG laser system. The self-etch Clearfil SE Bond and Clearfil Majesty Es-II were used as restoration materials. After thermal cycles of 2,000 (5 and 55 degrees C) samples were immersed in a 50% wt/wt AgNO3. Samples were finally imaged and scored under light microscopy and SEM, respectively. The data were statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis H, pairwise comparison and Wilcoxon's T tests at 5% significance level (p < .05). Statistical analysis demonstrated that there was no significant difference between microleakage scores in dentin regions but there were significant difference between the Papacarie and Er,Cr:YSGGlaser in terms of leakage scores in enamel sites. No statistically significant difference in leakage scores emerged between light microscopy and SEM

    Evaluation of the Place of Chemo-Mechanical Caries Removal Method in Dental Education among Turkish Students

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    ERTURK AVUNDUK, AYSE TUGBA/0000-0002-7879-8150WOS: 000425884700021Objective: To evaluate the place of chemo-mechanical caries removal (CMCR) methods within the scope of undergraduate education of two different dental faculties which located in close geography but with different socio-economic characteristics. Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional, descriptive study totally 130 participants (Ankara: n = 78 and Kinkkale: n = 52) were evaluated. A survey which consisting of 14 questions were conducted by face to face. Data was analyzed using the SPSS software. Frequency distributions and the Chi-Square test were applied. Results: 66.9% of the participants reported that they had knowledge about the chemomechanical caries removal method. 60% had knowledge about the mechanism of CMCR. Thirty-six point two percent of the participants from Ankara stated that they had knowledge about the CMCR mechanism and 40% did not know about any of the methods of CMCR. 52.8% of the respondents indicated that they should be minimally invasive in choosing the CMCR method. The most important reason for not choosing the CMCR method was inadequate method (32%) and takes too much time (32%). Conclusion: Significant differences were found between the students of the two cities regarding the awareness of the CMCR method. In order to overcome this disparity, the curriculum place of the CMCR method needs to be determined precisely and clearly

    Evaluation of Novel Microabrasion Paste as a Dental Bleaching Material and Effects on Enamel Surface

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    Colak, Hakan/0000-0001-8262-0913; Hamidi, Mehmet Mustafa/0000-0003-3461-7925WOS: 000365431800003PubMed: 25529222Purpose: Dental fluorosis is an enamel dysplasia that can cause serious aesthetic and psychological problems. An examination of the literature shows that the microabrasion method is the most effective way to treat fluorosis. This study aimed to produce a prototype microabrasion paste for the treatment of fluorosis stains and to examine the effects of the paste on tooth structure and color in vitro. Material and Methods: Forty extracted upper incisor teeth were used in this study. The teeth were divided into four treatment groups: a prototype microabrasion paste group (N = 10), an Opalustre paste group (N = 10), a 37% phosphoric acid gel group (N = 10), and a distilled water (control) group (N = 10). Following treatment, all specimens in each of the four groups were examined by scanning electron microscopy for changes in their surface enamel. Changes in tooth color changes of the 1st and 2nd groups were measured before and after treatment by a VITA Easyshade Advance spectrophotometer. Results: In scanning electron microscopy evaluations, significant differences were not observed between the 1st and 2nd groups. Differences in three color-measuring coordinates between the 1st and 2nd were also not statistically significant (p > 0.05). Conclusions: The study demonstrated that the prototype paste is a viable treatment option for dental fluorosis. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The findings in this study demonstrated that the tested prototype microabrasion paste is extremely harmless, minimally invasive agent, and able to improve the color, shine and chrome values of the teeth

    Different Restorative Systems In Non Carious Cervical Lesions

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    WOS:000577591300004Background: Six different restorative systems were applied in non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs). They demonstrated acceptable clinical performances, except for retention rates of Beautiful II, Beautiful Flow Plus F00, and Dyract XP restorations, after 12th month. Objective: The aim of this one-blind clinical trial was to evaluate and compare the clinical performance of six different restorative systems for restoring NCCLs. Methods: A total of 300 restorations (n=50) were placed in 33 patients who ranged in age between 35 and 85 years and of both genders, by a single operator. Each group was restored by different restorative systems: Single Bond-Universal & Filtek Ultimate and Filtek Ultimate Flow (3M ESPE); FLBondII-Beautifil II and Beautifil Flow Plus F00 (Shofu); Prime Bond NT-Dyract XP and Dyract Flowable (Dentsply) according to manufacturers' instructions. Evaluations were performed at baseline (1 week after placement) and 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th months using modified US Public Health Service criteria (recall rate 100%). The survival rates were analyzed with Kaplan-Meier and the Log-Rank tests and other categories analyzed with the Kruskal Wallis test at a significance level of 5% (p<0.05). Results: After 12 months, this study showed that while nanocomposite, flowable nanocomposite, and flowable compomer restorations demonstrated acceptable clinical performance and survival rate in noncarious cervical lesions. Giomer, flowable giomer, and compomer restorations were not successfully using the retention rate. Conclusions: In this study Beautifil II, Beautifil Flow Plus F00, and Dyract XP restorations performed fewer survival rates than other groups, although they showed similar clinical quality to other groups in other categories

    Dentinal tubule occluding capability of nano-hydroxyapatite; The in-vitro evaluation

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    Turkoz, Mustafa Burak/0000-0002-4127-7650; dogan, mustafa/0000-0002-3782-8640; Dogan, Mustafa/0000-0002-4437-566X; Erdem, Umit/0000-0002-0480-8176WOS: 000448889100005PubMed: 29707852In this in-vitro study, the effectiveness of experimental pure nano-hydroxyapatite (nHAP) and 1%, 2%, and 3% F doped nano-HAp on dentine tubule occlusion was investigated. And also, the cytotoxicity of materials used in the experiment was evaluated. Nano-HAp types were synthesized by the precipitation method. Forty dentin specimens were randomly divided into five groups of; 1no treatment (control), 2specimens treated with 10% pure nano-HAp and 3, 4, 5 specimens treated with 1%, 2%, and 3% F(-)doped 10% nano-HAp, respectively. To evaluate the effectiveness of the materials used; pH, FTIR, and scanning electron microscopy evaluations were performed before and after degredation in simulated body fluid. To determine cytotoxicity of the materials, MTT assay was performed. Statistical evaluations were performed with F and t tests. All of the nano-HAp materials used in this study built up an effective covering layer on the dentin surfaces even with plugs in tubules. It was found that this layer had also a resistance to degradation. None of the evaluated nano-HAp types were have toxicity. Fluoride doping showed a positive effect on physical and chemical stability until a critical value of 1% F-. The all evaluated nano-HAp types may be effectively used in dentin hypersensitivity treatment. The formed nano-HAp layers were seem to resistant to hydrolic deletion. The pure and 1% F(-)doped nano-HAp showed the highest biocompatibility thus it was assessed that pure and 1% F(-)doped materials may be used as an active ingredient in dentin hypersensitivity agents

    Effects of mouthrinses on discoloration of CAD-CAM manufactured restorative materials

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    WOS: 000506724800006PubMed: 31920055Purpose: To investigate the in vitro effect of four different mouthrinses on discoloration of popular CAD-CAM blocks. Methods: 40 specimens were prepared and then were divided into five groups (n = 8) for each CAD-CAM block (Vitablocks Mark II, IPS e-max CAD, GC LRF, Enamic, Cerasmart). In total, four different mouthrinses for each group (Listerine Zero, Parodontax, Kloroben, Oral B Pro-Expert) and distilled water for the control group were used. The specimens were immersed in 20 ml solution for 2 minutes, twice a day for 21 days with a 12-hour interval. Color changes were measured with a digital spectrophotometer (Vita Easyshade) after 7, 14 and 21 days and specimens were prepared. For statistical analysis, color changes (Delta E) were calculated and Kruskal Wallis and Wilcoxon tests were used. Results: There was not a significant difference in Delta E1 and Delta E2 values (P> 0.005) while there was a significant one in Delta E3 (P= 0.001) after Bonferroni correction for CAD-CAM materials were carried out as it is independent of the mouthrinse. Listerine Zero brought about the most noticeable color change in all CAD-CAM materials except e.Max after 21 days