24 research outputs found

    Is Extracellular Matrix a Castle Against to Invasion of Cancer Cells?

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    Metastasis is a complicated course that involves the spread of a neoplasm to distant parts of the body from its original site. A cancer cell must complete a series of steps before it becomes a clinically detectable lesion for successful colonization in the body. These are separation from the primary tumor, invasion and penetration of their basement membranes, entry into the blood vessels and survival within blood, and entry into lymphatics. A major challenge in extracellular matrix (ECM) biology is to understand the roles of the ECM and how disruption of ECM dynamics may contribute to cancer. A noteworthy area of forthcoming cancer research will be to determine whether abnormal ECM could be an effective cancer therapeutic target. We should understand how ECM composition and organization are normally maintained and how they may be deregulated in cancer. So the aims of this chapter were to focus on extracellular matrix. Invasion and metastatic skills, properties and functions of the ECM, abnormal ECM dynamics, tumor microenvironment and ECM, details of ECM invasion, role of ECM and ECM‐associated proteins in metastasis, tumor dormant and metastatic process, essential component of the niches, role of the ECM in tumor angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis are be briefly explained in this chapter

    Role of Pathologist in Driver of Treatment of CNS Tumors

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    The incidence of Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors is gradually increasing. Furthermore, metastatic neoplasms are frequently seen in neuropathology practice as a major cause of mortality and morbidity. Pathologists try to reach a more accurate diagnosis by mentally filtering a synthesis, comprising age, radiological characteristics and microscopic findings in the sample sent, starting already from the intraoperative diagnosis process. By displaying their skills, they unveil whether a lesion in the brain parenchyma is a normal or reactive tumor and if this is a tumor, is it primary or metastatic, and if it is primary, what is the tumor type or if it is metastatic, which organ could it be associated with. Pathologists use diagnostic, prognostic and predictive markers in order to enable the patient receive the most effective and sufficient treatment. They ensure that an individualized treatment is provided via these tools, by making a histological diagnosis of the lesion according to the WHO classification, identifying the course of the disease and preventing undesired and dangerous complications. This chapter will focus on answering these questions and share the value of a multidisciplinary approach in the management of brain tumors in neurosciences, which is gradually increasing in importance, and how pathologists execute this art

    Sciatic nerve injury following analgesic drug injection in rats: a histopathological examination

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    OBJECTIVE: Sciatic nerve neuropathy can be observed following intramuscular gluteal injections. The histopathological examination of sciatic nerve damage following intramuscular injection in the gluteal region for acute pain treatment is not feasible in humans due to the inability to dissect and examine the nerve tissue. To overcome this issue, we used a rat model for demonstrating damage to the sciatic nerve tissue after the application of commonly used drug injections. METHODS: We investigated possible damage following the intramuscular injection of diclofenac, lornoxicam, morphine, and pethidine in a rat model based on histopathological characteristics such as myelin degeneration, axon degeneration, epineurium degeneration, fibrosis, epineurium thickening, perineurium thickening, lymphocyte infiltration, vacuolization, and edema. RESULTS: All the analgesic drugs used in our study induced histopathological changes in the sciatic nerve. Anti-S100 positivity, showing nerve damage, was found to be the lowest in the group treated with diclofenac. Neurotoxic effects of diclofenac on the sciatic nerve were greater than those of the other drugs used in the study. Lornoxicam induced the least histopathological changes in the nerve. CONCLUSION: Diclofenac induced severe nerve damage not only after direct injection in the sciatic nerve but also after injection in the area around the nerve. Thus, we recommend restricting the use of intramuscular gluteal injections of diclofenac. Intramuscular use of morphine and pethidine should also be overviewed

    A Case of Cranial Meningioma with Symptoms Similar to Nasopharyngeal Mass

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    Meningiomas are generally slow-growing benign tumors associated with the dura. They form lumps that mostly grow extra-axially, by repulsing, rather than infiltrating the surrounding neural parenchyma. Majority of meningiomas are intracranial. However, although rare, meningioma formation has been reported in almost all other organs. We report the case of a patient with an extra- neuraxial meningioma presenting as a nasopharyngeal mas

    Comparison between 18F-FDG PET/CT and diffusion-weighted imaging in detection of invasive ductal breast carcinoma

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    Objective(s): Breast carcinoma is the most common type of cancer in females. This study aims to compare fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) uptake pattern and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value for the detection of the primary tumour and axillary metastases of invasive ductal breast carcinoma.Methods: This study included 40 breast carcinoma lesions taken from 39 patients. After staging by positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET/CT) and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), breast surgery with axillary lymph node dissection or sentinel lymph node biopsy was performed.Results: Primary lesion detection rate for PET/CT and diffusion-weighted MRI was high with 39 of 40 lesions (97.5%). The sensitivity and specificity for the detection of metastatic lymph nodes in axilla were 40.9%, 88.9%, with 18F-FDG PET/CT scans and 40.9%, 83.3%, for dw-MRI, respectively. No significant correlation was detected between ADC and SUVmax or SUVmax ratios. Estrogen receptor (p=0.007) and progesterone receptor (p=0.036) positive patients had lower ADC values. Tumour SUVmax was lower in T1 than T2 tumour size (p=0.027) and progesterone receptor-positive patients (p=0.029). Tumour/background SUVmax was lower in progesterone receptor-positive patients (p=0.004). Tumour/liver SUVmax was higher in grade III patients (p=0.035) and progesterone receptor negative status (p=0.043).Conclusions: This study confirmed the high detection rate of breast carcinoma in both modalities. They have same sensitivity for the detection of axillary lymph node metastases, whereas the PET/CT scan had higher specificity. Furthermore, ADC, SUVmax and SUVmax ratios showed some statistical significance among the patient groups according to different pathological parameters

    Ependimomalarda Antiapoptik (BCL-2) Protein ve Tümör Supressör (P53) Protein İfadesi ve Proliperatif İndeks (Kİ-67) ile Histolojik Tipler ve Derecelerin İlişkisi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı ependimomaların MIB-1 (aynı zamanda Ki-67 olarak bilinen) işaretleyicisi ile hem proliferatif aktivitesini belirlemek hem de p53 ve bcl-2 proteinlerinin immünohistokimyasal analizi ile ependimoma subtipleri ve tümör derecesi arasında ilişki olup olmadığını değerlendirmektir. Metod: Marmara Üniversitesi Nörolojik Bilimler Enstitüsü Nöropatoloji Bölümünde ependimal tümör olarak kayıtlı 33 hastanın spinal kord ve beyin biyopsi örneklerine ait formalinle fikse parafin blokları tekrar incelendi. Çalışmaya histopatolojik özelliklerini gösteren 2 subependimoma, 3 miksopapiller ependimoma (Grade I), 13 ependimoma (Grade II), ve 15 anaplastik ependimoma (Grade III) alındı. Bulgular: Grade I ve Grade II ependimomalar düşük proliferatif aktivite gösterdi. Tüm p değerleri atipide p=0.00034, nekrozda p=0.0011, mitozda p=0.00447 ve dansitede p=0.0000 anlamlı idi. MIB-1 proliferatif indeksi anaplastik ependimomalarda %78 oranında görüldü. Bcl-2 protein ekspresyonu özellikle miksopapiller ependimomalarda belirgin olmak üzere bütün ependimoma subtiplerinde ve gradelerinde tespit edildi. 7 tümör (%21.2) farklı boyanma yüzdelerinde nükleer p53 pozitivitesi gösterdi. Pozitivite anaplastik ependimomalarda anlamlı idi (%33.4). Supratentorial ve infratentorial ependimomaların LI değerleri arasında anlamlı ilişki bulundu (Mann-Whitney-U testi, p=0.0012) 18 yaş altı ve üstü hastaların Ki-67 LI değerleri arasında da aynı testle korelasyon tespit edildi (p=0,0018). Sonuç: Bu veriler yüksek MIB-1 ve p53 değerlerinin yüksek dereceli ependimomalarda belirleyici olabileceğini düşündürdü. Ependimomalarda komplet, uzun süreli klinik takipli çok sayıda hastayı ve bcl-2, p53 ekspresyonu, MIB-1 hücre kinetik çalışmalarını içeren ilave araştırmalara ihtiyaç vardır

    Population-based cervical screening outcomes in Turkey over a period of approximately nine and a half years with emphasis on results for women Aged 30-34

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    Sengul, Ilker/0000-0001-5217-0755; Korkmazer, Engin/0000-0001-8318-2329WOS: 000335651200030PubMed: 24716936Purpose: To appraise the frequency of cervical cytological abnormalities in a population at normal risk via analysing the archive records of cytology for the period of approximately 9,5 years, comparing them with patient demographic charecteristics, and discuss the results for women under age of 35. Materials and Methods: A total of 32,578 cases of Pap smears were retrieved and analysed from our archive included the Pap tests performed between January 2001 and April 2010 at the Early Cancer Screening, Diagnosing and Education Center by the consent of three pathologists via utilizing the Bethesda System Criteria 2001 and the results were compared with some demographical characteristics. Results: Our rate of the cervical cytological abnormality was 1.83%, with ASCUS in 1.18%, LSIL in 0.39, HSIL in 0.16%, AGUS in 0.07%, squamous cell carcinoma in 0.02%, and adenoarcinoma in 0.006%. Cytological abnormalities were detected mostly in those with higher age, lower parity, and premenopausal period whereas the smoking status was without influence. Bacterial vaginosis (5.6%) was the most frequent infectious finding (Candida albicans 2.7%; Actinomyces sp. 1.3%; and Trichomonas vaginalis 0.2%) detected on the smears. The rate of abnormal cervical cytology was 9.5% among the women aged between 30-34. Conclusions: Early detection of the cervical abnormalities by means of the regular cervical cancer screening programmes is useful to attenuate the incidence, mortality, and morbidity of cervical cancer. Our prevalence of the cytological abnormalities was much lower than the one in Western populations in general but very similar to those reported from other Islamic countries that may be explained by the conservative lifestyle and the lower prevalence of HPV in Turkey. A remarkable rate of abnormal cervical cytology of women aged 30-34 was pointed out in the present study

    Czy leczenie ozonem (O3) jest skuteczne w przypadku zanikowego zapalenia błony śluzowej nosa? Badanie eksperymentalne na zwierzętach doświadczalnych

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    Wprowadzenie: Zanikowe zapalenie błony śluzowej nosa (atrophic rhinitis; AR) jest chorobą charakteryzującą się zanikiem (atrofią) błony śluzowej, błony podśluzowej oraz tkanki kostnej, a także nadmiernym powiększaniem się jam nosa z nieznanej przyczyny. Dotychczas nie udało się poznać skutecznej metody leczenia tej choroby, a terapia czynnościowej utraty atroficznych komórek w AR wciąż pozostaje przedmiotem badań. Wykazano, że terapia ozonem (O3) zwiększa metabolizm komórkowy, angiogenezę, aktywność fibroblastów i syntezę kolagenu. Cel: Ustalenie, czy leczenie ozonem wpływa na histopatologiczny obraz choroby w doświadczalnie wywoływanym modelu AR. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 12 szczurów-albinosów rasy Wistar Hannover. Zanikowe zapalenie błony śluzowej nosa u zwierzęcia indukowano poprzez podawanie do obu jam nosa przez 21 dni toksyny bakteryjnej Pasteurella multocida, rozcieńczonej roztworem soli fizjologicznej. Wszystkie zwierzęta objęte badaniem podzielono na dwie grupy – kontrolną i badaną. Grupie badanej podawano doodbytniczo gaz ozonowy (60 μg/ml) przez 21 dni. Po 2 tygodniach szczury poddano dekapitacji, usunięto w całości jamę nosową, a parametry zanikowego zapalenia błony śluzowej nosa (hiperplazję komórek nabłonka, utratę komórek kubkowych, utratę rzęsek, naciek zapalny i ektazję naczyniową) oceniano na podstawie badania histopatologicznego pod mikroskopem świetlnym, po czym poddano analizie statystycznej. Wyniki: Częstość występowania ektazji naczyniowej była istotnie niższa w grupie poddanej leczeniu ozonem w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną (p <0,05). Nie stwierdzono istotnych różnic pomiędzy grupami w odniesieniu do pozostałych parametrów histopatologicznych. Wnioski: Leczenie ozonem wywołało umiarkowany efekt na poziomie histopatologicznym. Autorzy doszli do wniosku, że terapia ozonem nie ma wpływu, lub ma bardzo ograniczony, na zanikowe zapalenie błony śluzowej nosa