96 research outputs found

    Sığır meme dokularında mycoplasma bovis enfeksiyonunun immunofloresan ve qRT-PCR yöntemleriyle araştırılması

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    Mastitis in cattle causes important economic losses in all over the world and Mycoplasma bovis is one of the important agent among pathogens shown to be responsible for this disease. The aim of this study was to determine the presence and prevalence of Mycoplasma bovis among the pathological agents implicated in mastitis by immunofluorescence staining and qRT-PCR methods in cattle mammary tissue. For this aim, 120 mammary samples with or without macroscopic lesions as this agent causes subclinical mastitis, were collected. Mastitis was diagnosed in 78 of 120 cases. Chronic mastitis cases in 56 and, acute mastitis in 22 cases were histopathologically diagnosed. Fluorescent positivity was determined 28/120 according to the results of immunofluorescence staining for all sections. Immunpositive signs of Mycoplasma bovis were commonly observed in samples with chronic mastitis. These results were confirmed by qRT-PCR. According to these results the presence of Mycoplasma bovis agent that an important threat to herd health is 23,3%.Sığırlarda Mastitis tüm dünyada önemli ekonomik kayıplara neden olmaktadır. Mycoplasma bovis ise bu hastalıktan sorumlu olarak gösterilen patojenler arasında en önemli bakteriyel etkenlerden biridir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, sığır meme dokusunda oluşan mastitisde rol oynayan patolojik ajanlar arasında Mycoplasma bovis'in varlığı ve prevalansını immunofloresan boyama ve qRT-PCR yöntemleriyle ve saptamaktır. Bu amaçla, etkenin subklinik mastitise yol açtığı düşünülerek, makroskobik olarak lezyonlu ya da lezyonsuz olunmasına bakılmaksızın 120 adet meme örneği toplandı. Toplanan 120 örneğin 56 kronik ve 22 akut olmak üzere toplam 78 örnekte histopatolojik olarak mastitis tanısı kondu. Tüm kesitlere uygulanan immünofloresan boyama sonuçlarına göre floresan pozitifliği 28/120 olarak belirlendi. Mycoplasma bovis immünopozitiflikleri daha yoğun olarak kronik mastitisli örneklerde gözlendi. Bu sonuçlar örnklere uygulanan qRT-PCR sonuçları ile uyumludur. Bu sonuçlara göre, Erzurum'da sürü sağlığı için önemli bir tehdit olan Mycoplasma bovis etken varlığı %23,3 oranında tespit edilmiştir

    Analysis of Benign Soft Tissue Mass of Upper Extremity in Young Adult Men

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada, üst ekstremitede cilt altı kitle tanısı ile askeri birliklerinden kliniğimize sevk edilen genç erişkin erkek hastalar sunulmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Aralık 2013 - Aralık 2014 arasında askeri birliklerinden üst ekstremitede kitle ön tanısı ile kliniğimize sevk edilen ve cerrahi müdahale yapılan 20-30 yaş arası erkek hastaların lezyonları histopatolojik tanı, kitle büyüklüğü ve lokalizasyon açısından incelendi. Bulgular: 77 genç erişkin erkek hastadaki toplam 77 lezyon incelendi. Lezyonların %28.6'si epidermal kist, %27.3'ü ganglion kisti, %18.2'si hemajiom, %14.3'ü lipom, %5.2'si tenosinovial dev hücreli tendon kılıfı tümörü, %3.9'u schwannom ve %2.6'sı ekstraskeletal osteokondrom olarak raporlandı. Tümörler lokalizasyonları açısından incelendiğinde lezyonların %13'ü kolda, %13'ü ön kolda, %38.9'u el ayasında ve %35.1'i parmaklarda olduğu tespit edildi. Lezyonlar boyutları bakımından incelendiğinde %49.3'ü 0-1 cm arasında, %22.1'i 1-2 cm arasında, %20.8'i 2-3 cm arasında, %7.8'i 3 cm'nin üzerinde olduğu tespit edildi. Sonuç: Üst ekstremitedeki yumuşak doku kitleleri özellikle askerlik gibi bedensel faaliyetlerin yoğun olarak yapıldığı dönemlerde semptomatik olmakta ve askerlerin hastanelere sevklerinin başlıca nedenleri arasında sayılmaktadırlar. Bu lezyonlar ekstremite distaline doğru daha fazla semptom verdileri için daha küçük boyutlarda bile semptomatik olup eksize edilmektedirler. Bu çalışmada üst ekstremitede cilt altı kitle tanısı ile askeri birliklerinden kliniğimize sevk edilen genç erişkin erkek hastalar sunulmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem Bu çalışmada kliniğimize 2013 Aralık- 2014 Aralık arasında askeri birliklerinden üst ekstremitede kitle ön tanısı ile sevk edilen ve cerrahi müdahale yapılan 20-30 yaş arası.Objective: Aim of this study is presenting of young adults which were referred to our clinic from their military units because of their upper extremity soft tissue masses. Materials and Methods: In this study upper extremity soft tissue masses of 20-30 years old young adults who were referred to our clinic between November 2014 and November 2015 from their military units were examined according to histopathological diagnosis, size and localization. Results: 77 lesion from 77 young adults were examined. According to histopathological determination it was reported that 28.6% of lesions were epidermoid cysts, 27.3% of lesions were ganglion cysts, 18.2% of lesions were hemangioma, 14.3% of lesions were lipoma, 5.2% of lesions were tenosynovial giant cell tumor of tendon sheath,3.9% of lesions were schwannomas and 2.6% of lesions were extraskeletal chondroma. According to location of lesions it was seen that 13% of the lesions were located in arm, 13% in forearm, 38.9% in the palmar part of the hand and 35.1% of lesions were on fingers. According to size of the lesions it was measured that 49.3% of the lesions were 0-1 cm, 22.1%; 1-2 cm, 20.8%; 2-3 cm and 7.8% were under 3 cm. Conclusions: Benign soft tissue masses of upper extremity can be symptomatic in intensive physical activity period as military service and these are common reason of referring soldiers to hospitals. These lesions are more symptomatic even in smaller sizes when they appear at the distal part of extremity and may be excised from distal part of extremity

    Sığırlarda subklinik mastitisde sığır parainfluenza 3 (BPIV-3), sığır papillomavirüsleri (BPV), sığır herpesvirüs 1 (BHV-1) varlığı ve prevalansı

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    In general, bacterial pathogens are the focus of mastitis studies. Symptoms of mastitis may be absent in cases of viral infection, because other clinical symptoms are more dominant. Subclinical mastitis cases cannot be generally diagnosed and as a consequence, they are not investigated very well. This may lead to the inability of viral agents to be predicted in bovine subclinical cases. There are many viral agents associated with bovine mastitis and which may cause subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle. However, since viral infections have not been much investigated in mastitis studies, strategies developed against subclinical mastitis may be inadequate. Bovine Parainfluenza 3 (BPIV-3), Bovine Papillomaviruses (BPV), Bovine Herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) could cause clinical and subclinical mastitis. The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence and prevalence of BPIV-3, BPV, and BHV-1 viral agents in subclinical mastitis case in Erzurum province. For this purpose, 120 bovine mammary tissues with no macroscopic lesions were collected and these tissues were examined with histopathology and immunofluorescence methods. Thereafter, all viruses were identified with qRT-PCR in mammary tissues. The end of histopathologic process 78 of 120 cases (56 chronic subclinic mastitis, 22 acut mastitis) was found severity of inflammatory changes. According to the results of immunofluorescence staining for all sections. The immun positive signs for BPIV-3 BPV, and BHV-1 was determined in 50 out of 120 cases. qRT-PCR results which compatible with immunofluorescence results showed that BPIV-3 agent was detected by the qRT-PCR in 26/120 samples, BPV-2 agent in 8/120 samples, BHV-1 agent in 16/120 samples, and BPV-1 agent in 7/120 samples (only by qRT-PCR). Coinfection with BPIV-3 and BHV-1 was detected in 5/120 samples, BPIV-3, and BPV-1 in 3/120 samples, BHV-1, and BPV-2 in 2/120 samples. According to our results, although the role of viral agents in mastitis disease has not been clearly elucidated, we have found that viral agents are common in mammary tissues with subclinical mastitis.Genellikle etiyolojik mastitis çalışmaları bakteriyel patojenler üzerine odaklanmıştır. Viral enfeksiyon vakalarında mastit belirtileri, diğer klinik semptomlar daha baskın olduğu için gözden kaçabilmektedir. Subklinik mastitis olguları genellikle teşhis edilemediği için çok iyi araştırılmamıştır. Bu durum sığır subklinik mastitis vakalarında viral ajanların önlenememesine yol açabilmektedir. Sığırlarda mastitis ile ilişkili ve süt sığırlarında subklinik mastite neden olabilecek birçok viral ajan tanımlanmıştır. Bununla birlikte, mastitis çalışmalarında viral enfeksiyonlar çok fazla araştırılmamış olduğundan, subklinik mastitislere karşı geliştirilen stratejiler yetersiz olabilir. Sığır Parainfluenza 3 (BPIV-3), Sığır papillomavirüsleri (BPV), sığır herpes virüsü 1 (BHV-1) klinik ve subklinik mastitlerde rol aldığı düşünülen viral ajanlardır. Bu çalışmada, Erzurum ilindeki subklinik mastitis olgularındaki BPIV-3, BPV ve BHV-1 viral ajanlarının varlığının ve prevalansının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla 120 büyükbaş hayvanın makroskobik olarak lezyon izlenmyen meme doku örnekleri toplandı ve bu dokular histopatoloji ve immünofloresan yöntemlerle incelendi. Ayrıca, meme dokularında belirlenen viral etkenlerin varlığı qRT-PCR ile araştırıldı. Toplanan 120 örneğe yapılan histopatolojik değerlendirme sonucunda (56 kronik mastit, 22 akut mastit) 78 örnekte yangısal değişikliklere rastlandı. Tüm dokulara uygulanan immünofloresan boyama sonuçlarına göre 120 olguda kronik mastitis tanısı konan 50 örnekte pozitif reaksiyonlara rastlandı. qRT-PCR sonuçlarına göre immunfloresan boyama sonuçlarıyla uyumlu olarak toplam 50 (%41.6) örnekte etkenlerin DNA varlıkları tespit edildi. BPIV-3 etkenine 26/120, BPV-2 etkenine 8/120, BHV-1 etkenine 16/120 oranında olduğu tespit edildi. Sadece qRT-PCR yöntemi kullanılarak 7/120 oranında BPV-1 etkenine rastlandı. Ayrıca, 5/120 oranında BPIV3 ve BHV-1, 3/120 oranında BPIV-3 ve BPV-1, 2/120 oranında ise BHV-1 ve BPV-2 etkenlerine birlikte rastlandı. Yapılan çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre, mastitis hastalığında viral ajanların rolü açık bir şekilde aydınlatılmamış olmakla birlikte, viral ajanların subklinik mastitli meme dokularında yaygın olduğunu tespit edilmiştir

    Familial mediterranean fever with neonatal onset: case report

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    Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an autosomal recessively inherited disorder characterized by recurrent fever and attacks of abdominal pain, chest pain, and joint pain. Attacks of recurrent fever and serositis are encountered clinically. Attacks may present either with only one symptom or many simultaneous symptoms. Although most of the patients are diagnosed clinically above the age of 2, those cases who are diagnosed before 2 years of age and with clinical course of isolated fever are believed to have a more serious course and tend to develop amyloidosis. In this article, a case who was admitted first on the 22nd day of life and later diagnosed to have FMF with recurrent attacks of isolated fever and no other focus is presented. We emphasize that FMF may present as early as in the first month of life, and it should be considered in cases presenting with fever of unknown origin and misdiagnosed to have late neonatal sepsis or occult bacteremia at this age group

    Sensing Schemes for STT-MRAMs structured with high TMR in low RA MTJs

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    In this work, we investigated the sensing challenges of spin-transfer torque MRAMs structured with perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions with a high tunneling magnetoresistance ratio in a low resistance-area product. To overcome the problems of reading this type of memory, we have proposed a voltage sensing amplifier topology and compared its performance to that of the current sensing amplifier in terms of power, speed, and bit error rate performance. We have verified that the proposed sensing scheme offers a substantial improvement in bit-error-rate performance. To enumerate the read operations of the proposed sensing scheme with the proposed cross-coupled capacitive feedback technique on the clamped circuity have successfully been performed a 2.5X reduction in average low power and a 13X increase in average reading speed compared with the previous works due to its device structure and the proposed circuit technique.This work is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 691178, and supported by the TUBITAK-Career project #113E76

    Histopathological findings and apoptosis caused by E. coli in layer birds

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    In this study, our aim was to evaluate lesions seen in the tissues in terms of histopathology and to investigate the apoptotic cells seen in the tissues when E. coli outbreak occurred in a poultry farm. A total of 48 Lohmann White strains (53 weeks old) were submitted to the laboratory for necropsy. Microbiologic and histopathologic examinations were done on the samples taken from tissues. Apoptotic cells were determined in all of the tissues. The number of apoptotic cells increased as the tissue damage increased

    Spin-Torque Memristor based Offset Cancellation Technique for Sense Amplifiers

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    Unpredictable threshold voltage changes of CMOS transistors cause input referred random offset (IRRO) in sense amplifiers. With the shrinkage of transistors in nano regime, it is being quite costly to cancel the offsets using conventional CMOS based techniques. Motivated by this fact, this study focuses on the IRRO cancellation with the aid of the spintorque memristor technology. Spin-torque memristors in series, compared to parallel, show less resistance and process variations. The resistance value of a spin-torque memristor is regarded as frozen when the current flow over the spin-torque memristor is lower than its critical switching current value. In fact, the proposed structure employs a non-destructive sensing scheme in order to achieve a relatively large sense margin by reducing the IRRO. Our main idea is to reduce or eliminate the IRRO by exploiting the spin-torque memristors for providing the current matching on the input transistors of the voltage comparator. In particular, the overwrite problem of the spin-torque memristor is solved by setting the critical switching current of the spin-torque memristor to be greater than a current value corresponding to the maximum IRRO value. We evaluate the IRRO cancellation technique on the proposed comparator or sense amplifier using 45nm predictive CMOS technology. Although sense amplifiers are targeted in this study, our technique can be applied to any analog amplifier suffering from the IRRO.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 691178

    Investigation of the relationship between cord clamping time and risk of hyperbilirubinemia

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    Background: Although the relationship between umbilical cord clamping time and various parameters such as hemoglobin (Hb) levels, iron deficiency, and risk of neonatal jaundice has previously been studied, to the best of our knowleadge there have been no studies investigating the relationship between cord clamping time and the risk of significant hyperbilirubinemia. We aimed to investigate the relationship between the time of umbilical cord clamping and transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB) measurements made on various postnatal hours, Hb and serum total bilirubin (STB) levels measured on postnatal 4th day, and the risk of development of significant hyperbilirubinemia requiring phototherapy treatment. Methods: Eligible newborns were divided into two groups on the basis of the time of cord clamping: those clamped late (60 seconds or more; Group I) and those clamped early (less than 60 seconds; Group II). Groups were compared with respect to the parameters of cord Hb, postnatal TcB measurements at 6th, 48th, 96th and 168th hours, and 96th hour Hb, STB and direct bilirubin levels. Results: TcB levels at the 96th and 168th hour were significantly higher in Group I when compared to Group II (p < 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively). The 96th hour STB level was significantly higher in Group I when compared to Group II (p < 0.001). The need of phototherapy requirement was higher in Group I when compared to Group II (p=0.001). Increase in cord blood Hb for each 1 gr/dl caused a 3.94-fold increased risk in the requirement of phototherapy treatment. Cord clamping time showed statistically significant positive correlations with both cord blood and 96th hour venous Hb levels, with both 96th hour and 168th hour TcB levels, and with 96th hour STB levels. Conclusions: Newborns whose cords are clamped late should be followed up closely with respect to high postnatal bilirubin levels and other risks associated with significant hyperbilirubinemia requiring phototherapy treatment